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The systematic and comprehensive geochemical analysis of fluoride (F) in twenty agricultural soil samples was carried out to understand spatial variability, mechanism of retention and release, and the areas of potential risk due to high concentrations of F in soil around Sidhi District, Central India. The spatial variations in physico-chemical parameters revealed significant difference in the methods of cultivation due to geomorphological constraints, availability of surface water and ground water etc., in the study area. The north and small pocket in central Sidhi were rich in fertile soils due to availability of surface and ground water. The southern and eastern Sidhi were rainfed areas, hence, the monocropping system by traditional methods showed less impact on the soil physico-chemical parameters. The soil F varied from 366.94 to 1178 mg/kg and 2-4 times greater than the background soil value (320 mg/kg) of the world. The pollution indexes were > 1 indicating prevalence of elevated soil fluorine.  相似文献   
In 2011, a large repository of resting cysts of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella was discovered in the sediments of the Onapua/Opua inlet located off Tory Channel, Queen Charlotte Sound. The inlet is a potential source of infection for other areas, such as the major mussel-growing areas of Port Underwood and Pelorus Sound. This study aimed to establish whether the dinoflagellate was a new arrival in the Sounds or had existed unnoticed in this isolated embayment for some time. Alexandrium catenella cysts were identified to a depth of 20–21?cm within the sediment cores, corresponding to a date estimated by radioisotope (210Pb and 137Cs) and Pinus radiata pollen distribution to at least the mid 1970s. Over this time span, resident populations of A. catenella have not become established beyond the confines of Queen Charlotte Sound, suggesting it does not pose an imminent threat of doing so unless increasingly intense and prolonged blooms result in more widespread cyst dispersal.  相似文献   
Assessment of groundwater quality is essential to ensure sustainable use of it for drinking, agricultural, and industrial purposes. The chemical quality of groundwater of Gaya region has been studied in detail in this work to delineate the potable groundwater zones. A total of 30 groundwater samples and 2 surface water samples were collected in and around Gaya district of Bihar. The major cations follow the trend: Ca2+?>?Mg2+?>?Na+?>?K+. The domination of calcium ions in the groundwater is due to weathering of rocks. The K+ ranged between 0.2 and 47.95 ppm, suggesting its abundance the below desired limit; but some samples were found to be above permissible limit. K+ weathering of potash silicate and the use of potash fertilizer could be the source. The major anions abundance followed the order HCO 3 ? ?>?Cl??>?SO 4 2? ?>?NO 3 ? ?>?PO 4 3? . Dissolution of carbonates and reaction of silicates with carbonic acid accounts for the addition of HCO 3 ? to the groundwater and oxidation of sulphite may be the source of SO 4 2? . Principal component analysis was utilized to reflect those chemical data with the greatest correlation and seven major principal components (PCs) representing >80 % of cumulative variance were able to interpret the most information contained in the data. PC1, PC2 and PC3 reflect the hydrogeochemical processes like mineral dissolution, weathering and anthropogenic sources. PC4, PC5, PC6 and PC7 show monotonic, random and independent relationships.  相似文献   
New fieldwork, mineralogical and geochemical data and interpretations are presented for the rare-metal bearing A-type granites of the Aja intrusive complex(AIC) in the northern segment of the Arabian Shield. This complex is characterized by discontinuous ring-shaped outcrops cut by later faulting. The A-type rocks of the AIC are late Neoproterozoic post-collisional granites, including alkali feldspar granite, alkaline granite and peralkaline granite. They represent the outer zones of the AIC, su...  相似文献   
Two new marine steryl hexadecanoates, 3β‐hexadecanoylcholest‐5‐en‐7‐one ( 1 ) and 3β‐hexadecanoylcholest‐5‐en‐7β‐ol ( 2 ), along with seven known compounds, cholest‐5‐en‐3β‐yl‐formate ( 3 ), thymidine ( 4 ), indole‐3‐carboxaldehyde ( 5 ), 3β‐hydroxycholest‐5‐en‐7‐one ( 6 ), cholesterol ( 7 ), 22‐dehydrocholestrol ( 8 ), and 24‐methylenecholesterol ( 9 ), were isolated from the anthozoan black coral, Antipathes dichotoma. The structures of all isolated compounds were determined by interpretation of their spectral data 1D (1H, 13C and DEPT) and 2D (COSY, HSQC and HMBC) NMR, UV, IR, and MS. Compounds 1 – 5 were evaluated for their anticancer activities, employing four cancer panels; HepG2, WI 38, VERO, and MCF‐7. All tested compounds, except 4 , showed moderate activities. Compound 4 exhibited significant anticancer activity against VERO and MCF‐7, with IC50 20.5 and 20.2 µg/mL, respectively.  相似文献   
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