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Accumulation of organic matter (OM) was studied in four ombrotrophic peat bogs in Finland: Harjavalta (vicinity of a Cu–Ni smelter), Outokumpu (near a closed Cu–Ni mine), Alkkia (Ni-treated site) and Hietajärvi (a pristine site). At each sampling site, two peat cores (15 × 15 × 100 cm) were taken. Age-dating of peat was determined using 210Pb method (CRS model). The local annual temperature sum and precipitation for the past 125 years were modeled. The objective was to compare recent net accumulation rates of heavy metal polluted ombrotrophic peat bogs with those of a pristine bog, and to study the relationship between weather and net accumulation rates. Based on 210Pb age-dating, the upper 16-cm peat layer at Harjavalta, 35 cm at Outokumpu and 25 cm at Hietajärvi represents 125 years of peat formation, yielding the following average peat accumulation rates: Harjavalta 1.3 mm year− 1, Outokumpu 2.8 mm year− 1 and Hietajärvi 2.0 mm year− 1. At the Alkkia site, the Ni treatment in 1962 had completely stopped the peat accumulation. Net accumulation rates were related to precipitation at Outokumpu, Harjavalta and Hietajärvi sites. In addition, emissions released from the nearby located Cu–Ni smelter could have affected negatively net OM accumulation rate at Harjavalta site.  相似文献   
A model was developed for estimating the delay between a change in climatic conditions and the corresponding fall of water level in large lakes. The input data include: rainfall, temperature, extraterrestrial radiation and astronomical mid‐month daylight hours. The model uses two empirical coefficients for computing the potential evaporation and one parameter for the soil capacity. The case studies are two subcatchments of the Altiplano (196 000 km2), in which the central low points are Lake Titicaca and a salar corresponding to the desiccation of the Tauca palaeolake. During the Holocene, the two catchments experienced a 100 m fall in water level corresponding to a decrease in water surface area of 3586 km2 and 55 000 km2, respectively. Under modern climatic conditions with a marked rainy season, the model allows simulation of water levels in good agreement with the observations: 3810 m a.s.l. for Lake Titicaca and lack of permanent wide ponds in the southern subcatchment. Simulations were carried out under different climatic conditions that might explain the Holocene fall in water level. Computed results show quite different behaviour for the two subcatchments. For the northern subcatchment, the time required for the 100 m fall in lake‐level ranges between 200 and 2000 years when, compared with the present conditions, (i) the rainfall is decreased by 15% (640 mm/year), or (ii) the temperature is increased by 5·5 °C, or (iii) rainfall is distributed equally over the year. For the southern subcatchment (Tauca palaeolake), the time required for a 100 m decrease in water level ranges between 50 and 100 years. This decrease requires precipitation values lower than 330 mm/year. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract— Observations of impact craters on Earth show that a water column at the target strongly influences lithology and morphology of the resultant crater. The degree of influence varies with the target water depth and impactor diameter. Morphological features detectable in satellite imagery include a concentric shape with an inner crater inset within a shallower outer crater, which is cut by gullies excavated by the resurge of water. In this study, we show that if oceans, large seas, and lakes existed on Mars for periods of time, marine‐target craters must have formed. We make an assessment of the minimum and maximum amounts of such craters based on published data on water depths, extent, and duration of putative oceans within “contacts 1 and 2,” cratering rate during the different oceanic phases, and computer modeling of minimum impactor diameters required to form long‐lasting craters in the seafloor of the oceans. We also discuss the influence of erosion and sedimentation on the preservation and exposure of the craters. For an ocean within the smaller “contact 2” with a duration of 100,000 yr and the low present crater formation rate, only ?1–2 detectable marine‐target craters would have formed. In a maximum estimate with a duration of 0.8 Gyr, as many as 1400 craters may have formed. An ocean within the larger “contact 1‐Meridiani,” with a duration of 100,000 yr, would not have received any seafloor craters despite the higher crater formation rate estimated before 3.5 Gyr. On the other hand, with a maximum duration of 0.8 Gyr, about 160 seafloor craters may have formed. However, terrestrial examples show that most marine‐target craters may be covered by thick sediments. Ground penetrating radar surveys planned for the ESA Mars Express and NASA 2005 missions may reveal buried craters, though it is uncertain if the resolution will allow the detection of diagnostic features of marine‐target craters. The implications regarding the discovery of marine‐target craters on Mars is not without significance, as such discoveries would help address the ongoing debate of whether large water bodies occupied the northern plains of Mars and would help constrain future paleoclimatic reconstructions.  相似文献   
The Cassini spacecraft Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) obtained observations of Jupiter's auroral emissions in H2 band systems and H Lyman-α from day 275 of 2000 (October 1), to day 81 of 2001 (March 22). Much of the globally integrated auroral variability measured with UVIS can be explained simply in terms of the rotation of Jupiter's main auroral arcs with the planet. These arcs were also imaged by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on Hubble Space Telescope (HST). However, several brightening events were seen by UVIS in which the global auroral output increased by a factor of 2-4. These events persisted over a number of hours and in one case can clearly be tied to a large solar coronal mass ejection event. The auroral UV emissions from these bursts also correspond to hectometric radio emission (0.5-16 MHz) increases reported by the Galileo Plasma Wave Spectrometer (PWS) and Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Spectrometer (RPWS) experiments. In general, the hectometric radio data vary differently with longitude than the UV data because of radio wave beaming effects. The 2 largest events in the UVIS data were on 2000 day 280 (October 6) and on 2000 days 325-326 (November 20-21). The global brightening events on November 20-21 are compared with corresponding data on the interplanetary magnetic field, solar wind conditions, and energetic particle environment. ACE (Advanced Composition Explorer) solar wind data was numerically propagated from the Earth to Jupiter with an MHD code and compared to the observed event. A second class of brief auroral brightening events seen in HST (and probably UVIS) data that last for ∼2 min is associated with auroral flares inside the main auroral ovals. On January 8, 2001, from 18:45-19:35 UT UVIS H2 band emissions from the north polar region varied quasiperiodically. The varying emissions, probably due to auroral flares inside the main auroral oval, are correlated with low-frequency quasiperiodic radio bursts in the 0.6-5 kHz Galileo PWS data.  相似文献   
Mantle petrology and mineralogy of the Thetford Mines Ophiolite Complex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Ordovician Thetford Mines ophiolite complex (TMOC) formed by boninite-fed seafloor-spreading, probably in a fore-arc environment. The mantle section is dominated by foliated harzburgite (≤ 5–6% clinopyroxene), cut by dunitic (± chromitite cores) and orthopyroxenitic veins and dykes. Contrasting structures, textures and mineral compositions allow us to subdivide the mantle. The granular-textured rocks of the Duck Lake Block (DLB) have two steeply-dipping foliations. The older foliation strikes NW, is sub-perpendicular to the Moho, and is interpreted to have resulted from upflow of the asthenosphere beneath the spreading ridge. This fabric is overprinted by a 2nd ductile foliation striking ENE, oriented sub-parallel to the Moho, which we interpreted as having formed by crust–mantle shear as the lithosphere migrated away from the spreading ridge. The DLB mantle has a limited range of spinel Cr# (100Cr / (Cr + Al) = 51–71). Comparison with experimentally determined residual spinel compositions (equilibrium melting) implies a maximum loss of 27–38% melt if the protolith had a fertile MORB mantle composition. However, interstitial-textured clinopyroxene may have high TiO2 (< 0.04wt.%) and Na2O (< 0.27wt.%), and some interstitial spinel has higher TiO2 (< 0.09wt.%), suggesting interaction with (or crystallization from) an “impregnating” melt. Interstitial tremolitic amphibole also indicates the passage of late hydrous fluids. The harzburgite in the Caribou Mountain Block (CMB) has a porphyroclastic texture, with a strong, locally mylonitic foliation striking roughly N–S, parallel to the orientation of seafloor-spreading related paleo-normal faults in the crust. These fabrics and textures imply a colder, lithospheric deformation, possibly related to tectonic denudation (oceanic core complex). This would explain problematic lava/mantle contacts, favour infiltration of seawater, serpentinization, and reduced fO2 conditions. The CMB mantle shows a wider range of mineral compositions than the DLB, with spinel Cr# (28–86) implying ≤ 15–45% of equilibrium melting. Locally higher TiO2 in spinel (< 0.05wt.%) and clinopyroxene (< 0.11wt.%), a local rimward decrease in spinel Cr#, clinopyroxene Cr#, and olivine Fo-content, and traces of interstitial amphibole, are attributed to the circulation of an evolved hydrous melt during peridotite deformation. This suggests that the lower limit to the extent of melting inferred for the CMB (15%), established on the basis of Al-rich spinel rims and neoblasts, is probably too low. On the other hand, the higher inferred degree of depletion of the CMB is probably unaffected by the metasomatic overprint and is a more robust conclusion.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that northern vegetation has been growing in relation to a warming climate over the last four decades, especially across the transition zone between tundra and taiga. Shrub growth affects snow properties and the surface energy budget, which must be better studied to quantify shrub-snow-climate feedbacks. The objective of this research is to improve the characterization of the impact of shrubs on snow evolution, from its accumulation to its melt, using in-situ and satellite measurements. The research is presented for the Umiujaq site, Nunavik, representative of the low Arctic–Subarctic transition zone. Snow depth, measured along numerous transects spanning different land cover types is found to increase by a factor 2.5–3 between tundra and forest, while snow density decreases. This illustrates the trapping effect of vegetation well. Complementary, continuous snow depth measurements using weather stations from two sites (tundra with low shrubs and a small clearing with shrubs within the forest) show different site-dependent behaviors. Spatial analysis from high-resolution Pleiades images combined with Landsat (Normalized Difference Snow Index) and MODIS (Fractional Snow Cover) images suggest a slight delay in melt over open and dense forest areas compared to tundra and dense high shrubs.  相似文献   
The geodynamic processes in the western Mediterranean are driven by both deep (mantle) processes such as slab‐rollback or delamination, oblique plate convergence and inherited structures. The present‐day deformation of the Alboran Sea and in particular the Nekor basin area is linked to these coeval effects. The seismically active Nekor basin is an extensional basin formed in a convergent setting at the eastern part of the Rif Chain whose boundaries extend both onshore and offshore Morocco. We propose a new structural model of the Nekor basin based on high‐resolution offshore data compiled from recent seismic reflection profiles, swath bathymetry acquisitions and industrial seismic reflection profiles. The new data set shows that the northern limit of the basin is oriented N49° with right‐stepping faults from the Bousekkour–Aghbal fault to the sinistral Bokkoya fault zone. This pattern indicates the presence of an inherited left‐lateral basement fault parallel to the major inherited Nekor fault. This fault has been interpreted as a Quaternary active left‐lateral transfer fault localized on weak structural discontinuities inherited from the orogenic period. Onshore and offshore active faults enclose a rhombohedral tectonic Nekor Basin. Normal faults oriented N155° offset the most recent Quaternary deposits in the Nekor basin, and indicate the transtensional behaviour of this basin. The geometry of these faults suggests a likely rollover structure and the presence at depth of a crustal detachment. Inactive Plio‐Quaternary normal faults to the east of the Ras Tarf promontory and geometries of depocentres seem to indicate the migration of deformation from east to west. The local orientations of horizontal stress directions deduced from normal fault orientations are compatible with the extrusion of the Rifian units and coherent with the westward rollback of the Tethyan slab and the localization of the present‐day slab detachment or delamination.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the resilient behavior of the interlayer soil which is created mainly by the interpenetration of ballast and subgrade soils. The interlayer soil studied was taken from a site in the southeast of France. Large-scale cyclic triaxial tests were carried out at three water contents (w = 4, 6 and 12 %) and three fines contents corresponding to 5, 10 % subgrade added to the natural interlayer soil and 10 % fine particles (<80 μm) removed from the natural interlayer soil. Soil specimens underwent various deviator stresses, and for each deviator stress, a large number of cycles was applied. The effects of deviator stress, number of cycles, water content and fines content on the resilient modulus (M r) were analyzed. It appears that the effects of water content and fines content must be analyzed together because the two effects are closely linked. Under unsaturated conditions, the soil containing high fines content has higher resilient modulus due to the contribution of suction. When the soil approaches the saturated state, it loses its mechanical enhancement with a sharp decrease in resilient modulus.  相似文献   
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