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Climatological water-mass structures were identified in the Arctic Ocean using the geochemical dataset in the Hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean (HAAC) as well as data on a geochemically conserved parameter, PO4*, based on phosphate and dissolved oxygen. In the upper ocean above a depth of 500 m, the HAAC was found to reliably depict the boundary between Pacific-Origin Water (P-Water) and Atlantic-Origin Water (A-Water), which is aligned 135°E–45°W near the surface but rotates counterclockwise with depth. Thus, the Arctic and Atlantic oceans exchange high-silicate P-Water and low-silicate A-Water. The PO4* field in the lower ocean below a depth of 1500 m was analyzed statistically, and the results indicated that the Eurasian Basin receives low-PO4* Nordic Seas Deep Water, which flows along the bottom from the Greenland Sea. The routes from the upper ocean to the lower ocean were determined. Only the southern portion of the Canada Basin, which receives water from the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, has high PO4* levels; the rest of the Amerasian Basin receives low-PO4* water from the Laptev Sea and/or the Barents Sea. The Eurasian Basin receives moderate levels of PO4* from the Fram Strait and from the intermediate layer. The intermediate-layer water gradually travels up from the lower ocean and returns to the Atlantic, entraining the subsurface portion. It is likely that high-PO4* water occasionally flows down from the upper ocean along Greenland, making the Eurasian Basin heterogeneous.  相似文献   
The Northwest Pacific Carbon Cycle Study (NOPACCS) was a program aimed at investigating the carbon cycle of the North Pacific Ocean, which can be thought of as a large reservoir of carbon dioxide. NOPACCS was also aimed at estimating the North Pacific's capacity as a carbon sink. Project design, scientific results, and data availability, and subsequent projects resulting from this project are also described in this review. Studies of the upper ocean processes focused on the latitudinal differences in the fugacity of carbon dioxide; and on the detail of plankton community structures. Intermediate water was studied in relation to the formation of North Pacific Intermediate Water and the amount of accumulated anthropogenic carbon. The sedimentation process, past carbon cycle and coral reefs were also studied during the project. A preliminary, overall view of the carbon cycle of the North Pacific was drawn from the results of the project and compared to global values.  相似文献   
层积云覆盖的海洋边界层云详细微物理过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中建立了一个含显式分档的云微物理模式和辐射传输模式的一维 3阶湍流闭合模式 ,该模式可用于研究海洋边界层云中气溶胶和云的相互作用过程 ,同时提出了一种新的动力模式和微物理模式耦合方法 ,该方法可使动力模式中液态水相关项可以直接由微物理模式变量计算得到。作为模式的初步应用模拟了 2 0 0 1年APEX/ACE Asia在西太平洋上所观测到的一个个例。模拟结果和观测资料比较表明该模式基本上模拟出层积云覆盖的海洋边界层的基本结构  相似文献   
The uranium contents of 36 geological reference samples have been determined by fluorimetry after ion-exchange separation, and spectrophotometry using Arsenazo III after solvent extraction with tri-n-octylphosphine oxide. The agreement between present results and published data is generally good. The methods of fluorimetry and spectrophotometry proved very convenient in the determination of uranium in geological materials.  相似文献   
We have developed new systems capable of profiling to >1000 m for measuring in situ pH and fugacity of CO2 (fCO2) in the ocean using spectrophotometric analysis (pH and CO2 profilers). The in situ pH is determined by detecting the color change of the pH indicator (m-cresol purple). It can withstand ambient pressure to 1000 m depth. The CO2 profiler analyzed in situ fCO2 by detecting the change of pH in an inner solution, equilibrated with the seawater through a gas permeable membrane. It can be operated to 2500 m depth. We used an amorphous fluoropolymer tubing form of AF-2400 for the gas permeable membrane due to its high gas permeability coefficients. The inner solution was a mixture of 2 μM bromocresol purple (BCP) and 5 μM sodium hydroxide. This system gave us a response time of 1 minute, which is twice as fast as previous systems. The precisions of pH and CO2 profilers were within 0.002 and 2.5% respectively. We have used these profilers to study the North Pacific, obtaining good agreement with the difference between the data from profilers and a discrete bottle of 0.002 ± 0.005 pH (SE, n = 25) and −0.4 ± 3 μatm (SE, n = 31).  相似文献   
We found a simple function of pH that relates to sea surface temperature (SST, K) and chlorophyll-a (Chl, µg l−1) using measured surface seawater pH, SST and Chl data sets over the North Pacific: pH (total hydrogen scale at 2°C) = 0.01325 SST − 0.0253 Chl + 4.150 (R2 = 0.95, p < 0.0001, n = 483). Moreover, evaluating the seasonal variation of pH based on this algorithm, we compared the measured pH with the predicted pH at the observational time series stations in subpolar and subtropical regions. The average of ΔpH (measured - predicted, n = 52) was 0.006 ± 0.022 pH. Therefore, the combination of SST and Chl can allow us to determine the spatiotemporal distribution of pH over the North Pacific. Using the climatological data sets of SST and Chl with our pH algorithms, we have described the seasonal distributions of pH at 25°C (pH(25)) and pH in situ temperature (pH(T)) over the North Pacific surface water.  相似文献   
Using time series of hydrographic data in the wintertime and summertime obtained along 137°E from 1971 to 2000, we found that the average contents of nutrients in the surface mixed layer showed linear decreasing trends of 0.001∼0.004 μmol-PO4 l−1 yr−1 and 0.01∼0.04 μmol-NO3 l−1 yr−1 with the decrease of density. The water column Chl-a (CHL) and the net community production (NCP) had also declined by 0.27∼0.48 mg-Chl m−2 yr−1 and 0.08∼0.47 g-C-NCP m−2 yr−1 with a clear oscillation of 20.8±0.8 years. These changes showed a strong negative correlation with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index (PDO) with a time lag of 2 years (R = 0.89 ± 0.02). Considering the recent significant decrease of O2 over the North Pacific subsurface water, these findings suggest that the long-term decreasing trend of surface-deep water mixing has caused the decrease of marine biological activity in the surface mixed layer with a bidecadal oscillation over the western North Pacific.  相似文献   
Hydrographic observations have revealed detailed structure of the Bottom Water in the Japan Sea. The Yamato Basin Bottom Water (YBBW) exhibits higher temperatures and lower dissolved oxygen concentrations than those found in the Japan Basin Bottom Water (JBBW). Both Bottom Waters meet around the boundary region between the Yamato and the Japan Basins, forming a clear benthic front. The structure of the benthic front suggests an estuary-like water exchange between both Basins, with the inflow from the Japan Basin passing under the outflow from the Yamato Basin. It is inferred from the property distributions that the JBBW flowing into the Yamato Basin is entrained by the cyclonic circulation in the basin, and modified to become the YBBW. Vertical diffusion and thermal balance in the YBBW are examined using a box model. The results show that the effect of geothermal heating has about 70% of the magnitude of the vertical thermal diffusion and both terms cancel the advection term of the cold JBBW from the Japan Basin. The box model also estimates the turnover time and vertical diffusivity for the YBBW as 9.1 years and 3.4 × 10−3 m2s− 1, respectively.  相似文献   
Abstract. Sandstones with high reservoir quality occur in the Paleogene and Upper Cretaceous coal measures off Sanriku and Sohma in the Pacific coast of northeast Honshu. The sandstone porosity was generally produced by the dissolution of calcite cement and clastic grains such as feldspar and glassy volcanics. The most probable cause of dissolution is the organic acids generated from the maturation of coal and coaly matter in the deeply subsiding source area prior to thermogenic hydrocarbon generation. The pore fluid including organic acids dissolved calcite and clastic silicates to form a small amount of laumontite and kaolinite at around 60C. The acidic and not neutralized pore fluid was responsible for the formation of kaoli-nite. On the other hand, laumontite was formed when the acidic pore fluid was neutralized and then made alkaline after the reaction with minerals such as plagioclase, glassy volcanics and calcite cement. Therefore, laumontite and kaolinite generally occur separately. Laumontite is 0.6–4.6 % by volume, whereas kaolinite is 0.6–9.8 % and the sandstone porosity remains from 10 to 22 %. This type of laumontization after the secondary pore formation might not give a severe damage to the reservoir property of the Paleogene and Upper Cretaceous coal measures in the Pacific coast of northeast Honshu and indicates further exploration possibility.  相似文献   
We delineate shallow structures of the Mozumi–Sukenobu fault, central Japan, using fault zone waves generated by near-surface explosions and detected by a seismometer array. Two explosive sources, S1 and S2, were placed at a distance of about 2 km from the array, and the other two, S3 and S4, were at a distance of about 4 km. Fault zone head waves and fault zone trapped waves following direct P wave arrivals were clearly identified in the seismograms recorded by a linear seismometer array deployed across the fault in a research tunnel at a depth of 300 m. Synthetic waveforms generated by a 3-D finite-difference (3-D FD) method were compared with observed fault zone waves up to 25 Hz. The best fitting model indicates a 200-m-wide low-velocity zone extending at least to shot site S1 located 2 km east of the seismic array with a 20% decrease in the P wave velocity relative to the wall rock. The width of the low-velocity zone is consistent with the fault zone defined by direct geological observation in the research tunnel. However, the low-velocity zone should disappear just to the east of the site S1 to explain the observed fault zone waves for shot S3 and S4 located 4 km east of the seismometer array. Yet the observation and the simulation show notable trapped wave excitation even though shots S3 and S4 are outside the fault zone. These results indicate that (1) the effective waveguide for seismic waves along the fault does not exist east of source site S1 although the surface traces of the fault are observed in this region, and (2) considerable trapped waves can be excited by sources well outside the fault zone. These results highlight the along-strike variability in fault zone structure.  相似文献   
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