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INTRODUCTIONThe distribution of remaining oil is often de-scribed qualitatively .The remaining oil distributedinthe whole reservoir is calculated according to thecharacteristics of the space distribution of the satura-tion of remaining oil . Logging data are required toaccomplish this . However , many such projects can-not be completed.This method of studyingremainingoil distribution cannot be quantified efficiently and isunable to provide an effective quantitative forecast ofthe distribu…  相似文献   
金刚石与深部碳循环   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
张舟  张宏福 《地学前缘》2011,18(3):268-283
深部碳循环是全球碳循环研究中不可或缺的部分。较之表层碳,人类对地球深部碳储库的储量、碳的迁移方式和交换量都缺乏清晰认识。作为来自地球深部的碳单质矿物,金刚石是研究深部碳循环的绝佳样品。近年来原位微区分析技术的突飞猛进为研究金刚石及深部碳循环提供了良好条件。文中对表层与深部碳交换、深部碳储库及金刚石矿物学性质进行了介绍,并通过金刚石及其包裹体的稳定同位素组成,探讨了金刚石的形成机制及含碳流体/熔体的性质与来源问题。  相似文献   
胡斌  周方  宋慧波 《古地理学报》2010,12(5):577-588
河南省焦作地区下二叠统太原组发育一套陆表海碳酸盐岩以及海湾-潟湖、潮坪-沼泽和障壁岛 (砂质滩、坝) 相碎屑岩和煤层,其中保存有大量完好的遗迹化石,已识别出的有10个遗迹属11个遗迹种,包 括Zoohycos brianes,Zoohycos villae,Teichichnus rectus,Nereies isp.,Chondries isp.,Rhizocorallium isp.,Thalassinoides suevivus,Ophiomorpha nodosa,Gordiamaina,Taenidium satanassi和Planolites isp.等。这些遗迹化石多为 全浮痕保存,少数为半浮痕表迹保存,其丰度较高。根据遗迹化石的组成与产状特征及其围岩的沉积特征,可 识别出3种遗迹化石组合:(1) Zoohycos-Nereites遗迹组合,出现在水体相对较深、浪基面之下且沉积底层内 氧气贫乏的远岸浅海沉积环境;(2) Zoohycos-Taenidium遗迹组合,产生于水体相对较浅的浪基面之上的近岸 浅海沉积环境;(3)Ophiomorpha-Thalassinoides遗迹组合,发育于海岸带潮坪或海湾、湖沉积环境,遗迹化石 往往保存在泥质灰岩或钙质粉砂岩和薄层细砂岩中。基于遗迹化石组合的分布特点,提出了焦作地区太原组遗 迹化石的沉积环境模式。  相似文献   
对矿床微量元素的研究表明,矿区双桥山群地层和英安斑岩中,主要成矿元素Cu,Au,Pb,Zn等丰度很高,具有明显的富集,可以为矿床的形成提供足够的矿质来源,矿床的铜金矿化与铅锌矿化系不同的成矿阶段形成的,并存在矿化发带现象,在矿体中不同类型矿化生的微量元素存在着明显的差异,可以作为相应矿体的近矿指示元素。  相似文献   
In order to better understand the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of Southeast China Block (SECB in short), this paper describes geological features of Mesozoic basins that are widely distributed in the SECB. The analyzed data are derived from a regional geological investigation on various Mesozoic basins and a recently compiled 1:1,500,000 geological map of Mesozoic–Cenozoic basins. Two types of basin are distinguished according to their tectonic settings, namely, the post-orogenic basin (Type I) and the intracontinental extensional basin (Type II); the latter includes the graben and the half-graben or faulted-depression basins. Our studies suggest that the formation of these basins connects with the evolution of geotectonics of the SECB. The post-orogenic basin (Type I) was formed in areas from the piedmont to the intraland during the interval from Late Triassic to Early Jurassic; and the formation of the intracontinental extensional basin (Type II) connects with an intracontinental crustal thinning setting in the Late Mesozoic. The graben basin was generated during the Middle Jurassic and is associated with a bimodal volcanic eruption; and the half-graben or faulted-depression basin, filled mainly by the rhyolite, tuff and sedimentary rocks during Early Cretaceous, is occupied by the Late Cretaceous–Paleogene red-colored terrestrial clastic rocks. We noticed that the modern outcrops of numerous granites and basins occur in a similar level, and the Mesozoic granitic bodies contact with the adjacent basins by large normal faults, suggesting that the modern landforms between granites and basins were yielded by the late crustal movement. The modern basin and range framework was settled down in the Cretaceous. Abundant sedimentary structures are found in the various basins, from that the deposited environments and paleo-currents are concluded; during the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic time, the source areas were situated to the north and northeast sides of the outcrop region. In this paper, we present the study results on one geological and geographical separating unit and two separating fault zones. The Wuyi orogenic belt is a Late Mesozoic paleo-geographically separating unit, the Ganjiang fault zone behaves as the western boundary of Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks, and the Zhenghe–Dapu fault zone separates the SE-China Coastal Late Mesozoic volcanic-sedimentary basins and the Wuyi orogenic belt. Finally, we discuss the geodynamic mechanisms forming various basins, proposing a three-stage model of the Mesozoic sedimentary evolution.  相似文献   
根据厦门东孚井水氡多年的观测资料,分析了水氡异常与地震活动的关系。分析结果认为,该井点映震效果较好,特别是对发生在长乐-诏安断裂带上的地震,映震能力尤为明显。  相似文献   
HVF������GPS��·��ЧӦ�о��е�Ӧ��   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
????????Helmert????????????Vondrak????????????HVF??????????????GPS??·??Ч????о????????????????????????????÷???????????Vondrak?????????????????????????????????Ч????????????????е????????????????÷????????·????????????GPS??·??Ч?????????????????????Ч????????·??Ч??????????????????GPS??λ?????  相似文献   
Accurate assessment of surface suspended sediment concentration(SSSC) in estuary is essential to address several important issues: erosion, water pollution, human health risks, etc. In this study, an empirical cubic retrieval model was developed for the retrieval of SSSC from Yellow River Estuary. Based on sediments and seawater collected from the Yellow River and southeastern Laizhou Bay, SSSC conditions were reproduced in the laboratory at increasing concentrations within a range common to field observations. Continuous spectrum measurements of the various SSSCs ranging from 1 to 5700 mg/l were carried out using an Ava Field-3 spectrometer. The results indicated the good correlation between water SSSC and spectral reflectance(Rrs) was obtained in the spectral range of 726–900 nm. At SSSC greater than 2700 mg/L, the 740–900 nm spectral range was less susceptible to the effects of spectral reflectance saturation and more suitable for retrieval of high sediment concentrations. The best correlations were obtained for the reflectance ratio of 820 nm to 490 nm. Informed by the correlation between Rrs and SSSC, a retrieval model was developed(R2 = 0.992). The novel cubic model, which used the ratio of a near-infrared(NIR) band(740–900 nm) to a visible band(400–600 nm) as factors, provided robust quantification of high SSSC water samples. Two high SSSC centers, with an order of 103 mg/l, were found in the inversion results around the abandoned Diaokou River mouth, the present Yellow River mouth to the abandoned Qingshuigou River mouth. There was little sediment exchange between the two high SSSC centers due to the directions of the residual currents and vertical mixing.  相似文献   
常宁县汤市硼矿属接触交代—热液型矿床。区内沉积岩和花岗岩磁性微弱或无磁性,与硼矿密切相关的矽卡岩及硼矿石中磁铁矿含量较高。大理岩型硼矿石磁化率168×10~(-1)nT,矽卡岩型硼矿石磁化率29033×10~(-1)nT。已知半边街矿段△T等值线形态反映出矿体产状,并与矿体投影形态一致。用△T高精度磁测寻找埋深大、磁性弱的隐伏内生硼矿是有效的方法之一。从已有磁测资料分析,预测该地区瓦盏洲一新屋山、周家屋场一带可作为硼矿找矿靶区。  相似文献   
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