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中国县域高龄人口地域分异特征及环境成因   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
许昕  赵媛  张新林  曾通刚  夏四友 《地理科学》2018,38(9):1449-1457
以全国分县为基本研究单元,基于2000和2010年人口普查资料,依据高龄化系数将中国不同区域划分为未高龄化、浅度高龄化、中度高龄化和深度高龄化4个类型区,并探讨其空间上的地域分异规律。并选取5个自然环境指标,利用偏最小二乘法(PLS),对高龄化水平区域差异的环境成因进行定量分析。结果表明:① 全国县域高龄化水平呈现“西疏东密”分布格局;高龄化系数三级阶梯状分布明显,平原、丘陵、盆地普遍高于山地及高原地区;由“凹”字型向“东西隆升、北端塌缩”格局演变。高龄人口空间集聚不断增强,区域间差异逐渐增大。③ 水文指数、气候指数是影响全国县域高龄人口集聚的主要因素;地形起伏度、空气质量指数对高龄人口分布影响不显著,对不同类型区影响差异显著;随着时间的推移,植被指数对高龄人口空间分布的影响趋强;社会经济因素对高龄人口分布具有扰动作用。  相似文献   
测定了荒漠地区超旱生小灌木红砂在3种生境(山前荒漠、山前戈壁和中游戈壁)下的叶片水分状态、抗氧化酶活性及渗透调节物质含量,以探讨荒漠植物在不同生境下的生理生化特征及对荒漠极端环境的适应机制。结果表明:在3种生境下,红砂叶片相对含水量和叶片水势随着土壤含水量的下降而下降,叶绿素含量随着土壤含水量的下降而升高。随着生境土壤干旱的加剧,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)及过氧化物酶(POD)活性逐渐升高,而过氧化氢酶活性下降。在土壤含水量较少的戈壁生境,渗透调节物质含量上升。SOD和POD活性的升高是红砂抵御干旱环境的主要抗氧化保护机制;渗透调节在红砂叶片适应干旱胁迫的过程中发挥着重要作用,高的渗透调节能力使红砂在水分不足的条件下维持较低的渗透势,有利于植物吸水,从而增强其耐旱性。  相似文献   
This paper describes a time series experiment examining the nitrogen and phosphorus intake of natural phytoplankton communities by a microcosms approach.Seawater samples containing natural phytoplankton communities were collected from waters around Baozhu Islet in inner Xiamen Bay and around Qingyu Islet in the outer bay.The goal was to elucidate the relationship between phytoplankton population enhancement,the biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from the seawater,and the phytoplankton nitrogen an...  相似文献   
Clonal selection feature selection algorithm (CSFS) based on clonal selection algorithm (CSA), a new computational intelligence approach, has been proposed to perform the task of dimensionality reduction in high-dimensional images, and has better performance than traditional feature selection algorithms with more computational costs. In this paper, a fast clonal selection feature selection algorithm (FCSFS) for hyperspectral imagery is proposed to improve the convergence rate by using Cauchy mutation instead of non-uniform mutation as the primary immune operator. Two experiments are performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in comparison with CSFS using hyperspectral remote sensing imagery acquired by the pushbroom hyperspectral imager (PHI) and the airborne visible/infrared imaging spectrometer (AVIRIS), respectively. Experimental results demonstrate that the FCSFS converges faster than CSFS, hence providing an effective new option for dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral remote sensing imagery.  相似文献   
安徽绩溪伏岭岩体隆升时代的磷灰石裂变径迹证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑勇  余心起  王德恩  汪诚 《地质论评》2009,55(3):385-394
安徽绩溪伏岭岩体位于安徽省南部、黄山花岗岩体的东部。伏岭岩体裂变径迹(AFT)热年代分布于51±5~68±7 Ma之间,围限径迹长度为11.9~12.9μm。岩体形成之后,所在山系经历了速率波动较大的隆升过程,至55 Ma期间为一加速隆升过程,到55 Ma时速度达到最大的73 mm/ka;随后速度减缓,54 Ma左右时的平均抬升速率为60 mm/ka;54~51 Ma间又是一个快速加速隆升时期,到51 Ma时,速度达到70 mm/ka。研究区具有三个主要的冷却剥露阶段:130~116 Ma左右,冷却速率约为1.34℃/Ma;70~60 Ma左右,进入第二个较为快速冷却阶段,冷却速率约为25℃/Ma;在7~8 Ma左右发生突然加剧冷却事件,持续至今,速率达到8℃/km。总体来说,伏岭岩体经历了速率逐渐增加的冷却过程。由于黄山山体与伏岭岩体在大地构造位置、岩性特征及侵入时间上具有很大的相似性,二者的隆升时代、速率以及抬升剥蚀量是大致相当的。  相似文献   
Peng  Lixian  Zhang  Liwei  Li  Xupu  Wang  Zhuangzhuang  Wang  Hao  Jiao  Lei 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(5):806-828
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Global urbanization has led to drastic land use change, interfering the ecosystem services (ES) supply-demand balance, in turn threatening the well-being of...  相似文献   
1 Introduction in China, with an area of 4400 km2 and a drainage area With the advancement of global change study, peo- of nearly 29,660 km2[2]. Occurring at a “climatic triple ple are paying more and more attention to the conti- junction” among the East Asian monsoon, Indian nental environment (in which we reside), its evolution Monsoon and the Westerly Jet Stream, it lies in the and its future tendency. As a component of the global transitional belt of the east monsoonal humid areas sys…  相似文献   
Frequent human activities and climate change in the karst region of southwest China since the 1950s have led to the investigation of response of runoff to climate and catchment properties. Runoff coefficient (Rc) as an expression variable of the catchment response to rainfall is important to describe runoff dynamics and to estimate available streamflow for utilization. In this study, the equations of Rc associated with its attributors of climate condition and catchment property were derived using the Budyko framework. The equations were used to estimate relationship between the Rc and the attributors in the karst catchments in Guizhou province of southwest China. Analysis in the selected 23 karst catchments demonstrates that the spatial distribution of Rc is dominated by the catchment properties, such as the catchment properties of geology, slope and land use and land cover, rather than climate condition of drought index. Correlation analysis indicates that the catchment with a large slope usually has a high value of Rc, and a large proportion of carbonate rock in a catchment reduces Rc in the study area. Temporal increasing trend of Rc during 1961–2000 was found for most catchments in the study area. This increasing trend was primarily resulted from changes of catchment properties, e.g. deforestation in large areas of Guizhou province during the 1950s–1980s. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Earthquakes taking place from 1975 to 2010 in and around Shandong Province are relocated using double-difference (HypoDD) and Hypoinvers 2000 (Hypo2000) methods, after correction of the onset times of seismic phases. The results show that the relocated seismicity is clearly associated with regional tectonics in space, and is also in agreement with the existence of deep faults imaged by wide-angle and deep seismic reflection profiling ; most of the focal depths are in the range of 5 - 25km, and there are clearly two predominant depths: 10km and 16km, which are inferred to be on the bottom of the upper crust and in the middle crust, respectively. The pattern of seismic activity indicates that moderate and strong earthquakes are likely to occur in the brittle-ductile transition zone between the upper and the lower crust, as the outcome of the deep tectonic dynamic process and the movement and deformation of faults in the upper and shallow crust under the regional stress field.  相似文献   
To determine the optimal salinity for growth and first sexual maturity of ExopaIaemon carinicauda, the effects of salinity on growth and reproductive performance of early juvenile prawns of E. carinicauda were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Postlarvae from the same female broodstock were reared at six salinity levels (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30) for 12 weeks. The specific growth rate (SGR) and survival rate (SR) under different salinity levels in the first 6 weeks were calculated and compared. SGR was significantly influenced by salinity. Prawns reared in salinity of 10 grew significantly faster (P〈0.05) than those reared in salinities of 5, 20, 25, and 30. However, ANOVA confirmed that there was no significant effect among the six salinity levels on SR. For the next 6 weeks, the body length (BL), body weight (BW) at the first sexual maturity, and the age at median sexual maturity (As0) of females were measured and compared. Female prawns reared at salinity of 10 presented significantly shorter A50, but no significant differences among the six salinity levels for BL and BW at the first sexual maturity were observed. Based on the above information, the optimal salinity for growth and first sexual maturity of juvenile E. carinicauda is approximately 10.  相似文献   
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