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An experimental study on reduction of U (Ⅵ) by anaerobic bacteria, Shewane//a putrefaciens, is first reported here in China. The experimental conditions were: 35℃ and pH =7.0-7.4, corresponding to a physicochemical environments in which the sandstone-hosted interlayer oxidation-zone type uranium deposit formed in Northwest China's Xinjiang. Bacteria adopted in the present experiment, Shewanella putrefaciens, occur extensively in natural environment. Our study shows that nano-crystal precipitates of uraninite quickly occurred on the surface of the cells within one week. It was found that the pitchblende was characterized by a random arrangement of uraninite nanocrystals (2-4 nm) in it, significantly different from natural pitchblende in which uraninite nanocrystals are arranged in order. Finally, a possible mechanism of uranium biomineralization by microorganisms in the deposits is discussed. Our investigation may supply a technical train of thoughts for bioremediation of nuclear-contaminated water environments and for underground dissolving extraction of the sandstone-hosted uranium ores.  相似文献   
对汶川大地震后北川县唐家山堰塞湖区域的地形地貌、土地质量、植被覆盖、工程建设及生态环境等基本情况进行详细调研,运用RS,GIS等技术结合景观格局指数分析法,对唐家山堰塞湖区域的整体景观生态格局指标进行研究,分析唐家山堰塞湖区域内斑块和廊道等景观格局因子的变化数据,总结区域内景观生态格局的各类特征,为地震灾区生态修复及环境破坏评价提供参考.  相似文献   
黄果树风景名胜区旅游环境容量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王剑  彭建 《中国岩溶》2007,26(2):183-188
选择我国典型的喀斯特风景名胜区— — 黄果树景区为例,通过分析主要制约因子,定量研究了该景区的旅游环境容量。研究表明,黄果树风景区的空间环境容量为21 933人次/日,生态环境容量为51 354人次/日,经济环境容量为98 716人次/日。空间环境容量成为制约景区提高接待规模的主要限制因子,平日一般不会出现超载的问题,周末存在局部超载的情况,而在黄金周等旅游高峰期,接待规模远远超出其旅游环境容量,景区常常出现整体性超载。针对这些问题,作者提出了游客分流、及时发布旅游接待信息以及加强未成熟景区的开发等措施,以缓解黄果树景区的旅游环境容量问题。   相似文献   
为研究唐山祥云湾海洋牧场海域网采浮游植物群集特征, 于2020年11月至2021年11月在祥云湾海洋牧场海域进行了浮游植物及环境因子的周年逐月调查。共鉴定浮游植物41属78种, 其中硅藻33属62种, 甲藻7属15种, 硅鞭藻1属1种, 年均丰度为205.58×104 cells/m3, 多样性指数H''为2.88。与近岸非增殖海域不同, 该海域浮游植物的丰度及群落结构指数在春夏季水生生物繁生期达到全年最低。优势类群的季节演替明显, 其中, 3~5月以诺氏海链藻最占优势, 9~10月以角毛藻和中肋骨条藻最占优势, 周年优势类群以圆筛藻和角毛藻最占优势, 其优势度变动在6月前以圆筛藻显著为高, 之后则以角毛藻显著为高; 此外,甲藻的优势度在泛冬季(11~2月)达到最高。鱼礁区与对照区的对比结果显示, 两区域浮游植物的群落变化均可划分为泛冬季低温期(11~2月)、春夏季繁生期(3~6月)、泛秋季降温期(7~11月)三个时期。链状浮游植物的丰度在礁区明显高于对照区, 而非链状浮游植物则相反; 与生物作用关系密切的溶解有机碳、pH值在礁区低于对照区, 而总磷和溶解态硅则相反。Pearson相关及冗余分析(RDA)显示, 两区域浮游植物与环境因子的显著相关关系在不同时期差异明显。春夏季繁生期牡蛎礁上的贝类滤食活跃, 浮游植物与环境因子的关系最为密切, 浮游植物与环境因子的相关关系达到显著水平的数量最多。礁区与对照区浮游植物的群集特征差异可能受到礁体附着生物活动及潮汐往复流混合作用的影响。  相似文献   
压缩气体射流切割破土机理既是气力喷射反循环钻孔技术的基础也是其重要的理论依据,而气力喷射反循环钻孔技术又是一项高效环保的软地层钻进技术,所以压缩气体射流切割破土机理研究对于气力喷射反循环钻孔技术有重要意义。首先,应用CFD软件模拟,得出8 mm直径喷孔切割能力为2.868×103 kPa,与单喷孔地秤实验得到的2.468×103 kPa拟合较好,其值都远远大于软地层破坏强度;其次,通过LS-DYNA模拟可知单次喷射18 μs时的切割深度约为2.23 mm;最后,用CFD软件分析得到土体微裂隙断裂压力分布图及气体流速图。结果表明,压缩气体射流切割破土机理为:压缩气体沿薄弱环节进入孔隙和微裂隙后急剧膨胀,在恢复到钻孔围压过程中继续膨胀、扩张,同时在反循环抽吸力的共同作用下使土体结构破坏、断裂脱离母体;符合土体微裂隙断裂原理。  相似文献   
The 3-D spatial distributions of vegetation are of great significance for water and soil conservation but are rarely concerned in literatures. The live vegetation volume (LVV) was used to relate to water/soil loss under 144 natural erosive rainfall events from 2007 to 2010 in a typical water-eroded area of southern China. Quadratic polynomial regression models were established for five pure tree (Pinus massoniana Lamb) plots between LVV and water (rtmoff)/soil conservation effects (RE/SE). RE/SE corresponds to the ratios of runoff depth/soil loss of the pure tree plots to that of the control plot under each rainfall event. Increasing LVV exhibits descending (DS), descending-ascending (DA), ascending-descending (AD), and ascending (AS) trends in the LVV-RE and LVV-SE curves. The effects of soil conservation on the plots were generally more noticeable than the effects of water conservation, and most of the RE and SE values reflected the positive effects of water and soil conservation. The effects were mainly positive under heavy rains (e.g., rainfall erosivity, R = 140 MJ mm ha-l h, maximum 30 min intensity, I30 = 16 mm h-l), whereas the effects were mainly negative under light rains (e.g., R = 45 MJ mm ha-1 h, I30 = 8 mm h-l). The trees' water/soil conservation effects notably transformed when rainfall erosivity and intensity were lower than the positive or negative effects to a certain threshold. About 50% rainfall events led to obvious transform effects when LVVs were near 0.5 or 0.6. These results are able to aid in the decision making on the forest reconstruction in water-eroded areas.  相似文献   
The Bayingobi basin is the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin in North China in which the Tamusu uranium deposit is located.The ore-target layer of the deposit is the Lower Cretaceous Bayingobi Formation,which developed as a fan deltashallow lacustrine deposit.The distributary channel sand body of the fan delta plain and the underwater distributary channel sand body of the fan delta front formed a favorable uranium reservoir,so the study of sequence stratigraphy is extremely important to understanding the genesis of uranium deposits.On the basis of field investigation and a large number of borehole logs,the high resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous is divided and the system tracts of different periods are established.The relationship between deposition,interlayer oxidation and uranium enrichment is discussed.The Lower Cretaceous Bayingobi Formation can be divided into two fourth-order sequences(Sq1 and Sq2).The lower member of the Bayingobi Formation is referred to as Sq1,which is composed of a falling-stage system tract(FSST)on top.On the other hand,the upper member of the Bayingobi Formation is referred to as Sq2,which is composed of a lowstand system tract(LST),transgressive system tract(TST)and highstand system tract(HST).The lowstand system tract forms a favorable stratigraphic structure(mud-sand-mud formation)with the lacustrine mudstone of the overlying transgressive system tract,that is conducive for the migration of uranium-bearing oxygen water.The organic matter and pyrite in the fan delta sand body,as well as the dark mudstone in the distributary bay,provided a reducing medium for uranium mineralization.The ore body mainly occurs in the distributary channel,underwater distributary channel or the mouth bar of the fan delta.As a result of the moderate thickness,high permeability,favorable barrier and rich reducing medium,the rich ore body mainly occurs in the underwater distributary channel and mouth bar sand body of the delta front.Based on study of the sequence stratigraphy,the model of the sequence,sedimentation and mineralization of the uranium deposit is established,which enriches uranium metallogenic theory and provides a reference for exploration of the same type of uranium deposits.  相似文献   
彭成斌  陈颙 《地球物理学报》1990,33(05):530-539
本文首先解决了声波方程的非Born近似的正演计算问题,从而获得理论上不带近似的正演数据;然后,推导了井间(CBP)、垂直地震剖面(VSP)和地面反射(SRP)三种不同的数据采集方式下的衍射CT的重建公式;利用这些重建算法和正演数据,系统地研究了影响到地球物理CT成象质量的三种因素,即:(1)数据采集方式,(2)异常程度和(3)成象区域的尺寸,对重建图象的影响;并比较了衍射地震CT和射线地震CT的成象质量。  相似文献   
辽中地区矿业城市生态系统脆弱性研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
辽中地区矿业城市是中国重要的能源生产和重工业基地,研究其生态系统脆弱性有助于改善该区域环境恶化、生态系统失调的状况,为其可持续发展提供决策依据。基于矿业城市复合生态系统内涵,建立了辽中地区矿业脆弱性评价指标体系,提出生态系统协调度,并设定了其脆弱性和协调性分级标准。结果表明:2005年,辽中地区矿业城市生态系统脆弱性处于亚稳定状态,主要限制因子为资源匹配指数、环境质量指数和经济发展指数;辽中地区矿业城市生态系统间处于亚协调状态,其中本溪略低于亚协调,处于低度失调状态。鞍山的资源匹配指数处于较失调状态,抚顺、本溪的资源匹配指数处于失调状态,抚顺、本溪的经济发展指数处于较失调状态,是限制整个生态系统协调发展的主要原因。该评价模型较真实的反映了辽中地区矿业城市生态系统脆弱性、协调性状况,并且提出了制约其发展主要限制因子。  相似文献   
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