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Several giant debris flows occurred in southwestern China after the Wenchuan earthquake, causing serious casualties and economic losses. Debris flows were frequently triggered after the earthquake. A relatively accurate prediction of these post-seismic debris flows can help to reduce the consequent damages. Existing debris flow prediction is almost based on the study of the relationship between post-earthquake debris flows and rainfall. The relationship between the occurrence of post-seismic debris flows and characteristic rainfall patterns was studied in this paper. Fourteen rainfall events related to debris flows that occurred in four watersheds in the Wenchuan earthquake area were collected. By analyzing the rainfall data, characteristics of rainfall events that triggered debris flows after the earthquake were obtained. Both the critical maximum rainfall intensity and average rainfall intensity increased with the time. To describe the critical conditions for debris flow initiation, intensity–duration curves were constructed, which shows how the threshold for triggering debris flows increased each year. The time that the critical rainfall intensities of debris flow occurrences return to the value prior to the earthquake could not be estimated due to the absent rainfall data before the earthquake. Rainfall-triggering response patterns could be distinguished for rainfall-induced debris flows. The critical rainfall patterns related to debris flows could be divided on the basis of antecedent rainfall duration and intensity into three categories: (1) a rapid triggering response pattern, (2) an intermediate triggering response pattern, and (3) a slow triggering response pattern. The triggering response patterns are closely related to the initiation mechanisms of post-earthquake debris flows. The main difference in initiation mechanisms and difference in triggering patterns by rainfall is regulated by the infiltration process and determined by a number of parameters, such as hydro-mechanical soil characteristics, the thickness of the soil, and the slope gradient. In case of a rapid triggering response rainfall pattern, the hydraulic conductivity and initial moisture content are the main impact factors. Runoff erosion and rapid loading of solid material is the dominant process. In case of a rainfall pattern with a slow triggering response, the thickness and strength of the soil, high hydraulic conductivity, and rainfall intensity are the impact factors. Probably slope failure is the most dominant process initiating debris flows. In case of an intermediate triggering response pattern, both debris flow initiation mechanisms (runoff erosion and slope failure) can play a role.  相似文献   
The Huaibei coalfield is in the East China Economic Area, which is rich in coal and gas resources. However, hundreds of coal and gas outburst accidents have occurred because of the complex geological structures of the coalfield. Based on theoretical analysis and field statistics, the characteristics of regional geological structures and the coal measure strata evolution in the Huaibei coalfield were researched, and gas resource distribution and gas parameters were statistically analyzed to determine the dominant controlling factors of gas occurrence and gas dynamic disaster. The results indicated that the Huaibei coalfield has undergone complex tectonic evolution, causing obvious differences in gas storage in different blocks of different mining areas, which exhibits a pattern of high amounts of gas in the south and east, and low amounts of gas in the north and west. The coal seam and gas occurrence have a bipolar distribution in the coalfield caused by multiple tectonic movements, and they are deeply buried. Horizontal tectonic stress plays a dominant role in gas outburst, and the thermal evolution and trap effects of magma intrusion increase the possibility and extent of gas outburst. Considering coal seam and gas occurrence characteristics in the coalfield, we propose a new technology for deep coal reservoir reconstruction which combined present underground regional gas control methods and surface well extraction methods. The technology has three effects: developing gas resources, improving coal mining safety level and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which has been practiced to be effective in coal mines in the Huaibei coalfield.  相似文献   
介绍了青藏高原水文模拟的研究现状和发展趋势。水文模拟是研究水文过程的主要手段,可为流域水资源管理及防灾减灾提供理论和决策支持。国际上第一代水文模型为\"集总式\",第二代水文模型为\"分布式\",但它们大都以描述降水—产流的水分输移为主(\"水圈\"),未仔细考虑陆—气水热交换中植被的调节作用(\"生物圈—大气圈\")。近10年来,在气候变化的背景下,随着大气科学以及生态学的蓬勃发展,分布式水文模型开始描述生物圈—大气圈相互作用;通过改进陆—气间的水热交换过程以及植被的生理过程,实现了对流域水圈—生物圈—大气圈的综合模拟。然而,针对显著受冰冻圈过程影响的青藏高原,需要深入研究冰冻圈与其他圈层(水圈/生物圈/大气圈)的相互作用机理,并实现其在水文模拟中的参数化,以提升区域水资源和水灾害的预测能力。  相似文献   
First of all,using the GPS velocity field from campaign GPS measurements implemented by CMONC( C hina Crustal Movement Observation) a nd TEONC( C hina Tectonic Environment Observation Networks) u p to 2013, w e analyzed the background of regional crustal horizontal movement and deformation before the M S7. 3 Yutian,Xinjiang earthquake on February 12,2014. Then,by comparing this to the vertical movement from leveling measurements,we studied the crustal movement deformation and the state of strain accumulation on the northeastern edge of Qinghai-Tibetan block.Finally,we investigated the possible effects on the earthquake activity of the northeastern edge of Tibet from the M S7. 3 Yutian earthquake. The result indicates that,the M S7. 3Yutian earthquake occurred against the background of strong tectonic movement and intensive intracontinental crustal differential movement on the edges of tectonic blocks in western China,and also that it happened in the period of the strong tectonic stress field in Qinghai-Tibetan block and its edges. The sinistral strike-slip and stress transfer of the Yutian M S7. 3 earthquake may accelerate the rupture of fault segments with high strain accumulation at the northeastern edge of Qinghai-Tibetan block( especially in Qilian Mountain fault zone,and border area of Gansu,Qinghai and Sichuan provinces on the south of western Qinling).  相似文献   
1961—2010年青海省霜冻灾害变化特征及风险区划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于青海省历史日最低气温、青海省农作物种植总面积、农作物产量等要素,运用数理统计构建致灾因子危险性、暴露性和灾损敏感性指数,采用图表法和指数乘积法开展青海省霜冻灾害变化特征及风险区划。结果表明,青海省作物种植区均有霜冻灾害,中心集中在东部农业区的门源、大通、互助、湟源和湟中,柴达木盆地东部的德令哈、都兰和乌兰,以及贵南和共和等地;发生时段主要在4—9月,5月发生频率最高;年际间霜冻灾害呈波动增加趋势,但趋势不显著,年代际间霜冻灾害呈显著波动增加趋势;霜冻灾害高风险区主要分布在东北部的门源、互助、大通和祁连东部。  相似文献   
MPLS VPN高速区域网络在天津地震监测系统中的应用.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
天津市地震局在“十五”及“十一五”期间,利用MPLS VPN技术,建成了全国最快的区域级地震通信网络系统,实现了54个节点的高带宽互联.本文详细阐述了MPLS VPN技术在天津地震监测系统中的建设与应用情况,以期为今后更好的服务于地震行业提供参考.  相似文献   
NagiosQL软件在开源网络管理系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
NagiosQL开源软件,实现了对Nagios系统的监控对象、监控命令、分组信息等配置要素的图形化管理工作,方便了Nagios系统的进一步深入应用.本文阐述NagiosQL软件在天津市地震局开源网络管理系统中的应用,包括与Nagios系统的集成、联调和使用情况,是开源软件在地震行业中新的应用参考.  相似文献   
The Tohoku megathrust earthquake, which occurred on March 11, 2011 and had an epicenter that was 70 km east of Tohoku, Japan, resulted in an estimated ten's of billions of dollars in damage and a death toll of more than 15 thousand lives, yet few studies have documented key spatio-temporal seismogenic characteristics. Specifically, the temporal decay of aftershock activity, the number of strong aftershocks (with magnitudes greater than or equal to 7.0), the magnitude of the greatest aftershock, and area of possible aftershocks. Forecasted results from this study are based on Gutenberg-Richter's relation, Bath's law, Omori's law, and Well's relation of rupture scale utilizing the magnitude and statistical parameters of earthquakes in USA and China (Landers, Northridge, Hector Mine, San Simeon and Wenchuan earthquakes). The number of strong aftershocks, the parameters of Gutenberg-Richter's relation, and the modified form of Omori's law are confirmed based on the aftershock sequence data from the MW9.0 Tohoku earthquake. Moreover, for a large earthquake, the seismogenic structure could be a fault, a fault system, or an intersection of several faults. The seismogenic structure of the earthquake suggests that the event occurred on a thrust fault near the Japan trench within the overriding plate that subsequently triggered three or more active faults producing large aftershocks.  相似文献   
Employing long‐range correlation, complexity features and clustering, this study investigated the influence of dam and lake‐river systems on the Yangtze River flow. The impact of the Gezhouba Dam and the lake systems on streamflow was evaluated by analysing daily streamflow records at the Cuntan, the Yichang and the Datong station. Results indicated no evident influence of the Gezhouba Dam on streamflow changes. Distinct differences in scaling behaviour, long‐range correlation and clustering of streamflow at the Datong station when compared with those at the Cuntan and Yichang stations undoubtedly showed the influence of water storage and the buffering effect of the lake systems between the Datong station and other two hydrological stations on streamflow in the lower Yangtze River basin. Decreased regularity, enhanced long‐range correlation and increased clustering of streamflow in the lower Yangtze River basin due to the effect of water storage of the lake systems were corroborated. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Five mobile digital seismic stations were set up by the Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province near the epicenter of the main shock after the Ning’er M6.4 earthquake on June 3, 2007. In this paper, the aftershock sequence of the Ning’er M6.4 earthquake is relocated by using the double difference earthquake location method. The data is from the 5 mobile digital seismic stations and the permanent Simao seismic station. The results show that the length of the aftershock sequence is 40km and the width is 30km, concentrated obviously at the lateral displacement area between the Pu’er fault and the NNE-trending faults, with the majority occurring on the Pu’er fault around the main shock. The depths of aftershocks are from 2km to 12km, and the predominant distribution is in the depth of 8~10km. The mean depth is 7.9km. The seismic fault dips to the northwest revealed from the profile parallel to this aftershock sequence, which is identical to the dip of the secondary fault of the NE-trending Menglian-Mojiang fault in the earthquake area. There are more earthquakes concentrated in the northwest segment than in the southeast segment, which is perhaps related to the underground medium and faults. The depth profile of the earthquake sequence shows that the relocated earthquakes are mainly located near the Pu’er fault and the seismic faults dip to the southwest, consistent with the dip of the west branch of the Pu’er fault. In all, the fault strike revealed by earthquake relocations matches well with the strike in the focal mechanism solutions. The main shock is in the top of the aftershock sequence and the aftershocks are symmetrically distributed, showing that faulting was complete in both the NE and SW directions.  相似文献   
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