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本专题为国家科技攻关计划项目--农业信息技术研究之第2课题"农业信息资源开发与共享技术研究"的第2专题(2001BA513B02-2).专题旨在针对目前农业气象服务中面向政府的宏观决策服务和常规书面报告的服务形式已不能满足信息时代政府、农民对农业生产气象信息需求的状况,研制基于WebGIS的农业气象信息共享技术,开发全国农业气象信息网络化服务系统,使农业气象信息能直接、迅速、便捷、有效地传输到农业生产第一线,为农业生产服务.  相似文献   
We investigated the acidity and concentrations of water-soluble ions in PM2.5 aerosol samples collected from an urban site in Beijing and a rural site in Gucheng, Hebei Province from November 2016 to January 2017 to gain an insight into the formation of secondary inorganic species. The average SO42–, NO3, and NH4+ concentrations were 8.3, 12.5, and 14.1 μg m–3, respectively, at the urban site and 14.0, 14.2, and 24.2 μg m–3, respectively, at the rural site. The nitrogen and sulfur oxidation ratios in urban Beijing were correlated with relative humidity (with correlation coefficient r = 0.79 and 0.67, respectively) and the aerosol loadings. Based on a parameterization model, we found that the rate constant of the heterogeneous reactions for SO2 on polluted days was about 10 times higher than that on clear days, suggesting that the heterogeneous reactions in the aerosol water played an essential role in haze events. The ISORROPIA II model was used to predict the aerosol pH, which had a mean (range) of 5.0 (4.9–5.2) and 5.3 (4.6–6.3) at the urban and rural site, respectively. Under the conditions with this predicted pH value, oxidation by dissolved NO2 and the hydrolysis of N2O5 may be the major heterogeneous reactions forming SO42– and NO3 in haze. We also analyzed the sensitivity of the aerosol pH to changes in the concentrations of SO42–, NO3, and NH4+ under haze conditions. The aerosol pH was more sensitive to the SO42– and NH4+ concentrations with opposing trends, than to the NO3 concentrations. The sensitivity of the pH was relatively weak overall, which was attributed to the buffering effect of NH3 partitioning.  相似文献   
We investigated the acidity and concentrations of water-soluble ions in PM_(2.5) aerosol samples collected from an urban site in Beijing and a rural site in Gucheng, Hebei Province from November 2016 to January 2017 to gain an insight into the formation of secondary inorganic species. The average SO_4~(2–), NO_3~–, and NH_4~+ concentrations were 8.3,12.5, and 14.1 μg m~(–3), respectively, at the urban site and 14.0, 14.2, and 24.2 μg m~(–3), respectively, at the rural site.The nitrogen and sulfur oxidation ratios in urban Beijing were correlated with relative humidity(with correlation coefficient r = 0.79 and 0.67, respectively) and the aerosol loadings. Based on a parameterization model, we found that the rate constant of the heterogeneous reactions for SO_2 on polluted days was about 10 times higher than that on clear days, suggesting that the heterogeneous reactions in the aerosol water played an essential role in haze events.The ISORROPIA II model was used to predict the aerosol pH, which had a mean(range) of 5.0(4.9–5.2) and 5.3(4.6–6.3) at the urban and rural site, respectively. Under the conditions with this predicted pH value, oxidation by dissolved NO_2 and the hydrolysis of N_2O_5 may be the major heterogeneous reactions forming SO_4~(2–) and NO_3~– in haze.We also analyzed the sensitivity of the aerosol p H to changes in the concentrations of SO_4~(2–), NO_3~–, and NH_4~+ under haze conditions. The aerosol p H was more sensitive to the SO_4~(2–) and NH_4~+ concentrations with opposing trends, than to the NO_3~– concentrations. The sensitivity of the p H was relatively weak overall, which was attributed to the buffering effect of NH_3 partitioning.  相似文献   
提出一个求定常方程平衡数值解的方法,并利用这个方法求得了雷州半岛海风环流的稳定数值解,在一定下边界强迫下得到了和观侧相一致的环流状态,进而讨论了大气参数对海风环流的影响,试验表明,所提出的求解方法是有效的.  相似文献   
通过1982年梅雨期的个例分析,研究和比较了中国和日本梅雨我的结构。分析表明:1.梅雨锋区系统对流层上部宽广的斜压区和对流层低层较狭窄的弱斜压区共同组成;2.在两个个例中,中国剖面上锋区均呈“椅”型结构。日本剖面上,6月呈均匀倾斜结构,7月略呈“椅型”,涡度场上中国剖面为相当正压结构,日本剖面为斜压结构;3.梅雨锋区系统可民是均匀斜压区在不均匀和加热情况下结构改变结果;4.中国大陆雨区高层大量潜热  相似文献   
全面分析了气候变化给企业带来的机遇与挑战。全球契约的"关注气候"倡议为企业响应全球号召应对气候变化带来了机遇,全球契约是全球企业共同应对气候变化、实现企业社会责任和树立企业形象的良好平台。另外,通过调查研究分析了中国民营企业应对气候变化的现状,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   
北京地区气温诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢庄  李慧 《大气科学》1994,18(Z1):820-825
本文讨论了北京地区百余年气温的变化特征,依据加法模型理论,提出了一种气候诊断和预测方法─—逐步回归多重因子方法,其优点在于将序列的周期因子、谱成分及外界气候振动因子同时引入回归模型中。这一方法,对单序列的气候诊断和预测具有明显效果。  相似文献   
半拉格朗日方法在全球原始方程模式中的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈起英  庄世宇  金之雁 《气象》1998,24(10):20-25
简单介绍了半拉格朗日平流方案的基本概念,并详细总结了基估全球原始方程模式,特别是在IFS的具体实现过程,拉格朗日平流的观点是着流体质点看流体运动,基贩关键是流体轨迹的计算。轨迹中点和起始点水平坐标的示得可以利用球面三角,直接在球极坐标中进行,并采用一些较高的近似。为了充分获得半拉格朗日方案析益处,在起始点的内插能工巧匠春阶数至少应在四阶以上,为避免昂贵的三维三次内插,可以采用三维“准三次”内插 。  相似文献   
根据1981—2021年福建省热带气旋风雨资料,采用极差标准化、相关系数客观赋权法和自然断点法建立热带气旋致灾因子危险性评估模型,评估结果表明:选择降水7个因子和大风4个因子作为评估指标体系合理;雨高危险性区域位于沿海,南平和三明地区雨危险性较低;风较高危险性区域明显窄于雨较高危险性区域,危险性等级向内陆降低远快于降水,其中罗源湾至崇武沿海因受台湾岛地形屏障保护,危险性比沿海南北部小1个等级;风雨综合致灾危险性,沿海县市皆为较高危险性区域,其中中部沿海高危险性区域小,沿海南北部大,另外登陆粤东热带气旋沿海北上滞留在闽西上空的低压云团造成闽西北部存在较高危险性区域;在热带气旋登陆影响过程中,精细化致灾因子危险性评估更具有针对性,且与灾情相符,为气象灾害决策服务提供了更有价值的参考信息。  相似文献   
2021年秋季江西出现范围广、强度强、持续时间长的高温天气过程,多项气温指标创历史同期新高,10月1—5日全省仍出现20站次危险性高温天气。利用江西省93个国家气象观测站、MICAPS观测资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对此次罕见秋季异常高温天气的过程的特征及环流背景场进行了分析讨论。结果表明:1)西太平洋副热带高压是江西秋季高温天气的主导系统,强大的副热带高压控制区内盛行的下沉运动产生大气绝热加热是此次秋季异常高温的主要形成原因。同时,西风急流偏强以及南亚高压撤退时间偏晚,使得西风带短波槽脊活动不易影响到副热带地区,有利于副热带高压强度和位置的稳定维持,冷空气难以南下到达长江中下游地区,高温天气得以发展。2)中低层暖平流输送有利于局地温度升高从而形成高温天气,江西上空对流层异常增温一定程度上加剧了该地区秋季高温的持续。3)江西境内水汽通量散度呈现负距平,表明水汽辐散程度弱于常年同期,未出现水汽输送的大幅减弱。同时,对流层中下层存在一定的上升气流,部分水汽凝结形成降水。因此,异常高温期间未出现严重干旱。  相似文献   
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