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北冰洋地质构造及其演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
北冰洋及其周围的陆架海资源十分丰富,尤其是油气和煤炭。但受自然条件的限制,调查程度很低,许多地质与构造问题尚未解决。区域构造的认识主要依赖航磁测量结果。本文试图综合各国对北冰洋地区的研究现状,形成对该区地质构造及其演化的认识:1)欧亚海盆磁条带清晰,对海盆构造和演化历史认识争议最小,识别的最老磁条带为25,因此海盆大致于58Ma开始张开。磁条带13,之后,Yermak高地与莫里斯?杰塞普隆起分离,欧亚海盆与北大西洋连通。2)从地壳结构与地壳厚度,以及其它资料来看,阿尔法海岭-门捷列夫海岭与罗蒙诺索夫海岭一样,应为陆壳,可能是先后从巴伦支陆架裂离形成的。3)马卡罗夫海盆为典型的洋壳,其形成方式和时代还很少约束,其中观点之一是在晚赛诺曼期-早始新世,随阿尔法海岭-门捷列夫海岭裂离巴伦支陆架,海底扩张形成,并随Gakkel扩张中心在晚古新世的形成而逐步衰退。4) 加拿大海盆可能是北冰洋最早形成的海盆,其形成时间与机制至今仍所知甚少,但可能是从140~135Ma至95~80Ma,随新西伯利亚-楚科奇-阿拉斯加微板块旋转裂离加拿大北部陆缘形成。5)北冰洋的演化大致可以分为3个主要阶段:晚侏罗世-早白垩世、晚白垩世-新生代早期、新生代。第一阶段,加拿大海盆地的扩张中心形成、演化与消亡,第二阶段是拉布拉多-巴芬-马卡罗夫扩张中心的形成与演化,在始新世停止活动,第三阶段,极慢速的Mohna、Knipovich和Gakkel洋中脊的扩张,致使欧亚海盆形成。  相似文献   
In the lower parts of oil reservoirs Chang 9 and Chang 10 of the Yanchang Formation are oil-bearing layers newly found in oil exploration in the Ordos Basin.Based on GC,GC-MS analyses of saturated hydrocarbons from crude oils and source rocks,reservoir fluid inclusions and BasinMod,the origin of crude oils,accumulation period and accumulation models are discussed in combination with other petroleum geology data in this paper.The result shows that(1) there are two different types of crude oils in oil reservoir Chang 9 in the Longdong and Jiyuan regions:crude oils of typeⅠ(Well D86,Well A44,Well A75,Well B227,Well X62 and Well Z150) are mainly de-rived from the Chang 7 source rocks(including mudstones and shales) and distributed in the Jiyuan and Longdong regions;those of typeⅡ(Well Z14 and Well Y427),are distributed in the Longdong region,which are derived from the Chang 9 source rocks.Crude oils from oil reservoir Chang 10 in the Shanbei region are mainly derived from the Chang-9 source rocks;(2) there are two phases of hydrocarbon filling in oil reservoir Chang 9 in the Jiyuan and Longdong regions and oil reservoir Chang 10 in the Shanbei region:The first phase started at the early stage of J2z.The process of hydrocarbon filling was discontinuous in the Late Jurassic,because of the tectonic-thermal event in the Ordos Basin.The second phase was the main accumulation period,and hydrocarbons began to accumulate from the late stage of J2a to the middle-late of K1,mainly at the middle-late stage of K1;(3) there exist two types of accu-mulation models in oil reservoirs Chang 9 and Chang 10 of the Yanchang Formation:source rocks of the reservoirs in oil reservoir Chang 9 in the Jiyuan region and oil reservoir Chang 10 in the Shanbei region,the mixed type of reservoirs on the lateral side of source rocks and source rocks of the reservoirs in oil reservoir Chang 9 in the Long-dong region.  相似文献   
Silicon shows no variation in its chemical valence in nature and exists mainly in the form of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra, so very small silicon isotope thermodynamic fractionation occurs and the resultant silicon isotope variation is limited. Dynamic fractionation of Si isotopes during precipitation of SiO2 from a solution is a main factor leading to substantial variations in silicon isotopes in nature. In this experimental study, we determined the dynamic fractionation factorα for silicon isotopes during precipitation of SiO2 from the solution. And in combination of α, a theoretical explanation is presented of the considerably low δ30Si values of black smokers on modern seafloor, Archean banded magnetite-quartzite and clay minerals of weathering origin, and of clearly high δ30Si values of siliceous rocks in shallow-sea carbonate platforms. This paper won the Paper of Excellence in the Second National Young Scientist Symposium on Geochemistry of Minerals and Rocks.  相似文献   
风化壳储集层成因及其差异性特征分析是当今储层地质学研究热点。渤海湾盆地济阳坳陷沾化凹陷富林洼陷中生界油气勘探遇到瓶颈,目前探井仅钻揭白垩系顶部风化壳,且风化壳储集层岩性复杂、非均质性极强,明确风化壳储集层成岩改造、储集空间类型和组合关系,对本区乃至济阳坳陷中生界潜山油气勘探至关重要。通过岩心和薄片观察,结合录井、测井等资料,对富林洼陷白垩系西洼组复杂岩性风化壳储集层开展研究。结果表明: 风化壳岩性主要为安山岩和凝灰岩,其次为脉岩、隐爆角砾岩和砂砾岩。由于不同构造单元在复杂埋藏过程中经历了“洼—隆—隆”或“洼—隆—洼”的演化过程,不同岩性储集层的成岩序列和孔隙演化差异明显。火成岩和碎屑岩原生孔隙类型和成因明显不同,但现今储集空间均以次生孔隙特别是溶蚀孔为主,被溶蚀物质包括斑晶、基质以及火山岩屑等。溶蚀作用的主导流体多变,继抬升暴露过程中富含CO2的大气淡水之后,有机质成熟时排出的有机酸对储集层改善有积极作用。有利风化壳储集层的形成受到岩性、埋藏演化过程和成岩流体的共同控制。整体上,富林洼陷白垩系西洼组储集层质量由好到次的顺序为: 凝灰质砂砾岩,火山角砾岩,含残余气孔安山岩,凝灰岩,次火山岩;不同岩性风化壳储集层在复杂埋藏过程中,经历了不同的成岩改造。  相似文献   
Structurally SW Sarawak basin is a southward sloping basement characterized by passive margin tectonic that has undergone through varioius tectonic phases viz., Triassic extension, Cretaceous transpression and Oligo-Miocene compression. Rock types and sedimentation of deeper basin zone situated between Schwaner mountains block to the south and SW Sarawak basin to the north suggest progressive marine sedimentation. E-W trending Cretaceous carbonate platform (CCP) occurs in the SW Sarawak basin signify a shelf zone where shallow marine sedimentation progressed during Cretaceous transpression. Oligo-Miocene volcanics from subduction melts intercepted basin profusely forming northwest-southeast trending continental arc zone derived from partial melting of subducting slab underneath SW Sarawak basin. Back-arc extension prevailed during Oligo-Miocene and formed several extensional features. Oligo-Miocene subduction also resulted in closure and exhumation of Sri Aman marginal sea-basin to the east. SW Sarawak basin is further divided in two sub-basins viz., Senibong to the west and Kuching to the east separated by a northeast trending morphotectonic ridge that signify structural element formed due to shearing. Marine sedimentation progressed in these sub-basins mainly during Triassic–Jurassic while tidal and fluviatile sedimentation progressed during early to mid-Tertiary having total thickness of sediments about 9 km. Basin closure and exhumation is marked mainly by the formation of Cretaceous carbonate build-up that has been intruded and dissected by the Oligo-Miocene volcanics. Senibong and Kuching sub-basins are characterized by wide range of transpressive features, while, Sri Aman marginal sea-basin is characterized by oceanic assemblages, ophiolite, serpentinite and pillow basalt.  相似文献   
Landslide spatial decision support systems (LS-DSS) are computer-based systems that combine the geographic storage, search, and retrieval capabilities of geographic information systems with the decision models and optimizing algorithms used to support decision-making for landslide problems. This study proposes an optimization process of region object-oriented classification (ROC) to analyze the landslide image information. The surface information from the Wan Da reservoir area is collected and studied. We collected different spectrum with several texture information to analyze the surrounding area of the Wan Da reservoir. ROC is used to classify the landslide area. Entropy-based classification is used as a classifier in ROC to determine the landslide/nonlandslide area. The parameters of S (similarity) and A (area) are used and then the best combinations are found. An optimize algorithm is developed to access the above variables to perform the best classification outcomes. The relations of occurrence vs. non-occurrence of landslide which are linked to the attributes of land surface are studied. An improved translation model (Expert Knowledge Translation Platform) is also presented to increase the accuracy. This could be of help to manage/monitor the landslide area near the reservoir.  相似文献   
INDEPTH-Ⅲ地震层析成像--藏北印度岩石圈俯冲断落的证据   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
德庆-龙尾错剖面层析速度结构剖面揭示了在高原地壳发生缩短与增厚后,高速的印度大陆地幔岩石圈分为两层以不同角度向北伸展到(美)塘盆地的中部(33°N~34°N之间).上层在拉萨地块岩石圈(速度为7.9~8.0 km/s)之下向北伸展过程中发生断裂,形成若T断块,并下沉;下层以较大角度向北俯冲下去,并在32°N之下进人软流圈;发现北部有一浅一深2条低速带,可能代表地幔内温度较高的热流体的流动通道,并产生强烈的各向异性.浅处低速带与深部低速带有联系;此低速带与东部Wittlinger发现的34.5°N深部的高温低速体没有直接联系,后者呈NV-SE走向.  相似文献   
清江流域溶洞发育特征   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
清江流域是我国岩溶最发育的地区之一,国内第一大洞— —腾龙洞即位于其中。文中着重分析了区内溶洞发育的区域特征及形成条件,从物质与能量输入— 输出系统的水动力条件出发,将溶洞划分为伏流型和汇流型两类,并分析了各类溶洞的发育特征   相似文献   
This paper is concerned with a fundamental assumption in the theory of plasticity: the direction of plastic strain increments is independent of the loading (stress) increment direction. This assumption, also known as plastic flow rule postulate, works quite well for metal‐like materials. However, geomaterials such as sand present deformational mechanisms that are distinctive from those of metals when they are loaded. As such, we hereby examine the validity of this postulate for granular media accounting for their discrete nature. This is accomplished by analysing the mechanical behaviour of a cubic assembly of polydispersed spherical articles using a particle flow code. An extension to Gudehus' response envelope to three‐dimensional conditions is used to study the incremental character and influence of loading direction on the behaviour of these materials. It is found that plastic flow in granular media is governed by both current state variables and incremental loading direction and magnitude, especially under non‐axisymmetric stress conditions. The flow rule postulate of plasticity remains valid only in axisymmetric and biaxial conditions. We also verified that the plastic response might be significantly influenced by the stress path (or history) taken prior to loading. These findings raise the question of whether or not classic elastoplastic models based on the above postulate will have serious shortcomings, especially in true‐triaxial conditions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯北部盆地古流体动力场的演化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以鄂尔多斯北部盆地为例,针对古流体动力场的演化问题,应用三维数值模拟技术,恢复了上古生界不同时期地层厚度和地质、水文地质条件;推导了考虑多个要素的地下流体三维数学模型,并依据不同时期古流体动力场特征,初步分析了上古生界油气的运移聚集规律。结果表明,在鄂尔多斯北部盆地,运用三维数值模拟方法能够比较完善地描述古流体动力场的特征和比较准确地指明油气运移和聚集区带,为天然气勘探靶区的确定提供比较可靠的依据。   相似文献   
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