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Decadal–centennial‐scale climate variability in coastal Antarctica remains poorly understood due to the limited number of highly resolved, well‐dated records. We present a 900‐year, decadal‐scale reconstruction based on sedimentary diatoms from Lake Abi in Lützow–Holm Bay, East Antarctica. Hydrological change is inferred from diatom ecological preferences in conjunction with an existing regional training set and implies that lake water specific conductivity, depth and nitrogen availability are the key drivers of diatom assemblage change. Lake Abi underwent a series of subtle environmental changes related to these environmental variables, possibly driven by changes in catchment snow melt and the duration of seasonal ice cover. Ordination is used to trace the major patterns of change in the diatom community, with notable shifts identified between 470 and 400 and at ~350 cal a BP (where present = CE 1950). The frequency of environmental variability at Lake Abi is broadly consistent with a record of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation during the last millennium, but contrasts with the apparent climate stability elsewhere in eastern Antarctica. Further research is required to constrain the limnological and ecological responses of lakes in coastal Antarctica to obtain more rigorous palaeoclimate reconstructions from these sites of immense potential.  相似文献   
The varved sediment of Lake Suigetsu (central Japan) provides a valuable opportunity to obtain high‐resolution, multi‐proxy palaeoenvironmental data across the last glacial/interglacial cycle. In order to maximize the potential of this archive, a well‐constrained chronology is required. This paper outlines the multiple geochronological techniques being applied – namely varve counting, radiocarbon dating, tephrochronology (including argon–argon dating) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) – and the approaches by which these techniques are being integrated to form a single, coherent, robust chronology. Importantly, we also describe here the linkage of the floating Lake Suigetsu (SG06) varve chronology and the absolute (IntCal09 tree‐ring) time scale, as derived using radiocarbon data from the uppermost (non‐varved) portion of the core. This tie‐point, defined as a distinct (flood) marker horizon in SG06 (event layer B‐07–08 at 1397.4 cm composite depth), is thus derived to be 11 255 to 11 222 IntCal09 cal. years BP (68.2% probability range).  相似文献   
Micro-scale distributions of trace and minor elements in, for example, coral skeletons are crucial as geochemical tracers of past environmental conditions, because they have the inherent advantage of accounting for confounding diagenetic and physiological effects. To extract reproducible paleoceanographic records from coral skeletons, a selective measurement of specific ultrastructures at high spatial resolution is required. Compared to warm-water reef-building corals, such data are limited in cold-water corals and, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the latter have to date not been examined by means of micro-X-ray fluorescence. This technique was used for micrometer-scale imaging of P, Mg, Sr, O, and Fe intensities (counts per unit time) in a fossil specimen (as yet unknown age) of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum sp. from surface sediments of the NW Pacific. Cross plots confirmed that the micro-XRF signals were associated with corresponding trends in elemental concentration (ppm). Two major structural components of the septum—centers of calcification (COCs) and the surrounding fibrous aragonite portion—differed in composition. The COCs were characterized by higher intensities of P and Mg (650 and 220 counts per 5 s, respectively), and lower intensities of Sr (2,800) and O (580; corresponding values for the fibrous aragonite are 370, 180, 3,300 and 620 counts per 5 s, respectively). Oxygen intensity values were mostly homogeneous, but slightly lower in COCs and substantially higher in a well-defined patch in the fibrous aragonite. The mostly homogeneous P signals in the fibrous aragonite confirm the utility of this structural component and of coral septa in general for tracer studies of oceanic P. Nevertheless, spot occurrences of elevated P (>950 counts per 5 s) spanning tens of micrometers in specific parts of the fibrous region of the septum would cause overestimates of oceanic P, and should evidently not be overlooked in future research. The distribution of Fe showed no correlation with P, indicating no significant contamination in the form of P-bearing diagenetic ferromanganese precipitates. Such hotspots plausibly reflect the presence of other mineral phases, such as crystalline hydroxylapatite inclusions or contamination with organic material. The P signal intensity was positively correlated with Mg (r=0.553, p<0.001), and negatively with Sr (r=–0.489, p<0.001) and O (r=–0.311, p<0.001). There was no discernible evidence of control by water temperature in the Sr distribution pattern. These findings establish micro-X-ray fluorescence as a highly suitable pre-screening tool in cold-water coral sclerochronology, which can serve to refine sampling strategies without sample damage, and complement other micrometer-scale spatial distribution analyses of elements (notably, Ca) based on well-known approaches involving micro-milling, electron microprobes, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and laser ablation.  相似文献   
There has been limited previous research about Holocene climate variability in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean. Here we examine centennial‐scale changes in diatom assemblages and stable isotopic ratios since 10 000 cal a BP in a high‐accumulation‐rate sediment core from the Conrad Rise. Although abundances of dominant diatom taxa (Fragilariopsis kerguelensis and Thalassiothrix antarctica) are comparatively constant, relative abundances of secondary taxa fluctuate. Before c. 9900 cal a BP, winter sea‐ice and cold water covered the Conrad Rise. Following deglaciation the sea‐ice retreated from the Conrad Rise, lagging that of the Atlantic and eastern Indian Sectors by about 1500 a. The Polar Front moved southward during the early Holocene optimum and north Antarctic Zone waters covered the Conrad Rise for about 650 a. After 9300 cal a BP, solar insolation strongly influenced sea surface temperature and primary productivity in the Southern Ocean. In the high‐latitude Indian Sector, productivity increased 1500 a after the onset of late Holocene neoglaciation. Periodic δ18O and cold‐water diatom taxa spikes (at intervals of 200 and 300–500 a, respectively) occurred after 9300 cal a BP, probably associated with solar activity. Fluctuations in short‐term sea surface temperature and cold‐water taxa are synchronous with changes in δD observed in an east Antarctic ice core. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Cr isotope ratios of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial materials are emerging as one of the most important tracers in geosciences. Previous studies on Cr isotopic measurements using TIMS have found that there is residual Cr isotopic fractionation between the mass-fractionation-corrected 53Cr/52Cr and 54Cr/52Cr ratios, which may cause an offset of obtained ratios from the reference values. The residual fractionation was thought to be caused by the evaporation of Cr-oxide species during thermal ionisation, but the mechanism by which this residual fractionation could be reduced remained unclear. Here we revisit the issue of residual fractionation and propose that this problem can be alleviated by utilising W filaments instead of conventionally used Re filaments for Cr ionisation. Using W filaments, the formation of CrO+ was suppressed during heating as the filament temperature was ~ 100 °C lower than when Re filaments were used. In repeated measurement of a carbonaceous chondrite, the intermediate precisions of 53Cr/52Cr and 54Cr/52Cr ratios in the W filament runs were two to three times better than those of the Re filament runs. Therefore, the new finding of this study will be of key importance for future studies of Cr isotopes for terrestrial and extra-terrestrial materials.  相似文献   

The temperature distribution at depth is a key variable when assessing the potential of a supercritical geothermal resource as well as a conventional geothermal resource. Data-driven estimation by a machine-learning approach is a promising way to estimate temperature distributions at depth in geothermal fields. In this study, we developed two methodologies—one based on Bayesian estimation and the other on neural networks—to estimate temperature distributions in geothermal fields. These methodologies can be used to supplement existing temperature logs, by estimating temperature distributions in unexplored regions of the subsurface, based on electrical resistivity data, observed geological/mineralogical boundaries, and microseismic observations. We evaluated the accuracy and characteristics of these methodologies using a numerical model of the Kakkonda geothermal field, Japan, where a temperature above 500 °C was observed below a depth of about 3.7 km. When using geological and geophysical knowledge as prior information for the machine learning methods, the results demonstrate that the approaches can provide subsurface temperature estimates that are consistent with the temperature distribution given by the numerical model. Using a numerical model as a benchmark helps to understand the characteristics of the machine learning approaches and may help to identify ways of improving these methods.

A new type of indirect inverse analysis procedure is proposed to overcome the difficulties the geotechnical inverse analyses are encountering (such as unstability and non-uniqueness of the solutions as well as multicollinearity). These difficulties are eased by combining the objective information (i.e. the observation data) and the subjective information (i.e. the prior information) in an appropriate manner by so-called extended Bayesian method. The method is based on a new view on Bayesian model proposed by Akaike. The problem of model identification in the inverse analysis is also tackled by applying well-known AIC but of the Bayesian version. A case study on an embankment on soft clay is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the new method. A rather thorough review on the geotechnical inverse analysis is also presented to indicate the necessity of the proposed procedure. An appendix is attached to summarize the statistical background of the new method.  相似文献   
A set of mapping functions in the form of convergent series for an infinite element, which is capable to include the infinitely distanced constant head boundary condition from the area of disturbance (e.g. pumping), is proposed based on the asymptotic far-field behaviour of typical seepage flow problems. The derived mapping functions have been successfully used in three-dimensional point symmetric, two-dimensional axi-symmetric and one-dimensional unidirectional flow for the fixed head boundary at infinite distance. The result shows excellent agreement with analytical solution. For the first time, the mapping function of an infinite element is presented in the form of a convergent series. The infinite elements are really capable of reducing the cost and efficiency of conventional finite element analysis. Finally, a figure is also proposed to indicate the required size of the near field to obtain accurate drawdown at specified locations based on some calculations for two-dimensional radial flow case.  相似文献   
The linkage between multi-decadal climate variability and activity of the sun has been long debated based upon observational evidence from a large number of instrumental and proxy records. It is difficult to evaluate the exact role of each of solar parameters on climate change since instrumentally measured solar related parameters such as Total Solar irradiance (TSI), Ultra Violet (UV), solar wind and Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) fluxes are more or less synchronized and only extend back for several decades. Here we report tree-ring carbon-14 based record of 11-year/22-year solar cycles during the Maunder Minimum (17th century) and the early Medieval Maximum Period (9–10th century) to reconstruct the state of the sun and the flux of incoming GCRs. The result strongly indicates that the influence of solar cycles on climate is persistent beyond the period after instrumental observations were initiated. We find that the actual lengths of solar cycles vary depending on the status of long-term solar activity, and that periodicity of the surface air temperatures are also changing synchronously. Temperature variations over the 22-year cycles seem, in general, to be more significant than those associated with the 11-year cycles and in particular around the grand solar minima such as the Maunder Minimum (1645–1715 AD). The polarity dependence of cooling events found in this study suggests that the GCRs can not be excluded from the possible drivers of decadal to multi-decadal climate change.  相似文献   
Understanding Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics related to global climate change is of scientific and societal interest as the future behaviour of the ice sheet under the currently changing climate is unknown. We present beryllium‐10 (10Be) analysis of a high‐resolution marine sediment core from the Adélie Basin near the eastern Wilkes Land margin, which is susceptible to marine ice sheet instability due to the low‐lying nature and down‐sloping trough of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin. Combined with a newly constructed age model using compound specific radiocarbon dates, the data reveal three events associated with high meteoric 10Be at ca. ~10 ka, ca. ~6.5 ka and from ca. ~4 ka. We interpret these high meteoric 10Be events to be derived from the deposition of 10Be released from the ice sheet during meltwater discharge. In particular, the shift to higher meteoric 10Be concentration at~4 ka may correspond to changes in climate patterns at this time. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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