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The eastern syntaxis of the Himalaya, Namche Barwa, is dominated by a north-plunging antiform which began to decompress/grow at approximately 4 Ma. New fission-track analyses on both apatite and zircon, combined with previous geochronological ages, indicate that the Namche Barwa Dome also extended laterally while growing vertically. Zircon fission-track ages range from 17.6 to 0.2 Ma and have a strong relationship to the main faults of the region, including the Tertiary Tsangpo Suture, with the younger ages inside the fault bounds towards the syntaxis core on the Indian Plate and the older ages away from the fault. Apatite ages reveal that the dome has grown laterally and now impinges over the older faulted margin onto the Asian Plate. The dome is traversed by the Tsangpo which has followed the trace of the Suture for over 1300 km from its source to the entrance of the dome near Dania. As the Tsangpo crosses the dome it departs from the Suture but rejoins it some 60 km northeastwards. We construe that the Suture has been displaced by the growing antiform and as a consequence, the antecedent river has been “dragged” in a left-lateral sense along the exhuming north-plunging dome. Restoring the Suture to its position prior to 4 Ma reveals a path of the Tsangpo eastwards across the present southwestern position of the Namche Barwa indentation. This geometric reconstrunction implies that the Tsangpo and the Brahmaputra were always one and the same river. In addition, the Tsangpo was tectonically forced into juxtaposition with a tributary of the Jiali-Parlung which it probably then captured. The capture was due to tectonic forcing, in the last 4 Ma, rather than headward retreat of the paleo-Brahmaputra as has been previously suggested.  相似文献   
The solubility of silver sulphide (acanthite/argentite) has been measured in aqueous sulphide solutions between 25 and 400°C at saturated water vapour pressure and 500 bar to determine the stability and stoichiometry of sulphide complexes of silver(I) in hydrothermal solutions. The experiments were carried out in a flow-through autoclave, connected to a high-performance liquid chromatographic pump, titanium sampling loop, and a back-pressure regulator on line. Samples for silver determination were collected via the titanium sampling loop at experimental temperatures and pressures. The solubilities, measured as total dissolved silver, were in the range 1.0 × 10−7 to 1.30 × 10−4 mol kg−1 (0.01 to 14.0 ppm), in solutions of total reduced sulphur between 0.007 and 0.176 mol kg−1 and pHT,p of 3.7 to 12.7. A nonlinear least squares treatment of the data demonstrates that the solubility of silver sulphide in aqueous sulphide solutions of acidic to alkaline pH is accurately described by the reactions0.5Ag2S(s) + 0.5H2S(aq) = AgHS(aq) Ks,1110.5Ag2S(s) + 0.5H2S(aq) + HS = Ag(HS)2− Ks,122Ag2S(s) + 2HS = Ag2S(HS)22− Ks,232where AgHS(aq) is the dominant species in acidic solutions, Ag(HS)2− under neutral pH conditions and Ag2S(HS)22− in alkaline solutions. With increasing temperature the stability field of Ag(HS)2− increases and shifts to more alkaline pH in accordance with the change in the first ionisation constant of H2S(aq). Consequently, Ag2S(HS)22− is not an important species above 200°C. The solubility constant for the first reaction is independent of temperature to 300°C, with values in the range logKs,111 = −5.79 (±0.07) to −5.59 (±0.09), and decreases to −5.92 (±0.16) at 400°C. The solubility constant for the second reaction increases almost linearly with inverse temperature from logKs,122 = −3.97 (±0.04) at 25°C to −1.89 (±0.03) at 400°C. The solubility constant for the third reaction increases with temperature from logKs,232 = −4.78 (±0.04) at 25°C to −4.57 (±0.18) at 200°C. All solubility constants were found to be independent of pressure within experimental uncertainties. The interaction between Ag+ and HS at 25°C and 1 bar to form AgHS(aq) has appreciable covalent character, as reflected in the exothermic enthalpy and small entropy of formation. With increasing temperature, the stepwise formation reactions become progressively more endothermic and are accompanied by large positive entropies, indicating greater electrostatic interaction. The aqueous speciation of silver is very sensitive to fluid composition and temperature. Below 100°C silver(I) sulphide complexes predominate in reduced sulphide solutions, whereas Ag+ and AgClOH are the dominant species in oxidised waters. In high-temperature hydrothermal solutions of seawater salinity, chloride complexes of silver(I) are most important, whereas in dilute hydrothermal fluids of meteoric origin typically found in active geothermal systems, sulphide complexes predominate. Adiabatic boiling of dilute and saline geothermal waters leads to precipitation of silver sulphide and removal of silver from solution. Conductive cooling has insignificant effects on silver mobility in dilute fluids, whereas it leads to quantitative loss of silver for geothermal fluids of seawater salinity.  相似文献   
Exhumation during crustal folding in the Namche-Barwa syntaxis   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Geological observation in the eastern end of the Himalaya shows that the Asia/India Suture is folded. Metamorphic rocks derived from India occur structurally below the suture, in the core of a regional antiform. Isotopic and fission track dating establish cooling-exhumation of rocks from c.30 km depth within the last 4 Myr. We argue that exhumation is caused by ~ 10 mm yr-1 erosion coeval with crustal scale folding.  相似文献   
In order to understand the significance of detrital grain ages in sedimentary basins, a new approach is presented. Five characteristic paths, identified by the change in age of detrital grain populations combined with the change in lagtime over time, can be related to different geodynamic settings in the source regions. When lagtime and grain age increase over time, a change in source must be invoked – this is usually a direct response to a geological event. A constant cooling age, a vertical path, associated implicitly with increasing lagtime, implies erosion of materials that had passed through the closure temperature rapidly – exhuming sufficient rock to supply detritus over the time of the path. Constant lagtimes, regardless of the lagtime itself, are indicative of thermochronological stability in the source region. This can involve fast or slow cooling. Finally, decreasing lagtimes support the notion of increasing cooling rates in the source regions over time. A test study is presented from sediments of the northern Ecuadorian Sub‐Andean Zone where geological events had previously been identified using alternative methods. The addition of heavy‐mineral studies increased the precision in the interpretation. At 90 Ma, rapidly decreasing lagtimes point to a phase of tectonic activity. From about 85 Ma until about 60 Ma the lagtimes were approximately zero. This represents a phase of rapid exhumation of the source regions correlating with the previously identified Pallatanga event. An associated increase of metamorphic minerals occurs over this time span, pointing to increased erosion from deeper horizons. At about 70 Ma, the oldest source region, the shield to the east, was switched off. This timing correlates with a change from marine to continental conditions in the basin, a change in palaeocurrent directions from the east to the west, as well as an associated influx of material from the growing Cordillera Real. At about 55 Ma, a change in source is identified by a change in slope of the lagtime curve together with a change in heavy minerals. From 50 to 35 Ma a renewed period of tectonism in the source region is correlated with the docking of the Macuchi terrane which clearly had an effect of increased erosion in the Cordillera Real bringing in higher grade metamorphic minerals. From about 32 Ma onwards the lagtime has been somewhat constant at about 30 Myr. This does not imply, however, a steady‐state environment as it is well known from other geological evidence that there have been other events within this time frame. One must be cautious about over‐interpreting the lagtime as a method to determine steady state in any region. It is a matter of scale.  相似文献   
Interceptor trenches are an effective ground water control method at waste management sites. Trenches may be installed without disturbing the wastes, and the withdrawal of ground water recovers contaminants that have left the waste management perimeter. The rapid and steep depression of the piezometric surface on both sides of the trench is positive proof of a barrier to horizontal flow across the trench in the affected permeable units.
Historically, the construction of interceptor trenches has been very difficult. A new and efficient installation method has been developed and successfully utilized for several applications at a petrochemical facility on the Texas coastal plain. Rapid and cost-effective installation is made possible by innovations in sump and trench construction and the tie-in between the two.
The sump is constructed first using standard well construction techniques to drill a 96-inch diameter hole to contain the 42-inch diameter polyethylene pipe sump. A European designed and fabricated trenching machine then excavates the trench, inserts the drainage pipe and backfills with sand and/or gravel in one operation. A specially designed perforated pipe entry door built into the side of the sump barrel provides for efficient and safe connection of the drainage pipe to the specially designed collection sump. The effectiveness of interceptor trenches has been confirmed in full scale applications through the reversal of flow gradients and the prevention of continued horizontal migration of ground water contaminants.  相似文献   
Alpine deformation of Austroalpine units south of the Tauern window is dominated by two kinematic regimes. Prior to intrusion of the main Periadriatic plutons at ~30 Ma, the shear sense was sinistral in the current orientation, with a minor north-side-up component. Sinistral shearing locally overprints contact metamorphic porphyroblasts and early Periadriatic dykes. Direct Rb-Sr dating of microsampled synkinematic muscovite gave ages in the range 33-30 Ma, whereas pseudotachylyte locally crosscutting the mylonitic foliation gave an interpreted 40Ar-39Ar age of ~46 Ma. The transition from sinistral to dextral (transpressive) kinematics related to the Periadriatic fault occurred rapidly, between solidification of the earlier dykes and of the main plutons. Subsequent brittle-ductile to brittle faults are compatible with N-S to NNW-SSE shortening and orogen-parallel extension. Antithetic Riedel shears are distinguished from the previous sinistral fabric by their fine-grained quartz microstructures, with local pseudotachylyte formation. One such pseudotachylyte from Speikboden gave a 40Ar-39Ar age of 20 Ma, consistent with pseudotachylyte ages related to the Periadriatic fault. The magnitude of dextral offset on the Periadriatic fault cannot be directly estimated. However, the jump in zircon and apatite fission-track ages establishes that the relative vertical displacement was ~4-5 km since 24 Ma, and that movement continued until at least 13 Ma.  相似文献   
The solubility of gold in aqueous sulphide solutions has been determined from pH20°C ≈ 4 to pH20°C ≈ 9.5 in the presence of a pyrite-pyrrhotite redox buffer at temperatures from 160 to 300°C and 1000 bar pressure. Maximum solubilities were obtained in the neutral region of pH as, for example, with mNaHS = 0.15 m, pH20°C = 5.96, T = 309°C, P = 1000 bar where a gold solubility of 225 mg/kg was obtained. It was concluded that three thio gold complexes contributed to the solubility. The complex Au2(HS)2S2? predominated in alkaline solution, the Au(HS)2? complex occurred in the neutral pH region, and in the acid pH region, it was concluded with less certainty that the Au(HS)° complex was present. Formation constants calculated forAu2(HS)2S2? and Au (HS)2? emphasize their high stability. In the temperature range from 175 to 250°C, values of for Au2(HS)2S2? vary from ?53.0 to 47.9 (±1.6) and from ?23.1 to ?19.5 ( ± 1.5) for Au(HS)2?. Equilibrium constante for the dissolution reactions, Au° + H2S + HS? ? Au(HS)2? + 12H2 and 2Au° + H2S + 2H8? ? Au(HS)2? + H2 vary from pKm = +2.4 to +2.55 (±0.10) for Au2(HS)2S2? and from pKn = + 1.29 to + 1.19 (±0.10) for Au(HS)2? over the temperature range 175 to 250°C. Enthalpies of these dissolution reactions were calculated to be ΔHm° = ?5.2 ±2.0 kcal/mol and ΔHn° = +1.7 ±2.0 kcal/mol respectively. It was concluded that gold is probably transported in hydrothermal ore solutions as both thio and chloro complexes and may be deposited in response to changes in temperature, pressure, pH, oxidation potential of the system and total sulphur concentration.  相似文献   
U-Th rich mineral inclusions in apatite are often held responsible for erroneously old (U-Th)/He ages, because they produce “parentless” He. Three aspects associated with this problem are discussed here. First, simple dimensional considerations indicate that for small mineral inclusions, the parentless helium problem might not be as serious as generally thought. For example, a mineral inclusion that is 10% the length, width and height of its host apatite needs to be a thousand times more concentrated in U and Th to produce an equal amount of He. Therefore, single isolated inclusions smaller than a few μm are unlikely to contribute significant helium. For larger or more abundant inclusions, the parentless helium problem can be solved by dissolution of the apatite and its inclusions in hot HF. Second, besides creating parentless helium, inclusions also complicate α-ejection corrections. Mathematical exploration of this latter problem for spherical geometries reveals that for randomly distributed inclusions, the probability distribution of single-grain ages is predicted to have a sharp mode at the mean age, with tails towards younger and older ages. Multiple-grain measurements will yield accurate and precise age estimates if 10 or more randomly distributed α-emitting mineral inclusions are present in a sample. Third, thermal modeling indicates that mineral inclusions have a non-trivial but minor (<5 °C) effect on the closure temperature. These predictions were tested on apatites from rapidly cooled migmatites of Naxos (Greece) which contain abundant U-rich zircon inclusions. Thirty-seven samples were subjected to two kinds of treatment. The “pooled” age (i.e., the synthetic multi-grain age computed from a number of single-grain analyses) of four inclusion-free samples (13 apatites), prepared in HNO3 is 10.9 Ma, close to apatite and zircon fission-track ages from the same rock. (U-Th)/He ages of 14 inclusion-bearing samples dissolved in HNO3 range between 9 and 45 Ma, with a pooled age of 22.6 Ma. The ages of 19 HF-treated samples range between 5 and 16 Ma, with 10 of 14 single-grain samples between 9 and 13 Ma and a pooled age of 10.9 Ma. These observations agree with the theoretical predictions and support the addition of HF-treated apatite (U-Th)/He dating to the thermochronological toolbox.  相似文献   
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