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Concerns for river health in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) area and shifting priorities for water use have led to a significant process of water reform over the last decade. The MDB area, also known as the food bowl of Australia, produces much of the country's food and is home to a significant portion of the population. A long-term drought, historical over-allocation of water for irrigation and climate variability have led to mounting concerns about the long-term viability of the rivers. While the reform process has resulted in the Commonwealth government taking control of the rivers from the States, it has also been influenced by changes in governments and consequent shifts in water allocation priorities from a privileging of agriculture to a broader approach encompassing economic, environmental and social concerns. This had led to uncertainty for the people and communities in the Basin and some confusion between the various layers of governance structures. This paper presents the results of exploratory research conducted with key, high-level stakeholders involved in water reform to examine their perceptions of the evolving water policy process. Despite agreement amongst stakeholders that returning water to the environment to ensure river health is critical, our research reveals significant tensions between stakeholders concerning the evolving process, particularly centred on the potential social outcomes and fairness and equity. This suggests the need for more integrated and transparent governance structures, attention to levels of trust between partners and a common vision that incorporates environmental, economic and social goals.  相似文献   
A fast, automated, gas chromatographic system for the airborne measurement of PAN and a series of its homologues is described and its performance is evaluated. Response factors for PAN, PPN, APAN, PiBN, and MPAN have been determined and are discussed with regard to ECD response and to potential losses in the analytical system. Calibration methods used for these tasks are described and compared. The results from this work should help investigators who are employing the widely used GC/ECD method for the measurement of peroxyacyl nitrates to evaluate peaks of PAN homologues that cannot be calibrated for by using the reported response factors.  相似文献   

An array of three seafloor transponders was acoustically surveyed to centimeter precision with a deeply-towed interrogator. Measurements of two-way acoustic travel time and hydrostatic pressure made as the interrogator was towed above the array were combined in a least-squares adjustment to estimate the interrogator and transponder positions in two surveys spanning two years. No transponder displacements were expected at this site in the interior of the Juan de Fuca Plate (48?11′ N, 127?12′ W) due to the lack of active faults. This was confirmed to a precision of ±2 cm by least-squares adjustment. Marginally detectable blunders in the observations were shown to affect the transponder position estimates by no more than 3 mm, demonstrating the geometric strength of the data set. The accumulation of many hundreds of observations resulted in a significant computational burden on the least-squares inversion procedure. The sparseness of the normal matrix was exploited to reduce by a factor of 1000 the number of calculations. The acoustic survey results suggested that the near-bottom sound speed fields during the two surveys were in better agreement than inferred from yearly single-profile conductivity, temperature, and pressure (CTD) measurements.  相似文献   
Leaf waxes (i.e., n-alkyl lipids or n-alkanes) are land-plant biomarkers widely used to reconstruct changes in climate and the carbon isotopic composition of the atmosphere. There is little information available, however, on how the production of leaf waxes by different kinds of plants might influence the abundance and isotopic composition of n-alkanes in sedimentary archives. This lack of information increases uncertainty in interpreting n-alkyl lipid abundance and δ13C signals in ancient settings. We provide here n-alkyl abundance distributions and carbon isotope fractionation data for deciduous and evergreen angiosperm and gymnosperm leaves from 46 tree species, representing 24 families. n-Alkane abundances are significantly higher in angiosperms than gymnosperms; many of the gymnosperm species investigated did not produce any n-alkanes. On average, deciduous angiosperms produce 200 times more n-alkanes than deciduous gymnosperms. Although differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms dominate the variance in n-alkane abundance, leaf life-span is also important, with higher n-alkane abundances in longer-lived leaves. n-Alkanol abundances covary with n-alkanes, but n-alkanoic acids have similar abundances across all plant groups. Isotopic fractionation between leaf tissue and individual alkanes (εlipid) varies by as much as 10‰ among different chain lengths. Overall, εlipid values are slightly lower (−4.5‰) for angiosperm than for gymnosperm (−2.5‰) n-alkanes. Angiosperms commonly express slightly higher Δleaf (photosynthetic discrimination) relative to gymnosperms under similar growth conditions. As a result, angiosperm n-alkanes are expected to be generally 3-5‰ more depleted in 13C relative to gymnosperm alkanes for the same locality. Differences in n-alkane production indicate the biomarker record will largely (but not exclusively) reflect angiosperms if both groups were present, and also that evergreen plants will likely be overrepresented compared with deciduous ones. We apply our modern lipid abundance patterns and εlipid results to constrain the magnitude of the carbon isotope excursion (CIE) at the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (55.8 Ma). When Bighorn Basin (WY) sediment n-alkanes are interpreted in context of floral changes and modern n-alkane production estimates for angiosperms and gymnosperms, the CIE is greater in magnitude (−5.6‰) by ∼1‰ compared to previous estimates that do not take into account n-alkane production.  相似文献   

We present fully three-dimensional equations to describe the rotations of a body made of a deformable mantle and a fluid core. The model in its essence is similar to that used by INPOP19a (Integration Planétaire de l’Observatoire de Paris) Fienga et al. (INPOP19a planetary ephemerides. Notes Scientifiques et Techniques de l’Institut de Mécanique Céleste, vol 109, 2019), and by JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) (Park et al. The JPL Planetary and Lunar Ephemerides DE440 and DE441. Astron J 161(3):105, 2021. doi:10.3847/1538-3881/abd414), to represent the Moon. The intended advantages of our model are: straightforward use of any linear-viscoelastic model for the rheology of the mantle; easy numerical implementation in time-domain (no time lags are necessary); all parameters, including those related to the “permanent deformation”, have a physical interpretation. The paper also contains: (1) A physical model to explain the usual lack of hydrostaticity of the mantle (permanent deformation). (2) Formulas for free librations of bodies in and out-of spin-orbit resonance that are valid for any linear viscoelastic rheology of the mantle. (3) Formulas for the offset between the mantle and the idealised rigid-body motion (Peale’s Cassini states). (4) Applications to the librations of Moon, Earth, and Mercury that are used for model validation.

This study explored the utility and performance of chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) autecology in the investigation of prehistoric farming impacts on freshwater lake systems. Chironomid subfossils, lake sediment geochemistry (δ13C, δ15N and C:N), pollen and macroscopic charcoal analyses were used in a comparative limnological assessment of three archaeologically rich study sites in northwest Ireland. At all three study sites, pastoral farming and its associated nutrient inputs, as represented by non-arboreal pollen indicative of grassland/pasture (NAPp) and lake sediment geochemistry, are concomitant with increases in eutrophic chironomid taxa. Redundancy analysis (RDA) and partial RDAs established that δ15N and NAPp were controlling factors of chironomid community compositional change during the Neolithic (4000–2500 BC) and Bronze Age (2500–600 BC). Bronze Age farming had a considerably greater impact on the lake systems than Neolithic farming, as indicated by a higher proportion of eutrophic taxa and increases in δ15N, C:N and δ13C values, consistent with increased erosion and agricultural inputs. Findings emphasise the importance of identifying the natural, pre-impacted state of a lake system to determine the extent of agricultural impact accurately. The timing and magnitude of change show that Neolithic and Bronze Age farming exhibited a strong control over chironomid communities at all three sites.  相似文献   
Genovesa Crater Lake is a remote, hypersaline lake in the northern Galápagos archipelago that contains a finely laminated sediment record. This sediment record has the potential to provide a high-resolution history of past climate variability in the eastern tropical Pacific. Here we present modern climate, lake, and sediment observations from 2009 to 2012 to explore how local climate variability influences Genovesa Crater Lake and its sediments. Surface lake temperature is strongly linked to air temperature and is highly seasonal. Temperature stratification is strongest during the warm season, whereas temperature becomes more uniform through the water column in the cool season. Deeper and earlier mixing occurred during the 2010 La Niña, which subsequently delayed 2011 cool season mixing and maximum warm season surface temperatures in 2011 and 2012. Lake salinity changes are influenced by precipitation, evaporation and persistent seawater influx. The largest declines in subsurface salinity follow months after the rainy season, when temperatures cool and fresher surface water from the previous warm/wet season mixes into the subsurface. Between 2009 and 2012, more calcium carbonate precipitated during a period of higher salinity. The period of highest calcium carbonate abundance measured in sediment records that span the late nineteenth to twentieth century coincides with the failure of two consecutive rainy seasons in 1988 and 1989 as well as the coldest monthly sea surface temperature measured at Puerto Ayora in 1989. More calcium carbonate-rich laminae from AD 1550 ± 70 to 1675 ± 90 may indicate a greater frequency of prolonged droughts or cooler temperatures, although enhanced productivity may also modulate carbonate precipitation. More Ca-rich laminae in Genovesa coincide with dry conditions inferred from other Galápagos sediment proxies, as well as prolonged dry and cool conditions inferred from reconstructions of the Southern Oscillation Index and NINO3 sea surface temperatures.  相似文献   
The curation and handling of volatile‐bearing astromaterials is of prime importance in current and future plans for sample return missions to targets containing organic compounds, ices, or other volatile components. We report on the specific curation constraints required for the preservation of the Tagish Lake meteorite, a C2 ungrouped chondrite that contains significant concentrations of organic matter, including compounds of prebiotic interest or volatile in character, and which was recovered from a frozen lake surface a few days after its fall. Here, we review the circumstances of the meteorite's handling, its complement of intrinsic and contaminant organic compounds, and an unusual reaction between some of the specimens and the Al foil in which they were enclosed. From our results, we derive the requirements for curation of the meteorite, and describe a specialized facility that enables its curation and handling. The Subzero Facility for Curation of Astromaterials consists of a purified Ar glove box enclosed within a freezer chamber, and enables investigations relevant to curation of samples at or below ?10 °C. We provide several recommendations based on insights obtained from the commissioning and initial use of the facility that are relevant to collection of freshly fallen meteorites, curation of volatile‐bearing meteorites and other astromaterials, and planning and implementation of curation plans for future sample return missions to volatile‐bearing targets.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - Understanding the geochemistry of waters produced during petroleum extraction is essential to informing the best treatment and reuse options, which can potentially be...  相似文献   
South Fork Quantico Creek (SFQ; 19.8 square kilometre (km2), forested) and Fourmile Run (4MR; 32.4-km2, urban) are small watersheds in northern Virginia, United States. Precipitation and streamflow data for both watersheds were examined from water year (WY) 1952 through 2022. Temporal changes in hydrologic metrics were identified by calculating trends in annual precipitation, annual peak flow, mean daily flow, minimum daily flow, stream flashiness, and the runoff ratio. The impact of climate and urbanization on watershed hydrology was assessed by computing trends on both raw and precipitation-adjusted data. Despite increasing precipitation in both watersheds, increasing monotonic trends in most hydrologic metrics were observed only in 4MR. At 4MR, the long-term trend in annual peak flow was non-linear, thus trends were calculated on separate periods. Annual peak flow increased from WY 1952 through 1968, coinciding with a period of rapid urbanization. During WY 1969 through 1981, annual peak flows decreased, coinciding with construction of a flood channelization project. Trends for both periods were robust to precipitation adjustment. From WY 1982 through 2022, no change in the precipitation-adjusted annual peak flows occurred, suggesting annual peak flows increased due to climate factors during this period. Comparison of area-normalized hydrologic metrics between the two watersheds revealed higher flows in 4MR than SFQ across all flows, not just high flows. Runoff ratio and stream flashiness also were higher in 4MR. Differences in hydrologic metrics between the two watersheds were driven primarily by differences in land use, land cover, and modifications to the water balance related to urbanization. Climate change has altered watershed hydrology at both sites, but extensive urbanization in 4MR has altered the hydrology more than that of SFQ. We conclude that urban watersheds are likely at greater risk of increased flooding than less developed areas as the climate intensifies.  相似文献   
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