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碳酸铷、硼酸化学计量比混合,蒸发溶液,直至五硼酸铷RbB5O8·4H2O晶体析出。经粉末X射线衍射(XRD)、拉曼光谱(Raman spectroscopy)、热重/微商热重/差示扫描量热(TG/DTG/DSC)、原子吸收光谱等实验方法,确定其化学组成及结构。298.15、333.15K时测量溶液的物理化学性质(密度、电导、pH),并与经验方程进行拟合,研究五硼酸铷溶液的物化性质随浓度、温度的变化规律。根据文献报道的平衡常数,实验测量的pH数据,采用牛顿迭代法进一步研究五硼酸铷溶液中主要存在的硼酸根离子对类型、含量以及物种的形成。  相似文献   
本文通过对运用GPS测量改算自贡市各等级城市控制网点成果的过程及结果的论述分析,证实了运用GPS测量改算城市控制网点成果具有精度好、效率高等特点。在此基础上探讨其可行性,并提出一些看法。  相似文献   
Root zone soil water content impacts plant water availability, land energy and water balances. Because of unknown hydrological model error, observation errors and the statistical characteristics of the errors, the widely used Kalman filter (KF) and its extensions are challenged to retrieve the root zone soil water content using the surface soil water content. If the soil hydraulic parameters are poorly estimated, the KF and its extensions fail to accurately estimate the root zone soil water. The H‐infinity filter (HF) represents a robust version of the KF. The HF is widely used in data assimilation and is superior to the KF, especially when the performance of the model is not well understood. The objective of this study is to study the impact of uncertain soil hydraulic parameters, initial soil moisture content and observation period on the ability of HF assimilation to predict in situ soil water content. In this article, we study seven cases. The results show that the soil hydraulic parameters hold a critical role in the course of assimilation. When the soil hydraulic parameters are poorly estimated, an accurate estimation of root soil water content cannot be retrieved by the HF assimilation approach. When the estimated soil hydraulic parameters are similar to actual values, the soil water content at various depths can be accurately retrieved by the HF assimilation. The HF assimilation is not very sensitive to the initial soil water content, and the impact of the initial soil water content on the assimilation scheme can be eliminated after about 5–7 days. The observation interval is important for soil water profile distribution retrieval with the HF, and the shorter the observation interval, the shorter the time required to achieve actual soil water content. However, the retrieval results are not very accurate at a depth of 100 cm. Also it is complex to determine the weighting coefficient and the error attenuation parameter in the HF assimilation. In this article, the trial‐and‐error method was used to determine the weighting coefficient and the error attenuation parameter. After the first establishment of limited range of the parameters, ‘the best parameter set’ was selected from the range of values. For the soil conditions investigated, the HF assimilation results are better than the open‐loop results. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
将世界主要相关研究机构和数据库(IEA、BP、EDGAR/PBL/JRC、CDIAC、EIA和CAIT)发布的中国二氧化碳排放数据与中国官方数据和估算进行比较,认为数据之间的差异来源于计算范围、方法和基础数据的不同,其中能源消费数据的差异是造成一些数据库估计值偏高的重要原因。研究认为IEA和CAIT数据与中国官方数据具有较好的可比性。建议中国加强煤炭统计工作,提高官方数据公布频率并提高清单完整性。  相似文献   
The extraction of object features from massive unstructured point clouds with different local densities, especially in the presence of random noisy points, is not a trivial task even if that feature is a planar surface. Segmentation is the most important step in the feature extraction process. In practice, most segmentation approaches use geometrical information to segment the 3D point cloud. The features generally include the position of each point (X, Y and Z), locally estimated surface normals and residuals of best fitting surfaces; however, these features could be affected by noisy points and in consequence directly affect the segmentation results. Therefore, massive unstructured and noisy point clouds also lead to bad segmentation (over-segmentation, under-segmentation or no segmentation). While the RANSAC (random sample consensus) algorithm is effective in the presence of noise and outliers, it has two significant disadvantages, namely, its efficiency and the fact that the plane detected by RANSAC may not necessarily belong to the same object surface; that is, spurious surfaces may appear, especially in the case of parallel-gradual planar surfaces such as stairs. The innovative idea proposed in this paper is a modification for the RANSAC algorithm called Seq-NV-RANSAC. This algorithm checks the normal vector (NV) between the existing point clouds and the hypothesised RANSAC plane, which is created by three random points, under an intuitive threshold value. After extracting the first plane, this process is repeated sequentially (Seq) and automatically, until no planar surfaces can be extracted from the remaining points under the existing threshold value. This prevents the extraction of spurious surfaces, brings an improvement in quality to the computed attributes and increases the degree of automation of surface extraction. Thus the best fit is achieved for the real existing surfaces.  相似文献   
太行山地区的许多金矿产在花岗质岩体内部及其附近的围岩中,产出形式以金属硫化物石英脉为主(如蔡术庵金矿、土石金矿、九集庄金矿等),部分金矿以爆破角砾岩体的形式出现(如窑沟金矿),另一部分则以含矿金属硫化物浸染在花岗岩破碎带中的形式产出(如上明峪金矿)...  相似文献   
青田山口叶蜡石传压介质初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用青田山口叶蜡石作为超高压高温合成金刚石的传压介质,分析了其主要化学成分和矿物组成。对青田山叶蜡石粉压块粒度效应进行了研究,确定了该传压介质的粒度组成。超高压高温人造金刚石试验表明,青田山口叶蜡石的传压介质理想,金刚石合成效果较好。  相似文献   
High-frequency body waves recorded by a temporary seismic array across the surface rupture trace of the 1992 Landers, California, earthquake were used to determine fault-zone structures down to the seismogenic depth. We first developed a technique to use generalized ray theory to compute synthetic seismograms for arbitrarily oriented tabular low-velocity fault-zone models. We then generated synthetic waveform record sections of a linear array across a vertical fault zone. They show that both arrival times and waveforms of P and S waves vary systematically across the fault due to transmissions and reflections from boundaries of the low-velocity fault zone. The waveform characteristics and arrival-time patterns in the record sections allow us to locate the boundaries of the fault zone and to determine its P - and S -wave velocities independently as well as its depth extent. Therefore, the trade-off between the fault-zone width and velocities can be avoided. Applying the method to the Landers waveform data reveals a low-velocity zone with a width of 270–360 m and a 35–60 per cent reduction in P and S velocities relative to the host rock. The analysis suggests that the low-velocity zone extends to a depth of ∼7 km. The western boundary of the low-velocity zone coincides with the observed main surface rupture trace.  相似文献   
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