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Ophiolites are found all over the world: from the Alps to the Himalayas, in Cuba, Papua-New Guinea, New Caledonia, Newfoundland, etc. They are composed of hard rocks—basalt, dolerite, gabbro and peridotite, which are formed at the mid-oceanic ridges, with specific ridge-related tectonic fracturing and intense hydrothermal alteration. Their geological and thus their hydrogeological properties differ from those of both granite or classical gabbro and classical basaltic lava. A conceptual hydrogeological model of these hard-rock aquifers was developed based on the convergent results of a multidisciplinary approach at several spatial scales, from rock-sample (centimetre) to catchment (kilometre), on well-preserved ophiolite rocks in Oman. In ophiolite rocks, groundwater circulation takes place mostly in the fissured near-surface horizon (50 m thick), and, to a lesser degree, in the tectonic fractures. Hydrograph analysis (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), interpretation of numerous pumping tests using both classical Theis and dual porosity models [Water Resour Res 32:2733–2745, 1996; Comput Geosci J (in press)], and mercury porosity and hydraulic conductivity lab-measurements support the aquifer parameter estimates. The hydraulic conductivity K of the fissured horizon is estimated at 10–5 to 10–6 m/s for gabbro and dolerite, and 10–7 m/s for peridotite. The storage coefficient S of the peridotite aquifer is estimated at 10–3 and appears to be controlled mainly by microcracks (20 to 100 m wide). Tectonic fractures in the ophiolite have similar hydrodynamic properties regardless of lithology (10–1<T<10–4 m2/s and 10–1<S<10–3) though the probability of obtaining productive wells is two to three times greater in gabbro and dolerite than in peridotite. Some of the tectonic fractures produce small hydrothermal, hyperalkaline springs in the peridotite. The water budget and hydrochemistry of the Oman ophiolite are characterized and support the conceptual hydrogeological model. Despite low annual rainfall, a relatively low hydraulic conductivity and a significant storage coefficient explain why most of the streams in peridotite are perennial.
Résumé Les ophiolites se trouvent partout dans le monde : des Alpes à lHymalaya, à Cuba, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée, Nouvelle Calédonie, etc. Les ophiolites sont composées de roches dures basaltiques, de dolérites, gabbros et péridotites, qui sont formées aux rides mi-océaniques, avec, en relation avec les rides, une fracturation tectonique et une altération hydrothermale intense. Leurs propriétés géologiques et hydrogéologiques diffèrent de celles des granites ou des gabbros classiques ou des laves basaltiques classiques. Un modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel des aquifères de hard-rock a été développé sur les résultats convergents dune approche multidisciplinaire à différentes échelles spatiales, de léchantillon de roche de quelques centimètres à la taille du bassin versant en kilomètres, des ophiolites bien conservées dOman. Dans les roches ophiolitiques, la circulation des eaux souterraines est surtout localisée dans les fissures dun horizon de surface de plus dune cinquantaine de mètres et à un degré moindre dans les fractures tectoniques. Lanalyse des hydrographes (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), linterprétation des nombreux essais de pompage utilisant des modèles classiques de Theis et des modèles à double porosité (Water Resour Res 32:2733–2745, 1996; Comput Geosci J (Soumis), la porosité au mercure et la conductivité hydraulique calculée en laboratoire supportent lestimation des paramètres de laquifère. La conductivité hydraulique K de lhorizon fissuré est estimée entre 10–5 et 10–6 m/s pour les gabbros et les dolérites, et 10–7 m/s pour les péridotites. Le coefficient demmagasinement S de laquifère de péridotite est estimé à 10–3 et semble être contrôlé par les micro-fractures (20 à 100 m de largeur). Les fractures tectoniques dans les ophiolites possèdent des propriétés hydrodynamiques en regard de la lithologie (10-1<T<10-4 m2/s et 10-1/S/10-3) bien que la probabilité dobtenir des puits productifs est trois plus grand dans le grabbro et la dolérite que la péridétite. Quelques unes des fractures tectoniques produisent de petites sources hydrothermales hyperalcalines dans la péridotite. Le bilan hydrologique et hydrochimique de lophiolite dOman caractérise le modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel. Malgré des faibles précipitations annuelles, une relativement basse conductivité hydraulique et un coefficient demmagasinement significatif expliquent pourquoi la plus part des cours deau sur les péridotites ne sont jamais taris.

Resumen Las rocas ofiolitas se encuentran en muchas partes del mundo desde los Alpes a los Himilaya, Newfoundland, Nueva Caledonia etc. Son rocas duras compuestas de basalto, dolerita, gabro y peridotita que son formadas por los cordones medio-oceánicos y por fracturación relacionada con los cordones tectónicos específicos y alteración hidrotermal intensa. La geología y los propiedades hidrogeológicas varian entre las de granito y gabro clásico y lava de basalto clásico. Se desarrolló un modelo conceptual de los acuíferos de las rocas duras Basado en los resultados convergentes de un enfoce multidisciplinario a varias escalas a partir de muestras de roca (centímetro) a cuenca kilómetro) enfocado en las rocas ofilíticas bien preservados en Oman. En las rocas ofiolíticas la circulación de agua ocurre principalmente en el horizonte de fisuras cercanas a la superficie (>50 m de espesor) y en un grado menos importante en fracturas tectónicas. Los estimados de los parámetros de estos acuíferos se basan en análisis de hidrógrafos (Water Resour Res 34:233–240, 1977), en la interpretación de pruebas de bombeo usando los modelos clásicos de Theis y de porosidad doble (Hamm y Bidaux 1996; Lods y Gouze, [en prensa]), y porosidad de mecurio y conductividad hidraúlica medida en el laboratorio. La conductividad hidraúlica K del horizonte fisurado se estima en 10E-5 a 10E-6 m-s para gabro y dolerita y 10E-7 para peridotita. El coeficiente de abastecimiento S del acuífero peridotita se estima en 10–3 y parece ser controlado principalmente por microfracturas (20 to 100 m de ancho). Las fracturas tectónicas en la ofiolita tienen propiedades hidrodinámicas similares independientes de la litología (10–1<T<10–4 m2/s and 10–1<S<10–3) pero la probabilidad de obtener pozos productivos es dos o tres veces mayor en gabro que en dolerita o peridotita. Algunas de las fracturas tectónicas producen pequeñas descargas de agua hidrotermal hiperalcalina en la peridotita. El presupuesto e hidroquímica de las ofilitas de Omán se caracteriza y apoya en el modelo conceptual hidrogeológico. La baja lluvia anual, una conductividad hidraúlica relativamente baja y un coeficiente de abastecimiento importante explican porqué la mejoría de los drenajes en peridotita es peremne.
Natural Resources Research - This research was conducted on five oilfields in the Mishrif reservoir, southern Iraq, to illustrate the effects of permeability on the damage caused by the injection...  相似文献   
Establishing robust models for predicting precipitation processes can yield a significant aspect for many applications in water resource engineering and environmental prospective. In particular, understanding precipitation phenomena is crucial for managing the effects of flooding in watersheds. In this research, a regional precipitation pattern modeling was undertaken using three intelligent predictive models incorporating artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF) methods. The modeling was carried out using monthly time scale precipitation information in a semi-arid environment located in Iraq. Twenty weather stations covering the entire region were used to construct the predictive models. At the initial stage, the region was divided into three climatic districts based on documented research. Initially, modeling was carried out for each district using historical information from regionally distributed meteorological stations for calibration. Subsequently, cross-station modeling was undertaken for each district using precipitation data from other districts. The study demonstrated that cross-station modeling was an effective means of predicting the spatial distribution of precipitation in watersheds with limited meteorological data.  相似文献   

This study aims to differentiate the potential recharge areas and flow mechanisms in the North-eastern Basin, Palestine. The results differentiate the recharge into three main groups. The first is related to springs and some of the deep wells close to the Anabta Anticline, through the Upper Aquifer (Turonian) formation, with depleted δ18O and δ2H. The second is through the Upper Cenomanian formation surrounding the Rujeib Monocline in the southeast, where the lineament of the Faria Fault plays an important role, with relatively enriched δ13CDIC values of about ?4‰ (VPDB). The third is the Jenin Sub-series, which shows higher δ13CDIC values, with enriched δ18O and δ2H and more saline content. The deep wells from the Nablus area in the south of the basin indicate low δ13CDIC values due to their proximity to freshwater infiltrating faults. The deep wells located to the northwest of the basin have δ13CDIC values from ?8 to ?9‰ (VPDB), with enriched δ18O signatures, indicating slow recharge through thick soil.  相似文献   
The Gulf of Suez region is one of the most interesting geothermal areas in Egypt because of the high temperatures of its springs.The eastern and western shores of the Gulf of Suez are characterized by superficial thermal manifestations including a cluster of hot springs with varied temperatures.Variations of deuterium and oxygen-18 concentrations in thermal waters have been used to aid in describing the source of recharge in the Gulf of Suez hot springs.Isotope and geochemical data for the Gulf of Suez thermal waters suggest that recharge to the hot springs may not be entirely from the Gulf of Suez water,but possibly from the meteoric water that comes from areas of higher altitude surrounding the hot springs.  相似文献   
The predictive ability of a hybrid model integrating the Firefly Algorithm (FFA), as a heuristic optimization tool with the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP-FFA) algorithm for the prediction of water level in Lake Egirdir, Turkey, is investigated. The accuracy of the hybrid MLP-FFA model is then evaluated against the standalone MLP-based model developed with the Levenberg–Marquadt optimization scheme applied for in the backpropagation-based learning process. To develop and investigate the veracity of the proposed hybrid MLP-FFA model, monthly time scale water level data for 56 years (1961–2016) are applied to train and test the hybrid model. The input combinations of the standalone and the hybrid predictive models are determined in accordance with the Average Mutual Information computed from the historical water level (training) data; generating four statistically significant lagged combinations of historical data to be adopted for the 1-month forecasting of lake water level. The proposed hybrid MLP-FFA model is evaluated with statistical score metrics: Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency, root mean square and mean absolute error, Wilmott’s Index and Taylor diagram developed in the testing phase. The analysis of the results showed that the hybrid MLP–FFA4 model (where 4 months of lagged combinations of lake water level data are utilized) performed more accurately than the standalone MLP4 model. For the fully optimized hybrid (MLP-FFA4) model evaluated in the testing phase, the Willmott’s Index was approximately 0.999 relative to 0.988 (MLP 4) and the root mean square error was approximately 0.029 m and compared to 0.102 m. Moreover, the inter-comparison of the forecasted and the observed data with various other performance metrics (including the Taylor diagram) verified the robustness of the proposed hybrid MLP-FFA4 model over the standalone MLP4 model applied in the problem of forecasting lake water level prediction in the current semi-arid region in Turkey.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Urban land surface temperature (LST) is dependent on many factors, including land cover, building materials, urban density, and other human activities. The current study evaluated...  相似文献   
The phytoplankton and ciliate biomasses coupled with environmental factors were investigated in 15 transects in north coasts of Sfax (Tunisia, Eastern Mediterranean Sea) in July 2007. The phytoplankton biomass was dominated by Bacillariophyceae (89.66%), followed by Dinophyceae (10.07%), Coccolithophorideae (0.96%), Cyanobacteriae (0.21%), Chlorophyceae (0.03%) and Euglenophyceae (0.01%). Coscinodiscus sp. (93.26%) was the most abundant species of Bacillariophyceae group and associated with a high nutrient availability. Ciliate biomass was highly variable, with a large dominance of Spirotrichea, up to 96.2%. Biomass followed distinct patterns because of differences in the observed organism biovolumes. The spatial distribution of the ciliates biomass seems to be dependent on environmental factors and probably on their capacity to exploit a wide range of food resources including phytoplankton. The pollution generated by the phosphate-treating manufactory influenced the spatial phytoplankton and ciliate community’s distribution and their diversity along the north coast of Sfax.  相似文献   
An intraplate earthquake doublet, with 11-min delay between the events, devastated the city of Varzeghan in northwestern Iran on August 11, 2012. The first Mw 6.5 strike-slip earthquake, which occurred after more than 200 years of low seismicity, was followed by an Mw 6.4 oblique thrust event at an epicentral separation of about 6 km. While the first event can be associated with a distinct surface rupture, the absence of a surface fault trace and no clear aftershock signature makes it challenging to identify the fault plane of the second event. We use teleseismic body wave inversion to deduce the slip distribution in the first event. Using both P and SH waves stabilize the inversion and we further constrain the result with the surface rupture extent and the aftershock distribution. The obtained slip pattern shows two distinct slip patches with dissimilar slip directions where aftershocks avoid high-slip areas. Using the estimated slip for the first event, we calculate the induced Coulomb stress change on the nodal planes of the second event and find a preference for higher Coulomb stress on the N-S nodal plane. Assuming a simple slip model for the second event, we estimate the combined Coulomb stress changes from the two events on the focal planes of the largest aftershocks. We find that 90% of the aftershocks show increased Coulomb stress on one of their nodal planes when the N-S plane of the second event is assumed to be the correct fault plane.  相似文献   
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment - Drought is considered to be one of the most devastating natural hazards, causing widespread environmental and social damage in many parts of...  相似文献   
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