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This paper considers the data on new findings of mammoth fauna remains in the Middle Lena basin used to specify the species composition of large Late Neopleistocene mammals represented by eleven species. The obtained range of radiocarbon dates made it possible to state that mass burials of Pleistocene mammal remains were formed in the region during the Karginsk Interstadial (24 000–55 000 years ago).  相似文献   
Phytoplankton plays a dominant role in shelf biogeochemistry by producing the major part of organic matter. Part of the organic matter will reach the sediment where diagenetic processes like denitrification, apatite formation or burial will remove nutrients from the biogeochemical cycle. In this article current knowledge on the decadal plankton variability in the North Sea is summarized and possible implications of these changes for the biogeochemistry of the North Sea are discussed. Most of the observed interdecadal dynamics seem to be linked to large-scale oceanographic and atmospheric processes. Prominent changes in the North Sea ecosystem have taken place around 1979 and 1988. In general, the phytoplankton color (CPRS indicator of phytoplankton biomass) reached minimum values during the end of the 1970s and has increased especially since the mid 1980s. Changes with a similar timing have been identified in many time series from the North Sea through the entire ecosystem and are sometimes referred to as regime shifts. It is suggested that the impact of global change on the local biogeochemistry is largely driven by the phyto- and zooplankton dynamics during spring and early summer. At that time the extent of zooplankton–phytoplankton interaction either allows that a large part of the new production is settling to the sediment, or that a significant part of the new production including the fixed nutrients is kept within the pelagic system. The origin of the extent of the phytoplankton–zooplankton interaction in spring is probably set in the previous autumn and winter. In coastal areas, both large-scale atmospheric and oceanographic changes as well as anthropogenic factors influence the long-term dynamics. Due to eutrophication, local primary production nowadays still is up to five times higher than during pre-industrial conditions, despite a decreasing trend. Recently, introduced species have strengthened the filter feeder component of coastal ecosystems. Especially in shallow coastal seas like the Wadden Sea, this will enhance particle retention, shift organic matter degradation to the benthic compartment and enhance nutrient removal from the biogeochemical cycle by denitrification or apatite formation.  相似文献   
Doklady Earth Sciences - Data on the carbon isotope composition of graphite and CO2 from inclusions in quartz of granitoids of the Southern Marginal Zone (SMZ) of the Limpopo granulite belt, South...  相似文献   
We report results of hydrothermal experiments on four alluvial zircons from Sri Lanka, which cover a wide range of radiation damage, at 450 °C and 1.3 kbar for 744 h with 2 M CaCl2 solution as reactive fluid. After the hydrothermal treatment, the most metamict samples show micrometer-thick reaction rims, which surround apparently unreacted zircon, as revealed by cathodoluminescence (CL) and Nomarski differential interference contrast (NDIC) images. These rims have sharp, curved, and transgressive boundaries with unreacted zircon and are, in some cases, spread out along cracks. The thickness of reaction rims increases with increasing cumulated !-dosage of the starting materials. The reaction rims are strongly enriched in Ca (up to 7000 ppm) and a water species and depleted in radiogenic Pb, Zr, and Si, as revealed by electron microprobe analyses. A significant Th loss from the reaction rims was detected in the case of the most metamict sample, whereas U remained in the structure. FT-infrared spectrometry and X-ray diffraction measurements revealed that the bulk run products were recrystallized. Using micro-Raman spectrometry, we were able to demonstrate that differential recrystallization took place. The reaction rims are strongly recrystallized, whereas the unreacted grain interiors underwent only minor recrystallization. Recrystallization of the rims is accompanied by an enhancement of the integral CL intensity. It is suggested that recrystallization in the reaction rims was catalyzed by water infiltration and ion exchange and prevented significant congruent zircon dissolution under the given experimental conditions. Previous zircon studies have shown that (1) a transgressive morphology, (2) a reduced Th-U ratio, and (3) an enhanced CL emission are also characteristics of rims in zircons from high-grade metamorphic rocks. Based on these similarities between natural and experimentally produced rims, it is suggested that leaching-catalyzed recrystallization is an important alteration process in zircon under wet geological conditions and can account for many complex core-rim structures found in natural zircons. Furthermore, the strong enrichment of Ca in the reaction rims supports previous assumptions that high Ca concentrations in natural zircons are of secondary origin. It is suggested that lower U-Pb concordia intercept ages obtained from single-phase zircons with high Ca contents date a leaching event.  相似文献   
The Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt in South Africa is characterised by a granulite and retrograde hydrated granulite terrane. The Southern Marginal Zone is, therefore, perfectly suitable to study fluids during and after granulite facies metamorphism by means of fluid inclusions and equilibrium calculations. Isolated and clustered high-salinity aqueous and CO2(-CH4) fluid inclusions within quartz inclusions in garnet in metapelites demonstrate that these immiscible low H2O activity fluids were present under peak metamorphic conditions (800-850 °C, 7.5-8.5 kbar). The absence of widespread high-temperature metasomatic alteration indicates that the brine fluid was probably only locally present in small quantities. Thermocalc calculations demonstrate that the peak metamorphic mineral assemblage in mafic granulites was in equilibrium with a fluid with a low H2O activity (0.2-0.3). The absence of water in CO2-rich fluid inclusions is due to either observation difficulties or selective water leakage. The density of CO2 inclusions in trails suggests a retrograde P-T path dominated by decompression at T<600 °C. Re-evaluation of previously published data demonstrates that retrograde hydration of the granulites at 600 °C occurred in the presence of H2O and CO2-rich fluids under P-T conditions of 5-6 kbar and ~600 °C. The different compositions of the hydrating fluid suggest more than one fluid source.  相似文献   
Stem wood of the Angiosperm Calluna vulgaris (Scotch heather), isolated at different depths from a selection of raised bog peat deposits, was chemically characterized using in-source pyrolysis mass spectrometry (Py-MS) and Curie-point pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS). Light microscopy was performed to relate mass spectrometric characteristics with anatomical features. Peatified wood samples, isolated from increasing depth show a gradual decrease in carbohydrate content. This decrease in anatomically reflected in a selective removal of secondary cell wall material from the fibre-tracheids and wood parenchyma. During prolonged peatification a selective removal of hemicellulose sugars is observed, while a part of the cellulose fraction is preserved. This highly resistant cellulose is mainly located in the secondary cell walls of the vessels. The lignin macromolecule is preserved, but a gradual decrease in syringyl to guaiacyl ratio (S/G) is observed during peatification. Because no increase in catechol and phenolic compounds is observed, we conclude that S/G shifts are due to removal the of syringyl-rich secondary cell wall material and the retention of guaiacyl-rich compound middle lamella. Small chemical changes in the lignin macromolecule involve shifts in oxygen substitutions on the aliphatic side chains of the methoxyphenolics and the occurrence of aromatic acids.  相似文献   
The stability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC) is investigated for various climate scenario runs, using data from the CMIP3 archive of coupled atmosphere-ocean models. Apart from atmospheric feedbacks, the sign of the salt flux into the Atlantic basin that is carried by the MOC determines whether the MOC is in the single or multiple equilibria regime. This salt advection feedback is analyzed by diagnosing the freshwater and salt budgets for the combined Atlantic and Arctic basins. Consistent with the finding that almost all coupled climate models recover from hosing experiments, it is found that most models feature a negative salt advection feedback in their pre-industrial climate: freshwater perturbations are damped by this feedback, excluding the existence of a stable off-state for the MOC. All models feature enhanced evaporation over the Atlantic basin in future climates, but for a moderate increase in radiative forcing (B1 and 2 CO2 scenarios), there is a decrease of the fresh water flux carried by the MOC into the Atlantic (the deficit is made up by increased fresh water transport by the gyre circulation). In this forcing regime the salt advection feedback becomes less negative: for three models from an ensemble of eight it is positive in a 2 CO2 climate, while two models feature a positive feedback in the pre-industrial climate. For even warmer climates (A1B-equilibrium and 4 CO2) the salt feedback becomes more negative (damping) again. It is shown that the decrease in northward fresh water transport at 34°S by the MOC (in B1-equilibrium and 2 CO2) is due to a reduction of the inflow of intermediate waters relative to thermocline waters, associated with a robust shoaling of the MOC in future, warmer climates. In A1B and 4 CO2 climates northward freshwater transport increases again. The MOC keeps shoaling, but both intermediate and thermocline water masses freshen.  相似文献   
Morphological and geological investigations along the Western Rift in the Lake Mobutu area (formerly Lake Albert), Uganda, East Africa are reviewed.Morphotectonic analyses reveal a complex interplay between rift faulting, erosion processes and sedimentation; an inversion of laterite surfaces in zones of subsidence and sedimentation is suggested. At least three phases of rift faulting can be recorded. The initiation of rift faulting is regarded as younger than the upper latente surface but pre lower Miocene.
Zusammenfassung Morphologische und geologische Untersuchungen am westlichen Zweig des ostafrikanischen Grabens im Bereich des Mobutu-Sees (früher Albert-See) in Uganda werden zusammen mit den Ergebnissen der bisherigen Arbeiten in einer Gesamtschau dargestellt.Morphotektonische Analysen ergeben ein kompliziertes Wechselspiel zwischen Grabentektonik, Erosions- und Sedimentationsprozessen, Eine Inversion der latente surfaces im Absenkungs- und Sedimentationsbereich wird angenommen.Wenigstens drei Bewegungsphasen an der Grabenrandverwerfung sind zu erfassen. Das Einsetzen der aktiven Grabentektonik beginnt nach Bildung des upper latente surface und vor der Ablagerung unter-miozäner Sedimente.

Résumé Des recherches géologiques et morphologiques du rift occidental dans la région du lac Mobutu (préalablement de lac Albert) en Ouganda, coordonnées avec les résultats d'études antérieures, sont offertes en vue d'ensemble.Les analyses morpho-tectoniques font ressortir des relations complexes entre la tectonique du fossé, l'érosion et la sédimentation. La possibilité d'une « inversion » des horizons latéritiques dans la région de subsidence et sédimentation s'annonce.Au moins trois phases de mouvement ont été ofservées le long de la faille qui délimite le fossé. L'activité tectonique du fossé commence après la formation de la «surface latéritique supérieure » et avant la sédimentation des couches du Miocène Inférieur.

- — — . - . « » «laterite surfaces» . - . «upper laterite surface» - .
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