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再论洞穴石笋的沉积速率   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对滇、黔、湘、桂洞穴石笋大型剖面的综合研究、,以代表性剖面和典型时(笋)段系统测年和沉积速率研究为例,初步认为,石笋沉积速率大小是气候演变、暖气候、冷气候的识别指标之一,沉积速率为10mm/100a以上是冰后(间冰)期温暖气候的沉积,趋于10mm/100a或以下者,是温暖期气候的冷转变,或冷期(阶)的沉积;1mm/100a左右是冰期寒冷气候的沉积,趋于1mm/100a或以上者是冰期寒冷气候的暖转变或间冰期的沉积;沉积速率极小,往往是冷气候显示,甚至是沉积间断,或是气候和地质、灾害事件的突变点。沉积速率具多变性,引用和识别时应避免以单一速率推算长时(笋)段年序和确定气候或地质事件的年代,不宜跨旋回计速,以避免遗漏沉积间断和气候、地质、灾害事件。石笋沉积间断很普遍,特别是寒冷的冰期气候间断更频繁,观测和测年表明,沉积间断时间累计占成笋期的28.92%~76.26%,全新世温暖气候的沉积间断时间累计,只占成笋期的13.80%以上。  相似文献   
“Milanggouwan stratigraphical section” named lately takes down 27 cycles of alternately evolutionary histories of desert depositions in the Mu Us area with the fluviolacustrine facies and palaeosols since 150 ka B. P. Studies show that the sedimentary form was induced by the growth and decline and confrontation each other between the winter monsoon and the summer monsoon of East Asia in the past 150 ka. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49473192).  相似文献   
本文分析了秦山核电站邻近水域生态零点调查四个航次的浮游植物样品,结果表明:调查区浮游植物的种数和细胞密度在时间尺度上均存在明显的季节变化趋势:夏大于秋大于春大于冬,并且与环境因子的变化密切相关,其中最主要的影响因子是温度、盐度和径流,而影响日变化的环境因子主要是潮汐。  相似文献   


基于滨海环境资源特点的大连旅游承载状态评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游环境承载力涉及多维度属性相互制约影响,而传统方法中对于各属性间影响程度及游客偏好选择的判定则较多依赖于个体的主观感知。因此,针对处理多属性综合评价中存在的模糊性及主观性,提出基于蒙特卡罗模拟修正的模糊综合评价模型。结果表明,借助上述模糊综合评价修正模型针对大连滨海旅游环境承载力进行解释与分析,成功缓解了在模型度量与数据分析环节所出现的主观偏误缺陷,从而有效提升了大连市滨海旅游景区有关阈值综合评价体系的科学性与稳健性。评价结果表明,当前大连市滨海旅游环境承载力状态可以判定为“适载”;在影响滨海旅游环境承载力的6项要素中,游憩环境要素与气候要素的评价分数较高,最低评分数值指标为景区游客管理状态。  相似文献   
为了使雷电临近预警技术在雷电灾害防御业务中更好地发挥作用,针对电子系统的雷电灾害特点,在传统被动防雷技术基础上,提出基于雷电临近预警的主动防雷技术,应用雷电临近预警和远程控制等技术,开发以B/S结构为架构的雷电临近预警应用系统。对2013年8月—2014年8月福建省泉州市4个无线电监测站的主动防雷应用效果进行两种方法的预警效果检验。检验结果表明:主动防雷技术是对被动防雷技术的一个较好的完善和补充。采用闪电数量对比分析,4个监测站的有效预警率为69%,采用预报评分方法对比分析,4个监测站的平均准确率为53%,对雷电活动发生较为集中的区域预警效果较好,对雷电活动发生较为零散的区域预警效果有所降低。  相似文献   
Water quality restoration efforts often suffer the risk of ineffectiveness and failure due to lack of quantitative decision supports. During the past two decades, the restoration of one of China’s most heavily polluted lakes, Lake Dianchi, has experienced costly decision ineffectiveness with no detectable water quality improvement. The governments are planning to invest tremendous amount of funds in the next 5 years to continue the lake restoration process; however, without a quantitative understanding between the load reduction and the response in lake water quality, it is highly possible that these planned efforts would suffer the similar ineffectiveness as before. To provide scientifically sound decision support for guiding future load reduction efforts in Lake Dianchi Watershed, a sophisticated quantitative cause-and-effect response system was developed using a three-dimensional modeling approach. It incorporates the complex three dimensional hydrodynamics, fate and transport of nutrients, as well as nutrient-algae interactions into one holistic framework. The model results show that the model performs well in reproducing the observed spatial pattern and temporal trends in water quality. The model was then applied to three total maximum daily load scenarios and two refined restoration scheme scenarios to quantify phytoplankton responses to various external load reduction intensities. The results show that the algal bloom in Lake Dianchi responds to load reduction in a complex and nonlinear way, therefore, it is necessary to apply the developed system for future load reduction and lake restoration schemes for more informed decision making and effective management.  相似文献   
The study investigates the groundwater evolution and its residence time in the Ejina Basin, northwest China according to isotope and hydrochemical analyses results. The groundwater chemistry is mainly controlled by the dissolution of halite, Glauber’s salt, gypsum, dolomite and calcite, also influenced by other processes such as evaporation, ion exchange, and deposition. Based on tritium content in atmospheric precipitation and by adopting a model with exponential time distribution function, the mean residence time of the unconfined aquifer groundwater with fairly high tritium activities (21–49 TU) is evaluated. The results show that these groundwaters have low residence time (5–120 years) and are renewable. In contrast, the deep confined groundwaters are tritium-free and radiocarbon values range from 18.3 to 26.7 pmc. According to the most commonly used 14C correction models, the radiocarbon groundwater ages were calculated which yield ages of approximately 4,087–9,364 years BP. Isotopic signatures indicate formation of deep confined groundwaters in a colder and wetter climate during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. It is suggested that long-term, rational water usage guide should be set up for the Heihe River Basin as a whole to permit a considerable discharge to the Ejina Basin.  相似文献   
As an important unconventional resource, oil shale has received widespread attention. The oil shale of the Chang 7 oil layer from Triassic Yanchang Formation in Ordos Basin represents the typical lacustrine oil shale in China. Based on analyzing trace elements and oil yield from boreholes samples, characteristics and paleo-sedimentary environments of oil shale and relationship between paleo-sedimentary environment and oil yield were studied. With favorable quality, oil yield of oil shale varies from 1.4% to 9.1%. Geochemical data indicate that the paleo-redox condition of oil shale’s reducing condition from analyses of V/Cr, V/(V + Ni), U/Th, δU, and authigenic uranium. Equivalent Boron, Sp, and Sr/Ba illustrate that paleosalinity of oil shale is dominated by fresh water. The paleoclimate of oil shale is warm and humid by calculating the chemical index of alteration and Sr/Cu. Fe/Ti and (Fe + Mn)/Ti all explain that there were hot water activities during the sedimentary period of oil shale. In terms of Zr/Rb, paleohydrodynamics of oil shale is weak. By means of Co abundance and U/Th, paleo-water-depth of oil shale is from 17.30 to 157.26 m, reflecting sedimentary environment which is mainly in semi deep–deep lake facies. Correlation analyses between oil yield and six paleoenvironmental factors show that the oil yield of oil shale is mainly controlled by paleo-redox conditions, paleoclimate, hot water activities, and depth of water. Paleosalinity and paleohydrodynamics have an inconspicuous influence on oil yield.  相似文献   
山东郯城麦坡被命名为典型地震活动断层遗址,其最醒目的标志是郯庐断裂带主干断层(F2)东盘的紫灰色下白垩统逆冲到断层西盘的红棕色第四系之上且界线截然。野外调查和试验分析表明,郯城麦坡第四系于泉组中发育液化砂涌管、液化砂脉、震裂缝充填构造和同沉积断层等地震引发的软沉积物变形构造——地震事件记录。根据软沉积物变形构造的砂质黏土光释光测年分析,推断这些软沉积物变形构造所记录的地震事件属郯庐断裂带主干断层F2在中更新世晚期发生的强构造与地震活动。这些地震事件记录为研究郯庐断裂带新构造运动与地震活动提供了新资料,也丰富了该地震活动断层遗址的内涵。  相似文献   
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