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Economic concentrations of Fe–Ti oxides occur as massive,conformable lenses or layers in the lower part of the Panzhihuaintrusion, Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China. Mineralchemistry, textures and QUILF equilibria indicate that oxidesin rocks of the intrusion were subjected to extensive subsolidusre-equilibration and exsolution. The primary oxide, reconstructedfrom compositions of titanomagnetite in the ores and associatedintergrowths, is an aluminous titanomagnetite (Usp40) with 40wt % FeO, 34 wt % Fe2O3, 16·5 wt % TiO2, 5·3 wt% Al2O3, 3·5 wt % MgO and 0·5 wt % MnO. This compositionis similar to the bulk composition of the oxide ore, as inferredfrom whole-rock data. This similarity strongly suggests thatthe ores formed from accumulation of titanomagnetite crystals,not from immiscible oxide melt as proposed in earlier studies.The occurrence of oxide ores in the lower parts of the Panzhihuaintrusion is best explained by settling and sorting of densetitanomagnetite in the ferrogabbroic parental magma. This magmamust have crystallized Fe–Ti oxides relatively early andabundantly, and is likely to have been enriched in Fe and Tibut poor in SiO2. These features are consistent with fractionationof mantle-derived melts under relatively high pressures (10kbar), followed by emplacement of the residual magma at 5 kbar.This study provides definitive field and geochemical evidencethat Fe–Ti oxide ores can form by accumulation in ferrogabbro.We suggest that many other massive Fe–Ti oxide depositsmay have formed in a similar fashion and that high concentrationsof phosphorus or carbon, or periodic fluctuation of fO2 in themagma, are of secondary importance in ore formation. KEY WORDS: ELIP; Fe–Ti oxide ore; layered intrusion; Panzhihua; QUILF  相似文献   
This article gives a general introduction to land subsidence with the prediction approaches due to withdrawal of groundwater in three subsided/subsiding regions in China: the deltaic plain of Yangtse River (YRDP), North China Plain (NCP), and Fenwei Plain (FP). On YRDP, Shanghai is the typical subsided/subsiding city; on NCP Tianjin is the typical subsided/subsiding city, and on FP Taiyuan is the typical subsided/subsiding city. The subsided area with subsidence over 200 mm on YRDP is about 10,000 km2 and the maximum subsided value reached 2.9 m at Shanghai; on NCP the subsided area reached 60,000 km2 with the maximum subsidence of 3.9 m at Tianjing; on FP the subsided area is relatively smaller than that on the other two plains and is about 1,135 km2 with maximum subsidence of 3.7 m at Taiyuan city. In order to protect the civil and industrial facilities, it is necessary to predict the future development of land subsidence based on present state. Many researchers proposed several approaches to predict the land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal according to different geological conditions and groundwater withdrawal practice. This article classifies these approaches into five categories: (i) statistical methods; (ii) 1D numerical method; (iii) quasi-3D seepage model; (iv) 3D seepage model; (v) fully coupled 3D model. In China, the former four categories are presently employed in the prediction practice and their merits and demerits are discussed. According to the prediction practice, 3D seepage model is the best method presently.  相似文献   
The oceans have rich resources of microbes. In recent years, searching for antibiotic of new structure and special biological activity from marine microbes has received great attention. This paper reports the results of the studies on the distribution and the antibacterial properties of Streptomyces in the intertidal zone of Southern Fujian. These studies have important significance to further investigate  相似文献   
Recently, some results have been acquired with the Monte- Carlo statistical experiments in the design of ocean en gineering. The results show that Monte-Carlo statistical experiments can be widely used in estimating the parameters of wave statistical distributions, checking the probability model of the long- term wave extreme value distribution under a typhoon condition and calculating the failure probability of the ocean platforms.  相似文献   
真鲷的营养需要及配合饲料的研究初报   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文综述了真鲷的营养需要,研究了不同植物蛋白源对真鲷生长的影响,并在此基础上设计了三种饲料配方,试验结果表明I号饲料配方的增长率最高。  相似文献   
继“西沙、中沙群岛附近海域浮游硅藻类分类的研究”之后,作者又对西沙群岛所属岛、礁附近海域的羽纹硅藻进行了初步整理,共鉴定出羽纹硅藻11属27种及其变种(其中8种是我国首次记录)。本文对首次记录的种类进行了比较详细的说明和绘图。某些在我国其他海域已有报道的种类,如光辉针杆藻、串珠梯楔形藻、海生斑条藻、琴状舟形藻、流苏胸隔藻、双标胸隔藻、钝端双眉藻、细纹斜盘藻等,以往的描述较简单,并且与西沙群岛标本的形态也不完全雷同,为了便于应用和比较,本文根据西沙群岛的标本,又进行了较详细的描述或补充说明。对有图而无说明,或仅有名录的种类的国内资料,在地理分布内注明。为了保持西沙群岛所属海城硅藻分类研究的连续性,本文仍采用 Hendey 提出的分类系统排列。 为便于读者査找,每一种名下列出其同物异名。 标本多用小型浮游生物网采得,有些则取自珊瑚表面。插图均用描图仪描绘。  相似文献   
用自装的BET容量法装置测定了几种粒状钛型吸附剂的比表面及其孔径分布。测定是在常温减压下进行的。结果表明:钛型吸附剂在加铀海水中的吸铀量与样品的比表面及孔径分布有一定的内在联系。这种表面性质的研究对吸附剂的筛选有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
渤海湾海河口区是北京、天津二大城市工业及生活污水排放入海处,是一比较典型的海域。1972年以来曾对渤海湾进行过综合性的环境污染调查和研究,但由于受调查范围和项目的限制,对河口区特别是大沽口、北塘口区有机污染物的迁移转化研究甚少,尚不足以就有机污染对河口生态环境的潜在影响作出科学判断。目前,有机污染已成为海河口区特别是其附近大城市的主要污染问题之一。本文以化学耗氧量(COD)、生物耗氧量(BOD5)、溶解氧(DO)等项目作为耗氧有机物污染程度评价的主要指标(还有氮、磷、本集另有专文讨论),对海河口区有机污染物的迁移、转化及生态效应进行了调查研究,为有机污染评价提供数据并作初步探讨。  相似文献   
生物制氢研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前, 世界上利用的能源90%以上都是“化石能源”(如石油、煤炭和天然气等)。随着人类不断利用这些不可再生的“化石能源”, 它将会逐渐枯竭, 且其燃烧形成的产物(如CO2和SO2等)造成的严重环境污染(如温室效应和酸雨), 也有害于人类健康。因此, 人类正面临着能源紧缺和环境污染的双重压力。为满足能源需求量日益增长和环境保护的需要, 我们必须寻找环保型的可再生能源来替代“化石能源” 以满足人类对能源的需求。 在各种可再生能源中氢能将有可能替代“化石能源”,成为未来能源利用的主要形式。氢能具有许多优点:①氢能燃烧时只生成水, 不产生任何污染物, 甚至连CO2也不会产生, 实现真正的“零污染” 和“零排放”;②氢能的能量密度高, 放热高达122 kJ/g, 是焦炭放热的4.5倍, 汽油的2.68倍;③氢能可经济有效的输送和储存, 可以利用已有的天然气管道输送, 输送成本低, 甚至优于输电, 因为输送氢能不会产生如电能输送过程中所产生的能量损耗;氢能的存储也比较简便, 其中储氢合金材料就是一种非常理想的储氢方法, 该方法储氢能力强、运输方便、操作容易, 且安全可靠。在利用储氢合金进行储氢时, 还可用以进行制冷或采暖(Kulkova et al., 2006), 因为储氢材料在吸氢时放热, 在放氢时吸热。正因为氢能具有如此多的优点, 许多大的跨国公司开始对制氢技术高度关注, 如主要汽车制造商(通用、福特、戴姆勒-克莱斯勒等)对开发以氢能作为燃料的汽车投入大量的人力和物力;宝马公司从20世纪70年代就开始研制以氢能为能源的汽车, 宝马公司现在已拥有了时速达240km的氢能汽车(Munro,2003)。同时, 一些发达国家的科研院所的科学家们对氢能的制备方法、制氢机制以及提高产氢量等进行了大量的研究。  相似文献   
目的:基于网络药理学与分子对接技术分析补阳还五汤治疗颈椎病的作用机制。方法:使用TCMSP、化学专业数据库获取补阳还五汤的活性成分,并对潜在靶点进行预测及规范。分别从PharmGKB、DisGeNET、OMIM、GeneCards数据库中得到颈椎病疾病靶点,利用韦恩图获取补阳还五汤与颈椎病的交集靶点。通过CytoScape软件构建中药-活性成分-疾病靶点和蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(PPI)网络,获得核心有效成分与关键靶点,利用David数据库对潜在靶点进行富集分析。最后运用AutoDock Vina软件对补阳还五汤核心有效成分与关键靶点进行分子对接验证。结果:共获得补阳还五汤治疗颈椎病的有效活性成分97个,包括槲皮素、山柰酚、黄芩素、木犀草素等;交集靶点64个,关键靶点有白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)、丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶1(AKT1)、白细胞介素-1B(IL-1B)等;主要涉及肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)、白细胞介素-17(IL-17)、磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(PI3K)/蛋白激酶B(Akt)等信号通路,分子对接结果显示核心有效成分与关键靶点之间结合紧密,为补阳还五汤治疗颈椎病提供相应条件。结论:该研究在总体上预测了补阳还五汤治疗颈椎病的活性成分、靶点和信号通路,作用途径广泛,为下一步的临床应用提供参考及思路。  相似文献   
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