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特提斯成矿带是全球三大成矿带之一,阿普塞尼(Apuseni)−巴纳特(Banat)−蒂莫克(Timok)−斯雷德诺戈里斯基(Srednogorie)岩浆成矿带(ABTS多金属成矿带)位于特提斯成矿带西缘,由阿普塞尼–巴纳特铁铜铅锌矿集区、蒂莫克铜金矿集区和斯雷德诺戈里斯基铜金矿集区组成,成矿作用主要与晚白垩世钙碱性岩浆活动有关。塞尔维亚蒂莫克铜金矿集区作为ABTS多金属成矿带经济意义巨大的矿集区之一,总结该地区矿床地质特征及成矿规律对下一步的找矿勘查具有重要指导意义。综述了蒂莫克铜金矿集区及其典型矿床的地质特征,总结了矿集区成矿规律与动力学背景。蒂莫克铜金矿集区典型矿床形成时代集中在88 ~ 78 Ma之间,成矿作用历时10 Ma左右,矿集区内成矿作用时代呈现出由东向西逐渐年轻的趋势。矿集区中典型矿床类型主要为斑岩型(如马伊丹佩克矿床、克里韦利矿床和瓦利亚斯特尔茨矿床)和高硫化浅成低温热液-斑岩型(如博尔矿床和丘卡卢佩吉矿床),这些矿床以铜金矿化为主。矿床类型、矿化特征及矿体埋深存在的差异可能与区域上新生代右旋构造在矿集区形成的逆冲推覆构造及成矿后不均匀剥蚀有关。根据矿集区典型矿床的矿化类型及矿体埋深海拔标高的变化趋势,认为矿集区北部—西北部和丘卡卢佩吉矿床东南部仍具有一定的找矿潜力。  相似文献   

高硫煤矿闭坑后成为埋藏在地表以下深部的产酸污染场,对相邻含水层和周边环境造成了潜在危害,且因采动效应影响和矿井空间分布复杂导致相邻含水层的污染过程与污染程度评价困难。以某闭坑矿区为研究对象,选取SO4 2−作为特征污染物,考虑多煤层采动裂隙对含水层结构的破坏影响,运用数值模拟技术对闭坑矿区酸性矿井水中SO4 2−污染迁移特征进行研究,并分析流体扩散系数对含水层污染物运移的影响。结果表明:SO4 2−在二叠系童子岩组砂岩含水层中水平迁移面积随时间增大而增大,增大速率逐渐减小,垂向渗透系数扩大10倍,空间变异性增强;闭坑5、10、15 a后,最大水平迁移距离分别为215、414、612 m,最大垂向迁移距离分别达到50、65、70 m;而扩散系数越大,产酸时间越长,SO4 2−迁移距离和污染范围将随之增大,相较于水平方向,垂向上SO4 2−浓度变化对扩散系数的敏感度更高。基于模拟结果,结合闭坑矿区实际条件,针对性提出了“源头减量−过程阻断−末端治理”的综合防控与治理方案。研究结果将为该闭坑煤矿酸性矿井水污染治理与防控提供理论基础,也为其他同类矿井提供科学借鉴。


极移高精度预报对卫星实时定轨、深空探测器导航等应用至关重要.本文提出了一种联合有效角动量(Effective Angular Momentum, EAM)与国际全球卫星导航系统服务组织(International GNSS Service, IGS)提供的超快解数据进行极移预报的方法.该方法基于IGS超快解数据得到的极移第1天预报值, 对引入EAM得到的极移预报结果进行校正, 获得联合预报值.首先, 基于LS(Least Squares)+AR(Auto-Regressive)模型实现了引入EAM的极移预报, 相对国际地球自转与参考系统服务组织(International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, IERS)提供的公报A数据, 在超短期(第1~10天)预报跨度可以得到更高精度的极移预报结果, 其中大气和海洋角动量发挥了主要作用.其次, 鉴于IGS超快解数据精度高、更新快的特点, 以IGS超快解为基础数据, 基于LS+AR模型可以得到极移第1天预报值, 其精度显著优于IERS公报A的极移第1天预报值.最后, 利用第1天预报值对顾及有效角动量的预报结果进行校正获得了联合预报值, 进一步提高了超短期极移预报精度(尤其是第1~5天).2020年7月24日—2022年1月30日间的联合预报结果表明: 第1~20天的预报值总体优于IERS公报A的预报值.其中, 第1~10天的预报精度显著提升, 在预报第1天, XY方向预报值相对公报A预报值的精度提升分别可达39.5%~62.3%和24.5%~51.9%;在预报第10天, 相对公报A预报值的精度提升分别可达28.0%~28.9%和21.9%~23.4%.

Forests are important parts of terrestrial ecosystems and play a leading role in regional and global nitrogen(N) cycles.Detailed assessment of N storage and allocation in China's forests is critical to improve the accuracy of regional or global N estimates and to guide policy-makers in the formulation of scientific and effective N management measures. However, the fore stN storage at national scale remains unclear. Based on 4420 forest field-investigated data, we investigated the N storage allocation in China's forests, explored the spatial patterns and influence factors. The data included vegetation information on various organs(i.e., leaf, branch, stem, and root) and soil information at different depths(0-30 cm and 0-100 cm). The total N storage in China's forest ecosystems was 14.45±8.42 tN hm~(–2); 0.86±0.51 tN hm~(–2)(5.95%) in vegetation and 13.59±8.40 tN hm~(–2)(94.05%) in soil(0–100 cm). The storage and allocation of N varied significantly across various regions and forest types. For different ecological regions, N storage varied from 10.34 to 23.11 tN hm~(–2), and the allocation ratio of N storage between vegetation and soil(0–100 cm) varied from 0.03 to 0.16. For different forest types, the N storage varied from 12.87 to 18.32 tN hm~(–2), and the allocation ratio of N storage between vegetation and soil(0–100 cm) varied from 0.03 to 0.09. The spatial patterns relative to N storage and allocation in forests were different. Climate was the primary factor influencing the spatial variation in forestN storage, while soil texture was the main factor influencing the spatial variation in N allocation. These first estimates of N storage and allocation ratio in China's forests are keys for improving the fitting accuracy of regional N cycle models and provide a reference for regional management of forestN.  相似文献   
GDS-1000宽频带通用流动数字地震观测系统主要用于大陆岩石层的人工及天然地震台阵研究、强震观测以及余震观测台网的临时布设。其主要技术指标为:动态范围120dB,前放增益1,16,128倍可调,高端频率6.25,25,45Hz可调,采样率25,100,200Hz可调,1MB固态数据存储器借助地震数据的压缩软件可以存储3MB以上的数据,工作温度范围-10—45℃,功耗小于3W。定时接受的BPM无线电授时信号可保证记录系统时钟校正误差小于10ms。其智能化地震触发系统可处于下列模态:近震触发,远震触发,近震和远震触发,任意地面运动信号触发,以及手动触发和定时触发。DSR-1000数字地震数据回收系统用于GDS-1000的参数预置、地震事件数据的转储和地震图的现场绘制。该系统在野外试验期间已取得大量近震、远震及核爆炸记录。  相似文献   
通过观测资料的分析和数值模拟,研究了热带大气季节内振荡与ENSO的相互关系.一方面,在E1Nino事件发生之前,热带大气季节内振荡(尤其是在赤道中西太平洋地区)异常偏强,通过海一气相互作用它可能是E1Nino的一种重要激发机制.同时,赤道中西太平洋地区大气季节内振荡的异常加强同东亚中高纬度地区30—60天振荡的加强和强东亚冬季风有关.另一方面,ENSO对热带大气季节内振荡也有重要影响,在E1Nino期间,热带大气季节内振荡明显减弱;其结构明显趋于正压性.  相似文献   
根据准动力学计算方案,通过采用等效热源和等效热传导系数的方法,用有限元法计算了不同俯冲角度,而俯冲速度为8cm/a、年龄为100Ma的俯冲带在稳定俯冲状态的热结构.计算结果表明俯冲带在接近670km间断面的最低温度可达到1100℃.全地幔对流模式热结构的计算结果表明670km间断面以下可存在最低温度达1000℃的低温区,相应于有0.7%—3.0%的P波低速异常存在.双层地幔对流模式表明,在670km间断面以上可有与周围地幔相差约400℃的水平舌状低温区存在,相应于0.5%—1.4%的P波低速异常.  相似文献   
位于中朝准地台的华北地区是由几个不同的断块组成的,重力异常场的分布具有很强的浅部效应、块状分布和深浅叠加场的特点。重力的高程效应很复杂,不同波长的起伏变化有不同的影响系数。本文对布格改正的有关问题进行了讨论,指出华北如区表浅层的密度值偏低(2520kg/m3),该区合理的布格改正公式为△g2=-0.0879H。将重力场的垂直导数和向上延拓结合起来,有利于揭示地壳上部构造特征。本文搜集整理了由第四系到寒武系的沉积层资料,给出了沉积层总厚度和视密度的分布。对深部重力异常的分析表明,华北沉积层的形成有深源性质,在均衡调节中起着一定的内载荷作用。  相似文献   
The structural activities took place extensively in the Asia continent during the Cenozoic era owing to the strong continent-to-continent collision and continuous compression between the India Plate and the Eurasia Plate. Huang Jiqing called such structural activities Himalayan movement. China’s sedimentary basins developed and took shape mainly during the Himalayan movement period. It is also the main period for formation and development of the oil and gas reservoirs. Of 366 large and medium-sized oil and gas fields currently found in China, 212 reservoirs were formed in the Neogene-Quaternary period. The proportion is as high as 68.2%. The oil and gas migration and accumulation in the latest geological period, which were controlled by the times, properties, styles and strength of the Himalayan movement, took place mainly in eight regions, such as the low uplift area of Bohai Sea, the onshore faulted sag area of Bohai Bay, anticlinorium zone in Daqing, the foreland fold-and-thrust belt in West China, the tilted structural zone in West China, the cratonic palaeohigh in the Tarim Basin, the zone of fault and fold belt in the East Sichuan Basin, and the biological gas zone in the East Qaidam Basin. The oil and gas pool formations in those regions have their own characteristics. With the great potential and broad prospect, those regions are the main exploration areas in China in the future.  相似文献   
Dated isotopic ages for 15 alkaline intrusives in the Yanliao-Yinshan area, ranging from 268 to 190 Ma, ten of which are from 250 to 208 Ma, indicate that most of them were formed in the Triassic Epoch. All the ENd(t) ratios from - 17.19 to -3.21 averaging -7.09, the ESr(t) ratios fmm 11.7 to71.5 averaging 36.63, and the Isr(t) ratios from 0.705 0 to 0.709 3 averaging 0.706 8, show their characteristics of enrichment. On the ENd (t) virus ESr(t) correlation diagram, the samples from these intmsives were plotted within the enriched mantle trend lines and just outside, demonstrating their close connection to materials from the enriched mantle reservoir, taking into account the same Pb isotopic composition as that of the mantle.  相似文献   
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