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The northern segment of the Chelungpu Fault shows an unusually large co-seismic displacement from the event of the Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake in western Taiwan. Part of the northern segment near the Fengyuan City provides an excellent opportunity for characterizing active thrust-related structures due to a dense geodetic-benchmark network. We reproduced co-seismic deformation patterns of a small segment of this Chelungpu Fault using 924 geodetic benchmarks. According to the estimated displacement vectors, we identified secondary deformations, such as local rigid-block rotation and significant shortening within the hanging wall. The data set also allows us to determine accurately a 3D model of the thrust fault geometry in the shallow subsurface by assuming simple relations between the fault slip, and the horizontal and vertical displacements at the surface. The predicted thrust geometry is in good agreement with borehole data derived from two drilling sites close to the study area. The successful prediction supports our assumptions of rigid displacement and control of displacement in the hanging wall by the fault geometry being useful first approximations.  相似文献   
三山岛金矿海边地下开采矿山稳定性的数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用数值模拟的分析方法, 评价了三山岛金矿地下开采引起的开采效应及地表下沉盆地的变形特征。结果表明, 矿山地表是稳定的, 上部一期工程开采引起的地表最大下沉量不超过700mm, 深部开挖时不超过995mm左右;在采场充填的情况下, 地表下沉值将降低55%左右;由于矿山地表变形较小, 加之覆盖层第四纪中存在着两层总厚度8~12m的隔水粘水层, 因此不致沟通地表水与井下的直接联系而危及矿山的安全。  相似文献   
A number of turbulence parameterization schemes are available in the latest version (6.0) of the Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (RAMS). Chan in Meteorol Atmos Phys 103:145–157, (2009), studied the performance of these schemes by simulating the eddy dissipation rate (EDR) distribution in the vicinity of the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and comparing with the EDR measurements of remote-sensing instruments at the airport. For the e-l (turbulent kinetic energy ? mixing length) scheme considered in that study, the asymptotic mixing length was assumed to be a constant. This assumption is changed in the present paper, a variable asymptotic mixing length is chosen and simulations of EDR fields are repeated for terrain-disrupted airflow in the vicinity of HKIA. It is found that, with a variable asymptotic mixing length, the performance of the e-l scheme is greatly improved. With suitable choice of the empirical constants in the turbulence closure, the accuracy of the EDR profile (in comparison with LIDAR and wind profiler measurements) is found to be comparable with that predicted by the Deardorff scheme. A study on the sensitivity of the simulation results to these empirical constants has also been performed. Moreover, as a follow-up of the previous study of Chan in Meteorol Atmos Phys 103:145–157, (2009), case studies have been conducted on the following issues of the model simulation of turbulence for aviation application: (a) the effect of vertical gridding on the simulation results, (b) possibility of false alarm (such as over-forecasting of EDR value) in light turbulence cases, and (c) the performance in the simulation of other turbulence intensity metric for aviation purpose, e.g. TKE.  相似文献   
The analytical influence functions for the elements of a hybridized displacement discontinuity and indirect boundary element method to model fracture propagation are presented. The influence functions are exact and in closed form and, thus, have significant advantages over their numerical counterparts.  相似文献   
This paper identifies imbalanced columns (or rows) as a significant source of ill‐conditioning in the preconditioned coefficient matrix using the standard Jacobi preconditioner, for finite element solution of Biot's consolidation equations. A simple and heuristic preconditioner is proposed to reduce this source of ill‐conditioning. The proposed preconditioner modifies the standard Jacobi preconditioner by scaling the excess pore pressure degree‐of‐freedoms in the standard Jacobi preconditioner with appropriate factors. The performance of such preconditioner is examined using the symmetric quasi‐minimal residual method. To alleviate storage requirements, element‐by‐element iterative strategies are implemented. Numerical experiment results show that the proposed preconditioner reduces both the number of iteration and CPU execution time significantly as compared with the standard Jacobi preconditioner. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文分析了现行的勘察设计招投标中存在的亟待解决的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   
Summary. Rayleigh and Love wave group velocities were determined for 21 paths across the Barents shelf. Those group velocities exhibit regional variations of 1.0 km-1 or more at short periods, depending upon the location of the path within the shelf. Only two different crustal shear-velocity models beneath sedimentary layers are required, however, to explain all of the group velocity data. One model pertains to most of the shelf from a longitude near the eastern coast of Svalbard to Novaya Zemlya. The other pertains to a 200 or 300 km wide region at the western edge of the shelf. Shear velocities in the upper crust of the western region are significantly higher and the crust is much thinner than they are for the rest of the shelf. That region is known to have moved to its present prosition from a point several hundred kilometres to the north during the Caledonian orogeny.
Surface wave group velocities within each of the two regions are strongly influenced by sediments which have accumulated in basins within the Barents shelf. Some of these basins, in the southern portion of the shelf, may be 10km or more in thickness.  相似文献   
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