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山东沂源土门岩溶含水系统,位于半干旱半湿润气候带。区内山青、水秀、洞密、林茂、古文化璀璨。别具特色的三水转化关系使区内大气降水、地表水、岩溶地下水的化学成分及空间变化颇具规律。来自岩溶含水系统边界以外变质岩分布区的外源水和大气降水渗入地下,对系统内的碳酸盐岩具有较强的溶蚀能力,当达到饱和甚至过饱和时又以泉水的形式溢出地表流出系统外。在漫长的地质岁月中,溶蚀—溢出—再溶蚀—再溢出,周而复始,于是形成了沂源土门别具一格的岩溶地貌景观。  相似文献   
地震应急资料具有较强的时效性、专业性和多学科融合的特点。中强地震发生后启动应急响应,工作人员需在短时间内产出多学科、跨领域、多手段的专业地震会商资料。以地震会商系统为平台,利用其灵活开发、自动计算和智能分析的优势,建立地震应急资料产出系统(包括会商资料处理模块、应急图件产出模块和震情报告生成模块),通过地震触发,根据预设流程和报告模板,自动产出专业报告,为震情形势研判和震后应急救援提供专业可靠的应急资料,最大限度地发挥应急救援和灾损评估的效能。  相似文献   
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - Storm surges, which may cause considerable casualties and economic losses, are among the most serious natural disasters that threaten the...  相似文献   
梯级小水电的开发一定程度上破坏了河流连通性并阻碍了鱼类洄游通道。黑水河流域松新坝址为了满足鱼类上行产卵修建了松新鱼道,然而作为洄游物种生命周期中的关键行为,鱼类下行洄游的需求也同等重要。为了寻求一种可行、高效、低损伤的下行过鱼方式,了解河流中不同环境因素对鱼类下行效率的影响,本研究在金沙江下游支流黑水河松新水电站补水通道开展鱼类下行过坝效果评估研究。针对两种鲤科鱼类(棒花鱼Abbottina rivularis和短须裂腹鱼Schizothorax wangchiachii)幼鱼和两种鳅科鱼类(短体副鳅Paracobitis potanini和红尾副鳅Paracobitis variegatus)幼鱼各放鱼90尾,定量分析鱼种、水体透明度、放鱼位置、流量、水温、水位等因素对鱼类下行效率的影响。结果表明:棒花鱼、短须裂腹鱼、短体副鳅、红尾副鳅的下行率依次为22.22%(20尾)、28.89%(26尾)、8.89%(8尾)、15.56%(14尾);幼鱼下行成功率与上游河道水温呈正相关趋势,且放鱼位置、鱼种、上游河道水温和流量均对鱼类下行成功率有显著影响。通过构建二元Logistic回归模型识...  相似文献   
“黄苔”是丝状绿藻大量增殖并漂浮聚集在水面的一种藻类水华,是乌梁素海面临的重大水环境问题之一。本研究基于文献数据整合和Landsat TM/OLI系列卫星影像反演,追溯了乌梁素海近35年(1986—2021年)的水质变化和“黄苔”暴发历程,通过相关性分析和多元线性回归等方法,分析了乌梁素海“黄苔”暴发的年际影响因子。乌梁素海水体化学需氧量、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)浓度在年尺度上呈下降趋势,但仍处于富营养状态(TLI(∑)>50)。相关性分析结果表明,乌梁素海“黄苔”暴发面积与TP、TN、氨氮、气温呈显著正相关,与出水量、风速、沉水植被面积、入水量呈显著负相关;多元线性回归结果表明,沉水植被面积和出水量是影响乌梁素海“黄苔”暴发面积的主要因子。生态补水工程的实施增加了乌梁素海出入水量,降低了水体TP、TN浓度,也造成沉水植被退化,使“黄苔”暴发的扩张趋势得以遏制。然而,乌梁素海现有营养条件、基质条件仍适宜附着藻生长和“黄苔”暴发。在全球气候变化背景下,气温升高和风力减弱可能会加剧这一现象。建议采取多种措施以防控乌梁素海“黄苔”暴发,如生态补水、外源营养盐管控、沉水植被调控、引水活...  相似文献   
Models of land use change are useful tools for un-derstanding the analysis of the cause and conse-quences of land use changes, assessing the impacts of land use system on ecological system and supporting land use planning and policy[1,2]. Modeling land use scenario changes and its potential impacts on the structure and function of the ecosystem in the typical regions are regarded as one of the good ways to un-derstand the interactive mechanism between land use system and ecological system[3―10…  相似文献   
Active seismic sources are critical for obtaining high resolution images of the subsurface. For active imaging in urban areas, environment friendly and green seismic sources are required. In present work, we introduce a new type of green active source based on the gaseous detonation of methane and oxygen. When fired in a closed container, the chemical reaction, i.e. gaseous detonation, will produce high pressure air over 150MPa. Seismic waves are produced when high pressure air is quickly released to impact the surroundings. The first field experiment of this active source was carried out in December, 2017 in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, where a series of active sources were excited to explore their potential in mine exploration. In current work, we analyzed the seismic waves recorded by near-field accelerators and a dense short-period seismic array and compared them with those from a mobile airgun source, another kind of active source by releasing high pressure air into water. The results demonstrate that it can be used for high resolution near surface imaging. Firstly, the gaseous detonation productions are harmless CO2 and water, making it a green explosive source. Secondly, the dominant seismic frequencies are 10-80Hz and a single shot can be recorded up to 15km, making it suitable for local structure investigations. Thirdly, it can be excited in vertical wells, similar to traditional powder explosive sources. It can also act as an additional on-land active source to airgun sources, which requires a suitable water body as intermediate media to generate repeating signals. Moreover, the short duration and high frequency signature of the source signals make it safe with no damage to nearby buildings. These make it convenient to excite in urban areas. As a new explosive source, the excitation equipment and conditions, such as gas ratio, sink depth and air-releasing directions, need further investigation to improve seismic wave generation efficiency.  相似文献   
收集2008—2016年山西地震台网记录的震中距30°—90°范围内1 253个远震事件波形,拾取7 600余条高质量P波初至到时,使用IASP91模型计算相对到时残差,分析残差水平分布特征,结果显示:①以山西地区中部的山西断裂带为界,西部地震台站记录的P波初至主要表现为早到时,东部位于大同火山区的地震台站记录则主要表现为晚到时;②位于山西断裂带内部的地震台站记录的P波初至主要表现为早到时,残差水平显著低于西部地震台站;③研究区P波到时整体呈现自西向东逐渐由早到晚的分布特征。推测山西断裂带西部地区下方可能存在高速异常结构,山西断裂带内部及大同火山区下方可能存在低速异常结构。  相似文献   
Wang  Jianglin  Yang  Bao  Zheng  Jingyun  Zhang  Xuezhen  Wang  Zhiyuan  Fang  Miao  Shi  Feng  Liu  Jingjing 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(8):1126-1143
The temperature variability over multidecadal and longer timescales(e.g., the cold epochs in the late 15 th, 17 th, and early 19 th centuries) is significant and dominant in the millennium-long, large-scale reconstructions and model simulations;however, their temporal patterns in the reconstructed and simulated temperature series are not well understood and require a detailed assessment and comparison. Here, we compare the reconstructed and simulated temperature series for the Northern Hemisphere(NH) at multidecadal and longer-term timescales(30 years) by evaluating their covariance, climate sensitivity and amplitude of temperature changes. We found that covariances between different reconstructions or between reconstructions and simulations are generally high for the whole period of 850–1999 CE, due to their similar long-term temporal patterns. However,covariances between different reconstructions or between reconstructions and simulations steadily decline as time series extends further back in time, becoming particularly small during Medieval times. This is related to the large uncetainties in the reconstructions caused by the decreased number of proxy records and sample duplication during the pre-instrumental periods.Reconstructions based solely on tree-ring data show higher skill than multiproxy reconstructions in capturing the amplitude of volcanic cooling simulated by models. Meanwhile, climate models have a shorter recovery(i.e., lag) in response to the cooling caused by volcanic eruptions and solar activity minima, implying the lack of some important feedback mechanisms between external forcing and internal climate processes in climate models. Amplitudes of temperature variations in the latest published tree-ring reconstructions are comparable to those of the multiproxy reconstructions. We found that the temperature difference between the Medieval Climate Anomaly(950–1250 CE) and the Little Ice Age(1450–1850 CE) is generally larger in proxybased reconstructions than in model simulations, but the reason is unclear.  相似文献   
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