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Seismic reflection profiles and well data are used to determine the Cenozoic stratigraphic and tectonic development of the northern margin of the South China Sea. In the Taiwan region, this margin evolved from a Palaeogene rift to a latest Miocene–Recent foreland basin. This evolution is related to the opening of the South China Sea and its subsequent partial closure by the Taiwan orogeny. Seismic data, together with the subsidence analysis of deep wells, show that during rifting (~58–37 Ma), lithospheric extension occurred simultaneously in discrete rift belts. These belts form a >200 km wide rift zone and are associated with a stretching factor, β, in the range ~1.4–1.6. By ~37 Ma, the focus of rifting shifted to the present‐day continent–ocean boundary off southern Taiwan, which led to continental rupture and initial seafloor spreading of the South China Sea at ~30 Ma. Intense rifting during the rift–drift transition (~37–30 Ma) may have induced a transient, small‐scale mantle convection beneath the rift. The coeval crustal uplift (Oligocene uplift) of the previously rifted margin, which led to erosion and development of the breakup unconformity, was most likely caused by the induced convection. Oligocene uplift was followed by rapid, early post‐breakup subsidence (~30–18 Ma) possibly as the inferred induced convection abated following initial seafloor spreading. Rapid subsidence of the inner margin is interpreted as thermally controlled subsidence, whereas rapid subsidence in the outer shelf of the outer margin was accompanied by fault activity during the interval ~30–21 Ma. This extension in the outer margin (β~1.5) is manifested in the Tainan Basin, which formed on top of the deeply eroded Mesozoic basement. During the interval ~21–12.5 Ma, the entire margin experienced broad thermal subsidence. It was not until ~12.5 Ma that rifting resumed, being especially active in the Tainan Basin (β~1.1). Rifting ceased at ~6.5 Ma due to the orogeny caused by the overthrusting of the Luzon volcanic arc. The Taiwan orogeny created a foreland basin by loading and flexing the underlying rifted margin. The foreland flexure inherited the mechanical and thermal properties of the underlying rifted margin, thereby dividing the basin into north and south segments. The north segment developed on a lithosphere where the major rift/thermal event occurred ~58–30 Ma, and this segment shows minor normal faulting related to lithospheric flexure. In contrast, the south segment developed on a lithosphere, which experienced two more recent rift/thermal events during ~30–21 and ~12.5–6.5 Ma. The basal foreland surface of the south segment is highly faulted, especially along the previous northern rifted flank, thereby creating a deeper foreland flexure that trends obliquely to the strike of the orogen.  相似文献   
In the Western Lake Baikal, recent Baikal Rift's tectonics control the topography, seismicity, climate, geomorphology, and economy. Scarps, facets, structural terraces, horsts and grabens, and trapezoid valleys can be clearly observed. They have been generated by the recent tectonic movements along the faults and represent a serious geologic hazard. The specific geological conditions predetermine a unique variety of landscapes. Thus, the main type of the economy is tourism. However, unorganized tourism leads to the degradation of the unique landscapes. It increases risk and requires disaster management. Three criteria has been used for risk assessment: (1) degree of geologic hazard; (2) degree of landscape degradation; and (3) degree of the economy's vitality. The high ecological significance and low stability to antropogeneous pressure are typical for landscapes of the Western Lake Baikal. Thus, some special activities of disaster management should be implemented based on our investigation.  相似文献   
FLATModel is a 2D finite volume code that contains several original approaches to improve debris-flow simulation. Firstly, FLATModel incorporates a "stop-and-go" technique in each cell to allow continuous collapses and remobilizations of the debris-flow mass. Secondly, flow velocity and consequently yield stress is directly associated with the type of rheology to improve boundary accuracy. Thirdly, a simple approach for entrainment is also included in the model to analyse the effect of basal erosion of debris flows. FLATMODEL was tested at several events that occurred in the Eastern Pyrenees and simulation results indicated that the model can represent rather well the different characteristics observed in the field.  相似文献   
Analysis of objective functions used in urban runoff models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective functions used in parameter estimation in urban runoff models are compared by using a method proposed by Diskin and Simon1 and the urban runoff model ILLUDAS. Two sets of objective functions, the first one used by Diskin and Simon in their study and a second one which includes other objective functions are used. Rainfall-runoff data from urban watersheds in the US are used in the study. The results indicate that the least squares criterion is the best among those studied.  相似文献   
Krakatau Volcano is located along a N35E volcanic lineament running through the Sunda straits (Indonesia). Its last activity has been characterized by successive phases, each beginning with the construction of a cone, and ending with its destruction and the formation of a caldera. The two last (pre- and post-1883) cycles are well known, but the more ancient ones are not so clearly defined.Lavas of Krakatau belong to an andesitic series, in which fractional crystallization plays the most important role. The petrologic evolution is characterized by a cyclicity in good agreement with the structural evolution: the succession is regular: basalts, basic andesites, acid andesites, dacites. A gap between acid and basic andesites occurs in each cycle. The destructive stages correspond to the occurrence of dacitic terms.The Anak cycle was characterized from 1927 to 1979 by basalts and basic andesites; the 1981 eruption involved a more differentiated magma (close to dacitic). Detailed study of the petrologic evolution since 1883 emphasizes the predominant role of fractional crystallization. This process occurred during a very short period, between 1979 and 1981. Separation of labradorite, augite, olivine and magnetite from parental basic andesite may generate the dacitic descendant, in a shallow reservoir (PH2O estimated about 0.5 kbar). Implications for a future activity are considered.  相似文献   
Volcanic aerosol emissions have been studied for the first time by in situ photoelectric charging. Explorative studies on Mt Etna reveal large concentrations of particles below 1000 nm with the spectrum peaking in the size range of 100–1000 nm diameter. Although a large fraction of the particles is already charged upon emission, the net electrical charge carried by the aerosol turned out to be close to zero.Particles with high photoelectric yield vary greatly in their relative abundance and seem to occur mainly at active points of the volcano.  相似文献   
Inclusions of ferropericlase and former (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O3 perovskite in diamonds from Kankan, Guinea believed to originate in the lower mantle were studied using Mössbauer spectroscopy to determine Fe3+/ΣFe. Fe3+ concentration in the (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O3 inclusion is consistent with empirical relations relating Fe3+/ΣFe to Al concentration, supporting the inference that it crystallised in the perovskite structure at lower mantle conditions. In ferropericlase there is a nearly linear variation of trivalent cation abundance with monovalent cation abundance, suggesting a substitution of the form Na0.5M0.53+O (M=Fe3+, Cr3+, Al3+). Excess positive charge is likely balanced by cation vacancies, where their abundance is observed to increase with increasing iron concentration, consistent with high-pressure experiments. The abundance of cation vacancies is related to oxygen fugacity, where ferropericlase inclusions from Kankan and São Luiz (Brazil) are inferred to have formed at conditions more oxidising than Fe-(Mg,Fe)O equilibrium, but more reducing than Re-ReO2 equilibrium. Fe2+/Mg partition coefficients between (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O3 and ferropericlase were calculated for inclusions co-existing in the same diamond using Mössbauer data and empirical relations based on high-pressure experimental work. Most values are consistent with high-pressure experiments, suggesting that these inclusions equilibrated at lower mantle conditions. The measured ferropericlase Fe3+ concentrations are consistent with diamond formation in a region of redox gradients, possibly arising from the subduction of oxidised material into reduced lower mantle. Reduction of carbonate to form ferropericlase and diamond is consistent with a slight shift of Kankan δ13C values to isotopically heavy compositions compared to the worldwide dataset, and could supply the oxygen necessary to satisfy the high Fe3+ concentration in (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O3 perovskite, as well as account for the high proportion of ferropericlase in the lower mantle paragenesis. The heterogeneity of lower mantle diamond sources indicates that the composition of lower mantle diamonds do not necessarily reflect those of the bulk mantle.  相似文献   
Use of Rhodamine water tracer in the marshland upwelling system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rhodamine water tracer (RWT) was used to characterize the migration of waste water within the saline subsurface of a marshland upwelling system (MUS), which is an alternative on-site waste water treatment system for coastal areas. Field tracer studies were performed to investigate the fresh waste water plume movement within the saline ground water. Pore velocities were calculated using first detection times and ranged from 0.68 to 10.7 x 10(-4) cm/sec for the loamy sandy soil matrix present at the site. Use of RWT in the field also allowed determination of main and preferential flowpaths. One- and two-dimensional laboratory experiments were performed using silica sand to investigate the interactions of the organically rich waste water with RWT within the zone surrounding the point of injection (one-dimensional) and the impact of background salinity on plume movement (two-dimensional). The results from these studies were used to help explain the field data. One-dimensional breakthrough curves revealed retardation factors for the RWT in the waste water mixture of 1.73 to 1.90. These results were similar to other researchers, indicating little interaction between the waste water and RWT. Variations in pore water salinity (5, 15, 25, and 35 ppt) were found to have a significant effect on pore water velocities of the fresh water plume (two-dimensional), indicating the need to incorporate background salinities into the design process for MUS.  相似文献   
We evaluated levels of serotonin (5HT) and dopamine (DOPA) in muscle and digestive glands of the mussel, Perna perna, collected at different times of day; exposed to air for 24 h, followed by re-submersion; and after exposure to different metals. Mussels collected at different periods of day showed little oscillation in 5HT and DOPA levels. Mussels exposed to metals showed significant changes in 5HT and DOPA levels in digestive gland and muscle, as did mussels exposed to air. Our data suggest that analyses of 5HT and DOPA in tissues of mussels could serve as a tool to evaluate the presence and effects of heavy metal contamination in mussels. Care in data interpretation is required, however, since other environmental factors such as exposure of mussels to air (i.e. at low tides) can also cause changes in DOPA and 5HT levels. Additional research is necessary to separate such natural environmental effects from effects of contaminants.  相似文献   
The wavefield in, and at the surface of, a homogeneous, isotropic, perfectly elastic half-space, excited by a traction distribution at the surface of the medium is investigated. The emitted wavefield is a spatial convolution of the surface tractions and the spatial impulse response. The properties of the wavefield in the far-field of the medium are derived and it is shown that the far-field particle velocity is essentially equal to a weighted sum of the time derivative of the integrated surface tractions, that is, of the components of the ‘ground force’. The theory is valid for an arbitrary geometry and orientation of the surface tractions, and is independent of the boundary conditions at the surface of the medium. The surface tractions are related to a source that consists of a mass distribution with an arbitrary force distribution imposed upon it. A boundary condition is introduced that accounts for the mass load and the forces applied to it but neglects vibrations within the mass. The boundary condition follows from the equation of motion of the surface mass load. The theory is applied to the Vibroseis configuration, using a P-wave vibrator model with a uniformly distributed force imposed on top of the baseplate, and assuming that horizontal surface traction components are absent. The distribution of displacement and stress directly underneath the baseplate of a single vibrator and an array of vibrators is investigated. Three different boundary conditions are used: (1) assuming uniform pressure, (2) assuming uniform displacement, (3) using the equation of motion of the baseplate as a boundary condition. The calculations of the distribution of stress and displacement over the plate for different elastic media and several frequencies of operation show that only the results obtained with the mixed boundary condition agree with measurements made in the field. The accuracy of three different phase-feedback signals is compared using synthetic data. Baseplate velocity phase-feedback leads to huge deviations in the determination of the far-field wavelet; reaction mass acceleration phase-feedback looks stable but neglects the differentiating earth filter; and phase-feedback to a weighted sum of baseplate and reaction mass accelerations becomes unstable with increasing frequency. The instability can be overcome using measurements over the whole baseplate. The model can be extended to a lossy layered earth.  相似文献   
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