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Eifelite of variable composition is uniaxial positive withn 0 near 1.543 andn e near 1.544, a between 10.14 and 10.15 Å, andc about 14.22 Å, space groupP 6/m 2/c 2/c. There is a complete series of solid solution between the eifelite end member KNa3Mg4Si12O30 and roedderite, KNaMg5Si12O30, following the 2 Na?Mg substitution. Both eifelite and roedderite have milarite-type structures, but Na is always in six-coordinated sites: In roedderite Na occupies solely a newly defined B′[6]-position which is slightly displaced alongc from the ideal B[9]-position lying on the (001/2)-mirror plane in K2Mg5Si12O30. In eifelite Na is located both inB[6] and in theA [6]-positions, where it partially replaces Mg. Eifelite has the highest cation occupancy of all osumilite group minerals known thus far. Both eifelite and roedderite occur in vesicles of contact metamorphosed basement xenoliths ejected with the leucite tephrite lava of the Quaternary Bellerberg volcano in the Eifel, West Germany. They are considered to be precipitates from highly alkaline, MgSi-rich, but Al-deficient gas phases that originated through interaction of gaseous igneous differentiates with the xenoliths.  相似文献   
The field hydrology model DRAINMOD integrated with Arc Hydro in geographical information system (GIS) framework (Arc Hydro–DRAINMOD) was used to simulate the hydrological response of a coastal watershed in southeast Sweden. Arc Hydro–DRAINMOD uses a distributed approach to route water from each field edge to the watershed outlet. In the framework the Arc Hydro data model was used to describe the stream network in the watershed and to connect the individual simulated DRAINMOD‐field outflow time series from each plot using Arc Hydro schema‐links features, which were summed at Arc Hydro schema‐nodes features along the stream network to generate the stream network flow. Hydrology data collected during six periods between 2003 and 2008 were used to test Arc Hydro–DRAINMOD and its performance was evaluated by considering uncertainties in model inputs using generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE). The GLUE estimates obtained (uncertainty bands 5% and 95%) agreed satisfactorily with measured monthly discharges. The percentage of time in which the observed discharges were bracketed by the uncertainty bands was 88% in calibration periods and 75% in validation periods. Although monthly time step simulations showed good agreement with observed discharges during the two main discharge events in spring, the contradictory daily time step results indicate that the watershed response simulations on a daily basis need to be improved. The uncertainty analysis showed that in periods of higher discharge, such as spring periods, the uncertainty in prediction was higher. It is important to note that these uncertainty estimations using the GLUE procedure include the uncertainties in measured discharge values, model inputs, boundary conditions and model structures. It was estimated that stream baseflow represented 42% of the total watershed discharge, but further research is needed to confirm this. These results show that the new Arc Hydro–DRAINMOD framework is applicable for predicting discharge from artificially drained watersheds in southeast Sweden. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Reionization is thought to be dominated by low-mass galaxies, while direct observations of resolved galaxies probe only the most massive, rarest objects. The cross-correlation between fluctuations in the surface brightness of the cumulative Lyα emission (which serves as a proxy for the star formation rate) and the redshifted 21-cm signal from neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium (IGM) will directly probe the causal link between the production of ionizing photons in galaxies and the reionization of the IGM. We discuss the prospects for detecting this cross-correlation for unresolved galaxies. We find that on angular scales ≲10 arcmin detection will be practical using wide-field near-infrared (near-IR) imaging from space in combination with the forthcoming Mileura Wide-field Array – Low Frequency Demonstrator. When redshifted 21-cm observations of the neutral IGM are combined with space-based near-IR imaging of Lyα emission, the detection on angular scales ≲3 arcmin will be limited by the sensitivity of the 21-cm signal, even when a small-aperture optical telescope (∼2 m) and a moderate field of view (∼10 deg2) are used. On scales ≳3 arcmin, the measurement of cross-correlation will be limited by the accuracy of the foreground sky subtraction.  相似文献   
The galaxy population at   z ≈ 6  has been the subject of intense study in recent years, culminating in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) – the deepest imaging survey yet. A large number of high-redshift galaxy candidates have been identified within the HUDF, but until now analysis of their properties has been hampered by the difficulty of obtaining spectroscopic redshifts for these faint galaxies. Our 'Gemini Lyman-Alpha at Reionization Era' (GLARE) project has been designed to undertake spectroscopic follow-up of faint  ( z ' < 28.5)  i '-drop galaxies at   z ≈ 6  in the HUDF. In a previous paper we presented preliminary results from the first 7.5 h of data from GLARE. In this paper we detail the complete survey. We have now obtained 36 h of spectroscopy on a single GMOS slitmask from Gemini-South, with a spectral resolution of  λ/ΔλFWHM≈ 1000  . We identify five strong Lyα emitters at   z > 5.5  , and a further nine possible line emitters with detections at lower significance. We also place tight constraints on the equivalent width of Lyα emission for a further ten i '-drop galaxies and examine the equivalent width distribution of this faint spectroscopic sample of   z ≈ 6  galaxies. We find that the fraction of galaxies with little or no emission is similar to that at   z ≈ 3  , but that the   z ≈ 6  population has a tail of sources with high rest-frame equivalent widths. Possible explanations for this effect include a tendency towards stronger line emission in faint sources, which may arise from extreme youth or low metallicity in the Lyman-break population at high redshift, or possibly a top-heavy initial mass function.  相似文献   
For the purpose of studying the Earth’s crust by means of tomography, we investigated cross-correlation functions emerging from long-term observations of propagating ambient seismic noise at pairs of broadband stations in Israel and Jordan. The data was provided by the eight permanent broadband stations of the Israel Seismic Network evenly distributed over Israel and the 30 stations of the DESERT2000 experiment distributed across the Arava Fault (South of the Dead Sea basin). To eliminate the influence of earthquakes and explosions, we have applied the methodology of Bensen et al. (Geophys J Int 169:1239–1260, 2007), including bandpass filtering and amplitude normalization in time and frequency domain. The cross-correlation functions estimated from continuous recordings of a few months were used to extract Rayleigh waves group velocity dispersion curves using automatic version of the frequency–time analysis procedure. Subsequently, these curves have been converted into the Rayleigh wave group velocity maps in the period range 5–20 s and S waves velocity maps in the depth range 5–15 km. In these maps, four velocity anomalies are prominent. Two of them are outlined by the previous reflection-refraction profiles and body wave tomography studies, i.e. a low velocity anomaly corresponds to the area of the extremely deep (down to 14 km) sedimentary infill in the Southern Dead Sea Basin and a high velocity anomaly in the Southern Jordan corresponds to the area of the Precambrian crystalline rocks of the Nubian Shield on the flanks of the Red Sea. The two other anomalies have not been reported before - the high velocity zone close to the Beersheba city and the low velocity anomaly in the region of Samaria-Carmel mountains - Southern Galilee. They have relatively low resolution and hence need further investigations for approving and contouring. The highest contrast between the average Rayleigh wave group velocity (2.7 km/s) and the anomalies is 10–13 %, comparable, however, to the level of noise in the data. The results have been verified by modeling the revealed anomalies which showed that all the four zones mentioned above could be detected by the tomography study.  相似文献   
Summary. A long seismic refraction profile was carried out between southern Israel and Cyprus. The seismic energy was generated by 33 sea shots each of 0.8 t explosives and was recorded by land stations in Israel and Cyprus and by ocean bottom seismographs deployed along the profile.
The results showed that the continental crust of southern Israel thins towards the Mediterranean underneath a northward thickening sedimentary cover. Cyprus is underlain by a 35 km thick continental crust thinning south-wards and extending to Mt Eratosthenes. Between Mt Eratosthenes and the Israel continental shelf the crystalline crust is composed of high velocity (6.5 km s-1)material and is about 8 km thick. It is covered by 12–14 km of sediments and may represent a fossil oceanic crust.  相似文献   
Observations of an occultation of Europa by Io are fitted by a model light curve. The model has five free parameters, namely the radius of Europa, the impact parameter, the brightness ratio of the satellites, the time of midevent and the mean relative velocity. The model assumes a fixed value for the radius of Io and for the solar phase angle α, and that Europa has a uniform surface brightness. The OC residuals of the best fitting light curve are very small (~0.002 mag) and of a purely random nature; there is no evidence of albedo features. Taking α = 0 does not affect significantly the quality of the fit. Six mutual eclipses were also observed, and their times of minima agree well with the predictions of Aksnes Icarus21 (1974). For two events these predictions differ by about 20 min from those of Brinkmann and Millis Sky & Telescope45 (1973).  相似文献   
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