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Most ore-forming characteristics of the Langshan-Zha‘ertaishan hydrothermal exhalation belt, which consists of the Dongshengmiao, Huogeqi, Tanyaokou and Jiashengpan large-superlarge Zn-Pb-Cu-Fe sulfide deposits, are most similar to those of Mesoproterozoic SEDEX-type provinces of the world. The characteristics include: (1) All deposits of this type in the belt occur in third-order fault-basins in the Langshan-Zha‘ertaishan aulacogen along the northern margin of the North China Platform; (2) these deposits with all their orebodies hosted in the Mesoproterozoic impure dolomite-marble and carbonaceous phyllite (or schists) have an apparent stratabound nature; ores display laminated and banded structures, showing clear depositional features; (3) there is some evidence of syn-sedimentary faulting, which to a certain extent accounts for the temporal and spatial distribution and the size of the orebodies in all deposits and the formation of intrabed conglomerates and breccias; (4) they show lateral and vertical zonation of sulfides; (5) The Cu/(Pb Zn Cu) ratio of the large and thick Pb Zn Cu orebodies gradually decreases from bottom to top; and (6) barite is interbedded with pyrites and sometimes with sphalerite. However, some characteristics such as the Co/Ni radio of the pyrites, the volcanism, for example, of the Langshan-Zha‘ertalshan metallogenic belt, are different from those of the typical SEDEX deposits of the world. The meta-basic volcanic rock in Huogeqi, the sodic bimodal volcanic rocks in the Dongshengmiao and potassic bimodal-volcanic rocks with blastoporphyfitic and blasto-glomeroporphyritic texture as well as blasto-amygdaloidal structure in the Tanyaokou deposits have been discovered in the only ore-bearing second formation of the Langshan Group in the past 10 years. The metallogeny of some deposits hosted in the Langshan Group is closely related to syn-sedimentary volcanism based on the following facts: most of the lead isotopes in sphalerite, galena, pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite plot on both sides of the line for the mantle or between the lines for the mantle and lower crust in the lead isotope composition diagram; cobalt content of some pyrites samples is much higher than the nickel content (Co/Ni= 11.91-12.19). Some volcanic blocks and debris have been picked out from some pyritic and pyrrhotitic ores. All Zn-Pb-Cu-Fe sulfide orebodies in these deposits occur in the strata overlying metamorphic volcanic rocks in the only ore-bearing second formation. In the Jiashengpan deposit that lacks syn-sedimentary volcanic rocks in the host succession only Pb and Zn ores occur without Cu ore, but in the Dongshengmiao, Tanyaokou and Huogeqi deposits with syn-sedimentary volcanic rocks in the host succession Cu ores occur. This indicates a relatively higher ore-forming temperature. The process of synsedimentary volcanic eruption directly supplied some ore-forming elements, and resulted in secular geothermal anomaly favorable for the circulation of a submarine convective hydrothermal system, which accounts for the precipitation of deep mineralizing fluids exhaling into anoxidic basins along the syn-sedimentary fault system in the Langshan-Zha‘ertai rift. The Dongshengmiao, Tanyaokou, and Huogeqi deposits hosted in the Langshan Group appear to be a transitional type of mineral deposit between SEDEX and VMS-types but with a bias towards SEDEX, while the Jiashengpan deposit hosted in the Zha‘ertai Group is of a characteristic SEDEX type. This evidence, together with other new discoveries of Mesoproterozoic volcanic rocks and the features of lithogeny and metallogeny of the Bayun Obo deposit in the neighborhood emphasize the diversity, complexity and uniqueness of the Mesoproterozoic Langshan-Zha‘ertal-Bayun Obo ore belt.  相似文献   
我国测绘卫星的发展思路和应用展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
国家测绘局经过多年的研究开发,已基本形成了卫星测图的科学生产工艺,对于更大程度上发挥卫星遥感应用潜力起到了积极推动作用。为适应遥感技术的发展,国家测绘局已经于2005年编制了《测绘部门十一五航天规划(草案)》,测绘卫星计划包括研制发射我国自主的测绘系列卫星和建立自主版权的测绘卫星综合应用服务体系。高分辨率测绘系列卫星包括:高分辨率光学立体测图卫星、干涉雷达卫星、激光测高卫星和重力卫星等。随着我国航天事业和卫星制造技术的蓬勃发展,未来的卫星测绘应用能力将得到进一步加强。  相似文献   
基于Sentinel-2的潮间红树林提取方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
位于潮间带的红树林可能在高潮时被海水淹没的特点,使得传统的植被提取方法在红树林信息提取方面存在局限性。本文在对比分析了出露的红树林、高潮水位淹没的红树林、海水水体的光谱特征后,提出了一种利用归一化潮间红树林指数(NIMI)提取潮间带红树林的方法。该指数是由植被强吸收的红波段,强反射的两个红边波段和近红外波段组成的归一化表达式。利用该指数对福建省龙海九龙江口湿地的红树林进行了分类提取,提取结果与高分二号影像目视验证和现场调查结果进行了对照。结果显示,该方法提取红树林的用户精度达到93.98%,并显著优于利用归一化水体指数(NDWI)、归一化植被指数(NDVI)及随机森林的结果。  相似文献   
中国天坑研究学者通过系统调查,确立“tiankeng”作为标准地貌术语,并规范其形态特征,提出塌陷型天坑和侵蚀型天坑两种成因类型。文章以重庆武隆箐口天坑、陕西汉中伯牛天坑、马达加斯加安卡拉那高原的曼格里(Mangily)天坑、巴布亚新几内亚穆勒高原的阿底(Atea)天坑为研究对象,通过对比分析4个天坑(群)发育的地层结构、地貌演化和水文地质特征等,论述侵蚀型天坑系统演化的共性特征,即三元或二元地层结构、深厚包气带和巨大地势差异、覆盖型岩溶分布、覆盖层对雨水的汇聚或夹层对地下水的汇聚等。基于侵蚀型天坑的成因条件,认为其发育阶段可分为:落水洞-竖井(地下河)阶段、侵蚀-竖井状大厅阶段、崩塌-天坑形成阶段和天坑退化阶段,并对侵蚀型天坑演化机理提出新的认识。  相似文献   
河流-河口-近海连续体(简称连续体)是连接陆地和大洋的过渡地带,也是目前全球碳收支估算的薄弱环节.这个复杂的海陆交互生态系统不仅可以通过光合作用、溶解作用吸收大气中的CO2,陆地和流域光合作用或化学风化作用固定的碳也可以被横向输送到陆架和大洋中.本文以国际上著名的切萨皮克湾以及长江-长江口-东海等为例,综述了连续体碳循...  相似文献   
21世纪的大洋钻探——IODP   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类在地球科学方面已取得了相当大的成就,但就研究范围而言,却仅仅触及了地球的表层。IODP是一项国际性的大洋钻探计划,预期将于2003年10月正式开始实施。IODP将运用新的科学方法、科技设备,使人类对大洋底乃至整个地球系统得出更深、更广的认识。简单介绍了IODP的由来、组织机构、钻井技术、前期科学目标及中国的深海研究现状,提出中国参与IODP的必要性和可行性。通过了解21世纪的IODP在研究课题及研究技术方面的最新动态,不仅有助于我国根据国际动态调整深海研究的方向,制定符合我国需求的研究计划,而且有助于我国把握参与21世纪IODP的时机和策略,迎接“海洋世纪”的挑战,从而逐步实现“从地学大国走向地学强国”的目标。  相似文献   
1研究目的(Objective)萍乐坳陷位于江西省中部,坳陷内广泛发育海陆过渡相二叠系乐平组,该组泥页岩厚度大、有机质丰度高,具备较好的页岩气成藏条件,是本区页岩气主要目的层系。萍乐坳陷油气调查始于20世纪50年代,前期工作主要针对乐平组老山段的煤层气,缺乏其他层段的系统评价参数,页岩气富集层段尚不明确。本次于萍乐坳陷丰城地区实施地质调查井——赣丰地1井,目的是系统获取乐平组相关参数,探索本区页岩气、煤层气、致密砂岩气资源潜力。  相似文献   
测试了具代表性的成岩型结核和水成型结壳的稀土元素,以研究稀土元素在这两种成因的海洋铁锰氧化物沉积物的特征及其与成因的关系。稀土元素特征表明稀土元素没有参与成岩型结核的成岩作用。即没有加入到1nm水锰矿中去,而是加入到无定形铁的氧化物、氢氧化物中去。同样,稀土元素也没有直接参与水成结壳的水成作用,即没有加入到锰、铁的氧化物、氢氧化物中去,而是与钙、磷相关。推测在很大程度上是先沉淀在钙、磷相中然后才加入到水成结壳中。稀土元素在这两种类型的沉积物的分布与其成因密切相关。  相似文献   
卫星高度计绝对定标中海面高梯度的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
给出了通过平均海面高模型计算海面高梯度的具体方法,选择DTU13、CNES_CLS15、WHU2013 3种模型计算了不同海域近岸比较点海面高梯度值,随机选择的30个近岸比较点处的计算结果表明:使用3种模型计算得到的海面高梯度值之间的标准差均值为0.19cm/km。在卫星高度计定标的具体应用中,由海面高梯度得到的海面高差改正量的误差应不超过0.3cm。  相似文献   
针对第三次全国国土调查界线数据存在的拓扑不一致问题,基于影像和矢量数据,通过构建拓扑规则,对不同来源、不同时期的三调界线数据进行质量检查与更新,并针对更新中出现的11类特殊问题,分别给出了不同的处理方法。基于以上方法完成了第三次全国国土调查行政区域界线、零米线等矢量数据的更新工作。  相似文献   
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