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Evolution of a homogeneous, isotropic Universe with flat geometry filled with a viscous fluid is investigated in presence of a variable cosmological Λ. A non-singular solution leading to a variable deceleration parameter is obtained which reduces to the solution of Murphy in the ‘no Λ limit’ and to the recent solution of Vishwakarma in the context of ‘a Machian model of dark energy’ in the ‘no viscosity’ limit.  相似文献   
Twenty-two hornblendes separated from amphibolites and granulites of the Grenville Orogen of Ontario have been quantitatively analyzed for major and minor elements by electron microprobe, for FeO/Fe2O3 by wet chemistry, and for H2O by manometric measurement as H2. Hornblende formulae were calculated on the basis of 24O+OH+Cl+F. Most samples are magnesio-hornblendes, ferroan pargasitic hornblendes and ferroan hastingsitic hornblendes, with weight fractions of Fe3+/(Fe2++Fe3+) ranging from 0.15 to 0.50. An oxy-amphibole component of 0–25 mol%, with an average value of 17 mol%, is obtained for these complete analyses. When compared with structural formulae determined solely from microprobe data, normalization based on 13=Si+Ti+Al+Fe+Mn+Mg cations provides the best approximation to hornblende formulae calculated from the complete analyses. Less satisfactory agreement is obtained from a normalization scheme based on 15=Si+Ti+Al+Fe+Mn+Mg+Ca, while worst agreement is obtained from normalization to 23 oxygens assuming all Fe is Fe2+. No normalization scheme based on microprobe data alone consistently replicates the measured FeO, Fe2O3, and H2O; accurate determination of these values requires complete chemical analysies. Ionic solution models previously have been proposed to evaluate the activity of Ca2Mg5Si8 O22(OH)2(a Trem) in hornblende for use in equilibria that constrain the activity of H2O (a H 2O) in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Application of ionic models to typical hornblendes produces low a Trem (usually<0.01), consequetly yielding extremely low a H 2O. If an oxy-amphibole component is present, the calculated a Trem and H2O is further reduced. An oxy-amphibole component of 25% reduces the calculated H2O activity and that of any hydroxyl-amphibole component by 50% below that calculated with simplified assumptions regarding X OH in the hydroxyl site (i.e., X OH=1, or X OH=1–X ClX f). Thus, methods of amphibole normalizations appear to have a substantial effect on calculated amphibole and H2O activites. Before quantitative hornblende thermobarometry can be calibrated and applied, the amounts of FeO, Fe2O3 and H2O must be measured in order to fully characterize hornblende solid solutions.Contribution No. 478 from the Mineralogical Laboratory, University of Michigan  相似文献   
Amphorae sherds from the Laecanius workshop of Roman Istria (10–5 B.C. and 78 A.D.), Croatia, were studied by integrating archaeological and geological techniques including fabric analysis, thin‐section petrography, X‐ray diffractometry (XRD), and heavy mineral analysis. The fabric of the sherds showed distinctive characteristics, permitting their classification and allocation into nine fabric groupss. Petrography revealed that quartz is the dominant clastic component, whereas carbonate is common as temper; XRD provided information on firing temperatures that ranged between 750 and 900°C. The sherds contain diverse heavy mineral suites with generally high epidote and garnet proportions; zircon is occasionally important. Garnet/epidote ratios and the presence of diagnostic species (pyroxene, hornblende) showed systematic variations that coincided with similar variations in fabric characteristics. Heavy mineral signatures of amphorae produced in other workshops proved essential in differentiating them from Laecanius sherds. A comparative heavy mineral analysis of terra rossa samples from the vicinity of the workshop indicated that terra rossa was the major source for the paste. Differences observed in the heavy mineral composition of the sherds and terra rossa were interpreted by the spatial heterogeneity of the latter and the mixing of the paste with sandy temper. Fresh Adriatic sponge spicules in the majority of Laecanius sherds and the temper‐derived, generally immature heavy mineral assemblages suggest that sandy deposits from the Adriatic were used for the clastic temper. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary. The P -wave response from a class of acoustic transition zones with exponential variation in the velocity is studied in the frequency and time domains by means of contour integration in the complex k plane and the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Interesting relationships between received pulse shapes and velocity gradients inside the transition zone are observed. It is suggested that the models could be of practical interest, e.g. in interpreting observations from explosion seismology. For one model the results from the contour integral method are compared with those from the reflectivity method of Fuchs.  相似文献   
The case study of Kanpur demonstrates the use of air photo approach to collect physical data, mainly landuse in central area. The study reveals that very less percentage of vacant land exists in central area for future development. Though this area consist CBD, even then commercial landuse accounts to be only 10% of total area. Selective landuse inventory analysis was carried out for the landuse categories, commercial, industrial and vacant. Reliability of aerial photo-interpretation of over all landuse map found to be 91–95% and each sub-class of landuse reliability for omission and commission error found to be within limits for planning and design purpose.  相似文献   
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