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The chemical forms, spatial distribution and sources of As, Hg, Cd, Pb and Zn in sediments of the Miyun reservoir were studied. The results of sequential extraction demonstrate that most of As, Pb and Zn were bound to the residual fraction, Hg was associated with the sulfide fraction while Cd was associated with the carbonate fraction and the residual fraction. On the vertical profiles the concentrations of the heavy metals in total and each fractions mostly decreased with increasing depths in sediments, suggesting that the heavy metals input from the upstream watershed increases yearly. Summation of the residual fraction, the sulfide fraction and the carbonate fraction accounts for 60.03%―85.60% of the total heavy metal contents in the sediments, which represent the geochemical background values of the elements and relate closely to soil erosion. Results of the main factor analysis show that most sediments of the reservoir come from the upstream soil erosion, the point source pollution and domestic waste. Moreover, the microbial activities taking place on the sediment-water interface are also one of the major factors to cause the increasing content of the organic matter fraction and the iron-manganese oxide fraction. Environmental change of the reservoir water could make the removability of the heavy metals increase, leading to the increase of their concentrations in pore water in sediments, and imperiling water quality of the reservoir.  相似文献   
Least-squares wave-path migration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a new least-squares migration method called least-squares wave-path migration. The proposed method combines an iterative conjugate-gradient solver with a stationary-phase wave-path migration operator. Numerical tests demonstrate that (i) least-squares wave-path migration is computationally more efficient than and almost as accurate as Kirchhoff least-squares migration, and (ii) many of the artefacts seen in wave-path migration images are suppressed after several conjugate-gradient iterations. Previous results have shown that 3D wave-path migration is up to 100 times faster than a standard 3D Kirchhoff migration, but sometimes at the cost of reduced quality. With the proposed least-squares wave-path migration method, the image quality in wave-path migration can be improved at an acceptable increase in computational cost.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Tunnel typeanchoragehasobviousadvantages inbearingcapacityversusinvestment(LiuandHu,1996).However,itisrarelyusedinapracticalpro jectbecauseofitsrequirementofgoodrockcondi tions.Siduhebridge(Fig.1),whichliesintheBa dongmountainsinthewestplatea…  相似文献   
Nongla, a typical karst dynamic system (KDS) monitoring site, is located at Nongla Village, Mashan County, Guangxi, China. The data from a Greenspan CTDP300 multichannel data logger indicates that the KDS is highly sensitive to environmental changes. Multi-day and diurnal physico-chemical composition of epikarst spring water is quite different under different climatic conditions. During a day with no rainfall, water temperature and air temperature have similar variations. Electrical conductivity (EC) has good positive correlation with pH value and water temperature. During rainstorms, the physico-chemical composition of the spring water is initially strongly effected by dilution, pH and EC drop rapidly. However, half to one hour later, EC returns to normal and the CO2 effects will be the dominant physical effect. This is due to the high fissure rates and high permeability in the epikarst zone. Dilution effects were observed during the entire rainstorm event,whereas, it only acts during the earliest period of light rain. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the water–rock–CO2 combination as a whole system to explain the hydrochemical behavior of epikarst processes.  相似文献   
史建升  徐源  李慧  阎长虹  侯珏  俞良晨  赵华新  崔王洪  徐成华  刘刚 《地质论评》2024,70(1):2024010005-2024010005
随着地下空间资源的开发利用,越来越多深基坑呈现出开挖深、规模大、形状不规则等特点,其支护结构设计复杂,施工难度大,具有明显的空间效应。本文以南京地铁某基坑工程为例,分析基坑施工对邻近桥梁的影响。其场区位于长江下游漫滩相二元结构地层分布地段,上部软土层厚度大,下部承压含水层地下水位高、水量丰富,地质条件复杂,该基坑为典型的深大异形基坑,距离某大桥的双曲拱引桥仅为7. 2 m,由于之前桥梁已遭受其他地下工程施工产生的较大变形,所以后续工程对其影响变形控制要求极高。为此,该车站基坑支护结构设计基于地下空间实际功能采用设置分隔墙分区开挖及MJS超深工法墙综合变形控制方案。本文通过有限元数值模拟计算,开展复杂环境下基坑开挖引起的围护结构及桥梁桩基的变形预测分析,计算结果显示,该深大狭长异形基坑开挖对邻近桥梁沉降变形影响显著,通过设置分隔墙分区开挖及MJS工法墙进行变形控制,能够较好地控制基坑的空间效应,减少“长边效应”、“异形效应”等对桥梁沉降变形的影响。通过现场基坑开挖过程实际监测结果,验证这一综合变形控制方案的可行性。该研究成果对于类似复杂地质条件下深大狭长异形基坑的支护及施工设计具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
韩建光  王卿  许媛  刘志伟 《地质论评》2024,70(1):228-238
基于深度学习的地震数据噪声压制方法是当前地震数据去噪处理的重要方向。深度学习方法突破了传统滤波处理的局限,在对常规地震数据的噪声压制中表现出效率高、信噪分离效果好的特点。但针对深部弱有效反射数据,当前的深度学习方法特征提取能力有限,难以取得较好的去噪效果。笔者等结合深反射地震数据特点,针对当前深度学习噪声压制方法在特征提取及对数据集依赖上的局限,提出了基于注意力循环生成对抗网络(Attention Cycle- Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks,A- CGAN)的深反射地震数据随机噪声压制方法。借助循环一致生成对抗网络(Cycle- Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks,Cycle- GAN)的域映射思想,降低对数据集的要求。为了构建适用于深反射地震数据的去噪网络,从3个方面对Cycle- GAN进行改进:在Cycle- GAN的生成器(去噪器)中加入残差结构和注意力机制,用于加深网络深度和提高其特征提取能力;在Cycle- GAN的鉴别器中使用块判决,提高鉴别精度和准确度;在损失函数部分加入感知一致性损失函数,提升网络模型恢复纹理细节信息的能力。通过合成地震数据和实际深反射地震数据测试,验证了优化算法的有效性,体现了良好的应用价值。  相似文献   
季强  陈少坤  刘傲然 《地质论评》2024,70(3):2024030028-2024030028
本文简要回顾了“许家窑-侯家窑遗址”和所谓“许家窑人”的研究历史及其名称的沿革过程,并对“许家窑人”名称的合法性提出质疑。从考古学角度来看,前人将考古遗址名称确定为“许家窑-侯家窑遗址”是可以理解的,因为山西省阳高县许家窑村与河北省阳原县侯家窑村相邻,相距不远;同时该名称是经国务院1976颁布确定的,是受国家法律法规保护的。但从古人类学角度来看,将侯家窑村(74093地点)发现的古人类命名为“许家窑人”是不合情理的,也是不合法的,因为传统上古人类的名称都是以化石发现地来命名的(俗名),正确的做法应该将侯家窑村发现的人类化石冠以生物学名称(学名),如直立人、智人、龙人等。实际上,山西许家窑村(73113地点)根本就没有发现过任何人类化石。根据一些学者在文中提供的化石描述、测量数据及化石图片,笔者等倾向于认为,河北侯家窑村发现的人类化石可能属于‘龙人’的一个亲缘种(Homo aff. longi),在更新世古人类研究中具有十分重要的科学价值。  相似文献   
湖泊是地质历史上区域生态环境演变的重要载体,其沉积物中包含了丰富的环境演变信息。达里湖是典型的草原内陆封闭型湖泊,位于东亚夏季风的北部边缘,地理位置关键。本研究基于在达里湖采集的约238 cm沉积物岩芯 (GDL-1),通过210Pb和137Cs (岩芯上部20 cm)、AMS14C测年,以及沉积物样品中甾醇等生物标志物含量分析,重建了近1800年以来达里湖硅藻、蓝藻等典型藻类含量的演化历史,并结合总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、盐度(Sr/Ba)和温度(T)等环境代用指标,分析藻类群落的主要影响因素。结果显示达里湖典型藻类总量平均为2.03 ng/g(最高6.69 ng/g,最小0.53 ng/g),其中蓝藻占比平均为60%,绿藻和硅藻占比平均为20%;环境因子对硅藻、蓝藻和典型藻类生物量的解释率分别为47.7%、55.20%和48.10%,T、TN和Sr/Ba是影响浮游植物群落的主要影响因素;硅藻占比与温度呈显著负相关,小冰期硅藻占比最高,中世纪暖期占比最低;在达里湖的高盐环境下,湖泊营养盐浓度对藻类的影响受到限制,成为藻类等生长的限制因素;Sr/Ba小于0.9时,硅藻含量与典型藻类总量随着Sr/Ba值的升高而增加,Sr/Ba大于0.9时,典型藻类总量与Sr/Ba值呈负相关关系,而硅藻则表现出对盐度具有一定的耐受性;整体上,近1800年以来,区域或全球性气候事件通过改变达里湖盐度、营养元素浓度和温度来影响典型藻类群落结构。在暖期阶段,蒸发作用增强等导致的湖泊盐度增加成为达里湖典型藻类群落结构演变的主要影响因素;在冷期,营养元素浓度和温度的降低成为湖泊水体浮游植物生物量的主要影响因素。  相似文献   
随着太湖流域社会与经济的发展,多环芳烃(PAHs)在各种环境介质中逐渐累积,污染日益严重,可能对太湖生态环境及周边人体健康构成威胁。为探究太湖沉积物PAHs的来源及生态风险,于2021年12月在太湖采集30个表层沉积物样品,利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)检测样品中16种PAHs含量;利用受体模型和苯并[a]芘(BaP)毒性当量法进行来源解析及生态风险评估,并将各来源贡献与毒性当量浓度相结合,量化源风险。结果表明,太湖表层沉积物中16种PAHs总含量介于124~592 ng/g之间,平均值为294 ng/g,中值为279 ng/g;高环多环芳烃(HMW PAHs)为主要组分,占∑PAHs的67%。高含量区域位于竺山湾、梅梁湾、贡湖湾和西太湖,与国内外其他湖泊沉积物相比,太湖沉积物PAHs含量处于较低水平。源解析的结果表明,太湖表层沉积物中PAHs交通排放源贡献率为29.1%、煤炭燃烧源贡献率为26.7%、生物质燃烧源贡献率为28.7%、石油源贡献率为15.6%。生态风险评价结果表明,交通排放源、生物质燃烧源、煤炭燃烧源和石油源的BaP毒性当量含量(TEQBaP)均值分别为19.34、17.81、16.33和9.1 ng/g,均小于70 ng/g,几乎处于无风险水平。西太湖、贡湖湾和梅梁湾的部分区域ΣTEQBaP大于70 ng/g属于潜在风险区,具有一定潜在毒性。在后续的污染治理中应重点关注太湖西北部地区污染物的排放。本研究可为沉积物中PAHs污染的研究提供数据支撑,为地方政府精准、高效地管控PAHs污染提供理论依据。  相似文献   
We present the observational results from a detailed timing analysis of the black hole candidate EXO 1846-031 during its outburst in 2019 with the observations ...  相似文献   
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