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Spinel-hosted hydrous silicate mineral inclusions are often observed in dunite and troctolite as well as chromitite. Their origin has been expected as products associated with melt–peridotite reaction, based on the host rock origin. However, the systematics in mineralogical and geochemical features are not yet investigated totally. In this study, we report geochemical variations of the spinel-hosted pargasite inclusions in reacted harzburgite and olivine-rich troctolite collected from Atlantis Massif, an oceanic core complex, in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The studied samples are a good example to examine geochemical variations in the inclusions because the origin and geological background of the host rocks have been well constrained, such as the reaction between MORB melt and depleted residual harzburgite beneath the mid-ocean ridge spreading center. The trace-element compositions of the pargasite inclusions are characterized by not only high abundance of incompatible elements but also the LREE and HFSE enrichments. Distinctive trace-element partitioning between the pargasite inclusion and the host-rock clinopyroxene supports that the secondary melt instantaneously formed by the reaction is trapped in spinel and produces inclusion minerals. While the pargasite geochemical features can be interpreted by modal change reaction of residual harzburgite, such as combination of orthopyroxene decomposition and olivine precipitation, degree of the LREE enrichment as well as variation of HREE abundance is controlled by melt/rock ratio in the reaction. The spinel-hosted hydrous inclusion could be embedded evidence indicating melt–peridotite reaction even if reaction signatures in the host rock were hidden by other consequent reactions.  相似文献   
Mineralogy and Petrology - We examine ultramafic and olivine-rich troctolite blocks of the East Taiwan Ophiolite (ETO) in the Lichi Mélange. Although ultramafic rocks are extensively...  相似文献   
Discontinuous chains of ultramafic rock bodies form part of the 3800–3700 Ma Isua Supracrustal Belt(ISB),hosted in the Itsaq Gneiss Complex of southwestern Greenland.These bodies are among the world’s oldest outcrops of ultramafic rocks and hence an invaluable geologic record.Ultramafic rocks from Lens B in the northwestern limb of ISB show characteristics of several stages of serpentinization and deserpentinization forming prograde and retrograde mineral assemblages.Ti-rich humite-group minerals such as titanian chondrodite(Ti-Chn)and titanian clinohumite(Ti-Chu)often occur as accessory phases in the metamorphosed ultramafic rocks.The Ti-rich humite minerals are associated with metamorphic olivine.The host olivine is highly forsteritic(Fo96-98)with variable Mn O and Ni O contents.The concentrations of the rare-earth elements(REE)and high-field strength elements(HFSE)of the metamorphic olivine are higher than typical mantle olivine.The textural and chemical characteristics of the olivine indicate metamorphic origin as a result of deserpentinization of a serpentinized ultramafic protolith rather than primary assemblage reflecting mantle residues from high-degrees of partial melting.The close association of olivine,antigorite and intergrown Ti-Chn and Ti-Chu suggests pressure condition between$1.3–2.6 GPa within the antigorite stability field(<700°C).The overall petrological and geochemical features of Lens B ultramafic body within the Eoarchean ISB indicate that these are allochthonous ultramafic rocks that recorded serpentine dehydration at relatively lower temperature and reached eclogite facies condition during their complex metamorphic history similar to exhumed UHP ultramafic rocks in modern subduction zone channels.  相似文献   
Fluvial tufa deposits in southwest Japan commonly develop biannual lamination consisting of dense summer layers and porous winter layers, and the clearness of the laminae varies among the sites. The laminae have been largely attributed to a seasonally variable inorganic precipitation rate of calcite. This rate-controlled hypothesis was examined by using quantitative data for calcite packing-density (CPD) and the precipitation rate of calcite (PWP rate) calculated from water chemistry. The results for four tufa-depositing sites in SW Japan show that a positive correlation between CPD and PWP rate becomes less certain with increasing PWP rate. In the temperature realm of SW Japan, tufas develop regular distinct seasonal change in CPD when deposited in water containing Ca values less than 65 mg/l, which results in a relatively low precipitation rate. The CPD of tufa deposits rarely exceeds 65%, owing to pore space between fine-grained calcite crystals and to porosity derived from decomposed cyanobacteria and other microorganisms. By increasing the Ca content to more than 65 mg/l, the CPD often attains an upper limit and becomes insensitive to seasonal changes in the PWP rate. Therefore, seasonal variations in CPD at sites with a higher Ca content are unclear, as seen in two examples from tropical islands in southern Japan and in one locality in a temperate climate. The flow rate and microbial density on the tufa surface are subordinate factors with respect to the CPD. Seasonal changes in these two factors often enhance the porous/dense contrast of biannual lamination in SW Japan.  相似文献   
Short-term flow fluctuations in the southern central part of Onagawa Bay were examined using long-term mooring and hydrographic data observed during the period from May 2013 to April 2014. The short-term flow fluctuations were dominant in the periodic bands of 15–27 days and shorter than 10 days. The principal and minor components of these flow fluctuations were respectively along and across the local isobaths, which are almost parallel in the north direction. The northward flow fluctuations along the local isobaths were correlated with the northeastward wind fluctuations in both periodic bands, and these correlations were more evident from fall to winter. On the basis of these results, the northward flows are regarded as wind-induced barotropic coastal jets. On other hand, the eastward flow fluctuations across the local isobaths were related to inflow and outflow via the bay mouth or the Izushima Channel. Inflow and outflow with reverse flow at lower depths formed in summer, but those with vertically uniform flow tended to form in winter. The main summertime inflow and outflow were driven by horizontal gradients in density. These permit us to regard the main summertime inflow and outflow as gravitational circulation. Also, the summertime inflow can be intermittently caused by internal waves.  相似文献   
The Sakhalin Slope Gas Hydrate Project (SSGH) is an international collaborative effort by scientists from Japan, Korea, and Russia to investigate natural gas hydrates (GHs) that have accumulated on the continental slope off Sakhalin Island, Okhotsk Sea. From 2009 to 2011, field operations of the SSGH-09, -10, and -11 projects were conducted. GH-bearing and -free sediment cores were retrieved using steel hydro- and gravity corers. The concentrations of sulfate ions in sediment pore waters were measured to investigate sulfate concentration–depth profiles. Seventeen cores showed linear depth profiles of sulfate concentrations. In contrast, eight cores and two cores showed concave-up and -down profiles plausibly explained by sudden increase and decrease in methane flux from below, respectively, presumably caused by the formation of gas hydrate adjacent to the core sampling sites.  相似文献   
Primary productivity off Enshu-nada was measured by the13C method in September 1989. Primary productivity was estimated in a cold water mass developed off Enshu-nada for the first time. The obtained value was 469 mgC·m–2·d–1 and higher than those in the pelagic area of Kuroshio, but equivalent to those in the neritic and the Oyashio areas. It was indicated that cold water mass is the place where organic matter is produced actively. Extremely high chlorophylla of more than 5g·l–1 were found in the cold water mass. The high productivity was due to high standing crop of phyoplankton. Furthermore, calculated light efficiency and quantum yield showed consistent increase with depth and showed a maximum at 10% light level. Both were larger on the coastal side than those on the oceanic side of the Kuroshio current.  相似文献   
We used an aerodynamic method to objectively determine a representative canopy height, using standard meteorological measurements. The canopy height may change if the tree height is used to represent the actual canopy, but little work to date has focused on creating a standard for determining the representative canopy height. Here we propose the ‘aerodynamic canopy height’ h a as the most effective means of resolving the representative canopy height for all forests. We determined h a by simple linear regression between zero-plane displacement d and roughness length z 0, without the need for stand inventory data. The applicability of h a was confirmed in five different forests, including a forest with a complex canopy structure. Comparison with stand inventory data showed that h a was almost equivalent to the representative height of trees composing the crown surface if the forest had a simple structure, or to the representative height of taller trees composing the upper canopy in forests with a complex canopy structure. The linear relationship between d and z 0 was explained by assuming that the logarithmic wind profile above the canopy and the exponential wind profile within the canopy were continuous and smooth at canopy height. This was supported by observations, which showed that h a was essentially the same as the height defined by the inflection point of the vertical profile of wind speed. The applicability of h a was also verified using data from several previous studies.  相似文献   
Massive tsunami disturbances have potentially detrimental effects on genetic diversity and effective population size of coastal marine species, and evaluating these effects can be useful for devising conservation strategies for coastal marine environments. Local populations of the intertidal goby Chaenogobius annularis, which are distributed on scattered rocky beaches of the Japanese Archipelago, show demographic independence without overlapping generations, making this an ideal species with which to study the effects of tsunami disturbance on genetic diversity. Some of these populations were affected by the tsunami of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake. Here, we investigated the change in genetic diversity of a local population of this species, which was located close to the epicenter of the earthquake, across the cohorts before and after the tsunami and evaluated the impact of the tsunami disturbance. Genetic diversity was maintained after the tsunami, and no change in the effective population size was observed. Our results suggest that the tsunami disturbance has had no marked impact on the genetic diversity of C. annularis.  相似文献   
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