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祁连山不同植被类型对积雪消融的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
为研究祁连山植被对积雪消融的影响, 利用人工调查积雪深度逐日变化量和积雪盖度变化, 并结合空气雪面感热通量(SH)观测, 对祁连山水源林生态站排露沟流域海拔2 600~2 700 m青海云杉林、灌丛林、林缘、阳坡草地在2003-2007年的积雪消融进行了研究, 每年的观测从10月降雪开始到翌年5月积雪消融完结束, 共获取数据134 400个. 结果表明: 当SH<0时, 积雪消融停止;当SH>0时, 积雪消融开始;植被可以减缓积雪消融速率, 有植被的地方消融速率减慢, 反之则加快;不同植被消融速率大小顺序为草地>林缘>灌木林>乔木林;同一植被、不同坡向消融速率不同, 半阳坡云杉林>半阴坡云杉林>阴坡云杉林. 积雪含水率随气温升高而增大, 1月融化积雪占整个积雪的5%, 2月增大到28%, 大量积雪在3月消融, 占55%. 从坡位看, 下坡消融速率最大;在一个垂直带上, 低海拔消融速率大于高海拔. 温度是影响积雪消融的主要因子, 积雪消融速率随温度升高而增大, 反之则减小.  相似文献   
Geostatistical and statistical analyses were combined to examine the spatial distribution of soil water content under four vegetation types during the dry season, in the peak-cluster depression in the karst region in northwest Guangxi, southwest China. The soil water content significantly increased from farmland to plantation, secondary forest, and primary forest; whereas the variation coefficients, the sill (C 0+C), and total spatial variance increased, although the range decreased. The spatial distribution of soil water content in the different vegetation types had a high spatial autocorrelation. Different models produced a best fit for the semivariograms of the four vegetation types. Elevation and slope position were the primary factors influencing the spatial distribution of soil water content, with other key factors differing between the four vegetation types. Moreover, even though different specific factors influenced soil water content in the four vegetation types, the correlations and degrees of associations between the soil water content and these various factors differed. Therefore, the corresponding strategies for rational usage and management of water resources should be different for the four vegetation types in this region.  相似文献   
Datong Basin is one of the Cenozoic faulted basins in Northern China’s Shanxi province, where groundwater is the major source of water supply. The results of hydrochemical investigation show that along the groundwater flow path, from the margins to the lower-lying central parts of the basin, groundwater generally shows increases in concentrations of TDS, HCO3 ?, SO4 2?, Cl?, Na+ and Mg2+ (except for Ca2+ content). Along the basin margin, groundwater is dominantly of Ca–HCO3 type; however, in the central parts of the basin it becomes more saline with Na–HCO3-dominant or mixed-ion type. The medium-deep groundwater has chemical compositions similar to those of shallow groundwater, except for the local area affected by human activity. From the mountain front to the basin area, shallow groundwater concentrations of major ions increase and are commonly higher than those in medium-deep aquifers, due to intense evapotranspiration and anthropogenic contamination. Hydrolysis of aluminosilicate and silicate minerals, cation exchange and evaporation are prevailing geochemical processes occurring in the aquifers at Datong Basin. The isotopic compositions indicate that meteoric water is the main source of groundwater recharge. Evaporation is the major way of discharge of shallow groundwater. The groundwater in medium-deep aquifers may be related to regional recharges of rainwater by infiltrating along the mountain front faults, and of groundwater permeating laterally from bedrocks of the mountain range. However, in areas of groundwater depression cones, groundwater in the deep confined aquifers may be recharged by groundwater from the upper unconfined aquifer through aquitards.  相似文献   
Groundwater flow in a well-developed karst aquifer dominantly occurs through bedding planes, fractures, conduits, and caves created by and/or enlarged by dissolution. Conventional groundwater modeling methods assume that groundwater flow is described by Darcian principles where primary porosity (i.e. matrix porosity) and laminar flow are dominant. However, in well-developed karst aquifers, the assumption of Darcian flow can be questionable. While Darcian flow generally occurs in the matrix portion of the karst aquifer, flow through conduits can be non-laminar where the relation between specific discharge and hydraulic gradient is non-linear. MODFLOW-CFP is a relatively new modeling program that accounts for non-laminar and laminar flow in pipes, like karst caves, within an aquifer. In this study, results from MODFLOW-CFP are compared to those from MODFLOW-2000/2005, a numerical code based on Darcy’s law, to evaluate the accuracy that CFP can achieve when modeling flows in karst aquifers at laboratory and sub-regional (Woodville Karst Plain, Florida, USA) scales. In comparison with laboratory experiments, simulation results by MODFLOW-CFP are more accurate than MODFLOW 2005. At the sub-regional scale, MODFLOW-CFP was more accurate than MODFLOW-2000 for simulating field measurements of peak flow at one spring and total discharges at two springs for an observed storm event.  相似文献   
The formation of the Tongyu gold deposit, controlled by regional polyphase deformation-metamorphism.is closely related to the regional composite antiform-shear slip fracture zone. Late-stage reworking of theTaihua Group accounts for the enrichment of ore substances. It is a typical syntectonic gold deposit. The formation and evolution of the deposit involved four stages: (Ⅰ) the state of preparation of ore sub-stances, in which primary source beds originated: (Ⅱ) the stage of remobilization of ore substances, in whichregional progressive metamorphism and migmatization and thermodynamic-chemical differentiation led toremobilization of gold and its initial local concentration: (Ⅲ) the stage of gold deposit formation, in which re-gional folding produced concordant and cross shear-slip fractures and under the dynamic action gold was sepa-rated and migrated in a certain direction and concentrated to form a gold deposit: (Ⅳ) the stage ofsuperpositon, reworking and exposure of orebodies, in which the block uplifted and the deposit againunderwent reworking through faulting and mechanical differentiation.Thermodynamic mineralization played adominant role in the formation of the deposit.  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地周缘造山带裂变径迹研究及其地质意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李玮  胡健民  渠洪杰 《地质学报》2010,84(2):171-182
通过对准噶尔盆地东西两侧造山带地质剖面观察、系统裂变径迹测年与热演化模拟结果分析,并结合前人研究结果,准噶尔盆地周缘造山带中,主要经历了中生代晚期构造热事件。通过裂变径迹分析对比,准噶尔盆地两侧造山带具有不同的隆升历史,盆地西北缘早于东部隆升,隆升速率亦大于东部。准噶尔盆地西北缘自白垩纪以来经历了由准噶尔盆地边缘向扎伊尔山先后依次隆升事件,表明了准噶尔西北缘逆冲断裂系向盆内后展式逆冲推覆。准噶尔盆地东西两侧造山带岩石裂变径迹数据均反映了白垩纪以来的冷却隆升事件,充分证实了燕山晚期构造运动在准噶尔地区的普遍存在,为详细研究燕山期新疆北部陆内构造活动提供了证据。  相似文献   
同震地表破裂带是地震破裂最直观的表现。地表破裂带的精细填图对理解地震破裂过程及发震机理有着重要意义。我们对5.12汶川地震映秀-北川同震破裂带南部的虹口乡区段开展了较为精细的填图工作,该区段地表破裂带的平面几何和同震位移特征沿走向均显示出公里尺度的横向变化和复杂性。根据同震破裂不连续性特征可把地表破裂分为4段,自南向北依次为深溪沟段、庙坝段、高原新村段和八角庙段。其中,深溪沟段和八角庙段同震垂直位错较大,达.5~6m;庙坝段同震垂直位移量普遍较低,1~2m或更低;  在高原新村附近,地表破裂带分为近平行的南北两支,北支以右旋走滑为主,南支以南东盘逆冲抬升为主,这与与映秀-北川同震破裂总体北西盘抬升的性质相反。本文对高原新村附近的反向陡坎进行了深入的探讨,并综合前人的研究结果,认为是破裂在从深部往上扩展的过程中,在浅表部位顺着发育在虹口东南部的大鱼洞-龙溪飞来峰后缘的具南东倾向的断面继承而成。与北川沙坝附近的反向陡坎一样,说明老断裂带构造几何特征对单次地震破裂的扩展有牵引作用。最后,讨论了八角庙有切割关系的两组断层擦痕的地震学和地质学意义,指出可能指示了映秀-北川断裂面上局部区段震前的初始应力水平较低。  相似文献   
In order to investigate succession of biological soil crusts (BSCs) and their microstructure variability, we conducted this work in Shapotou revegetation region at the southeast edge of Tengger Deser. The results showed that BSCs generally succeeded as a pathway of “Algae crusts, algae–lichen crusts, lichen crusts, lichen–moss crusts and moss crusts”. Occasionally mosses directly occurred on algae crusts, and BSCs succeeded from algae crusts to moss crusts. Crust vertical stratification was a common phenomenon, from top to bottom an inorganic layer, algae-dense layer and algae-sparse layer were divided in algae crusts; a thallus layer, rhizoid layer and sub-rhizoid layer in lichen crusts; a “stem-leaf” layer, rhizoid layer and sub-rhizoid layer in moss crusts, respectively. The main crust binding organisms varied from filamental cyanobacteria (dominated by Microcoleus) in algae crusts to lichen rhizoids, free-living cyanobacterial filaments and fungal hyphaes in lichen crusts, and to moss rhizoids and fungal hyphaes in moss crusts. The dominant phototrophic organisms varied from Microcoleus (algae) in algae crusts to Collema (lichens) in lichen crusts, and to Bryum (or Didymodon and Tortula; mosses) in moss crusts. Total phototrophic biomass increased while the free-living algal biomass decreased with the succession of BSCs. In addition, exopolysaccharides and fine particles accumulated in the course of development and succession of BSCs, all of which lead to a gradual increase in crust thickness and porosity, while decrease in the bulk density.  相似文献   
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