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:1∶10万野外地质填图发现,在措勤地区北侧的白垩系中发育了一系列逆冲推覆构造和褶皱构造,且有侵入岩体分布,又被未变形的火山凝灰岩不整合覆盖。根据侵入岩的钾长石和角闪石及其不整合的火山凝灰岩中蚀变斜长石的ArAr法同位素年龄、沉积物质的组成和沉积地层的空间展布等特征,笔者推测这些逆冲断层和褶皱构造均发育于晚白垩世,并早于第三纪。  相似文献   
为了探讨海湾水库蓄水初期单次往复水平密度流的产生与效应,进行砂质斜坡沉积物与水体之间盐分交换的水槽实验。通过沉积物孔隙水与其上覆水的多剖面电导率动态监测,分析盐分的时空分布特征,并计算深水区、浅水区和中心区的边界层单位面积含盐总量。实验结果显示,进水在浅水区沉积物表面产生明显的渗入-溢出现象,浅水区沉积物孔隙水盐分浓度显著低于中心区与深水区同一高度的盐分浓度,深水区初始底边界层含盐量与初始边界层下边界盐分浓度均为最高;这表明进水过程在倾斜沉积物表面产生了前进密度流,水流携带的盐分在坡底累积。水槽进满水后深水区边界层含盐总量与边界层下边界盐分浓度快速降低,并且浅水区表层沉积物孔隙水与深水区同一深度水体之间的盐分快速达到平衡;这表明蓄水初期在两者之间形成了返回密度流,从浅水区表层沉积物冲刷出的盐分在密度流作用下再次进入沉积物。为避免再次进入沉积物的盐分在后期继续影响水库泛咸,建议在蓄水结束后尽快实施坡底咸水排除方案。  相似文献   
Review of Earth Critical Zone Research   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the Earth Critical Zone put forward by National Research Council of America in 2001, it has got a lot of attention and some significant progresses have been made. This paper summarized those Earth Critical Zone projects and related research plans organized and implemented by the United States of America, Germany, Australia, France, China and the European Union, as well as main scientific problems and future development direction in the study of Earth Critical Zone. According to research status of China, the four main research contents should be strengthened including structure, formation and evolution mechanism of Earth Critical Zone, the coulpling interaction mechanism between migration and transformation of material and multi-processes, sevice function and evolution features of Earth Critical Zone and its support and effect on sustainable development, model simulation of process and system of Earth Critical Zone. In addition, our country should actively conduct cooperation and communication with the advanced countries, and enhance our involvement in international key research plans.  相似文献   
Migmatites are widespread in the North Dabie ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terrane (NDT) of Dabie orogen, East China. Idiomorphic and poikilitic amphibole grains in both leucosome and melanosome contain inclusions of plagioclase, quartz and biotite, suggesting formation of leucosome by fluid-present melting of biotite + plagioclase + quartz-bearing protoliths at P = 5–7 kbar, T = 700–800 °C. Precise SIMS zircon U–Pb dating indicates that migmatization of Dabie orogen initiated at ~140 Ma and lasted for ~10 Ma, coeval with the formation of low-Mg# adakitic intrusions in Dabie orogen. Based on mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical data, leucosomes in NDT can be subdivided into three groups. (1) High La/Yb(N)–Medium Sr/Y group (Group I), whose high Dy/Yb(N) but medium Sr/Y ratios are caused by amphibole and plagioclase residual during partial melting of dioritic to granodioritic gneisses. (2) Low La/Yb(N)–Low Sr/Y group (Group II), whose flat HREE patterns are produced by entrainment of peritectic amphiboles into melts derived from partial melting of dioritic gneiss. (3) High La/Yb(N)–High Sr/Y and Eu# group (Group III), whose extremely high Sr and Eu but low other REE concentrations are caused by accumulation of plagioclase and quartz. Although Group I and III fall in the adakitic fields on La/Yb(N)–Yb(N) and Sr/Y–Y diagrams, they are chemically distinct from contemporary high-pressure adakitic intrusions in Dabie orogen in a series of geochemical indexes, for example, lower Dy/Yb(N) and/or Sr/Y ratios at given La/Yb(N) ratio, lower Sr/CaO ratios, lower Rb concentration but higher K/Rb ratios. Therefore, leucosomes are produced by anatexis of the exhumed ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks at middle crustal level, instead of partial melting of thickened lower crust with garnet-rich and plagioclase-poor residual. The coeval occurrence of migmatites and high-pressure adakitic intrusions in Dabie orogen indicates large-scale partial melting of middle to thickened lower crustal column in the early Cretaceous. The required heat source may be the mantle heat conducting through the lithospheric mantle whose lower parts have been convectively removed.  相似文献   
In this paper, the relationship between sulfate reduction potential and mercury methylation potential was studied in the Aha, Baihua and Hongfeng reservoirs from Guiyang City. The methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations of lake water in the Aha Reservoir were greatly elevated as compared to those of the Hongfeng and Baihua reservoirs, which was correlated with its distinctly high SRB abundance, SO42-, and S2- concentrations. Among the three reservoirs, however, the highest MeHg was observed in in the top several centimenters of pore water profile in the Hongfeng Reservoir where the lowest S2- in pore water occurred. The distributions of MeHg in lake water and pore water showed the highest methylation potential occurred at water-sediment surface for the Aha Reservoir and the in the top several centimenters of sediments for the Hongfeng Reservoir. It is guessed that the highest mercury methylation only occurs at the sites with certain sulfide concentrations.  相似文献   
通过对若尔盖盆地进行野外考察,在盆地中部黄河唐克段右岸发现了包含深湖相的河岸沉积物,进行了细致的地层观测和系统年代学样品采集。在实验室利用光释光和AMS14C测年技术建立了年代框架,并结合各个层次的地层沉积相宏观特征和理化性质,分析探讨了若尔盖盆地内部从末次冰期古湖消亡以来的环境和地表过程变化规律。研究结果表明:古黄河在37 ka沿着玛曲断陷谷地溯源侵蚀,沟通了若尔盖古湖水系,盆地内部在30.9 ka之前为深湖环境,稳定地沉积了蓝灰色湖相淤泥层。30.9 ka之后,黄河贯穿若尔盖湖盆内部,古湖水外泄消失,原有的古湖水系转变成为黄河源水系。黄河从湖盆上游远距离搬运携带来的浊黄橙色泥沙大量沉积,覆盖了古湖相沉积层,湖盆内部风沙作用盛行。在末次冰盛期(Last Glacial Maximum, LGM),盆地内部松散沉积物普遍地受到冰缘冻融作用的改造,形成了冻融褶皱现象。到了14.6~12.5 ka,响应B/A(B?lling-Aller?d)时期的温暖气候,盆地周边山地冰川消融,冰融水汇入盆地,古湖盆底部各种浅洼地形成了大小不等的浅湖,沉积了滨浅湖相的沙层。在12.5~11.7 ka,对应于全球性新仙女木(Younger Dryas,YD)事件,盆地气候再次变冷,转变为冰缘冻土环境,盆地内部滨浅湖相的沙层受到冻融作用和古地震扰动,形成复式褶皱现象。进入全新世,在11.7~4.8 ka气候逐渐变得温暖湿润,古湖盆底部浅洼地积水成为淤泥质沼泽环境,在全新世中后期4.8~1.8 ka则转变成为沼泽草甸环境,在1.8 ka之后,盆地内沼泽面积收缩,风沙活动盛行,河岸台地的近源沙尘暴沉积物经过成壤改造形成亚高山草甸黑土类现代土壤。  相似文献   
新疆乌鲁木齐东部野生动物园附近的下二叠统下部发育了一套以枕状玄武岩为代表的火山岩系。该玄武岩在公路上发育有两层,上部一层较厚,可达7~8m,下部一层2~3m。岩枕近圆形、肾状、枕状、条带状或蠕虫状等,多呈顶突底凹。岩枕长轴平行排列,长轴基本顺层面分布;有的岩枕中含大量海百合茎、珊瑚及腕足等生物化石。在TAS图中大部分样品位于玄武粗安岩,而在K_2O-SiO_2图上主要落在低K拉斑玄武岩区间。MnOTiO_2-P_2O_5图解显示以岛弧为主,常量元素的特征总体上更接近岛弧玄武岩。在Hf/3-Th-Ta图解上也以岛弧为主;在Zr/4-2Nb-Y图解显示以火山弧为主,常量元素的特点总体上更接近岛弧玄武岩。微量元素原始地幔标准化蛛网图表明为同源岩浆产物,具高度相似的演化过程,多种微量元素判别图揭示岛弧-弧后盆地环境;稀土总量明显较低,在稀土元素球粒陨石标准化图解上,其稀土分布曲线一致性较好,呈轻稀土富集右倾型,Eu为负异常,揭示了乌东玄武岩岩浆有一定分异。稀土元素配分曲线与弧后盆地玄武岩(BABB)具有很好的一致性。U-Pb和谐年龄为283±8Ma,结合地层及古生物资料推测乌东玄武岩喷发的时间为早二叠世早期。乌东枕状玄武岩-灰岩之下有一套(磨拉石)底砾岩,初定为石炭-二叠系的界限。底砾岩之下为下石炭统的中厚层灰岩,具有明显的喀斯特化,为不整合接触,揭示在两者之间发生了造山作用。通过对新疆乌东早二叠世早期的枕状玄武岩的地质特征、地球化学特征、形成环境和时代的研究,表明乌东一带早二叠世主要为一个岛弧和弧后盆地环境,进一步揭示了北天山北缘石炭-二叠世碰撞闭合造山之后又发生了松弛扩张形成了弧后盆地,海水再度大规模入侵。最终的闭合碰撞造山的时间最早可能在晚二叠世。由于乌东枕状玄武岩在喷出地表后受到了生物化石和陆源碎屑的污染,再加上侵入过程中地壳的污染,使其具有非常复杂的地球化学特点和多解性。乌东玄武岩的研究对于了解博格达山、甚至天山中段在晚古生代的构造沉积演化及造山作用具有重要意义,同时对准噶尔盆地、吐哈盆地及三塘湖盆地油气资源的形成与分布具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Lai  Wen  Hu  Xiumian  Zhu  Dicheng  An  Wei  Ma  Anlin 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2017,106(4):1277-1288
International Journal of Earth Sciences - Mélange records a series of geological processes associated with oceanic subduction and continental collision. This paper reports for the first time...  相似文献   
雪峰山西侧地区寒武系地层划分与对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在最新的寒武系“四统十阶”年代地层划分方案的框架下,根据对雪峰山西侧地区以三叶虫为主的生物地层资料的分析以及牙形石生物地层学的研究,探讨了雪峰山西侧地区寒武系各统内部的地层划分与对比问题,从而为这一地区提供了可靠的寒武系地层划分与对比方案.  相似文献   
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