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改进了硫同位素分析中由BaSO4制备SO2的方法:BaSO4和V2O5及SiO2混合后覆盖铜丝,在真空状态980℃加热20min,用液氮捕集SO2。与火焰直接加热分解法相比,用高温炉方便,改善了制样环境,避免污染。经国际标样和国家标准物质分析验证,结果与标准值相符,标准偏差(1σ)在±009‰~±020‰,符合分析要求。  相似文献   
针对与矿石矿物共存透明脉石矿物所含流体包裹体并不完全代表成矿流体,红外显微技术及EPMA、SEM等常规表面分析手段无法满足不透明矿石矿物所含单个低盐度流体包裹体研究的实际困难,本文首次成功地应用具同步扫描成象功能、电子束斑空间分辨率较高、信噪比较好的PHI595SAM/AES这一当代高灵敏表面分析技术,按单矿物分选→二次去离子水反复超声清洗→外真空热爆→在金属铟片上压制成样的实验流程对新疆阿尔泰多拉纳萨依金矿床含金黄铁矿所含单个低盐度流体包裹体的液相组成进行了静态定点分析,实验取得了满意结果。  相似文献   
碳同位素在海相碳酸盐岩研究中日益受到重视,成为重大地质事件识别与解释、地层划分与对比的重要手段之一.通过对巢湖地区楚歌岭剖面早三叠世地层碳同位素研究,显示Smithian\Spathian界线处碳同位素的快速正漂具有全球性特征,可以作为地层划分对比的良好标志;而且这一变化特征反映一次海洋生产力暴发事件,与海洋环境突变和灾后生物的复苏关系密切,为早三叠世海洋生态系统灾后重建过程的恢复提供了重要线索.  相似文献   
太湖14000年以来古环境演变的湖泊记录   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文根据东西太湖短柱岩芯的沉积物的物理、化学、生物指标的综合分析,讨论了该区距今14ka来的古气候变化过程,结果表明14.3-13.3kaBP,太湖水位低,环境指标甚至表现为暴露特征,反映了气候干旱:13.3-12.4kaBP,为偏暖湿的过渡阶段;该孔柱270-280cm (11.5kaBP左右)各类指标均明显反映冷干特征,可能是YoungerDrays事件的记录,与我国东部其它地区有可比性;约10.9-10kaBP,这一时期是整个研究时段内一个较显著的温暖期。表现为还原沉积环境和水位相对较深;约10-7.2kaBP为冷暖交替的过渡带;7.2-5.737kaBP为暖湿气候;5.05kaBP多项分析指标发生突变,反映物源发生显著变化,可能存在沉积间断;表层沉积物则呈现现代环境的特征,西太湖藻类生长茂盛,偏氧化的沉积环境。目前湖泊生产力较高,富营养化程度高,表现为藻型湖泊特征;东太湖有机质来源以东太湖中生长较为茂盛的维管水生植物为主,目前湖泊生产力较低,富营养化程度低,表现为典型的草型湖泊特征。   相似文献   
最近十余年来,我国古地磁学工作者曾对南方震旦纪地层以及北方蓟县的元古代地层做过一些古地磁学测定,并且对某些地质现象进行了解释。但是,对再早一些时期岩石的古地磁学研究仍属空白。地球的基本磁场主要起源于地球内部,它的参量必然反映地球的内部特征。按照地磁场的轴向地心偶极子假定,古地磁学的典型研究成果——视古地磁极移动轨迹应与地壳的构造发育演化过程有着内在的联系。太行山区是华北地台中、下元古界一个颇为发育的地区,本文简要报道作者对分布在该区地质年龄约为-2300百万年至-1650百万年的滹沱超群和长城系的古地磁学初步测定结果,并结合太行山区元古代早期和中期的大地构造问题提出粗浅的看法。  相似文献   
针对准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷西斜坡风南地区三叠系百口泉组扇三角洲砂岩物性空间变化大、优质储集层(孔隙度大于7.4%,渗透率大于0.05×10-3μm2)预测难的问题,在沉积岩石学、地震沉积学以及地震反演和解释理论指导下,综合利用测井、岩心和三维地震等资料开展了高精度层序地层划分、沉积微相描述和优质储集层地震反演研究。建立了风南井区四级层序地层格架,明确了扇三角洲多期水进水退的充填过程,指出SSQ3和SSQ5是优质储集层的发育层系;识别出扇三角洲平原分流河道、河道间和扇三角洲前缘水下分流水道、河口坝、席状砂等沉积微相,指出扇三角洲平原是优质储集层发育相带;通过应用高分辨层序地层纵向边界和沉积相横向边界约束,进行分层相控叠后地震波阻抗反演,提升储集层预测精度,在SSQ3和SSQ5预测5个优质储集层发育区,提出3口井的井位建议,钻探均获工业油流。  相似文献   
长江流域沿江镉异常示踪与追源的战略与战术   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
正在进行的多目标地球化学调查成果显示,长江流域存在全流域的Cd异常。长江流域Cd异常示踪与追源研究的长期目标是查明长江流域沿江各主要支流(汇水面积大于5000km2)Cd等重金属元素的物质来源、迁移形式和输入/输出通量、分辨自然源与人为源各自所占份额,建立沿江各支流Cd时空演化模型,监测它的未来发展趋势,对潜在生态效应进行预警预测;短期目标是针对Cd异常的重点地区,如长江源头、三峡库区、湘江流域、江淮流域、长江三角洲及流域内的4大淡水湖泊,查明Cd异常的来源,重建Cd异常形成的地球化学记录,评估可预见的将来(如10~50年)Cd异常的生态效应。  相似文献   
This paper investigated the characteristics of unconfined compression strength and pore distribution of lime-flyash loess (LFL) by means of a series of experiments under freeze-thaw cycles or dry-wet cycles. The test samples, designed with moisture content 23.5% and dry density 1.565 g/cm3, were mixed at a certain mass ratio of 0.05(lime):0.1(flyash):1(dry loess). Unconfined compression strength tests and mercury injection experiments of LFL were both conducted. The data derived from unconfined compression strength tests indicated that the strength of LFL decreased dramatically after two times of dry-wet cycles, then strength increased slightly and kept stable in the following cycles, and the final strength loss was 29% under dry-wet cycles; the strength of LFL became stable after six times of freeze-thaw cycles, and the corresponding final strength loss was 16%. The data obtained from mercury injection experiments showed that the total pore volume of LFL under dry-wet cycles increased by 19%, in which volume proportion of large pores was dramatically increased but medium pores, small pores, and micropores stayed unchanged; while the total pore volume of LFL under freeze-thaw cycles increased by 14%, in which volume proportion of large pores was dramatically increased and micropores was slightly increased, but medium pores and small pores basically stayed unchanged. Therefore, both freeze-thaw cycles and dry-wet cycles undermine the strength of LFL, but they caused a typically different characteristic of pore distribution from the microperspective.  相似文献   
A procedure for three-dimensional (3-D) coupling of finite elements (FEs), boundary elements (BEs) and infinite boundary elements (IBEs) is presented for the numerical modelling of seismic interaction between arch dams and rock canyons. First, a system of coupling 3-D boundary and infinite boundary elements is developed for simulation of infinite and irregular canyons and for determination, in the frequency domain, of impedance functions on the dam-canyon interface. Secondly, the impedance functions for all degrees-of-freedom are transformed approximately into frequency independent discrete parameters by a curve fitting technique. Finally, these discrete parameters are combined with the dam structure which is discretized by finite elements, thus allowing the response of the arch dam-canyon system to be evaluated. The proposed procedure is efficient because it permits the seismic analysis of arch dam-canyon interaction by the substructure technique in the time domain. To demonstrate both the validity and efficiency of the present procedure, the response of an arch dam-canyon system is obtained under unit impulse acting on the dam-canyon interface as the free field input. Very good agreement is noted when comparing the frequency response determined from the time domain with that from the frequency domain under harmonic excitation applied on the interface of the dam-canyon.  相似文献   
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