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The mineralogy of suspended matter from surface and bottom waters is studied at two sites in the Barents Sea. Along with terrigenous minerals, the suspended matter samples contain authigenic mineral phases of iron and manganese oxyhydroxides. Mn-feroxyhite, Fe-vernadite, goethite, and proto-ferrihydrite were identified in samples from surface waters, whereas birnessite and nonferruginous vernadite were registered in samples from bottom waters. The formation of suspended manganese minerals in bottom waters is explained by an additional Mn supply from underlying reduced sediments during their early diagenesis and oxygen depletion in the near-bottom nepheloid layer. Bacteria are supposed to take part in the authigenic mineral formation.  相似文献   
2012年初春粤北一次少见高架雷暴过程的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规观测资料、地面中尺度自动气象站资料以及NCEP再分析资料,分析了2012年2月27日广东发生的一次罕见高架雷暴天气过程的特点及成因。结果表明,这次出现在低层冷高压控制下地面冷锋后部并伴有短时强降水、雷电和冰雹的强对流天气过程,是一次典型的"高架雷暴"过程。与从地面发展的普通雷暴不同的是,强对流天气发生时,近地面层大气层结稳定,低空有逆温层存在,暖湿空气是从逆温层以上开始抬升的,强对流天气落区与850 hPa切变线有较好的对应关系。中高层西风槽东移南压,850 hPa偏南急流的建立和显著增强,为此次高架雷暴过程提供了有利的环流背景。近地面层冷空气补充南下迫使低层暖湿空气抬升,配合高空槽前辐散气流的抽吸作用以及广东上空有利的大气动力、热力不稳定条件,是此次高架雷暴过程形成的原因。  相似文献   
In the Kurai fault zone, travertine forms a matrix cementing clastic material of colluvial and glacial deposits or rarely forming a stockwork in a system of fractures in Palaeozoic rocks. The regular change of composition of solutions in the process of travertine formation has resulted in change of stable Mg–calcite by Sr–aragonite. According to the carbon isotopic composition, the travertine has intermediate genesis between thermal and meteogene. The light oxygen isotopic composition of CaCO3 indicates formational water input. The carbonates inherited Y, Sr, U, and Ni and in some areas, V, As, and Zn from the endogeneous water sources. Given that the Kurai zone travertine cements the Late Pleistocene–Holocene sediments and 14C dating of the carbonates gives a range of >40 000–3475 ± 35 years, the faults serving as routes of migration of the solutions forming the travertine should be considered as active structures.  相似文献   
本设计主要用于360°旋转的三维扫描,实现角度数据的实时获取。设计中采用单片机控制交流伺服电机进行自定的角度、速度与方向的旋转并实时上传时间、角度数据至上位机进行处理,实现了对平台旋转精度的控制与检测,着重研究了该传感器误差源的产生,对实际应用中的误差进行了定量分析,利用偏心改正、4分频等方法减少了误差,提高了参数精度。角度范围为360°,角度分辨率为0.01°。  相似文献   
Variation of geochemical modules and indices in mudstones from the Upper Vendian Kairovo and Shkapovo groups of the Shkapovo-Shikhan Basin provides the comprehensive information on changes in maturity of the fine aluminosiliciclastic material delivered in the basin, characterizes the redox environment in bottom water, and makes it possible to reconstruct the rock composition in provenance and its evolution through time. The generally moderate maturity of the fine terrigenous clastic material suggests that a nearly semiarid-semihumid climate dominated in paleodrainage area throughout the Late Vendian. It has been established that reducing environment did not exist in bottom water of the central Shkapovo-Shikhan Basin throughout the Late Vendian. Intermediate rocks prevailed in the paleodrainage area. More silicic rocks could occur only in the early Staropetrovo and late Salikhovo times. Data points of mudstones from the Kairovo and Shkapovo Groups plotted on the Cr-Ni, Co-V, Co/Hf-Ce/Cr, La-Th, and La/Sm-Sc/Th diagrams indicate that both Archean and more mature Paleoproterozoic crustal blocks existed in different proportions in the Late Vendian within source areas.  相似文献   
周建  刘帅  王宇  刘智 《测绘科学》2018,(4):150-154
针对测量船测控设备传统精度检测方法的局限性,该文提出了使用搭载北斗差分定位系统的无人机检测测控设备测量精度的方案。在充分分析北斗系统应用于精度检测可行性的基础上,研制了一套适用于码头和海上的无人机差分定位系统,并通过该系统的单站静态和双站动态差分实验,验证了基于北斗系统的无人机精度检测系统的性能与精度指标。最后通过测控设备跟踪测量无人机实验,检测了标校经纬仪和脉冲雷达设备的测距、测角精度。  相似文献   
用脉冲激光沉积方法(PLD)在铝酸镧衬底上制备了c取向的高氧空位含量的锶钴氧薄膜.X射线衍射分析表明薄膜单一取向且没有明显杂相.原位的高气压反射式高能电子衍射仪(RHEED)监测显示,薄膜为层状生长.通过对薄膜磁化强度随温度、磁场及时间的变化曲线进行测量,发现零场冷曲线上可能存在两个特征温度:TfTa.Tf为对应玻璃态的冻结温度而Ta对应少量的不缺  相似文献   
Uranium isotopes were measured in waters and suspended particulate matters (SPM) of the main channel of Yellow River, China that were sampled during four field trips between August 2005 and July 2006. The results show that the concentration of dissolved U (2.04–7.83 μg/l) and the activity ratio of 234U/238U (1.36–1.67) are much higher than the average U concentrations and activity ratios of global major rivers. Mass balance calculations using the results of simulated experiments and measurement data show that the section of the Yellow River between Lanzhou and Sanmenxia has its dissolved U derived from two sources: suspended sediments (68%) and groundwater/runoff from loess deposits (32%). Both sources are related to the heavy erosion of the Chinese Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
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