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In Ireland 'commonage' refers to lands jointly owned by several individuals who have grazing rights. Commonage can provide the low-intensity grazing regime regarded as optimal for habitat conservation, and it is also unlikely to suffer the negative impacts of building development or coastal engineering. Today, however, the traditional control systems of coastal commonage are generally moribund, leading to habitat degradation. The only viable future management model is likely to be one based on local community control. Community management would have the legitimacy to counter the negative perceptions of external authority that generate environmental degradation.  相似文献   
This study considers two issues of interest to the hydrologic and geographical information systems community. One deals with identifying the spatial distribution of infiltration and runoff contributing areas. The other addresses process modelling within a GIS framework. The study operates on the premise that partitioning of precipitation into runoff or infiltration depends on rainfall intensity and on soil properties. The problem is that neither local rainfall intensity, nor soil properties such as infiltration capacity and macroporosity are known well enough for all points of a catchment and need to be estimated. We infer local intensity from the interpolated distribution of cumulated rain depths over the catchment and record duration at the official met site. Measured values of sorptivity and hydraulic conductivity define infiltration. Negative head infiltration describes macroporosity. To scale-up measured point values to larger areas and to model infiltration and macropore continuity at a catchment scale we use geostatistical kriging and conditional simulation together with standard GIS techniques of overlay manipulation. Results delineate areas contributing to runoff and infiltration and relate them to macroporosity. By intersecting overlays of precipitation with those of infiltration we create alternate GIS masks targeting specific portions of the watershed as either runoff or infiltration contributing zones. Choice of cell size and time interval define the scales of averaging for the application. Kriged surfaces illustrate the distribution of catchment infiltration, while conditional simulation provides a mechanism to define model uncertainty.  相似文献   
Abstract— We report the results of a study of TS2, an unusual compact Type A inclusion from Allende. A distinctive, major feature of this inclusion is that many of its melilite crystals have no dominant core-rim zoning but instead consist of 50–200 μm patches of Mg-rich melilite (Åk32–62, median Åk51) set in or partially enclosed by, and optically continuous with, relatively Al-rich melilite (Åk25–53, median Åk38). The Al-rich regions have jagged, dendritic shapes but occur within crystals having straight grain boundaries. Another unusual feature of this inclusion is the size and spatial distribution of spinel. In many places, especially in the interior of the inclusion, the aluminous melilite encloses numerous, fine (0.5–5 μm) inclusions of spinel and minor perovskite and fassaite. The latter phases also occur as isolated grains throughout the inclusion. Coarse-grained spinel, ~50–150 μm across, occurs in clumps and chains enclosed in relatively Mg-rich melilite, whereas none of the fine spinel grains are clumped together. The sample also contains a spinel-free palisade body, 1.7 × 0.85 mm, that consists almost entirely of Åk-rich (45–65 mol%) melilite. Within the palisade body are two grains of perovskite with extremely Nb-rich (~4–8 wt% Nb2O5) cores and rims of typical composition. All phases in this inclusion have chondrite-normalized REE patterns that are consistent with crystal/melt partitioning superimposed upon a bulk modified Group II pattern. We suggest that TS2 had an anomalous cooling history and favor the following model for the formation of TS2. Precursors having a bulk modified Group II pattern melted. Rapid growth of large, dendritic, nonstoichiometric melilite crystals occurred. The melilite trapped pockets of melt and incorporated excess spinel components and TiO2. Bubbles formed in the residual melt. As crystallization slowed, coarse spinel grew. Some spinel grains collected against bubbles, forming spherical shells, and others formed clumps and chains. Relatively Åk-rich melilite crystallized from the residual melt between dendritic melilite crystals and from melt trapped in pockets and between arms of dendrites, and incorporated the clumps and chains of coarse spinel. Bubbles broke and filled with late-stage melt, their shapes preserved by their spinel shells. Slow cooling, or perhaps an episode of reheating, allowed the early melilite to become stoichiometric by exsolving fine grains of spinel, perovskite and fassaite, and allowed the melilite to form smooth grain boundaries. Dendritic crystals are indicative of rapid growth and the melilite crystals in TS2 appear to be dendritic. Coarse, dendritic melilite crystals have been grown from Type B inclusion melts cooled at ~50–100 °C/h. If those results are applicable to Type A inclusions, we can make the first estimate of the cooling rate of a Type A inclusion, and it is outside the range (2–50 °C/h) generally inferred for Type B inclusions. The rapid cooling inferred here may be part of an anomalous thermal history for TS2, or it may be representative of part of a normal thermal history common to Types A and B that involved rapid cooling early (at high temperatures) as inferred for TS2, and slower cooling later (at lower temperatures), as inferred for Type B inclusions. We prefer the former explanation; otherwise, the unusual features of TS2 that are reported here would be common in Type A inclusions (which they are not).  相似文献   
Cement-porosity relationships are described from the Lower Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group and the Middle Jurassic Ravenscar Group in the United Kingdom. Calcite cemented sandstones display a variety of replacement textures, with preferential replacement of grains and of overgrowth faces with high free-surface energy. Dolomite and siderite cemented sandstones display similar textures but replacement is less specific and euhedral overgrowth surfaces are commonly embayed by carbonates. Examination of the more porous sandstones with the scanning electron microscope reveals a range of pitting and embayment textures in authigenic overgrowths and in detrital grains. These range from small ‘v’-shaped notches and pits, through regular and irregular shaped embayments, into large depressions. These textures appear to be morphologically similar to the quartz surfaces seen in thin sections of carbonate cemented sandstones, and are interpreted to have been formed by the dissolution of pore-filling and grain replacive authigenic carbonates. This is confirmed by examination of experimentally exhumed overgrowth surfaces from carbonate cemented sandstones. These textures indicate that part of the intergranular porosity in these sediments is secondary in origin, and has been generated by the dissolution of carbonate cements. The identification of such textures may lead to a more confident interpretation of the nature of intergranular porosity in the subsurface.  相似文献   
Gypsum crusts are broadly defined as accumulations at or within about 10 m of the land surface from 0.10m to 5.0 m thick containing more than 15% by weight gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) and at least 5.0% by weight more gypsum than the underlying bedrock. The deposits are often, but not invariably, consolidated owing to cementation by gypsum. The crusts are found in many of the world's deserts where mean monthly potential evaporation exceeds mean monthly precipitation throughout the year. Using structural, fabric and textural criteria, three main types of crust may be distinguished:(1) bedded crusts, found either at or beneath the land surface, which are made up of discrete horizontal strata up to 0.10 m thick, each showing a gradation in gypsum crystal size from less than 50 μm at the top to more than 0.50 mm at the base; (2) subsurface crusts, of which there are two forms, one made up of large, lenticular crystals (up to 0.50 m in diameter)—the desert rose crusts—and the other, a mesocrystalline form, with gypsum crystals up to about 1.0 mm in diameter; and (3) surface crusts, which are subdivided into columnar, powdery and cobble forms, all of which are made up of predominantly alabastrine gypsum (crystallites less than 50 μm in diameter). In southern Tunisia and the central Namib Desert, bedded crusts are found around ephemeral lakes and lagoons. They are characterized by size-graded beds, gypsum contents of 50–80% by weight and comparatively high concentrations of sodium, potassium, magnesium and iron. They are interpreted as shallow-water evaporites which accumulate when saline pools evaporate to dryness. Desert rose crusts or croûtes de nappe generally contain 50–70% by weight gypsum, and have higher sodium concentrations than the second subsurface form. Texturally they are characterized by poikilitic inclusion of clastic material within large lenticular crystals. They are interpreted as hydromorphic accretions, which precipitate in host sediments at near-surface water tables through the evaporation of groundwater. The second form of subsurface crust—the mesocrystalline—often occurs in close association with the various surface forms. Unlike the hydromorphic crusts, they are not restricted to low-lying terrain. They are characterized by gypsum contents reaching 90% by weight, and have a close chemical and textural similarity to columnar surface crusts. This mesocrystalline form represents an illuvial accumulation; the surface forms—excluding the bedded crusts—are exhumed examples at various stages of solutional degradation. Subsurface precipitation of gypsum from meteoric waters containing salts leached from the surface, results in displacive gypsum accumulation in the soil zone. In southern Tunisia, the gypsum is derived from sand and dust deflated from evaporitic basins; in the central Namib, salts dissolved in fog water are the most likely source. Where other salts are present, differential leaching may form two-tiered crusts, calcrete—gypsum or gypsum—halite, if rainfall is sufficient to mobilize the less soluble salt yet insufficient to flush the more soluble. Gypsum crust genesis is restricted to arid environments, and if their susceptibility to post-depositional alteration is acknowledged, they can provide valuable palaeoclimatic indicators.  相似文献   
During diagenesis quartz grains undergo selective dissolution, controlled in location by the surface energy characteristics of the individual grains. Experimental etching in HF of isolated quartz grains reproduces comparable textures to those of natural occurrences. Some experimental results illustrate the specific effects of surface textures on their initial dissolution rates, so demonstrating the control surface energy variation has over dissolution. A hierarchy of grain surface characteristics, according to surface energies, provides a useful guide to the relative rates of dissolution during decomposition.  相似文献   
The detailed three-dimensional structure of the flow patterns in river bends with separated flow and factors controlling the existence and characteristics of these flow patterns are unclear at present. It is shown here, firstly, how a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program may be used to reproduce the qualitative features of the mean flow in a real river bend to allow testing of the model's capabilities. It is then shown how the CFD code may be used to construct hypothetical channel bends which allow the experimentation necessary to investigate the controls on the extent of the separated flow.  相似文献   
Reading provenance from heavy-mineral suites is hampered by the depletion of diagnostic, but unstable, heavy minerals through intrastratal solution, a common phenomenon in deep sedimentary basins such as the North Sea. This paper demonstrates the potential of electron microprobe analysis in overcoming this problem, by concentrating on the compositional variations shown by detrital garnets, which are relatively resistant to intrastratal solution. Studies of the garnets from the Brent Group (Middle Jurassic) of the Murchison and Tern oilfields in the northern North Sea reveal that three distinct areas supplied detritus. Association 1 which characterizes the Broom Formation in both areas and recurs higher in the sequence in the Tern field, is ascribed to an Orkney-Shetland source. The location of the areas supplying the garnets of Association 2, best represented in Murchison, and Association 3, common to both fields, is less clear. Their ultimate sources clearly include high-grade metamorphics, and therefore probably lie on the Norwegian landmass, the Orkney-Shetland Platform, or, conceivably, the Scottish landmass, but the possibility of recycling makes it difficult to judge their immediate provenances. Nevertheless, the presence of three garnet associations indicates that the most widely accepted model of Brent sedimentation, with sands derived from a domal uplift in the outer Moray Firth and channelled northward along the Viking Graben, is untenable.  相似文献   
This paper describes a new method for assessing aeolian fetch distances in beach/dune systems. The remote‐sensing technique has advantages over currently used proxy measures of fetch distance, such as those based on tide gauges and beach profiles. The method uses a digital camera, global positioning system surveying, and a geographical information system software package to produce a rectified image of the beach surface. From this, direct measurements of the wet–dry beach boundary can be combined with wind direction measurements to determine fetch distance. The method offers an improvement on current approaches to sediment transport estimates: a 28‐day study on Magilligan Strand, Northern Ireland, showed that the commonly used high water mark approach overestimated fetch distance by 30% compared with the technique reported here.  相似文献   
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