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Geomorphic, stratigraphic, geotechnical, and biogeographic evidence indicate that failure of a Pleistocene ice dam between 15.5 and 26 ka generated a megaflood from Glacial Lake Atna down the Matanuska Valley. While it has long been recognized that Lake Atna occupied ≥ 9000 km2 of south-central Alaska's Copper River Basin, little attention has focused on the lake's discharge locations and behaviors. Digital elevation model and geomorphic analyses suggest that progressive lowering of the lake level by decanting over spillways exposed during glacial retreat led to sequential discharges down the Matanuska, Susitna, Tok, and Copper river valleys. Lake Atna's size, ∼ 50 ka duration, and sequential connection to four major drainages likely made it a regionally important late Pleistocene freshwater refugium. We estimate a catastrophic Matanuska megaflood would have released 500–1400 km3 at a maximum rate of ≥ 3 × 106 m3 s− 1. Volumes for the other outlets ranged from 200 to 2600 km3 and estimated maximum discharges ranged from 0.8 to 11.3 × 106 m3 s− 1, making Lake Atna a serial generator of some of the largest known freshwater megafloods.  相似文献   
Summary The definition of a generator in atmospheric electricity is considered, and various phenomena are discussed as to whether they can be described as generators.  相似文献   
Summary Continuous releases of fluorescent dye were made in the southern North Sea and the power law dependence of the plume width, represented by y , against the diffusion time determined. The spreading was non-Fickian and could be represented in the form y 2 =B 2 t whereB was a diffusion velocity of magnitude 1.4×10–2 m/s. Such spreading was reproduced in both particle tracking and finite difference plume models by allowing the horizontal diffusivity,K H, to depend linearly on diffusion time. The weakness of this method is that it is not clear how the diffusion parameters can be extrapolated to weather conditions that are different to those prevailing at the time of the experiments. However, comparable spreading rates were obtained by combining a Fickian diffusion model with an advective field that represented the near-surface current shears due to wind and waves. The resulting shear diffusion effect produced realistic simulation of the observed dispersion rates. An advantage of this approach is that it enables predictions to be made over a range of weather conditions provided that the wind and wave shears can be accurately parameterized.
Ausbreitung von Tracerwolken an der Oberfläche in der südlichen Nordsee
Zusammenfassung Fluoreszierender Farbstoff wurde in der südlichen Nordsee kontinuierlich freigesetzt und die Breite der Wolke, repräsentiert durch y , in Abhägigkeit von der Ausbreitungszeit bestimmt. Die Ausbreitung folgte nicht dem Fickschen Ansatz und konnte in der Form y 2 =B 2 t dargestellt werden, wobeiB eine Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit von der Größenordnung 1.4×10–2 m/s darstellt. Eine derartige Ausbreitung wurde sowohl mit Modellen des Partikel-Tracking als auch mit Modellen der finiten Differenzen reproduziert, wobei die horizontale AusbreitungsgrößeK H linear von der Diffusionszeit abhängig war. Die Schwäche dieser Methode ist, daß es nicht klar ist, wie die Diffusions-Parameter für andere Wetterbedingungen als zur Zeit des Experiments zu extrapolieren wären. Vergleichbare Ausbreitungsverhältnisse werden durch die Kombination eines Fickschen Diffusionsmodells mit einem advektiven Feld erreicht, welches die oberflächennahen durch Wind und Wellen verursachten Stromscherungen berücksichtigt. Der so resultierende Scher-Diffusions-Effekt erbrachte ein realistische Simulation der beobachteten Ausbreitung. Ein Vorteil dieses Vorgehens ist, daß es Vorhersagen über einen Bereich von Wetterbedingungen ermöglicht, vorausgesetzt, daß die durch Wind und Wellen verurschte Scherung zutreffend parameterisiert werden kann.

La dispersion de la panache de surface dans la partie sud de la Mer du Nord
Résumé A partir de déversements continus de produits fluorescents effectués dans la partie sud de la Mer du Nord, on a pu déterminer l'expression de la largeur du panache y , par son carré en fonction du temps de diffusion. La dispersion n'était pas du type Fickian et était représentée sous la forme y 2 =B 2 t aB était une vitesse de diffusion de grandeur égale 1.4×10–2 m/s. Une telle dispersion peut être reproduite par une modélisation du panache à la fois par suivi de particules et aux différences finies en admettant que le coefficient de diffusion horizontaleK H dépendait linéairement du temps. L'inconvénient de cette méthode est qu'il n'est pas facile de savoir comment les paramètres de diffusion peuvent être extrapolés à des conditions météorologiques différentes de celles prévalant au moment des expériences. Quoi qu'il en soit, des taux de dispersion comparables ont été obtenus en combinant un modèle de diffusion Fickian avec un champ d'advection qui représentait les cisaillements de courant de surface dus au vent et aux vagues. L'effet de diffusion du cisaillement résultant produisit une simulation réaliste des taux de dispersion observés. Un avantage de cette approche est de rendre possible des prédictions réalisées à travers un éventail de conditions météorologiques à condition que les cisaillements liés au vent et aux vagues puissent être paramétrisés avec précision.

The two-dimensional implementation of the analytic element method (AEM) is commonly used to simulate steady-state saturated groundwater flow phenomena at regional and local scales. However, unlike alternative groundwater flow simulation methods, AEM results are not ordinarily used as the basis for simulation of reactive solute transport. The use of AEM-simulated flow fields is impeded by the discrepancy between a continuous representation of flow and a typically discrete representation of transport, and requires translation of the flow solution to a discrete analog. This paper presents a variety of methods for analytically calculating conservative discrete water fluxes and integrated components of the dispersion tensor across cell interfaces. An Eulerian finite difference method based on these AEM-derived parameters is implemented for use in simulation of 2D (vertically averaged) solute transport. This implementation is first benchmarked against existing methods that use standard finite difference flow solutions, then used to investigate the effects of an inaccurate discrete water balance. It is shown that improper translation of AEM fluxes leads to significant water balance errors and inaccurate simulation of contaminant transport.  相似文献   
The formal stereological transformation equation for particle sieve size distribution from measurements in lower dimensional spaces is applied to laser diffractometer measurements. The transformation function for iron ore particles is measured experimentally, and modeled. The solution is tested against the measured transformation function data as well as synthetic composite distributions of the original sample. The natural size distribution of a sample taken from a grinding circuit stream was measured by a combination of standard sieving and cyclosizer, and the result is compared to the transformed size distribution calculated from laser diffractometer measurements. The stereological transformation technique performed well in all cases.  相似文献   
Airborne gamma ray survey data were used to provide information on potassium, thorium and uranium concentrations in surface soil and rock in arid central Australia. Spatial patterns in these radioelements allow tracing of paths of sediment at catchment scale. Survey elevation data are combined with contour data to produce digital elevation models for terrain analysis, tracing of sediment flow paths and modelling of extreme floods. Gamma ray data show consistent variation with slope, a limited range of drainage areas, and erosion/deposition models derived from the conservation of mass equation. Supply‐limited sediment transport models give a reasonable reproduction of observed radioelement distribution but some elements of the distribution pattern reflect the area inundated by 500–1000 year floods rather than the effects of simple downslope movement. Partial area sediment supply models are derived by downstream accumulation of erosion and deposition rates calculated using the conservation of mass equation with transport laws based on slope alone and stream power. Comparison with observed radioelement patterns suggests that both transport laws apply in different parts of the landscape. Regional‐scale sediment transport models will require a range of models depending on location in the landscape and event frequency. This approach may allow estimation of sediment delivery ratios. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Three finite element codes, namely TELEMAC, ADCIRC and QUODDY, are used to compute the spatial distributions of the M2, M4 and M6 components of the tide in the sea region off the west coast of Britain. This region is chosen because there is an accurate topographic dataset in the area and detailed open boundary M2 tidal forcing for driving the model. In addition, accurate solutions (based upon comparisons with extensive observations) using uniform grid finite difference models forced with these open boundary data exist for comparison purposes. By using boundary forcing, bottom topography and bottom drag coefficients identical to those used in an earlier finite difference model, there is no danger of comparing finite element solutions for “untuned unoptimised solutions” with those from a “tuned optimised solution”. In addition, by placing the open boundary in all finite element calculations at the same location as that used in a previous finite difference model and using the same M2 tidal boundary forcing and water depths, a like with like comparison of solutions derived with the various finite element models was possible. In addition, this open boundary was well removed from the shallow water region, namely the eastern Irish Sea where the higher harmonics were generated. Since these are not included in the open boundary, forcing their generation was determined by physical processes within the models. Consequently, an inter-comparison of these higher harmonics generated by the various finite element codes gives some indication of the degree of variability in the solution particularly in coastal regions from one finite element model to another. Initial calculations using high-resolution near-shore topography in the eastern Irish Sea and including “wetting and drying” showed that M2 tidal amplitudes and phases in the region computed with TELEMAC were in good agreement with observations. The ADCIRC code gave amplitudes about 30 cm lower and phases about 8° higher. For the M4 tide, in the eastern Irish Sea amplitudes computed with TELEMAC were about 4 cm higher than ADCIRC on average, with phase differences of order 5°. For the M6 component, amplitudes and phases showed significant small-scale variability in the eastern Irish Sea, and no clear bias between the models could be found. Although setting a minimum water depth of 5 m in the near-shore region, hence removing wetting and drying, reduced the small-scale variability in the models, the differences in M2 and M4 tide between models remained. For M6, a significant reduction in variability occurred in the eastern Irish Sea when a minimum 5-m water depth was specified. In this case, TELEMAC gave amplitudes that were 1 cm higher and phases 30° lower than ADCIRC on average. For QUODDY in the eastern Irish Sea, average M2 tidal amplitudes were about 10 cm higher and phase 8° higher than those computed with TELEMAC. For M4, amplitudes were approximately 2 cm higher with phases of order 15° higher in the northern part of the region and 15° lower in the southern part. For M6 in the north of the region, amplitudes were 2 cm higher and about 2 cm lower in the south. Very rapid M6 tidal-phase changes occurred in the near-shore regions. The lessons learned from this model inter-comparison study are summarised in the final section of the paper. In addition, the problems of performing a detailed model–model inter-comparison are discussed, as are the enormous difficulties of conducting a true model skill assessment that would require detailed measurements of tidal boundary forcing, near-shore topography and precise knowledge of bed types and bed forms. Such data are at present not available.  相似文献   
Data reported in 40Ar/39Ar geochronology studies are commonly insufficient to allow computation of ages. This deficiency renders it difficult to compare ages based on different standards or constants, and often hinders critical evaluation of the results. Herein are presented an enumeration of the data that should be reported in all 40Ar/39Ar studies, including a discussion in support of these requirements. The minimum required data are identified and distinguished from parameters that are useful but may be derived from them by calculation. Finally, recommendations are made for metadata needed to document age calculations (e.g., from age spectrum or isochron analyses).  相似文献   
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