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正Ba同位素由于具有在低温环境中分馏的特性,相比放射性同位素与微量元素,可以更好地示踪地球深部动力学过程中的再循环物质。研究表明沉积物与蚀变洋壳具有明显不同的Ba同位素组成(沉积物富集来自重晶石的Ba),使得Ba同位素成为研究表层与地幔储库间物质交换的有力工具。最近美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所报道了来自全球洋中脊的21个MORB样品的Ba、Sr、Nd同位素和微量元素组成以及两个钻井中沉积物和蚀变洋壳  相似文献   
We argue that the temperature of the stellar phase is likely a monotically decreasing function of radius in the central regions of elliptical galaxies with cusps. We show that it requires the presence of a central mass concentration. An estimate of its minimum mass based on few parameters is given. This lower bound is consistent with current mass values of the central objects in galaxies derived from detailed models. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Matching seismic data in assisted history matching processes can be a challenging task. One main idea is to bring flexibility in the choice of the parameters to be perturbed, focusing on the information provided by seismic data. Local parameterization techniques such as pilot-point or gradual deformation methods can be introduced, considering their high adaptability. However, the choice of the spatial supports associated to the perturbed parameters is crucial to successfully reduce the seismic mismatch. The information related to seismic data is sometimes considered to initialize such local methods. Recent attempts to define the regions adaptively have been proposed, focusing on the mismatch between simulated and reference seismic data. However, the regions are defined manually for each optimization process. Therefore, we propose to drive the definition of the parameter support by performing an automatic definition of the regions to be perturbed from the residual maps related to the 3D seismic data. Two methods are developed in this paper. The first one consists in clustering the residual map with classification algorithms. The second method proposes to drive the generation of pilot point locations in an adaptive way. Residual maps, after proper normalization, are considered as probability density functions of the pilot point locations. Both procedures lead to a complete adaptive and highly flexible perturbation technique for 3D seismic matching. A synthetic study based on the PUNQ test case is introduced to illustrate the potential of these adaptive strategies.  相似文献   
The paper presents the concept, the objectives, the approach used, and the expected performances and accuracies of a radioscience experiment based on a radio link between the Earth and the surface of Mars. This experiment involves radioscience equipment installed on a lander at the surface of Mars. The experiment with the generic name lander radioscience (LaRa) consists of an X-band transponder that has been designed to obtain, over at least one Martian year, two-way Doppler measurements from the radio link between the ExoMars lander and the Earth (ExoMars is an ESA mission to Mars due to launch in 2013). These Doppler measurements will be used to obtain Mars’ orientation in space and rotation (precession and nutations, and length-of-day variations). More specifically, the relative position of the lander on the surface of Mars with respect to the Earth ground stations allows reconstructing Mars’ time varying orientation and rotation in space.Precession will be determined with an accuracy better by a factor of 4 (better than the 0.1% level) with respect to the present-day accuracy after only a few months at the Martian surface. This precession determination will, in turn, improve the determination of the moment of inertia of the whole planet (mantle plus core) and the radius of the core: for a specific interior composition or even for a range of possible compositions, the core radius is expected to be determined with a precision decreasing to a few tens of kilometers.A fairly precise measurement of variations in the orientation of Mars’ spin axis will enable, in addition to the determination of the moment of inertia of the core, an even better determination of the size of the core via the core resonance in the nutation amplitudes. When the core is liquid, the free core nutation (FCN) resonance induces a change in the nutation amplitudes, with respect to their values for a solid planet, at the percent level in the large semi-annual prograde nutation amplitude and even more (a few percent, a few tens of percent or more, depending on the FCN period) for the retrograde ter-annual nutation amplitude. The resonance amplification depends on the size, moment of inertia, and flattening of the core. For a large core, the amplification can be very large, ensuring the detection of the FCN, and determination of the core moment of inertia.The measurement of variations in Mars’ rotation also determines variations of the angular momentum due to seasonal mass transfer between the atmosphere and ice caps. Observations even for a short period of 180 days at the surface of Mars will decrease the uncertainty by a factor of two with respect to the present knowledge of these quantities (at the 10% level).The ultimate objectives of the proposed experiment are to obtain information on Mars’ interior and on the sublimation/condensation of CO2 in Mars’ atmosphere. Improved knowledge of the interior will help us to better understand the formation and evolution of Mars. Improved knowledge of the CO2 sublimation/condensation cycle will enable better understanding of the circulation and dynamics of Mars’ atmosphere.  相似文献   
We are describing a new multi-fibre positioner, MEFOS, that was in generaluse at the La Silla Observatory, and implemented at the prime focus of theESO 3.6 m telescope. It is an arm positioner using 29 arms in a one degreefield. Each arm is equipped with an individual viewing system for accuratesetting and carries two spectroscopic fibres, one for the astronomical objectand the other one for the sky recording needed for sky subtraction. Thespectral fibres intercept 2.5 arcsec on the sky and run from the prime focusto the Cassegrain, where the B&C spectrograph is located. Afterdescribing the observational procedure, we present the first scientificresults.  相似文献   
GETEMME (Gravity, Einstein??s Theory, and Exploration of the Martian Moons?? Environment), a mission which is being proposed in ESA??s Cosmic Vision program, shall be launched for Mars on a Soyuz Fregat in 2020. The spacecraft will initially rendezvous with Phobos and Deimos in order to carry out a comprehensive mapping and characterization of the two satellites and to deploy passive Laser retro-reflectors on their surfaces. In the second stage of the mission, the spacecraft will be transferred into a lower 1500-km Mars orbit, to carry out routine Laser range measurements to the reflectors on Phobos and Deimos. Also, asynchronous two-way Laser ranging measurements between the spacecraft and stations of the ILRS (International Laser Ranging Service) on Earth are foreseen. An onboard accelerometer will ensure a high accuracy for the spacecraft orbit determination. The inversion of all range and accelerometer data will allow us to determine or improve dramatically on a host of dynamic parameters of the Martian satellite system. From the complex motion and rotation of Phobos and Deimos we will obtain clues on internal structures and the origins of the satellites. Also, crucial data on the time-varying gravity field of Mars related to climate variation and internal structure will be obtained. Ranging measurements will also be essential to improve on several parameters in fundamental physics, such as the Post-Newtonian parameter ?? as well as time-rate changes of the gravitational constant and the Lense-Thirring effect. Measurements by GETEMME will firmly embed Mars and its satellites into the Solar System reference frame.  相似文献   
An in situ weathering profile overlying chlorite schists in the Mbalmayo-Bengbis formations (South Cameroon) was chosen for the study of the behaviour of REE and the evaluation of geochemical mass balance. After physical and mineralogical studies, the chlorite schists and the undisturbed weathered materials were chemically analyzed for major elements (X-ray fluorescence and titrimetry) and REE (ICP-MS). The behaviour of the REE in the Mbalmayo weathering system was established in comparison with the REE of the reference parent rock. Mass balance calculations were applied to both major elements and REE. The mineralogy of the materials was determined with the aid of a Philips 1720, diffractometer. The chlorite schists of the Mbalmayo sector show low REE contents (Σ=153.44 ppm). These rocks are relatively rich in LREE (about 125 times the chondritic value) and relatively poor in HREE (about 20 times the chondritic value). The REE diagram normalized to chondrites shows a slightly split graph ((La/Yb)N=6.18) with marked enrichment in LREE (LREE/HREE=9.50) in relation to HREE. Moreover, these spectra do not present any Ce anomaly, but a slightly positive Eu anomaly. The imperfectly evolved profile, whose materials are genetically linked, shows an atypical behaviour of REE. In effect, the LREE are more mobile than the HREE during weathering ((La/Yb)NASC<1) with weak Ce anomalies. This has been rarely reported in lateritic profiles characterized by higher HREE mobility than LREE during weathering processes with high Ce anomalies. This is either due to the difference in the stability of REE-bearing minerals, or to the weak acidic to basic pH conditions (6.70<pH<7.80), or even due to the average evolution of the weathering materials. The pathway of the REE along the profile is as follows: (1) leaching in the saprolites and summit of the profile, except for Ce, which precipitates very weakly in the nodular materials and the coarse saprolite materials, (2) at the base of the profile, solutions come in contact with chlorite schist formations, at this level, the pH increases (pH=7.79), HREE and a part of LREE partially void of Ce precipitate and (3) the other part of LREE precipitates further up in the profile. The geochemical mass balance calculations reveal that these elements are leached in the same phases as the relatively high Si, Al, K and Fe2+ contents.  相似文献   
Early studies suggest that people living in rural neighbourhoods are more satisfied with their residential location than people living in cities. Consequently, most individuals seem to prefer low-density environments to reside in. More recent studies, however, state that rural residents are no more likely to be satisfied with their residential neighbourhood than their urban counterparts. In addition, a considerable, growing part of the population seems to have a clear preference for urban neighbourhoods. The results of our research, conducted in Flanders, Belgium, suggest that urbanites are more satisfied with their neighbourhood than rural residents are. Neighbourhood preferences differ less between urbanites and rural residents. However, there are differences indicating that urbanites have a preference for rural neighbourhoods and rural residents a preference for urban neighbourhoods. In sum, it seems that people, once they have selected their residential location, are not satisfied with the neighbourhood characteristics and tend to develop a preference for a different neighbourhood type. This mismatch can be partly explained by the strongly developed urban sprawl in Flanders, reducing the residential qualities of urban and especially rural environments. Restricting further urban sprawl, with the help of a more active spatial planning policy, seems necessary to increase neighbourhood satisfaction.  相似文献   
The retrograde P-T-t path of intermediate and high-temperature eclogites (T 500 ± 50°C) is characterized by the transformation of omphacite into a symplectitic intergrowth of clinopyroxene and plagioclase lamellae. Often, this symplectite shows a two stage microstructural evolution, i.e. a coarse lamellar width symplectite, »S1«, followed by a thinner lamellar width symplectite, »S2«. Each symplectite may also evolve independently into a final globular microstructure, »SG«.According to metallurgical concepts, the phase transition »omphacite clinopyroxene + plagioclase« is classified as a discontinuous precipitation reaction. In discontinuous precipitation reactions, the lamellar spacing (L) depends on temperature (T) according to the growth law log (L) = A-B/T, in which A and B are constants. Therefore thin symplectites characterize low temperatures, where-as coarse symplectites characterize higher temperatures.In order of specify the thermal evolution of continental collision zones, the reliability of the discontinuous precipitation growth law has been tested on eclogites showing contrasted retrograde P-T-t histories in different geological environments, i.e. Alpine, Caledonian and Variscan Belts. Indeed, our investigations reveal that the clinopyroxene/plagioclase symplectite can be used as a potential geothermobarometer in eclogites recording temperatures above 500 ± 50°C. The temperature is obtained by the lamellar spacing and pressure by the Jadeite content of the symplectite clinopyroxene in the presence of plagioclase and quartz.
Zusammenfassung Der retrograde P-T-t Pfad von intermediären und hochtemperierten Eklogiten (T 500 ±50°C) ist charakterisiert durch die Umformung von Omphazit in symplektitische Verwachsungen von Klinopyroxen und Plagioklas-Lamellen. Häufig zeigt dieser Symplektit eine zweiphasige mikrostrukturelle Entwicklung, das heißt, ein Symplektit mit breiten Lamellen »S1« wird gefolgt von einem Symplektit mit dünneren Lamellen »2«. Jeder Symplektittyp kann sich schließlich selbständig zu einer kugelförmigen MikroStruktur »SG« entwikkeln.Auf Grund von metallurgischen Vorstellungen wir die Phasenumwandlung Omphazit zu Klinopyroxen + Plagioklas als diskontinuierliche Ausfällungsreaktion klassifiziert. In diskontinuierlichen Ausfällungsreaktionen hängt der Lamellenabstand (L) von der Temperatur (T) nach dem Wachstumsgesetz log (L) = A-B/T ab, in dem A und B Konstanten sind. Daher zeigen dünne Symplektite niedrige Temperaturen an, während breite Symplektite höhere Temperaturen anzeigen.Um die thermische Entwicklung von kontinentalen Kollisionszonen zu spezifizieren mußte die Zuververlässigkeit des diskontinuierlichen Ausfällungswachstumsgesetz an Eklogiten getestet werden, die unterschiedlich retrograde P-T-t Geschichten aus verschieden Umgebungen zeigen; das heißt aus alpinen, kaledonischen und variszischen Gebirgszügen. Tatsächlich offenbaren unsere Bemühungen, daß der Klinopyroxen/Plagioklas Symplektit als potentielles Geothermobarometer in Eklogiten benutzt werden kann, die Temperaturen über 500°C ± 50°C erfahren haben. Die Temperatur kann man aus dem Lamellenabstand erhalten; den Druck durch den Jadeitgehalt des symplektitischen Pyroxens, in Anwesenheit von Plagioklas und Quarz.

Résumé La déstabilisation de l'omphacite, en une symplectite à alternance de lamelles de clinopyroxène et de plagioclase, caractérise l'initiation du trajet rétrograde P-T-t pour les éclogites de température 500 ± 50°C. Cette symplectite présente parfois une évolution microstructurale depuis une symplectite grossière à alternance de lamelles larges, »S1«, relayée par une symplectite à alternance de lamelles fines, »S2«. Chaque symplectite peut aussi évoluer indépendemment en une microstructure globulaire tardive, »Sg«.En accord avec les concepts établis par les métallurgistes, la transformation »omphacite clinopyroxène + plagioclase« est une précipitation discontinue. Pour ce type de transformation, l'espace interlamellaire (L) dépend de la température (T) selon la loi de croissance Log (L) =A-B/T (*), où A et B sont des constantes. Ainsi, une symplectite fine (de type S2) caractérise des températures relativement plus basses qu'une symplectite grossière (de type S1).Afin de préciser l'évolution thermique des zones de collision continentale, nous avons testé la loi de croissance (*) sur des éclogites échantillonnées dans divers contextes géologiques (chaînes alpine, calédonide et varisque), présentant des trajets rétrogrades P-T-t contrastés. Les résultats montrent que la symplectite à clinopyroxène/plagioclase représente un géothermobaromètre potentiel de la rétromorphose des éclogites: la taille de l'espace interlamellaire dépend de la température et la teneur en jadéite des lamelles de clinopyroxène, en présence de quartz et à l'équilibre avec le plagioclase, dépend de la pression.

. , .. , «S 1», «S 2». «SG». , . (L) () — — log (L) = - /, . , . , , , .: , . , , / , , 500° + 50°. , — , .
介绍了一种基于地理定位原理的方法。试验结果表明,该方法可以有效的实现去平地效应处理。  相似文献   
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