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Seabeam, seismic and submersible surveys took place during the Kaiko Project and revealed significant compressive deformation at the northeastern end of the Philippine Sea plate, related to the recent collision of the Izu-Ogasawara Arc against Central Japan. Intraoceanic thrusting at the base of the Zenisu Ridge, a linear topographic high running a few tens of kilometers south of the Nankai Trough, is supported by tectonic, magnetic and gravimetric data. We investigate the formation of the Zenisu Ridge in terms of compressive mechanical failure of a thin elastic-perfectly plastic plate, subducting at a trench and subject to a regional compressive axial force. The rheological envelope concept is used throughout the numerical calculations. Based on a detailed study of flexure of the present-day bending far from the deformation zone, we evaluate the bending forces involved: the bulge is 120 to 150 m high and the compressive stress all along the Nankai Trough is about −100 MPa. In the Zenisu Ridge area, an additional compressive stress is superimposed due to the nearby collision at Izu-Peninsula. We compute the vertical distribution of the deviatoric stress before failure and find that the deviatoric stress is maximum at a depth of 20–25 km in the trench area, and again at the surface 60 to 100 km seaward, in the vicinity of the bulge. The development of a thrust joining these two maxima through the entire thickness of the lithosphere is discussed. The model predicts that the formation of the Zenisu Ridge did not occur before 4 Ma and is caused by progressive tectonic uplift due to the redistribution of bending stresses as the ridge approaches the Nankai Trough.  相似文献   
Large benthic chemosynthetic communities have been observed at four main locations during the Kaiko submersible dives in the Japanese trenches. They appear to be associated with venting along fractures. The first site for our observation was along the Japan and Kuril trenches where the continental margin is eroded by the subducting plate and collapses into the trench. The benthic communities there seem to be related to tension gashes parallel to the subduction vector. The other communities were found on the toe of the Nankai accretionary prism, along the frontal thrust and tension gashes. The temperature anomaly associated with one of the communities is modeled to constrain the upward flow of interstitial water. As the anomaly has a small spatial extent and as the peak thermal gradient is high, the best fitting model is to be found in a vertical upward flow at a velocity of 100 m/yr in a cylindrical conduit leading out of an underlying shallow thrust.  相似文献   
Burial of organic carbon (OC) in ocean sediments acts as the ultimate long-term sink for both terrestrial and marine carbon, however, the mechanisms controlling the preservation of this carbon are poorly understood. To better understand these mechanisms, we applied solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, along with elemental, stable carbon isotopic (δ13C) and lignin phenol analyses, to size and density fractions of sediments influenced by either mixed terrestrial and marine OC inputs (Washington Coast slope) or dominantly marine inputs (Mexican Margin). Elemental, isotopic and lignin analyses all reveal that within the Washington Coast sediment, the OC mixes linearly between nitrogen-poor and 13C-depleted, lignin-rich OC in the large and light fractions and nitrogen-rich and 13C-enriched, lignin-poor OC in the small and dense fractions, suggesting that this sediment contains a two-component mixture of terrestrial vascular plant- and marine-derived OC. The integral areas of each of seven NMR spectral regions in the different samples trend linearly when plotted versus δ13C signature, with most R2 values of 0.78 or greater, demonstrating that the NMR spectra of the two sources of carbon also mix linearly between the two endmembers. The terrestrial endmember in this sediment appears to be dominated by lignin and black carbon whereas the source of the marine endmember is less clear from the NMR spectra. In contrast, all of the analyses indicate that OC in the Mexican Margin sediment fractions is homogenous and derives almost exclusively from marine sources. It appears that selective preservation of (bio)chemically recalcitrant lignin and black carbon is the primary mechanism of preservation of terrestrial OC, whereas mineral-protection is the dominant mechanism preserving marine OC in the Washington coast sediment. There is little evidence showing that either preservation mechanism functions in the Mexican Margin sediments.  相似文献   
A quantum-mechanical calculation of the zone-centre phonon spectrum of beryl has been performed, by using an hybrid HF/DFT Hamiltonian (B3LYP). An excellent agreement with the experiment has been obtained, being the difference between the calculated and the experimental vibrational frequencies (Raman, IR-TO and IR-LO) less than 5 cm?1 on average. In the few cases where a relatively large disagreement between calculated and experimental data is observed, an explanation can be found which attributes the reason of the discrepancies to the experimental data rather than to the calculated ones. The calculation (i) allows the identification, in the experimental spectra, of the peaks corresponding to fundamental modes, overtones, combination bands and leakage; (ii) solves problems of band assignements due to the presence of LO–TO splitting in the IR spectra; (iii) provides the frequencies of silent modes; (iv) permits a full analysis of the atomic motion corresponding to each normal mode.  相似文献   
A series of new-generation synthetic talcs were prepared by varying the hydrothermal synthesis duration from a few hours up to 2 months. Crystallinity and particle size analysis of the synthetic products were evaluated by photon correlation spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, differential thermal analysis and unoriented X-ray diffraction, and then analyzed by various spectroscopic methods such as Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and solid-state 1H and 29Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance. The new process for preparing synthetic talcs allows to obtain single-phased particles which after few hours grow heterogeneously and simultaneously in both the c* direction and the (ab) plan. Fine particles, observed for whatever the synthesis duration, lead to the presence of numerous sheet edges surfaces due to particle size which represents the main difference with natural talc. Spectroscopy data show the influence of the fine particles on signals and highlight that synthetic talc characterization is a potential tool for better understanding crystal chemistry of natural talc.  相似文献   
邓阜仙钨铌钽矿是锡田地区最为重要的钨锡多金属矿床之一。利用40Ar/39Ar同位素测年方法对金竹垄铌钽矿段花岗细晶岩顶部条带状白云母长石石英岩中的白云母进行了年龄测试,结果表明,40Ar/39Ar同位素坪年龄为148.3±1.1Ma,形成时代为晚侏罗世。结合锡田地区已有的年代学资料,认为包括邓阜仙钨铌钽矿在内的锡田地区钨锡多金属矿具有相同的成矿地质背景,为华南地区中生代岩石圈大范围伸展-减薄作用的产物。  相似文献   
Bouvet Island, situated near the southernmost end of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, is characterized by lavas ranging in composition from hawaiite through mugearite and benmoreite to rhyolite. Major and trace elements vary systematically throughout the sequence, as do mineral compositions, and geochemical modelling indicates that the compositional variations observed in the differentiated lavas can be ascribed to extensive fractional crystallization of a parental hawaiite magma. Following this scheme the hawaiite parent magma experienced approximately 44% fractional crystallization of plagioclase + clinopyroxene + olivine + opaque oxides and minor apatite to give rise to the mugearite magma, which in turn experienced a further 69% fractional crystallization of the same phase assemblage (though with more evolved compositions) to give rise to the Bouvet Island rhyolite. Extensive fractional crystallization (64%), possibly separated in time, of the parental hawaiite gave rise to the benmoreite magma. In the latter scheme the fractionating phases are similar both in composition and proportion to those crystallizing in the passage from hawaiite to mugearite, suggesting that the Bouvet Island hawaiites correspond in composition to a six phase (plag + of + cpx + Fe-Ti oxide + ap+ lq) saturation surface and that the more differentiated lavas resulted from differing degrees of crystallization on this surface.  相似文献   
The present study explores the effect of salinity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) gradients on the stability and reactivity of titanium dioxide nanoparticle (TiO2-NP) agglomerates in ambient water from the Lagoon of Venice and their possible effect on nauplii sampled at the same locations. In all ambient water samples, TiO2-NPs formed rapidly micrometre-sized agglomerates. The increase in the salinity and concomitant decrease in DOC content induced the formation of larger agglomerates, with z-average hydrodynamic diameter increasing with TiO2-NP concentration and exposure duration. Under the studied conditions, ζ-potential exhibited negative values. In line with agglomeration results, enhancement of the salinity and lower DOC resulted in less negative ζ-potential with close to 0 values in the dispersions of 100 mg L?1 TiO2-NPs in sea water. Two-hour exposure to micrometre-sized agglomerates of TiO2-NPs resulted in an increase in the fluorescence of propidium iodide (PI) stained nauplii in comparison with unexposed controls, but had no effect at 24-h exposure. The increase in nauplii-associated PI fluorescence was more noticeable in dispersions containing 100 mg L?1 than those containing 10 mg L?1 TiO2-NPs, suggesting membrane permeability alteration in a concentration-dependent manner. However, the PI staining results have to be interpreted with caution because of the possible dye binding to the nauplii surface without penetration of cellular membrane. The effect of TiO2-NPs on nauplii was more pronounced at higher salinity and decreased with increasing DOC concentrations at 2 h, while no trends were found at 24-h exposure, as well as exposure to 100 mg L?1 TiO2-NPs.  相似文献   
Although the ancient site of Utica has been studied since the 19th century, the location of its harbors remains unresolved as they were buried under sediments as the Mejerda delta prograded and left Utica 10 km inland. Using relief data and a coring survey with sedimentological analysis, we identify the dynamics of the delta's progradation, which produced a double system of alluvial fans. These show that the ancient bay of Utica silted up faster and earlier than was thought, probably before the end of the Punic period. Combined with the radiocarbon dates from coring, this suggests that the harbor lay on the north‐western side of the Utica promontory, communicating with the sea by a marine corridor west of the northern compartment of the delta. As the infilling of the ancient bay progressed, this corridor narrowed until it disappeared completely in the early 5th/mid‐6th century A.D., when a peat bog developed on the northern side of the promontory, sealing the fate of Utica as a port. This relative environmental stability ended in the 9th–10th century A.D. when about 4 m of sediment, probably of fluvial origin, covered the peat bog, leaving the site more than 4.5 m above the local sea level.  相似文献   
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