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Fuelwood Development for Energy in Sudan project (GCP/SUD/033/NET) is undertaking research to formulate management plans for Sudan ecologically marginal forests. Rawashda and Wad Kabu forests are taken as examples to initiate sound plans. It is believed that the study of socio-economic parameters of forests users is an essential component to achieve such plan. This study is also fundamental for attaining an integrated land use system, as a prime option of natural resource use. This study is, consequently, aiming at:
  1. Providing the base line information of the different communities identified in Tab 3 and using the two forests.
  2. Examine people's attitude, perception, participation options in maintenance and management of the two forests. Such parameters are also vital for adoption of an integrated land use strategy in the future.
  3. Based on (i) and (ii) to outline broadly the most relevant plan of management land use strategy to be adopted, based on community self-generated options of institutions and objectives of use.
The main findings in this context can be summarized in the following:
  1. A complex pattern of economic activities (Tab 3) ranging from pure pastoral nomadism to modern mechanized farming, still characterized by combination of related activities of agricultural/livestock breeding, agriculture/forest resource use, etc. This diversity in activities, which is mostly dependent on the natural resource base, gives a sound base for any option of an integrated land use system.
  2. Perception and attitude analysis have revealed a growing awareness of the role of the forest resources in the economy as source of grazing, domestic needs and source of income. This awareness is supported by willingness to participate in any integrated land use plan, yet from a different stand point and objective. Preference of self-generated channels is quite evident, but with a specified role of the government.
  3. The major finding is that, and among all communities, the situation is mature for action, although at different levels.
Therefore, each community could be approached along relevant lines of action, as an initial phase before attaining a comprehensive land use plan. On-farm trials (OFTs) or in-herd trials seem to be more relevant compared with expert controlled trials. Any plan of action needs to be preceded by revision of present land tenure systems, establishing grass-root institutions, reorientation of concerned government departments, intensive extension programme and careful formulation of projects, execution and follow-up plans. Such steps need to be geared to narrow the ‘Perception gap’ of development between participants or users and planners.  相似文献   
Drought and human adjustment in Saudi Arabia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drought is one of the natural hazards which causes death and damage for property particularly in drylands of the world. Drought as a natural hazard tends to limit and disrupt human activities. On the other hand, man has tried to adjust his living conditions to this hazard. The adjustment to drought is different from one country to another. Adjustment to drought is affected by culture, income, and by the political system in the country. In the case of Saudi Arabia adjustment to drought hazard is usually the work of both individuals, and government. The Saudi Arabian government has spent large sums of money to reduce impact of drought hazard.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In den14C-Altern der Saharawässer spiegelt sich die wechselnde Abfolge von Feucht- und Trockenphasen während des späten Pleistozäns und Holozäns wider. Außerdem zeigt sich ein West-Ost-Gefälle in ihrem D- und18O-Gehalt, das als Kontinentaleffekt im Grundwasser gedeutet wird. Dieser Kontinentaleffekt setzt voraus, daß das nordafrikanische Klimageschehen vergangener Feuchtphasen von der Westdrift bestimmt wurde, die regenbringende atlantische Luftmassen weit ins Saharainnere getrieben hat. Ein einfaches mathematisches Modell, das den Kontinentaleffekt durch eine Rayleigh-Kondensation beschreibt, ergibt die beste Anpassung an die Meßwerte, wenn für die Sahara (ähnlich wie heute in Europa) ein West-Ost-Gefälle in den Paläo-Winterniederschlagsmengen von –30% pro 1000 km angenommen wird. Unter der Annahme ehemaliger Winterniederschläge (Sept.-März) von 600 mm (entspricht Lissabon heute) für das Gebiet an der nordafrikanischen Atlantikküste ergibt diese Modellrechnung z. B. 250 mm für die Paläo-Winterniederschläge im Gebiet des Murzuk-Beckens.
The14C-age distribution of Saharian groundwaters shows the alternating sequence of humid and arid periods in the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The observed west-east decrease of the D- and18O-content of the Sahara waters is interpreted to be the Continental Effect in rain and groundwater. The paleoclimatic situation during ground-water formation therefore was controlled by the western drift carrying wet Atlantic air masses across the Sahara. The best fit of a simple Rayleigh condensation model of the continental effect to the experimental data is obtained with a west-east decrease of the Saharian paleo-winter precipitation of –30% per 1000 km (similar to the one in Europe today). With an annual winter precipitation rate (Sept.-March) of 600 mm (corresponding to the one of Lisboa today) for the Northafrican coastal area at the Atlantic Ocean a previous winter precipitation rate of 250 mm is obtained for the Murzuq Basin.

Résumé Une succession de périodes humides et arides à la fin du Pléistocène et à l'Holocène se réflète dans la distribution des âges14C d'eaux souterraines du Sahara. Les teneurs en D et18O diminuent d'Ouest en Est, ce qui est interprété comme un effet continental dans l'eau souterraine. Celui-ci signifie que la climatologie des phases pluviales passées, dans l'Afrique du Nord, était déterminée par des vents d'Ouest qui apportaient des masses d'air atlantique humide à l'intérieur du Sahara. Un modèle mathématique simple décrivant l'effet continental par une condensation du type Rayleigh, reproduit avec la meilleure conformité les valeurs expérimentales, pour autant qu'on admette que les pluies hivernales au Sahara diminuaient anciennement d'Ouest en Est de 30% par 1000 km (comme à présent en Europe). En supposant qu'autrefois la quantité de pluie hivernale, de septembre à mars à la côte atlantique de l'Afrique du Nord était de 600 mm (comme aujourd'hui à Lisbonne), on obtient à l'aide de ce modèle une précipitation hivernale ancienne de 250 mm dans le bassin du Mourzouk.

, 14C, . , 18O, , . , , , , . , Rayleigh, — , — — 30 % 1000 . , - , . . , 600 , — —, 250 .
The sedimentary pattern of the southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt, especially during the Cenozoic rift stage, was controlled mainly by tectonic activities (subsidence and uplift) and sea level change. The stratigraphic record of the southern Gulf of Suez can be divided into two megasequences: pre-rift and syn-rift. The pre-rift megasequence can be viewed as two distinctive depositional regimes, clastic rocks of continental to braided stream environment during Cambrian and open marine transgression extended from Upper Cretaceous till Eocene. The syn-rift deposits showed a distinctive contrast between the depocenter and peripheral basins. This difference can be shown clearly on the sedimentary sequence of Hilal and Shoab Ali oilfields. The syn-rift megasequence can be differentiated in relation to rift evolution into the following stages: initial rift stage with low subsidence rate, main rift stage with maximum subsidence rate, quiescence stage with the slowest subsidence rate throughout the rift evolution, evaporite stage with restriction conditions, and Pliocene–Recent stage with shallow marine condition.  相似文献   
The ever-increasing and rapidly growing volume of waste electrical and electronic equipment has become a serious threat to the environment in many countries. The inevitability of e-waste management and the development of a holistic system to deal with it has become an indispensable socio-economic and environmental issue for the sustainable development of Malaysia. However, no comprehensive research has yet been carried out, and only a few works in a discreet manner have been begun. In view of the above, and as a small endeavor towards achieving the country’s Vision 2020, this study explores the present status and future perspectives of the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment in Malaysia. This article presents an overview of e-waste management practices around the world, including the generation of e-waste, the implementation of management strategies, and collection and recovery activities in Malaysia. It also presents the corresponding responses adopted so far with respect to legislation and other infrastructural development. Finally, through the use of structured and semi-structured interviews, it reveals the barriers and challenges, as well as future perspectives and sustainability issues related to the e-waste management system in this fast developing country.  相似文献   
The Precambrian massif of Ourika is crosscut by two systems of basic dykes, striking N40°E and N90–120°E. Using incompatible trace elements, the two systems form two distinct chemical groups, displaying a continental tholeiitic affinity. The composition variations between the two defined groups can be due to heterogeneities of mantle sources and to contamination, during the magma ascent, by the continental crust. The emplacement of these basic dykes, before the late-PIII formations, can be related to the Neoproterozoic distension generalised to the Anti-Atlas chain. To cite this article: A. Barakat et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 827–833.  相似文献   
We measured the ion conductivity of single-crystal alkali feldspar originating from two different locations in the Eifel/Germany, named Volkesfeld and Rockeskyller sanidine and having potassium site fractions \(C_\mathrm{K}\) of 0.83 and 0.71, respectively. The dc conductivities resulting from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy over the temperature range of 300–900 \(^{\circ }\hbox {C}\) show a weak composition dependence but pronounced differences between the b-direction [\(\perp (010)\)] and \(c^{*}\)-direction [\(\perp (001)\)] of the monoclinic feldspar structure. Conductivity activation energies obtained from the observed linear Arrhenius plots are close to 1.2 eV in all cases, which is closely similar to the activation energies of the \(^{22}\mathrm{Na}\) tracer diffusivity in the same crystals. Taking into account literature data on K tracer diffusion and diffusion correlation effects, the present results point to a predominance of the interstitialcy mechanism over the vacancy mechanism in mass and charge transport on the alkali sublattice in potassium-rich alkali feldspar.  相似文献   
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