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胜利油田火山岩单个包裹体碳同位素   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
赫英 《地质科学》1998,33(3):380-383
近年来,在我国东部陆续发现了一些二氧化碳气藏,对其成因,不少学者有过讨论, 得出许多重要认识。  相似文献   
关中盆地是一个完整的、相对独立的地下水系统,按含水介质的结构组合与空间分布以及地下水循环特征,文章将关中盆地地下水系统进一步划分为黄土台塬孔隙-裂隙含水系统、冲积平原孔隙含水系统、秦岭山前洪 积平原孔隙含水系统、渭北岩溶含水系统及基岩裂隙含水系统共5个亚系统和26个更次一级的子系统。在研究 各子系统水文地质特征、分析水资源开发利用现状的基础上,认为区内地下水资源开发利用中存在的问题有:地下水资源污染与浪费严重,重复利用率低;不合理开采地下水,出现负环境效应;行政区块限制,水资源宏观调配不够;地下水人工调控力度不够,不能有效地促进生态环境良性循环;对地下水资源的研究、规划和管理滞后等方面。 并针对存在的主要问题,提出了5项水资源可持续开发利用对策,包括节水对策、开源对策、改水对策、增补对策以及管理对策。  相似文献   
诸宝森 《地质论评》1993,39(3):268-275
江西省茅口—龙潭期地层研究的较为详细,可分为3区6小区,反映出当时古地理条件下所形成的不同沉积相带,它们沿走向相当稳定,沿倾向则有规律递变。但目前这种有规律的分布已经错乱,通过地层对比推知在武夷山、武功山及九岭山等地均发生过较大规模的水平位移。正是这种水平位移导致了江西省二叠纪沉积相带的畸变与古地理图失真。目前这些山区的核心部位均无盖层,其原因不仅仅在于风化剥蚀,构造剥蚀可能是更重要的因素。  相似文献   
矿床地质特征及成矿条件分析是同地区寻找同类矿床的重要手段。在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对安徽五河河口铅金矿的矿床地质特征、成矿条件、控矿因素和成矿模式进行详细讨论,认为太古宇变质基底既是该矿床的赋矿层位,又是原始矿源岩系;主要控矿因素为断裂构造,尤其是北北东—北东向和南北向断裂。推测其成矿模式为地壳物质经深部熔融、重融作用形成高温混合花岗状岩浆熔融体,侵入到地壳上层岩石,在结晶过程中,富集的气化高温初始混合岩浆上升到已冷凝或亚凝固的花岗状岩石,发生碱交代作用,导致已固化岩石中的成矿组分浸出,伴随再平衡岩浆充填交代成矿。研究结果可供五河地区寻找同类矿床参考。  相似文献   
A 1.5-layer reduced-gravity model forced by wind stress is used to study the bifurcations of the North Equatorial Current(NEC).The authors found that after removing the Ekman drift,the modelled circulations can serve well as a proxy of the SODA circulations on the σθ=25.0 kg m~-3 potential density surface based on available long-term reanalysis wind stress data.The modelled results show that the location of the western boundary bifurcation of the NEC depends on both zonal averaged and local zero wind stress curl latitude.The effects of the anomalous wind stress curl added in different areas are also investigated and it is found that they can change the strength of the Mindanao Eddy(ME),and then influence the interior pathway.  相似文献   
佳木斯市地下水水量水质模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
佳木斯市是一个以开采地下水为主要供水水源的城市.本文根据当地的水文地质条件,建立了佳木斯市的地下水的水量水质模型.用有限元法求解水量模型进行地下水资源评价.用特征有限元法求解水质模型进行地下水污染预测,该方法在求解对流一弥散方程时能有效地消除数值弥散和数值振荡,精度较高.为使该方法付诸实施,文中也提出了当利用特征有限元法求解时确定运动水质点所属单元的方法.  相似文献   
Recently,a large-scale Ordovician oil and gas pool has been discovered in Xinken,north of the Tarim Basin,and it has strongly heterogeneous reservoirs and complicated fluid distribution.Through analyzing oil,gas and water samples collected from this area,in combination of field production and testing data,this study reveals that the Xinken oil pool contains dominantly normal oil characterized by low viscosity,low sulphur,and high wax.It has a low content of natural gas,which presents typical characteristics of wet gas and is oil-associated gas.Oil-gas correlation shows that the oil was from the Middle-Upper Ordovician source rocks and the charge and accumulation of oil and gas took place in the Late Hercynian Period.Controlled by paleogeomorphology,sedimentary facies,ancient karstification,faults,and other factors in the Caledonian Period,the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs are dominated by dissolved pores,cavities and fractures.The reservoir body of fractures and cavities is distributed in the shape of strip and laminate along faults and excellent reservoirs are mostly in the range of 70–100 m below the top of the Yijianfang Formation.As a whole,the Xinken oil pool is a fracture-cavity pool controlled by interbedded karst reservoirs and is a complex composed of stacked karst fractures and cavities of various sizes.It contains oil in large areas horizontally,which is quasi-laminated in distribution,and the accumulation of oil and gas is controlled by the distribution and development degree of the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs.The study shows that this area has abundant resources and a great exploration potential for oil and gas.  相似文献   
陕西镇安县桂林沟钼矿成矿特征及成矿要素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潼关—柞水—宁陕区域性北东向构造岩浆岩带控制了矿区岩浆岩体、矿区构造和钼矿化带的产出及其规模,矿区次级断裂构造为成矿物质聚集提供了有利的储存空间,中酸性岩浆活动及其热液蚀变控制了成矿物质的迁移、富集.区域性北东向构造岩浆岩带具有良好的找矿前景,应引起相关矿产勘查工作的高度重视.  相似文献   
The chemical characteristics, formation and natural attenuation of pollutants in the coal acid mine drainage (AMD) at Xingren coalfield, Southwest China, are discussed in this paper based on the results of a geochemical investigation as well as geological and hydrogeological background information. The chemical composition of the AMD is controlled by the dissolution of sulfide minerals in the coal seam, the initial composition of the groundwater and the water–rock interaction. The AMD is characterized by high sulfate concentrations, high levels of dissolved metals (Fe, Al, Mn, etc.) and low pH values. Ca2+ and SO4 2− are the dominant cation and anion in the AMD, respectively, while Ca2+ and HCO3 are present at significant levels in background water and surface water after the drainage leaves the mine site. The pH and alkalinity increase asymptotically with the distance along the flow path, while concentrations of sulfate, ferrous iron, aluminum and manganese are typically controlled by the deposition of secondary minerals. Low concentrations of As and other pollutants in the surface waters of the Xingren coalfield could be due to relatively low quantities being released from coal seams, to adsorption and coprecipitation on secondary minerals in stream sediments, and to dilution by unpolluted surface recharge. Although As is not the most serious water quality problem in the Xingren region at present, it is still a potential environmental problem. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
中国南方发现大型文石笋   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国南方大量石笋剖面研究表明,石笋矿物组成有方解石、文石、方解石-文石三种类型。石笋沉积纹(微)层结构构造特征大同小异,但是文石石笋的放射状纹(微)层构造更显著。文石石笋沉积生长的气候环境是滴水多而稳定,水温低、气温略高的冷、湿的洞穴气候条件。文石转变为方解石常保留文石的针状、柱状晶形,并存在于石笋沉积生长的始终。文石结构构造转化在常温或低温、常压或低压下自调整作用的成晶成岩环境进行,其强度取决于所在洞穴气候环境、滴水在石笋的渗流和石笋的含水度。转化作用不影响同位素分馏,石笋同时全面记录古气候环境信息。研究文石石笋对重建古气候环境、成岩成矿作用都有重要理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
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