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Under the two initial 1‐D one parameter velocity distribution forms (one is normal, the other is exponential), the z direction scale height evolution of normal neutron stars in the Galaxy is studied by numerical simulation. We do statistics for the cases at different time segments, also do statistics for the cumulative cases made of each time segment. The results show in the cumulative cases the evolution curves of the scale heights are smoother than in the each time segment, i.e., the cumulation improve the signal‐to‐noise ratio. Certainly the evolution cases are different at different Galactic disk locations, which also have very large difference from the average cases in the whole disk. In the initial stages of z evolution of normal neutron stars, after the beginning transient states, the cumulative scale heights increase linearly with time, and the cumulative scale height increasing rates have linear relationship with the initial velocity distribution parameters, which have larger fluctuation in the vicinity of the Sun than in the whole disk. We utilize the linear relationship of the cumulative scale height increasing rates vs. the initial velocity distribution parameters in the vicinity of the Sun to make comparison with the observation near the Sun. The results show if there is no magnetic decay, then the deserved initial velocity parameters are obvious lower than the present well known results from some authors; whereas if introducing magnetic decay, for the 1‐D normal case we can make consistence among concerning results using magnetic decay time values which are supported by some authors, while for the 1‐D exponential case the results show the lackness of young pulsar samples in the larger z in the vicinity of the Sun (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Early Mesozoic Basins in the Yanshan Fold–Thrust Belt (YFTB), located along the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC), record significant intraplate deformation of unknown age. In this article, we present evidence for the rapid exhumation of high‐grade basement rocks along the northern margin of the NCC in the Early Mesozoic. U–Pb geochronology of detrital zircons constrains the maximum depositional ages of syntectonic sedimentary units that formed during the unroofing of basement rocks and plutons in the Xiabancheng Basin. In the Early Mesozoic, the Xiabancheng Basin recorded a dramatic transformation in depositional environments, related to a significant change in the regional tectonic setting. In this study, the tectonic evolution of the YFTB is established from paleocurrent data and U–Pb zircon ages of sandstone and granitic gravels of the Xingshikou Formation, Xiabancheng Basin. The paleocurrent direction of meandering fluvial facies in the Triassic Liujiagou and Ermaying Formations are from east to west. In contrast, the overlying Xingshikou Formation consists of alluvial fan facies with paleocurrent directions from north‐northwest to south‐southeast. The lower and middle segments of the Xingshikou Formation record rapid exhumation of basement rocks along the northern margin of the NCC. U‐Pb ages of detrital zircons within the Xingshikou Formation are characterized by three major U–Pb age groups: 2.2–2.5 Ga, 1.7–1.8 Ga and 193–356 Ma. From 193 Ma to 356 Ma, a subsidiary peak occurs at 198 ± 5 Ma, constraining the sedimentation age of the Xingshikou Formation to the Early Jurassic. Zircon from the Wangtufang pluton in the northern portion of the Xiabancheng Basin yields U–Pb ages of 191 ± 1 Ma and 207 ± 1 Ma. Within error, these crystallization ages are identical to detrital zircon ages of 206 ± 1 Ma and 206 ± 2 Ma obtained for granitic gravel clasts in the Xingshikou Formation. Thus, the Wangtufang pluton and surrounding basement rocks must have experienced rapid uplift and exhumation during the Early Jurassic. The onset of exhumation along the northern margin of the NCC occurred at ca. 198–180 Ma.  相似文献   
在野外地质工作的基础上,通过对浙江平阳研山明矾石矿床的岩石学及地球化学特征进行认真的研究,进一步证实了矾山明矾山矿床是酸性火山气热液与中酸性火山碎屑岩内的碱性长石的交代中形成的。为了解释矿床的均一性,成矿的周期性和矿床单向依变分带等重要特征,我们重点研究了矿床中明矾石化和叶蜡石化的热力学性质,得出了K 活度和pH值是控制交代产物的重要因素的新结论,提出了该矿床交代成矿作用的新模型,并据此成功地解释了矿床的一些重要特征。  相似文献   
研究台风过境影响下海洋生态环境的变化是系统认识强天气过程下海洋响应问题的重要内容,对于防灾减灾、远洋运输等具有积极的意义。基于混合坐标海洋环流模式(Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model, HYCOM)数据,结合Aqua卫星搭载的中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)传感器数据,研究了慢速移动的台风“巴蓬”(1929号)过境对南海海表温度、叶绿素浓度以及水体垂向温盐结构和流场特征的影响。结果显示,台风“巴蓬”过境期间,波高由3 m增加至9 m,海表流速由0.3 m/s增加至0.7 m/s,台风周围最大流速甚至超过1.8 m/s;台风过境后,海表温度由原25.8 ℃下降至24.9 ℃。在台风影响下,水体垂向混合增加,混合层深度增加近15 m,从23 m到38 m。混合层内上部温度降低、盐度略微增加,下部温度升高、盐度降低;上层水体流速增加,方向偏转近90°,流速变化幅度由表及底逐渐减小。台风过境后3天内,由于温度降低、光照减弱,并且垂向混合增强补充的营养盐仍未被浮游植物充分利用,因此,叶绿素浓度并未快速升高,而是呈现短期内浓度微增的现象。  相似文献   
The fronts of the Huanghai cold water mass (HCWM) induced by tidal mixing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since Simpson and Hunter proposed in 1971 the idea that shallow water fronts were induced by tidal mixing, many authors have investigated the tide induced shallow water fronts in various areas. It was generally assumed that a critical value of the stratified parameterK=log10(H/U 3) may be used to identify the location of these fronts. Here, H means the depth of sea waler. U denotes the characteristic velocity of tidal current. and the critical value ofK is generally laken as 1.8–2.0. In this paper. Simpson-Hunter’s stratified parameterK was calculated by using quasi-maximum current velocity (which consists of the six main tidal constituents. i.e.M 2.S 2,O 1.K 1.M 4,MS4) in the H ranghai Sea (Yellow Sea) and in the northern Donghai Sea (East China Sea) as well. Caleulated results show that the areas of the Subei (the northern part of Jiangsu) Shoal. the area off the mouth area of the Changjiang (the Yangtze) River, along the coast of Shandong Peninsula. and along the western coast of Korea, the tidal mixing is strong. Calculations also show that along the whole boundary of the HCWM and also along the western boundary of the cyclonic eddy in the northern Donghai Sea, i.e. along the fronts, the value ofK is found to be very close to the eritical value 1.8. It is also to be noied that at these locations, the temperature of the surface water is very low. These clearly show that shallow water fronts in the Huanghai Sea and in the northern Donghai Sea as well, are induced by tidal mixing. Contribution No. 1241 from Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. This paper was published in Chinese in theOcean. et Limn. Sinica 16(6): 451–459, 1985.  相似文献   
褚亚平先生是中国著名的地理教育学家和地名学家.他长期从事地理教育研究与实践,完善了中学地理教学法学科体系,创造性的提出地理教材"三系统"理论,提出以学生为本,促进学生全面发展与深入教学研究,培养高质量师资队伍并行的地理教育理论,他对地理教育的研究成果推动了中国地理教育学的发展.他重视地名研究与管理人才培养,撰写专著力图构建地名学的基础理论,并对新时期地名管理,地名规划,地名商品化等问题提出自己的看法.  相似文献   
地球灾变一向被看成是生物进化的破坏性因素,但本文认为,正是这些灾变给生物进化带来一片生机。每一次灾变使旧有生物成批衰亡,往往有几十上百种生物一起灭绝,但同时也使新兴生物的崛起和繁盛有了广阔的生态空间。不仅如此,灾变还可以使旧生物跃变形成新生物,甚至可以制造、创造新生命。生命形成的一系列化合合成反应所需要的巨大能量,恰恰可能来源于形成灾变的火山作用、宇宙射线照射作用等。  相似文献   
贵州省乡村贫困空间格局与形成机制分析   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
以贫困态势严峻、区域内部贫困差异大的贵州省为研究区,分析了贵州省区县层面乡村贫困的空间异质性和空间依赖性格局,定量测度了乡村贫困空间差异的影响因素和因素效应的空间差异性,进而归纳了贵州省乡村贫困的形成机制。结果发现,贵州省区县乡村贫困具有时空稳定性,呈现出东、南、西部高而中、北部低的“马蹄”形空间异质性格局。区县贫困存在较强的空间依赖性,“高-高”型贫困地域即空间贫困陷阱区域,集聚分布在贵州省的东南部、南部。定量模型发现,坡度、到所在市中心的距离、青少年人口占比、少数民族人口占比是导致贵州区县层面乡村贫困空间差异的显著因素,且这些因素的效应水平呈现出不同的空间模式。产业发展受限、劳动力流动性差、金融和人力资本积累不足是贵州贫困空间形成的主导机制。最后建议扶贫政策层面应将基于地方和基于人的政策相结合。  相似文献   
沉积岩元素地球化学特征是研究古沉积环境的一种有效方法,特别适用于露头局限分布的地区。银川盆地第四系覆盖广、沉积厚度大,古近纪—新近纪沉积仅分布于盆地周边局部地区,且露头不连续,沉积环境研究较薄弱。通过对银川盆地灵武地区古近系—新近系碎屑岩主量、微量和稀土元素的系统采样分析,探讨该时期沉积物源特征、沉积环境与古气候变化。研究结果认为:①银川盆地灵武地区古近系—新近系物源以长英质火山岩为主;②古近纪—新近纪的沉积环境总体上为氧化环境,含盐度较高,气候特征以干旱炎热为主;③新近系彰恩堡组与古近系清水营组相比,氧含量相对增加,含盐度相对较低,水体相对变迁,湖盆由封闭体系逐步向开放体系过渡。该研究成果为银川盆地和宁南盆地渐新世—中新世晚期统一湖盆系统的建立提供了基础地质资料。  相似文献   
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