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对虾的人工养殖已成为我国养殖业中的支柱产业,不仅拓宽了农村劳动力市场渠道,同时也是农村脱贫致富的重要经济产业。但是近几年来,由于生态环境日益恶化,病毒或细菌感染、水质污染、饵料变坏引起的应激反应。造成对虾大面积遭灾,有的甚至全军覆灭。 我国北方沿海一些地区,为躲避高温期的对虾流行疾病,提出早育苗、育大苗的建议。而虾苗质量的好坏,又最终会直接影响对虾的成长和产量。我国部分育苗场采用提高育苗池温度和加大抗生素用量,促使虾苗在长度上达到0.7-1cm,从而符合放养规格。日本学者Nakamura(1987)用组织学方法研究日本对虾的流行疾病时发现,仔虾在P20期以前,特别是P4-10期时,发育的淋巴器官大小的转换值较低,仔虾期抵抗力亦较低,是仔虾易发病死亡的原因,而这段时期又正是中国对虾的放养期,从育苗池到虾塘,环境的改变较大,若加上育苗场急功近利的作法,则会加速仔虾的死亡或成为孱弱的个体。 据酒井(1992)、梶田(1990)、 Kajita等(1992)、 Sakai等(1991)、 Edwards等(1988)报道,生长激素对鱼类不仅有促进生长的作用,而且还有提高免疫力的效果。本课题组在完成山东省“八五”攻关课题“基因工程人工合成饵料的研制”过程中,同样证实了生长激素对鲤鱼有显著的促生长和抗病作用。但是在对虾的养殖中,有关生长激素的报道不多。本文为利用浸渍生长激素对中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)仔虾生长和耐盐度影响的研究结果。  相似文献   
洪湖网簖数量调查和渔获物分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用卫星遥感定点技术,估算洪湖1993年初约有11000部网簖,洪湖网簖可分为“稀阵”,“密阵”两种。1986年稀阵渔获物中,乌鳢,鲤、鲇,草鱼等大中型鱼类的比例达47.6%,1992 ̄1994年这些鱼类的比例不到7%,1986年鲫,红鳍三各小型鱼类的比例为51.0%,1992 ̄1994年达87.6%。九十年代洪湖主要经济鱼类的捕捞规格进一步下降,为此应地网簖渔业实施管理。  相似文献   
基于全国地下流体观测网的水温观测数据,分析2022年9月5日四川泸定 MS6.8 地震引起的水温同震响应特征,并结合同震静态应变场探讨了水温同震响应机理。结果表明,泸定 MS6.8 地震水温同震观测点主要分布在龙门山断裂带和川滇菱形块体中南部; 震中距Δ≤500km范围内水温同震以下降—恢复型和上升型为主,水温同震项数及测项比随震中距的增加逐渐减少; 水温同震响应幅度与震中距和地震能量密度显著相关,且随震中距的增加呈指数衰减,随地震能量密度的增加呈指数增大; 水温同震响应持续时间主要集中在1天以内,持续时间随震中距的增加呈指数衰减。  相似文献   
整理钟祥地震台2012年至2016年6月全球M_S≥6地震目录,与中国地震台网中心发布的面波震级进行对比分析,统计发现,该地震台面波震级误差主要集中在-1.0—+0.5,为此分析误差存在的原因,并根据实际情况给出解决办法。  相似文献   
This paper summarizes the development steps of a 4D variational assimilation scheme for nearshore wave models. A partition method is applied for adjusting both wave boundary conditions and wind fields. Nonstationary conditions are assimilated by providing defined correlations of model inputs in time. The scheme is implemented into the SWAN model. Twin experiments covering both stationary and nonstationary wave conditions are carried out to assess the adequacy of the proposed scheme. Stationary experiments are carried out considering separately windsea, swells, and mixed sea. Cost functions decline to less than 5% and RMS spectrum errors are reduced to less than 10%. The nonstationary experiment covers 1 day simulation under mixed wave conditions with assimilation windows of 3 h. RMS spectrum errors are reduced to less than 10% after 30 iterations in most assimilation windows. The results show that for spacially uniform model inputs, model accuracy is improved notably by the assimilation scheme throughout the computational domain. It is found that under wave conditions in which observed spectra can be well classified, the assimilation scheme is able to improve model results significantly.  相似文献   
Tight sandstone has a certain anisotropy. Using ultrasonic measurements of samples in three different directions and related matched experiments, this study systematically analyzes the pore structure and anisotropy of tight sandstone samples obtained from oil fields and compares results with those of shale. Results firstly show that the anisotropy of tight sandstone is mainly related to the compositional layering and thin interbedding which occur in different sedimentary environments. Tight sandstone has typical transverse isotropic medium characteristics, Young’s modulus increases in different directions with increasing confining pressure, Poisson’s ratio change is not obvious, anisotropic coefficients decrease with increasing effective pressure, and a certain linear relationship exists between ε, γ, and δ. This article finally summarizes anisotropy in different areas, thereby providing a foundation for the use of suitable appraisal models in different regions. This research can be used as an experimental reference for logging evaluation, seismic data interpretation, and fracturing develop of tight sandstones.  相似文献   
There exist different response characteristics in the resistivity measurements of dual laterolog (DLL) and logging while drilling (LWD) electromagnetic wave propagation logging in highly deviated and horizontal wells due to the difference in their measuring principles. In this study, we first use the integral equation method simulated the response characteristics of LWD resistivity and use the three dimensional finite element method (3D-FEM) simulated the response characteristics of DLL resistivity in horizontal wells, and then analyzed the response differences between the DLL and LWD resistivity. The comparative analysis indicated that the response differences may be caused by different factors such as differences in the angle of instrument inclination, anisotropy, formation interface, and mud intrusion. In the interface, the curves of the LWD resistivity become sharp with increases in the deviation while those of the DLL resistivity gradually become smooth. Both curves are affected by the anisotropy although the effect on DLL resistivity is lower than the LWD resistivity. These differences aid in providing a reasonable explanation in the horizontal well. However, this can also simultaneously lead to false results. At the end of the study, we explain the effects of the differences in the interpretation of the horizontal well based on the results and actual data analysis.  相似文献   
Prevention of annual “green tides” caused by blooms of the green macroalga Ulva prolifera, which have occurred in the Yellow Sea since 2007, has received much attention. Increasing evidence indicates that micro-propagules on the rafts used for Porphyra yezoensis aquaculture along the coastline of Jiangsu Province in China, were the primary source of these green tides. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of a silicone antifouling coating for preventing the adhesion and germination of U. prolifera micro-propagules on bamboo and nylon ropes, which have been used in rafts for P. yezoensis aquaculture. Our results demonstrated that a coating of silicone (Sylgard 184) containing 1.0 wt.% sodium benzoate (NaB) could reduce the adhesion rate to <5% and completely inhibited the growth of U. prolifera propagules on the coated surfaces. Coating bamboo and nylon ropes with NaB-incorporated silicone thus proved a potentially effective method for controlling the initial biomass accumulation of U. prolifera.  相似文献   
Processes of initial collision and suturing between India and Asia   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The initial collision between Indian and Asian continents marked the starting point for transformation of land-sea thermal contrast, uplift of the Tibet-Himalaya orogen, and climate change in Asia. In this paper, we review the published literatures from the past 30 years in order to draw consensus on the processes of initial collision and suturing that took place between the Indian and Asian plates. Following a comparison of the different methods that have been used to constrain the initial timing of collision, we propose that the tectono-sedimentary response in the peripheral foreland basin provides the most sensitive index of this event, and that paleomagnetism presents independent evidence as an alternative, reliable, and quantitative research method. In contrast to previous studies that have suggested collision between India and Asia started in Pakistan between ca. 55 Ma and 50 Ma and progressively closed eastwards, more recent researches have indicated that this major event first occurred in the center of the Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone (YTSZ) between ca. 65 Ma and 63 Ma and then spreading both eastwards and westwards. While continental collision is a complicated process, including the processes of deformation, sedimentation, metamorphism, and magmatism, different researchers have tended to define the nature of this event based on their own understanding, an intuitive bias that has meant that its initial timing has remained controversial for decades. Here, we recommend the use of reconstructions of each geological event within the orogenic evolution sequence as this will allow interpretation of collision timing on the basis of multidisciplinary methods.  相似文献   
Understanding the isotopic composition of precipitation in a forested catchment is critical for ecohydrological studies. Changes in the water isotopes of rainfall were assessed during its passage through the canopy in throughfall, and the effect of different forest stands on the isotope composition of throughfall. In a cool temperate forest in Korea, rainfall and throughfall samples collected under Pinus densiflora (red pine), Castanea crenata (chestnut), Robinia pseudoacacia (black locust) and mixed stands (mix of these three species) were analysed for oxygen and hydrogen isotopes. Throughfall δ18O and δD were enriched compared to rainfall. A difference of δ18O and δD among throughfall may be related to the difference in interception–storage capacity of different species due to dissimilar canopy characteristics. Since isotopic composition of throughfall and rainfall are different due to canopy isotopic effects, use of rainfall isotopic signatures for ecohydrological studies in forested ecosystem can lead to biases.  相似文献   
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