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Karst areas have much higher ecological vulnerability and are easy to be contaminated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are introduced as health risk pollutants. PAHs ratios were used to understand the sources and transport behavior of PAHs conducted in the karst Nanshan Underground River, China. Water, sediments from the underground river and water, sediments, soil from the surface were collected monthly in 2011 and 2012. Abundant PAHs were found both in the underground river and in the surface system. The detected ΣPAHs concentrations varied from 353 to 13,203 ng L?1 in the groundwaters and content from 169 to 12,038 ng g?1 in the sediments of the underground river. The ratios of anthracene to anthracene, plus phenanthrene and fluoranthene to fluoranthene, plus pyrene indicated that PAHs were delivered in the groundwaters from combusted grass, wood, and coal, while in the sediments were a mixture of non-combusted petroleum, grass, wood, coal and combusted grass, wood, coal. The similarities in sources between an underground river and surface system indicated that farmlands play a major role for the transport of PAHs and contamination in the underground river. Karst features are liable for the transport behavior.  相似文献   
南岭成矿带是中国重要的铀矿基地,产出的铀矿床以花岗岩型为主,其次为碳硅泥岩型和少量砂岩型。本文通过搜集整理前人找矿勘查和科研成果,认为南岭成矿带多期多阶段构造演化为铀成矿作用提供了初始铀源、产铀花岗岩、断裂网络和含铀热液等有利的成矿条件。产铀花岗岩大多是由高硅、过铝、偏钾高碱的S型花岗岩,沿断裂分布的构造碎裂岩、蚀变岩和还原性地质体是有利的赋矿围岩。矿化与蚀变中心带发育沥青铀矿、黑色微晶玉髓、紫黑色萤石、胶状黄铁矿、赤铁矿、绿泥石等矿物组合。铀矿体形态多样,以中小规模、中低工业品位为主。南岭成矿带中新生代多阶段区域性拉张过程中形成了多阶段铀矿化。花岗岩型铀矿床分布于加里东隆起区花岗岩内部构造结和岩体接触带附近,矿体沿断裂与蚀变体一起赋存于氧化-还原界面和脆韧性构造转换面之间的"成矿壳层"内。南岭成矿带中新生代"空间全位"铀成矿模式显示,不同的构造层、不同的建造、不同的岩性及不同的部位均有铀成矿潜力,但由于具体成矿条件的不同组合而产出不同类型、不同规模、不同时间和不同强度的铀矿化。也就是说,难以排除某一空间部位不成矿的可能性。根据这一"全位"成矿的认识,从不同的角度对南岭成矿带中新生代铀...  相似文献   
矿床的成矿系列(简称成矿系列)是矿床学领域的一个理论性概念,由五级序次组成。矿床成矿系列组属第一序次,是指在一定的地质历史时期、在一定的地壳运动过程中形成的一组相互关联的矿床成矿系列。理想情况下,一个完整的矿床成矿系列组(G),可包括与岩浆作用有关的(I)、与沉积作用有关的(S)、与变质作用有关的(M)、与区域性构造事件-流体作用有关的(F)及与表生作用有关的(H)5类矿床成矿系列。从地球构造演化角度来看,矿床成矿系列组的形成与大陆成矿体系形成的阶段性与旋回性存在内在成因联系,是地壳构造演化的不同阶段的客观记录和必然产物,可与地壳尺度构造运动相对应。深入研究矿床成矿系列组,对于探索地球演化规律,深化理解不同尺度、不同时期成矿构造环境及其成矿过程,揭示地壳运动的基本规律具有重要意义。同时,应用成矿系列组内矿床成矿系列"全位成矿、缺位找矿"的理念和"成矿序列"(有序性)的原则,不仅可以解释矿产资源分布的不均衡性,还可以有效指导区域成矿预测。因涉及面广,矿床成矿系列组的研究尚属起步阶段,有待于进一步深化研究。  相似文献   
Abstract Karst areas have much higher ecological vulnerability and are easy to be contaminated by polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) which are introduced as health risk pollutants.PCBs concentrations were used to understand the transport behavior of PCBs conducted in the karst Nanshan Underground River,China.Water and sediments from the underground river water,and sediments and soil from the surface of the corresponding watershed were collected monthly in 2011 and 2012 and PCBs were analyzed.Seasonal variations were found in concentrations of PCBs both in the waters and sediments.PCBs concentrations varied from 0.3 to 29.9 ng·L-1 in the groundwater,while from 0.1 to 366.1 ng·g-1 in the underground sediments.Correlations were found in concentrations of PCBs in waters and sediments between the underground river and surface systems which indicate that the surface systems play a major role for the transport of PCBs and contamination in the underground river systems.Karst features are liable for the transport behavior.The underground river waters transport PCBs at mean 3 g·day-1.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONT'he early theory for tUrbulent boundare layer assumed that the now adjacent to the wall is a lndnar innature and is named lndnar bottom layer Its thickness is about V/u*, Where V is the ldnehc viscosityand u* is the fuchon velocity. Towmsend (l956) first suggested the concePt of tUrbulent strUctUre andpointod out that there are isotroPic small scale nuctUation and quasi-periodic large scale strUcture in theshear flow Einstein and Li (l956) discovered by the flow moving…  相似文献   
在水电工程建设过程中, 边坡失稳的发生将影响工程施工的安全和进度, 为了确保高陡边坡的长期安全与稳定, 有必要采取合理的支护措施对其综合治理。针对长河坝水电站高陡环境边坡地质条件复杂、治理区域较分散、岩体较为破碎且节理裂隙发育的工程特点, 采取了独特的材料运输和施工通道进行治理施工, 并根据不同治理深度对其采用相应的支护技术。针对坡面覆盖层及危岩体, 采用坡面清渣、主被动防护网、挡墙及锚筋束等施工技术进行治理, 针对边坡浅表层稳定性问题, 采用锚喷混凝土、框格梁、锚杆等支护技术进行治理, 针对边坡破碎岩体深层稳定问题, 采用预固结灌浆及锚索相结合的手段进行治理。现场长期监测数据表明:治理后的高陡环境边坡是稳定安全的。  相似文献   
《中国矿产地质志》研编工作历经十载,截至2021年底,完成了180余部志书的评审,正式出版发行了50部。研编内容涵盖了省级志书、全国性矿种组志书、区带志书和专题研究4个方面。通过志书研编,基本查明了我国矿产资源分布情况,对稀土、稀散、钨矿等矿种组取得了新的成矿理论认识,丰富了典型矿床研究内容; 多层次总结了我国矿产资源的区域成矿规律,编制了新一代的“五位一体”成矿规律图,突出反映了地层、构造、岩浆和成矿作用的时空演化规律; 深化了对矿床的成矿系列理论的研究,提出了6个序次组成的成矿系列序次,即在原有5个序次基础上增加了最高层次——成矿体系,并提出了从时间和空间2个维度对矿床成矿体系进行系统研究,以更好探索矿床成矿系列的时空分布、相互关系及其演化规律。  相似文献   
九龙脑花岗岩体位于南岭东部,它周围分布着众多钨、锡和铅锌矿床(点).本文选择岩体北侧淘锡坑石英脉型钨矿、东侧宝山矽卡岩型铅锌矿底部的隐伏花岗岩,对比九龙脑岩体开展了成岩年代学、地球化学、Sr- Nd同位素研究.上述岩体的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄分别是158.7±3.9Ma、157.7±2.7Ma、154.9±2.2...  相似文献   
Grassland degradation in Altay Prefecture is of considerable concern as it is a threat that hinders the sustainable development of the local economy and the stable operation of the livestock industry. Quantitative assessment of the relative contributions of climate change and human activities, which are considered as the dominant triggers of grassland degradation, to grassland variation is crucial for understanding the grassland degradation mechanism and mitigating the degraded grassland in Altay Prefecture. In this paper, the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach model and the Thornthwaite memorial model were adopted to simulate the actual net primary productivity (NPPA) and potential net primary productivity (NPPP) in the Altay Prefecture from 2000 to 2019. Meanwhile, the difference between potential NPP and actual NPP was employed to reflect the effects of human activities (NPPH) on the grassland. On this basis, we validated the viability of the simulated NPP using the Pearson correlation coefficient, investigated the spatiotemporal variability of grassland productivity, and established comprehensive scenarios to quantitatively assess the relative roles of climate change and human activities on grassland in Altay prefecture. The results indicate three main points. (1) The simulated NPPA was highly consistent with the MOD17A3 dataset in spatial distribution. (2) Regions with an increased NPPA accounted for 70.53% of the total grassland, whereas 29.47% of the total grassland area experienced a decrease. At the temporal scale, the NPPA presented a slightly increasing trend (0.83 g C m?2 yr?1) over the study period, while the trends of NPPP and NPPH were reduced (?1.31 and ?2.15 g C m?2 yr?1). (3) Compared with climate change, human activities played a key role in the process of grassland restoration, as 66.98% of restored grassland resulted from it. In contrast, inter-annual climate change is the primary cause of grassland degradation, as it influenced 55.70% of degraded grassland. These results could shed light on the mechanisms of grassland variation caused by climate change and human activities, and they can be applied to further develop efficient measures to combat desertification in Altay Prefecture.  相似文献   
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