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三工河流域绿洲土地利用对土壤特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Understanding the effect of human activities on the soil environment is fundamental to understanding global change and sustainable development. In the process of transformation of tropical rain forests and semiarid grasslands to farmlands, land degradation usually occurs. But the transformation of arid desert landscape to oasis is found to have quite different consequences. Taking an alluvial plain oasis in the north piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains as a case study, we investigate oasis soil properties related to different land-use systems during the transformation of arid desert to oases. Selected land-use systems con- sisted of an annual crop field less than 3 years old, annual crop field 3-6 years old, annual crop field more than 6 years old, perennial crop field less than 4 years old, perennial crop field of 4-6 years old, perennial crop field more than 6 years old, abandoned farmland more than 3 years old, woodland field more than 6 years old, ecological forestation field, natural shrubbery field, desert grass land, and saline or alkaline field. Different land-use systems affect significantly the distribution of sand, silt and clay. Sand content in oasis soil tends to decrease with cultivation years but silt and clay contents tend to be increased in the oasis soils. Soil fertility is higher in the land-use systems under strong human disturbance than under weak human disturbance. Oasis soil nutrients also tend to increase with cultivation years. Soils have a significantly lower salinity in the land-use systems under strong human disturbance than under weak human disturbance. Soil organic matter and nutrients of the annual and perennial crop systems in the oasis tend to increase with cultivation time with the oasis soil acting as a carbon sink. These results show that soils are not degraded and the soil quality is gradually improved under rational land use and scientific management patterns, including uniform exploitation of land resources, effective irrigation systems, sound drainage systems, balanced ferti  相似文献   
福建尤溪街面水库已于2007年2月下闸蓄水,蓄水后是否会诱发地震?如果会诱发地震,它能诱发多大震级的地震一直是人们关心的问题。本文根据库区主要断裂活动、地质构造背景和国内外已发生水库诱发地震震例资料,结合尤溪街面水库库区的具体情况,应用概率预测法,综合影响参数预测法,两级模糊评判法,发育断裂长度预测震级法和历史地震最高震级预测法等方法,对街面水库诱震危险性和可能诱发的最大震级进行研究。  相似文献   
National Centers for Environmental Prediction recently upgraded its operational seasonal forecast system to the fully coupled climate modeling system referred to as CFSv2. CFSv2 has been used to make seasonal climate forecast retrospectively between 1982 and 2009 before it became operational. In this study, we evaluate the model’s ability to predict the summer temperature and precipitation over China using the 120 9-month reforecast runs initialized between January 1 and May 26 during each year of the reforecast period. These 120 reforecast runs are evaluated as an ensemble forecast using both deterministic and probabilistic metrics. The overall forecast skill for summer temperature is high while that for summer precipitation is much lower. The ensemble mean reforecasts have reduced spatial variability of the climatology. For temperature, the reforecast bias is lead time-dependent, i.e., reforecast JJA temperature become warmer when lead time is shorter. The lead time dependent bias suggests that the initial condition of temperature is somehow biased towards a warmer condition. CFSv2 is able to predict the summer temperature anomaly in China, although there is an obvious upward trend in both the observation and the reforecast. Forecasts of summer precipitation with dynamical models like CFSv2 at the seasonal time scale and a catchment scale still remain challenge, so it is necessary to improve the model physics and parameterizations for better prediction of Asian monsoon rainfall. The probabilistic skills of temperature and precipitation are quite limited. Only the spatially averaged quantities such as averaged summer temperature over the Northeast China of CFSv2 show higher forecast skill, of which is able to discriminate between event and non-event for three categorical forecasts. The potential forecast skill shows that the above and below normal events can be better forecasted than normal events. Although the shorter the forecast lead time is, the higher deterministic prediction skill appears, the probabilistic prediction skill does not increase with decreased lead time. The ensemble size does not play a significant role in affecting the overall probabilistic forecast skill although adding more members improves the probabilistic forecast skill slightly.  相似文献   
本文用大气环流的气候资料,指出东亚地区纬向型环流较多。利用原始方程数值模拟和简单的理论分析讨论了形成区类环流特征的动力机制;并指出东亚纬向型环流比北美多,可能是与青藏高原和洛矶山高原的地形强迫性动力作用的特点不同有关。  相似文献   
Based on a coupled physical-biogeochemical model of the Yellow and East China Seas (YECS), the influence of biological activity on the seasonal variation of the air–sea CO2 flux is evaluated. The solution of a sensitivity experiment that excludes biological activity is compared with that of a reference experiment that includes the full processes. The comparison reveals that biological activity results in a much stronger seasonal variation of surface dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and, hence, the ratio of total alkalinity to DIC in the northern parts of the YECS. The increased ratio resulting from biological DIC consumption contributes to the undersaturated partial pressure of CO2 at the sea surface with respect to the atmosphere, causing the central Yellow Sea in summer and autumn to shift from being a CO2 source to a sink; this same shift also occurs over the Changjiang Bank in summer. In the southern YECS, the biological effect is relatively weak. The comparison further reveals that low water temperature, instead of biological activity, is the dominant factor causing the YECS to become a carbon sink in spring. The biological effect on the variation of DIC (both at the surface and in the water column) differs greatly among the three representative regions of the YECS because of differences in primary production and hydrodynamic conditions. Particle-tracking simulations quantify the regional difference in horizontal advection. In the northern region, weaker horizontal advection causes the longer residence time of low DIC water induced by biological consumption. Over the entire YECS, biological activity contributes to about one-third of the total annual absorption of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   
The thermal forcings of annual and interannual periodic variations are introduced into the barotropic vorticity equation,by using low order spectral model of the equation,more than 40 numerical experiments whose integration time is larger than 100 model years are performed in order to investigate variations of large-scale flow patterns arising from both external interannual thermal forcing and internal dynamical processes.In certain parametric range,when the frequency of the forcing term with interannual period equals to the frequency which is created by the internal dynamical processes alone,the amplitude of interannual variations of flow patterns increases obviously,and the period becomes double.In other parametric range,the amplitude of interannual variations of flow patterns shows abrupt changes and other nonlinear behavior,along with gradual changes of interannual forcing parameters.  相似文献   
Regional dependence of microphysical and radiative effects of ice clouds on vertical structure of tropical tropospheric temperature is examined by analyzing thermodynamic budgets over clear sky, raining stratiform, convective, and non-raining stratiform regions with three two-dimensional sensitivity equilibrium cloud-resolving model simulation data. The decrease in the mean tropospheric cooling caused by radiative effects of ice clouds results from the decreases in local atmospheric cooling over clear sky regions around 12?C16?km through the decrease in heat divergence and below 7.5?km through the decrease in radiative cooling and over non-raining stratiform regions around 6?C13?km through the increase in latent heat. The increase in the mean tropospheric cooling caused by microphysical effects of ice clouds results from the increases in local atmospheric cooling over clear sky regions through the decrease in heat convergence below 4?km the increase in radiative cooling around 4?C8?km and over non-raining stratiform regions through the increase in radiative cooling around 7?C10?km. The raining regions do not show any significant thermal changes due to the cancellation between heat convergence and latent heat.  相似文献   
气候变化对中国东部季风区水资源脆弱性的影响评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将耦合暴露度、灾害风险、敏感性与抗压性的脆弱性评估模型应用于中国东部季风区水资源脆弱性评价,从水资源供需平衡角度分析了气候变化对东部季风区水资源脆弱性的影响。结果表明,2000年气候条件下,我国东部季风区接近90%的区域水资源处于中度脆弱及以上状态。其中水资源中度和高度脆弱区域约占全区的75%,极端脆弱区域接近15%。中国北方海河、黄河、淮河和辽河流域的水资源脆弱性最高。未来气候变化影响将加剧水资源脆弱性的风险,不同RCP排放情景下2030年代我国东部季风区水资源中度脆弱及以上区域面积有明显的扩大,极端脆弱区域将达到20%~25%。由于未来需水的进一步增加,中国北方水资源脆弱性的格局并未发生根本变化,而南方东南诸河等区域将面临可能发生的水危机。  相似文献   
中国业务动力季节预报的进展   总被引:26,自引:9,他引:26  
利用动力模式开展季节到年际的短期气候预测 ,是目前国际上气候预测的发展方向。自 1996年以来 ,经过 8a多的研制和发展 ,国家气候中心已建立起第 1代动力气候模式预测业务系统 ,其中包括 1个全球大气 海洋耦合模式 (CGCM )、1个高分辨率东亚区域气候模式 (RegCM_NCC)和 5个简化的ENSO预测模式 (SAOMS) ,可用于季节—年际时间尺度的全球气候预测 ;全球海气耦合模式与区域气候模式嵌套 ,可以提供高分辨率的东亚区域气候模式制做季节预测。CGCM对 1982~ 2 0 0 0年夏季的历史回报试验表明 ,该模式对热带太平洋海表面温度和东亚区域的季节预测具有较好的预测能力。RegCM NCC的 5a模拟基本上能再现东亚地区主要雨带的季节进展。利用嵌套的区域气候模式RegCM NCC对 1991~ 2 0 0 0年的夏季回报表明 ,在预报主要季节雨带方面有一定技巧。 2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 3年 ,CGCM和RegCM NCC的实时季节预报与观测相比基本合理。特别是 ,模式成功地预报了 2 0 0 3年梅雨季节长江和黄河之间比常年偏多的降水。SAOMS模式系统的回报试验表明 ,该系统对热带太平洋海表面温度距平有一定的预报能力 ,模式超前 6~ 12个月的回报与观测的相关系数明显高于持续预报。 1997~ 2 0 0 3年 ,SAOMS多模式集合实时预报与观测的相关系数达到  相似文献   
罗绍华  金祖辉 《大气科学》1986,10(4):409-418
本文对南海海温、西太平洋副热带高压的特征指数及长江中、下游汛期降水等要素做了统计分析,结果表明,南海秋、冬季节的海表温度与同海区第二年初夏的海温状态、长江中、下游的降水有明显的相关;初夏南海海温与同时期西太平洋副热带高压西部脊有密切的联系,而副高西部脊的西伸位置和强度变化又对长江中、下游的降水有显著的影响.也就是说,当秋、冬季节南海海温高时,下年初夏南海海温也偏高,南海副热带高压脊偏强,西太平洋副高脊位置偏西,相应地长江中、下游降水偏多.这个相关联系表明南海秋、冬季节海温的热状态是影响长江中、下游初夏降水的重要因素之一,而且副高西部脊又是这个过程的重要环节.  相似文献   
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