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根据因地制宜的规划种植之理念,以GIS为技术平台,建立了数字高程模型(DEM),并运用灰色关联分析(GRA),对天等县峰丛洼地区仍屯基地的六个样地火龙果的土宜条件进行了综合分析。结果表明,坡度较缓、山影量小、坡麓土层较厚的后山2(样地2)、边界山4(样地4)和狭岭6(样地6)为火龙果种植的极度适宜土地,而土层较薄、山影量大的边界山(样地3)适宜性最差,坡度偏大、其它条件均适宜的后山1(样地1)和山影量偏大、其它条件均适宜的狭岭5(样地5)介于中间,为高度适宜土地。在样地2、样地4和样地6中,由于样地2与火龙果种植环境条件的关联度大于样地4、样地6,所以其土宜条件更好,最适宜火龙果种植。在此基础上,把土宜评价的方法拓宽于石漠化治理的布局设计,在团乐、独山、小山等小流域的封山育林区选择出最适宜的地段进行了人工补植,补植树苗成活率均在85%以上,且长势较好。  相似文献   
Generation of correlated properties in heterogeneous porous media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spatial distribution of rock properties in porous media, such as permeability and porosity, often is strongly variable. Therefore, these properties usefully may be considered as a random field. However, this variability is correlated frequently on length scales comparable to geological lengths (for example, scales of sand bodies or facies). To solve various engineering problems (for example, in the oil recovery process) numerical models of a porous medium often are used. A need exists then to understand correlated random fields and to generate them over discretized numerical grids. The paper describes the general mathematical methods required to do this, with one particular method (the nearest neighbor model) described in detail. How parameters of the mathematical model may be related to rock property statistics for the nearest neighbor model is shown. The method is described in detail in one, two, and three dimensions. Examples are given of how model parameters may be determined from real data.  相似文献   
葛宝堂  李志聃 《中国岩溶》1996,15(3):291-296
岩溶是水工电法的主要研究目标之一。为探明地下岩溶的发育与分布,对较为复杂的组合球形岩溶地质体,建立了计算其视电阻率的物理数学模型,并采用等效视电阻率迭代法计算沿测线水平方向及垂直测线水平方向上组合球形岩溶的中梯装置的ρs值。重点分析了不同组合模式的中梯ρs曲线形态特征,并讨论了μ2值变化,测量电极距MN大小对组合球形岩溶地质体中梯ρs异常的影响规律。得出中梯ρs曲线对沿测线水平方向的组合球形岩溶地质体分辨能力最强,而对垂直测线水平方向以及铅垂方向的组合球形岩溶地质体,中梯ρs曲线无法分辨;μ2值的变化既影响中梯ρs曲线异常幅度,也影响其形态;当两个组合球形岩溶地质体之间的距离ΔX与MN之比ΔX/MN≤1/3时,ρs曲线会发生畸变,直接影响分辨能力,并会导致错误的解释结果。故ΔX/MN值必须大于1/3,在保证观测精度的前提下,MN越小越好   相似文献   
辽宁长海浮筏养殖对聚球藻蓝细菌分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 引言 辽宁省长海县海域具有较高的生产力,是辽宁省的水产养殖重点海域.浮筏养殖和底播增殖虾夷扇贝,已发展成为长海县的支柱经济产业,其产值占全县渔业总产值的90%以上.但是,近几年来长海海域生态环境存在急剧恶化趋势,增养殖海域自身污染越来越为严重,养殖病害频繁发生,成为限制海洋生态渔业可持续发展的重要因素[1].  相似文献   
通过对贵州铜仁地区陡山沱期盖帽碳酸盐岩进行野外地质观察与室内岩石薄片显微镜下观察和研究,发现盖帽碳酸盐岩普遍发育有晶洞构造、帐篷构造、层状裂隙及包卷状构造等特殊沉积构造,重晶石、黄铁矿广泛发育,δ(13C)(2个研究剖面平均值分别为-4.73×10-3,-4.52×10-3)普遍显著负偏。研究区盖帽碳酸盐岩的地质地球化学特征依据"甲烷渗漏"成因假说能够较合理地解释。  相似文献   
空间数据仓库研究综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
论述了空间数据仓库的定义、基本特征;着重叙述了目前国内外空间数据仓库在学术研究、产品研制和实际应用方面的发展现状;设计出了空间数据仓库的体系结构,说明了空间数据仓库和应用系统的区别与联系;最后得出结论,为支持我国空间数据基础设施建设,研制空间数据仓库十分必要。  相似文献   
Vicksburg loess is characterized by preferred orientation of constituent grains, which on the average dip 4° toward the west (N 80–85°W). This investigation was undertaken to study, quantitatively, the relationship between natural fabric anisotropies of Vicksburg loess and the orientation of applied stress distribution Results of the study indicate the fabric anisotropies in Vicksburg loess are reflected by definite variation in triaxial shear strength of dry and moist specimens.

In two series of triaxial tests, ultimate strength of the loess is maximum where σ1 is perpendicular to grain orientation, and it is reduced where the principal stresses are 45° to the fabric plane. In this respect, Vicksburg loess may serve as a structural model for granular earth materials in illustrating the influence of fabric on ultimate strength. Moreover, the Mohr-Coulomb fracture line consists of two line segments, with an increase in slope at higher confining pressure. This characteristic suggests that poorly-cemented sands, or sandstones, and silts, or siltstones, may undergo two failures: one at small strains where cement bonds are disrupted and the other at larger strains where internal shearing resistance of granular components is exceeded.  相似文献   

Researchontemporalandspatialdistribu┐tion,evolutionarycharacterandmechanismofcrustaldeformationfieldbeforeandaftertheTangshan...  相似文献   
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