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周娟 《地理教学》2019,(10):37-40
地理图像是地理学的骨架,能够提供比文字描述更为丰富的地理信息,其中蕴藏着丰富的地理现象、知识、技能以及智慧,是地理学科特有的信息综合载体和教学工具。本文主要从图像信息的阅读与观察、图像信息的发现与获取、图像信息的描述与阐释三个方面来谈谈地理图像信息阅读能力的培养策略。  相似文献   
运用扫描电镜研究渤海南部碎屑石英颗粒表面微结构,并根据各种形痕的组合特征,判断沉积物所处的沉积环境,定性分析控制沉积环境的主要因素。  相似文献   
Geochronology of the volcanic rocks in the Lu-Zong basin and its significance   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The Lu-Zong (Lujiang-Zongyang) basin is one of the most important volcanic basins in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River area, China. It comprises four shoshonitic volcanic units, which are, in an ascending order, the Longmenyuan, Zhuanqiao, Shuangmiao and Fushan Groups. The LA-ICP MS U-Pb zircon ages of the four units are: 134.8±1.8 Ma for the Longmenyuan Group, 134.1±1.6 Ma for the Zhuanqiao Group, 130.5±0.8 Ma for the Shuangmiao Group, and 127.1±1.2 Ma for the Fushan Group. The results indicate that all volcanic rocks in the Lu-Zong basin were formed in the Early Cretaceous from about 135 Ma to 127 Ma, lasting 8-10 Ma. There were no Jurassic volcanic activities in all the volcanic basins including the Lu-Zong basin in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River area. This work has provided new chronological results for the further study and understanding of the tec- tonic, magmatic and metallogenic processes of eastern China in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   
区域水资源协调分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立了区域水资源协调分析的概念模型和通用多区域-多目标数学模型(MAOM),并结合新疆昌吉州的具体情况,运用目标规划法进行求解,确定了昌吉州近期和远景的水资源合理利用结构。  相似文献   
 Sinkhole collapse is one of the main limitations on the development of karst areas, especially where bedrock is covered by unconsolidated material. Studies of sinkhole formation have shown that sinkholes are likely to develop in cutter (enlarged joint) zones as a result of subterranean erosion by flowing groundwater. Because of the irregular distribution of pinnacles and cutters on the bedrock surface, uncertainties arise when "hit-or-miss" borehole drilling is used to locate potential collapse sites. A high-resolution geophysical technique capable of depicting the details of the bedrock surface is essential for guiding the drilling program. Dipole-dipole electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was used to map the bedrock surface at a site in southern Indiana where limestone is covered by about 9 m of clayey soils. Forty-nine transects were conducted over an area of approximately 42,037 m2. The electrode spacing was 3 m. The length of the transects varied from 81 to 249 m. The tomographs were interpreted with the aid of soil borings. The repeatability of ERT was evaluated by comparing the rock surface elevations interpreted from pairs of transects where they crossed each other. The average difference was 2.4 m, with a maximum of 10 m. The discrepancy between interpreted bedrock-surface elevations for a transect intersection may be caused by variations in the subsurface geology normal to the transect. Averaging the elevation data interpreted from different transects improved the ERT results. A bedrock surface map was generated using only the averaged elevation data at the transect junctions. The accuracy of the map was further evaluated using data from four exploratory boreholes. The average difference between interpreted and actual bedrock surface-elevations was less than 0.4 m. The map shows two large troughs in the limestone surface: one coinciding with an existing sinkhole basin, while the other is in alignment with a small topographic valley. Because sinkholes were observed at the same elevation interval in similar valleys in the vicinity, the delineated trough may have implications for future land use at the site. Received: 4 January 1999 · Accepted: 8 March 1999  相似文献   
苏鲁交界及南黄海地区地震波速比的变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周焕鹏 《地震》1994,(2):36-44
本文主要应用多台波速比和单台波速比的方法,计算了苏鲁交界及南黄海(北纬35°35′至36°00′,东经117°00′至121°00′)范围内,1984到1991年7月发生在该区域的163次ML≥1.7地震的波速比值,并对波速比结果进行t检验和模糊数学分析识别。分析结果发现,1985年1月至11月出现了不连续的波速比低值异常时段,模糊数学识别的异常从属函数在这段时间也呈现高值。异常恢复后,1987年  相似文献   
Because of the multiple layers of dissimilar materials and large deformations involved in the subsidence of a landfill system, large-scale computer simulation of the geomechanical response to subsidence with the use of conventional numerical methods are problematic. The Material Point (MPM), which was recently developed for dynamic problems such as penetration and perforation, is a newly emerging numerical method. The MPM is modified in this paper to simulate the geomechanical response of a landfill cover system that includes a geomembrane under quasi-static loading conditions. Sample problems, for which an analytical solution is available with certain assumptions, are considered to demonstrate the proposed solution procedure. Future work is discussed based on current research results. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
多级速度梯度的建立理论上可为絮体的成长创造更理想的环境。目前对流化床混凝工艺的研究多是基于单级速度梯度开展的。以粒径为800 μm 和1 200 μm的树脂颗粒为固相,建立多级速度梯度流化床混凝装置,探讨絮体的成长与形态特征。研究结果表明:在单级速度梯度流化床混凝装置中,当以1 200 μm树脂颗粒为固相颗粒、混凝时间为50.3 s时,絮体发生破碎,混凝效率较混凝时间为41.8 s时降低3%;相同初始填充高度的多级速度梯度条件下,絮体尺寸随着混凝时间的延长而逐渐增加,由5.7 μm成长至70.0~75.0 μm,同时混凝效率也较单级速度梯度下提高了5%~10%。絮体之间的碰撞为絮体成长的主要模式。  相似文献   
周钟生  贾磊  游奔 《江苏地质》2024,48(3):266-272
江苏溧阳天目湖地区地貌单元的划分可以提升分区、分类型、分层次的地表基质调查效率。基于天目湖地区5 m分辨率的数字高程模型(DEM),应用GIS软件提取高程、坡度、地形起伏度信息;在提取地形起伏度的过程中运用邻域分析法与均值变点法,确定提取地形起伏度的最佳分析窗口大小为37×37像元。将地形起伏度、海拔高程及坡度3种地形要素进行空间叠加分析,并对地貌分布格局与差异变化进行初步探讨,提出将天目湖地区地貌指标划分为平原、河流阶地、山间谷地、台地、丘陵5种类型,其中以山间谷地与台地地貌为主,二者分别占32.97%、21.96%。划分结果符合天目湖地区地貌格局差异及空间分布,有效体现出天目湖地区平原向丘陵过渡的地貌特征,为后续开展地表基质的调查工作提供较为可靠的地理依据,对探究地貌分布格局与地表基质属性差异具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
周盈  鄂建  李洋 《江苏地质》2024,48(3):293-301
以往对海洋荷载影响下深层孔隙水波动特性的研究相对较少。基于2018—2020年南通阳光岛和通州湾深层地下水的逐时水位监测数据,运用小波分析法探讨了海洋荷载对深层地下水水位波动的影响。分析发现,从浅海区域的阳光岛到近海岸区域的通州湾,深层地下水水位具有周期波动规律,主周期为19 h,波动周期为12 h与13 h。阳光岛深层地下水水位振幅较大,变化范围为0.23~2.78 m,年最大振幅>2 m;通州湾深层地下水水位振幅较小且稳定,年最大振幅仅为0.34 m。研究结果表明,浅海区域的深层地下水水位振幅较为显著,在从海洋荷载区域向非海洋荷载区域传递过程中,振幅呈现出非线性衰减的趋势。研究结果对理解滨海地区地下水系统动态及其对海洋荷载的响应具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
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