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The subsolidus region of the Fe-W-S system was studied by experiments performed in evacuated silica tubes. Ternary phases were not encountered. Tungsten disulphide WS2 is stable with the iron sulphides but not with metallic iron. The major tie-line pyrrhotite-tungsten differentiates this system from the analogous Fe-Mo-S system. Experiments on the Fe-W-O-S system demonstrate that WS2 (tungstenite) is not stable in the presence of iron oxides. Molybdenum and tungsten show different affinities to sulphur which is manifested in nature in abundant molybdenite as contrasted with rare tungstenite. Sulphur fugacity data in the literature differ on WS2. There data are compared with the present experimental results.
Zusammenfassung Das ternäre System Fe-W-S wird durch Abschreckungsexperimente in evakuierten Quarzglasampullen sowie durch Differential-Thermoanalyse untersucht, die Phasengleichgewichtsbeziehungen sind in einem isothermen Digramm T<743 °C veranschaulicht. Unterhalb 743±2 °C liegt der Stabilitätsbereich des Pyrits, FeS2, welcher mit Tungstenit, WS2, koexistiert. Konodenscharen erstrecken sich ferner von WS2 zu Pyrrhotin und zwar über einen weiten Bereich der Fe1-xS-Mischkristallreihe. Von FeS, oder annähernd stöchiometrischem FeS verlaufen Konoden zum metallischen Wolfram und zu den intermetallischen Phasen Fe2W und Fe3W2. Eine ternäre Phase wurde nicht gefunden. Experimente im ternären sowie im quaternären System Fe-W-O-S demonstrieren, daß WS2 weder mit metallischem Eisen noch mit Eisenoxiden stabil ist. Molybdän und Wolfram zeichnen sich durch unterschiedliche Affinität zu Schwefel aus, und daraus resultierende Schlußfolgerungen werden in bezug auf natürliche Mineralvergesellschaftungen diskutiert. Die in der einschlägigen Literatur gemachten Angaben über die Schwefelfugazität von Fe, Mo und W werden kritisch untersucht. Dominierende Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Phasengleichgewichtsbeziehungen des Fe-W-S-Diagrammes zu anderen Fe-beinhaltenden Sulfidsystemen, wie Fe-Mo-S, Fe-Sn-S und Fe-Bi-S, werden aufgezeigt.
In this study, the molecular composition and biomarker distribution of lacustrine sediments from Val-1 drillhole in the central zone of the western part of the Valjevo-Mionica basin were investigated at depth interval of 0–400 m. Former investigations have shown that the core material can be separated into six depth intervals based on bulk geochemical, mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics. Concerning the quality of organic matter, presence of specific minerals, and high salinity and anoxicity, or alkalinity, three zones are of highest interest, defined at depth intervals of 15–75 m (A), 75–200 m (B) and 360–400 m (F). The first aim of the study was to identify which biomarkers characterize these specific intervals. The second aim, addressing the transitions zones of these intervals, was to extend the changes in the characteristics of the organic substance, to reflect the changes of conditions in the depositional environment as well as to define biomarker parameters which are the most sensitive sedimentological indicators.The sediments from the hypersaline anoxic and alkaline environment show high contribution of algal precursor biomass, what is in accordance with the good quality of organic substances in the sediments from these zones. High squalane content and low content of regular isoprenoid C25 are typical for hypersaline anoxic environment, whereas sediments from alkaline environment have high regular isoprenoid C25 content.Transition to specific sedimentation zones is characterized by change in total organic matter content, and of both free and pyrolysis-derived, and change in hydrogen index value. In the biomarker distributions, more significant changes were detected in distributions of n-alkanes and isoprenoids, compared to polycyclic alkanes. The most intensive changes in alkane distribution are reflected in changes in n-C17 content compared to n-C27, and phytane compared to n-C18. In addition, significant sensitivity was seen in ratios between squalane and n-alkane C26 (hypersaline depositional environment), or isoprenoid C25 and n-alkane C22 for high alkalinity environment.This study showed that Sq/n-C26 ratio can be used to assess the quality of organic substance in immature lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   
In this paper, possibilities and limits of the application of REE3+ luminescence (especially the Nd3+ 4F3/24I9/2 emission) as structural probe are evaluated. Important factors controlling the Nd3+ luminescence signal are discussed, including effects of the crystal-field, crystal orientation, structural state, and temperature. Particular attention was paid to the study of the accessory minerals zircon (ZrSiO4), xenotime–(Y) (YPO4), monazite–(Ce) (CePO4) and their synthetic analogues. Based on these examples we review in short that (1) REE3+ luminescence can be used as non-destructive phase identification method, (2) the intensities of certain luminescence bands are strongly influenced by crystal orientation effects, and (3) increased widths of REE3+-related emission bands are a strong indicator for structural disorder. We discuss the potential of luminescence spectroscopy, complementary to Raman spectroscopy, for the quantitative estimation of chemical (and potentially also radiation-induced) disorder. For the latter, emissions of Nd3+-related centres are found to be promising candidates.  相似文献   
Subduction and exhumation dynamics can be investigated through analysis of metamorphic and deformational evolution of associated high‐grade rocks. The Erzgebirge anticline, which forms at the boundary between the Saxothuringian and Teplá‐Barrandian domains of the Bohemian Massif, provides a useful study area for these processes owing to the occurrence of numerous meta‐basites preserving eclogite facies assemblages, and coesite and diamond bearing quartzofeldspathic lithologies indicating subduction to deep mantle depths. The prograde and retrograde evolution of meta‐basite from the Czech portion of the Erzgebirge anticline has been constrained through a combination of thermodynamic modelling and conventional thermobarometry. Garnet growth zoning indicates that the rocks underwent burial and heating to peak conditions of 2.6 GPa and at least 615 °C. Initial exhumation occurred with concurrent cooling and decompression resulting in the growth of amphibole and zoisite poikiloblasts overgrowing and including the eclogite facies assemblage. The development of clinopyroxene–plagioclase–amphibole symplectites after omphacite and Al‐rich rims on matrix amphibole indicate later heating at the base of the lower crust. Omphacite microstructures, in particular grain size analysis and lattice‐preferred orientations, indicate that the prograde evolution was characterized by a constrictional strain geometry transitioning into plane strain and oblate fabrics during exhumation. The initial constrictional strain pattern is interpreted as being controlled by competing slab pull and crustal buoyancy forces leading to necking of the subducting slab. The transition to plane strain and flattening geometries represents transfer of material from the subducting lithosphere into a subduction channel, break‐off of the dense slab and rebound of the buoyant crustal material.  相似文献   
A method of landscape evaluation based on the anthropo-ecological approach is worked out. The procedure consists of three stages, viz., general, special and optimization. Within the general stage, the structural arrangement of the landscape is evaluated by means of the concept of geo-ecological sites (GES), which are distributed into four zones (A, B, C, D) according to the degrees of their anthropic disturbance. The zoning performed makes it possible to select those geo-ecological sites where eco-critical relationships can be expected to appear; in order to eliminate such situations, transition zones are calculated for the geo-ecological sites concerned. The outcome of this approach is a proposal of a new structural arrangement of the geo-ecological sites, solving eco-critical situations and serving as a basis for the special and optimization stages of the anthropo-ecological method.  相似文献   
The “HYDRUS package for MODFLOW” is an existing MODFLOW package that allows MODFLOW to simultaneously evaluate transient water flow in both unsaturated and saturated zones. The package is based on incorporating parts of the HYDRUS-1D model (to simulate unsaturated water flow in the vadose zone) into MODFLOW (to simulate saturated groundwater flow). The coupled model is effective in addressing spatially variable saturated-unsaturated hydrological processes at the regional scale. However, one of the major limitations of this coupled model is that it does not have the capability to simulate solute transport along with water flow and therefore, the model cannot be employed for evaluating groundwater contamination. In this work, a modified unsaturated flow and transport package (modified HYDRUS package for MODFLOW and MT3DMS) has been developed and linked to the three-dimensional (3D) groundwater flow model MODFLOW and the 3D groundwater solute transport model MT3DMS. The new package can simulate, in addition to water flow in the vadose zone, also solute transport involving many biogeochemical processes and reactions, including first-order degradation, volatilization, linear or nonlinear sorption, one-site kinetic sorption, two-site sorption, and two-kinetic sites sorption. Due to complex interactions at the groundwater table, certain modifications of the pressure head (compared to the original coupling) and solute concentration profiles were incorporated into the modified HYDRUS package. The performance of the newly developed model is evaluated using HYDRUS (2D/3D), and the results indicate that the new model is effective in simulating the movement of water and contaminants in the saturated-unsaturated flow domains.  相似文献   
Validation of 3D synthetic seismograms based on the ray-Born approximation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first-order Born approximation is a weak scattering perturbation method which is a powerful tool. The combination of the Born approximation and the ray theory enables to extend the applicability of the ray theory in terms of the required smoothness of the model and ensures faster computations than with, e.g., the finite difference method. We are motivated to describe and explain the effects of the numerical discretization of the Born integral on the resulting seismograms. We focus on forward modelling and study the cases in which perturbation from the background model contains the interface. We restrict ourselves to isotropic models that contain two homogeneous layers. We compare the 2D and 3D ray-based Bornapproximation seismograms with the ray-theory seismograms. The Born seismograms are computed using a grid of finite extent. We anticipate that the computational grid should contain an appropriate number of gridpoints, otherwise the seismogram would be inaccurate. We also anticipate that the limited size of the computational grid can cause problems. We demonstrate numerically that an incorrect grid can produce significant errors in the amplitude of the wave, or it can shift the seismogram in time. Moreover, the grid boundaries work as interfaces, where spurious waves can be generated. We also attempt to explain these phenomena theoretically. We give and test the options of removing the spurious waves. We show that it is possible to compute the Born approximation in a sparser grid, if we use elastic parameters averaged from some dense grid.  相似文献   
Meiobenthic fauna is complex and essential part of the stream benthos and it is known as intermediaries from bacteria to higher trophic levels. However, the dynamics and mechanisms regulating this community at small-scale largely have been neglected. This study was carried out to determine meiofaunal dynamics in a small scale-patterns influenced by flow velocity and other abiotic and biotic factors. We examined meiofauna within bryophytes on a tufa barrier in Plitvice Lakes National Park using a detailed taxonomic approach of various meiofaunal groups and their feeding guilds. We choose three microhabitats (slow, medium, fast) differing significantly in flow velocity above bryophytes. Bdelloid rotifers were the most abundant group in microhabitat with highest flow velocity, while in other two microhabitats nematodes and monogonont rotifers prevailed in abundance. Data on environmental variables and main meiofaunal taxa and feeding guilds were analyzed using redundancy analysis. This analysis indicated that microfilter feeding guild (e.g. bdelloid rotifers) was strongly affected by interaction of flow velocity and POM fractions. Other feeding guilds were influenced by temperature, oxygen and/or pH and did not prefer high flow velocity. Suction-feeder nematodes and microfilter-feeder rotifers were dominant on temporal and spatial scale, indicating their good adaptations on frequently disturbed conditions that prevailed on bryophyte covered tufa barrier. Our results provide comprehensive survey of diversity, density as well as trophic structure of meiofauna in aquatic bryophytes. Differences in meiofaunal composition and density between three microhabitats suggest that the meiofauna is relevant indicator of environmental changes even at small-scale pattern.  相似文献   
Z. Švestka 《Solar physics》1976,47(1):375-384
Three problems are emphasized in particular: the preflare magnetic field configuration, velocity fields, and the nature of acceleration processes in flares. It is concluded that what we need most urgently are high-resolution hard X-ray, soft X-ray, and EUV-pictures, coronal spectra, and magnetograms with high resolution both in space and time. A space-shuttle equipped with instrumentation of this kind would contribute significantly to our knowledge of the flare process.  相似文献   
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