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The Southwest Subbasin (SWSB) is an abyssal subbasin in the South China Sea (SCS), with many debates on its neotectonic process and crustal structure. Using two-dimensional seismic tomography in the SWSB, we derived a detailed P-wave velocity model of the basin area and the northern margin. The entire profile is approximately 311-km-long and consists of twelve oceanic bottom seismometers (OBSs). The average thickness of the crust beneath the basin is 5.3 km, and the Moho interface is relatively flat (10–12 km). No high velocity bodies are observed, and only two thin high-velocity structures (~7.3 km/s) in the layer 3 are identified beneath the northern continent-ocean transition (COT) and the extinct spreading center. By analyzing the P-wave velocity model, we believe that the crust of the basin is a typical oceanic crust. Combined with the high resolution multi-channel seismic profile (MCS), we conclude that the profile shows asymmetric structural characteristics in the basin area. The continental margin also shows asymmetric crust between the north and south sides, which may be related to the large scale detachment fault that has developed in the southern margin. The magma supply decreased as the expansion of the SWSB from the east to the west.  相似文献   
We have experimentally investigated the kinetics of melting of an aplitic leucogranite (quartz+sodic plagioclase of ≈Ab90+K-feldspar+traces of biotite) at 690, 740, and 800°C, all at 200 MPa H2O. Leucogranite cylinders, 3.5 mm in diameter and 7 mm in length, were run in the presence of excess H2O using cold-seal pressure vessels for 11–2,925 h. At 690 and 740°C and any experimental time, and 800°C and short run times, silicate glass (melt at run conditions) occurs as interconnected films along most of the mineral boundaries and in fractures, with the predominant volume occurring along quartz/feldspars boundaries and quartz/plagioclase/K-feldspar triple junctions. Glass film thickness is roughly constant throughout a given experimental charge and increases with experimental temperature and run duration. The results indicate that H2O-saturated partial melting of a quartzo-feldspathic protolith will produce an interconnected melt phase even at very low degrees (<5 vol%) of partial melting. Crystal grain boundaries are therefore completely occluded with melt films even at the lowest degrees of partial melting, resulting in a change in the mechanism of mass transport through the rock from advection of aqueous vapor to diffusion through silicate melt. At 690 and 740°C the compositions of glasses are homogeneous and (at both temperatures) close to, but not on, the H2O-saturated 200 MPa haplogranite eutectic; glass compositions do not change with run duration. At 800°C glasses are heterogeneous and plot away from the minimum, although their molar ratios ASI (=mol Al2O3/CaO+Na2O+K2O) and Al/Na are constant throughout the entire charge at any experimental time. Glass compositions within individual 800°C experiments form linear trends in (wt%) normative quartz–albite–orthoclase space. The linear trends are oriented perpendicular to the 200 MPa H2O haplogranite cotectic line, reflecting nearly constant albite/orthoclase ratio versus variable quartz/feldspar ratio, and have endpoints between the 800°C isotherms on the quartz and feldspar liquidus surfaces. With increasing experimental duration the trends migrate from the potassic side of the minimum toward the bulk rock composition located on the sodic side, due to more rapid (and complete) dissolution of K-feldspar relative to plagioclase. The results indicate that partial melting at or slightly above the solidus (690–740°C) is interface reaction-controlled, and produces disequilibrium melts of near-minimum composition that persist metastably for up to at least 3 months. Relict feldspars show no change in composition or texture, and equilibration between melt and feldspars might take from a few to tens of millions of years. Partial melting at temperatures well above the solidus (800°C) produces heterogeneous, disequilibrium liquids whose compositions are determined by the diffusive transport properties of the melt and local equilibrium with neighboring mineral phases. Feldspars recrystallize and change composition rapidly. Partial melting and equilibration between liquids and feldspars might take from a few to tens of years (H2O-saturated conditions) at these temperatures well above the solidus.  相似文献   
The Central Tianshan Tectonic Zone (CTTZ) is anarrow domain between an early Paleozoic southernTianshan passive continental margin and a late Paleo-zoic northern Tianshan arc zone, which is character-ized by the presence of numerous Precambrian meta-morphic basement blocks. Proterozoic granitoidgneisses and metamorphic sedimentary rocks,namely Xingxingxia and Kawabulag and Tianhugroups, are the most important lithological assem-blages in these metamorphic basement blocks, and alittle of …  相似文献   
2013年7月22日岷县、漳县MS6.6地震发生后,我们立刻在极震区架设三台K2强震动记录仪器,以了解地震对黄土覆盖山地的影响.截至8月11日共获取地震记录172个(516条),ML≥3.0的地震48个,最大震级ML4.4,最大加速度值65.9 gal.我们从永星台阵的强余震观测资料中,选取震级较大的余震记录进行分析,经过初步处理,分别读取各个台站的地表最大加速度值,由于观测地区的黄土覆盖层较薄,土质松软,永星村台、永星小学台这两个台的加速度记录,不能与大竜村台的记录直接比较,我们将观测记录进行傅里叶分析,统计其优势频率,展示部分典型记录的傅里叶谱发现,黄土对高频成分的吸收作用不可忽视,最大加速度值随震中距的增大而衰减迅速.在近场情况下,地表最大加速度对震中距十分敏感,所以无法直接对比不同地形对于地表加速度的影响,分析结果表明:大竜村台优势频率为5.2 Hz;永星村台优势频率为4.1 Hz;永星小学台优势频率为5.3 Hz,注意到位于山脚下的大竜村测点为基岩,加速度记录的优势频率自然较高,而位于山顶的永星村是黄土地基,但是此地的加速度记录的优势频率明显高于山腰记录,几乎与基岩台基的优势频率相当.宏观调查也表明:低频率、高烈度对于房屋的破坏力更大.ML3.8地震观测表明,地表加速度值随震中距的增大而迅速衰减,距离最近的大竜村台(基岩台址)获取的加速度记录北南向最大,另外两个分向的加速度记录也大于较远的两个流动台的记录.基岩台北南向比垂直向要大,和这次地震的震源机制(逆冲兼走滑)相关.地形影响依然存在,本次观测台阵中,位于山顶的永星村观测记录的傅里叶谱,明显高于山腰的记录,地表最大加速度值也稍高于山腰观测,由于地形相差不够大,规律性也不太明显.本次观测结果和以往在孤立山峰的观测情况略有不同,一是记录地震的震级偏小,而观测距离又偏近,震中距的影响可能超过地形因素的影响程度,所以其原因更加复杂,有待进一步研究.  相似文献   
在汶川MS8.0地震后甘肃陇东地区的详细灾害调查基础上,对该区地震破坏进行了分类研究,给出了各种建筑物及工程结构的破坏程度及破坏特征.结合该区独特的地质地理环境对产生地震破坏的原因进行了分析.认为该区地震破坏相对严重的原因除与建筑物本身质量及结构有关外,还与远震和地形影响的长周期效应及持时较长有关.  相似文献   
Noriko  Hasebe  Hiroaki  Watanabe 《Island Arc》2004,13(4):533-543
Abstract   To determine how local geological events contributed to the evolution of accretionary complexes and eventual exposure of rocks with different structural levels, geochronological mapping was carried out using fission track (FT) analysis at the Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan. At this site, the original zonal structure of Cretaceous accretionary complexes parallel to the subduction zone is disturbed by the northward projection of the Shimanto accretionary complex. Twenty-six zircon FT ages were obtained from an area of ∼12 km in an east–west direction and ∼15 km in a north–south direction, and classified into three groups: (i) ages ∼15 Ma (range ∼10–20 Ma), which are distributed along the northwest–southeast valley; (ii) ages of ∼50 Ma in the northwest of the study area; and (iii) ages older than those in Groups 1 and 2. Based on results from eight zircon FT length distributions, the Miocene ages appear to be the result of spatial variations in heat influx and cooling after the regional exhumation of the area, as recorded by FT ages of ∼50 Ma.  相似文献   
分析了汶川8.0级地震前的地震空间长度的时空演变。在计算空间相关长度过程中采用长轴与孕震区主要断裂走向一致的椭圆型空间窗,并设计了优化程序。在本次特大地震前观测到了增长的地震空间相关长度。利用合成地震目录对结果进行了显著性检验,结果否定了零假设,表明观察到的模型不是由随机数据干扰造成的,这一观点的置信水平被证实为93.9%。  相似文献   
In flood risk management, the divergent concept of resilience of a flood defense system cannot be fully defined quantitatively by one indicator and multiple indicators need to be considered simultaneously. In this paper, a multi-objective optimization (MOO) design framework is developed to determine the optimal protection level of a levee system based on different resilience indicators that depend on the probabilistic features of the flood damage cost arising under the uncertain nature of rainfalls. An evolutionary-based MOO algorithm is used to find a set of non-dominated solutions, known as Pareto optimal solutions for the optimal protection level. The objective functions, specifically resilience indicators of severity, variability and graduality, that account for the uncertainty of rainfall can be evaluated by stochastic sampling of rainfall amount together with the model simulations of incurred flood damage estimation for the levee system. However, these model simulations which usually require detailed flood inundation simulation are computationally demanding. This hinders the wide application of MOO in flood risk management and is circumvented here via a surrogate flood damage modeling technique that is integrated into the MOO algorithm. The proposed optimal design framework is applied to a levee system in a central basin of flood-prone Jakarta, Indonesia. The results suggest that the proposed framework enables the application of MOO with resilience objectives for flood defense system design under uncertainty and solves the decision making problems efficiently by drastically reducing the required computational time.  相似文献   
Multiple cities in a diveloped economic area may consist of a city cluster,and the difusion and mixing of its pollutants result in the effect of pollutants plume between cities and the large-scale regional pollution diffusion phenomenon.The distant transfer and diffusion of pollutants occurs when massive aerosols are affected by the dynamic porcess of large-scale circulations.Research suggesten that the life span of aerosol particles whose diameters are about 1 um is the longest.The longevity …  相似文献   
Coastal aquifer of northern Sfax (Tunisia) suffers from the high risk to seawater intrusion and the water quality degradation due to the overexploitation. Hence, assessing the study area vulnerability to pollution is highly crucial so as to protect the groundwater resources. The assessment has been performed by applying the GALDIT method using Geographic Information System (GIS) software and multi-criteria evaluation techniques, and the sensitivity analysis approach to evaluate the effect of each GALDIT parameter on the vulnerability assessment. The GALDIT vulnerability map classifies the study area into three vulnerability classes: low vulnerability (30–50), moderate vulnerability (50–70), and high vulnerability (70–90), which represent 5, 30, and 65 % of the study area, respectively. The map illustrates that the coastal zones of the aquifer are the most threatened areas. The sensitivity analysis results show that the aquifer hydraulic conductivity (A) and the thickness of the aquifer (T) represent the determining factors in the modified vulnerability model. The real weight was used to elaborate the modified GALDIT model which was correlated with resistivity values for validation. This study could serve as a scientific basis for sustainable land planning and groundwater management in the study area.  相似文献   
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