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Land use and land cover changes due to human activities in a time sequence. Detection of such changes may help decision makers and planners to understand the factors in land use and land cover change in order to take effective and useful measures. Remote sensing and GIS techniques may be used as efficient tools to detect and assess land use change.  相似文献   
A drastic change in lake water color from blue-green to brown was observed in the summit crater lake of Mt. Shinmoe-dake, Kirishima Volcano about 8 months after its 2008 eruption. The color change lasted for about 2 months (April–June 2009). The discoloration was attributed to a brownish color suspension that had formed in the lake water. X-ray fluorescence and Fourier transform infrared analyses of a sample of the suspension identified schwertmannite (Fe8O8(OH)6(SO4)). A cultivation test of iron-oxidizing bacteria for the sampled lake water with lakebed sediment revealed that the crater lake hosts iron-oxidizing bacteria, which likely participated in schwertmannite formation. We suggest that pyrite (FeS2) provided an energy source for the iron-oxidizing bacteria since the mineral was identified in hydrothermally altered tephra ejected by the August 2008 eruption. From consideration of these and other factors, the brownish discoloration of the summit crater lake of Mt. Shinmoe-dake was inferred to have resulted from a combined volcanic–microbial process.  相似文献   
The seismometer network of the Japanese expressway system has been enhanced since the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Using earthquake information from the instruments, the expressways are closed if the peak ground acceleration (PGA) is larger than or equal to 80cm/s2. The aim of this regulation is to avoid secondary disasters, e.g. cars running into the collapsed sections. However, recent studies on earthquake damage have revealed that expressway structures are not seriously damaged under such‐level of earthquake motion. Hence, we may think of relaxing the regulation of expressway closure. But before doing this, it is necessary to examine the effects of shaking to automobiles since the drivers may encounter difficulties in controlling their vehicles and traffic accidents may occur. In this study, a vehicle was modelled with a six‐degree‐of‐freedom system and its responses were investigated with respect to PGA, peak ground velocity (PGV) and Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) seismic intensity using five ground motion records. It was observed that the response of the vehicle shows a larger amplitude for the record that has larger response spectrum in the long period range compared to other records. However, similar response amplitudes of the vehicle were observed for all the records with respect to the JMA seismic intensity. The response characteristics of the vehicle model may be very useful for decision‐making regarding the relaxation of the expressway closure under seismic motion. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the mechanism of eutrophication and hypoxia in the upper Gulf of Thailand from August 2014 to June 2015 based on field observation data, box model analysis, and the unscaled trophic status index (UNTRIX). Fresh water residence time derived from a simple box model was long (38.61 days) during the transition period between the southwest to northeast monsoon in September 2014. In contrast, fresh water residence time was short (2.63 days) during the late northeast monsoon in February 2015. Long residence time was related to the development of widespread strong hypoxia in near-bottom waters in over half of the gulf during the transition between the southwest and the northeast monsoon, when river discharge was also very large. UNTRIX is used to assess water trophic levels, and is based on water qualities including concentrations of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), dissolved oxygen (DO), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP). Hypertrophic and eutrophic conditions were observed at river mouths; their seasonal eutrophication was related to river discharge and circulation. Nutrients were mainly increased by river discharge. Water column stratification and long residence time were required for the development of severe hypoxia in the study area.


We conducted hydrographic observations throughout the year to investigate seasonal variations of the hypoxic water mass distribution in the Upper Gulf of Thailand (UGoT). Hypoxic water masses were observed from June to November, with half of the UGoT occupied by hypoxic water in September. A hypoxic water mass appeared in the northeastern part of the UGoT in June and August, and moved westward over time. Low-salinity surface water moved from east to west as the rotational direction of surface circulation shifted with the reversal of monsoon winds. Westward movement of low-salinity water causes strong stratification in the northwestern part of the UGoT, leading to severe hypoxia. Numerical experiments showed high dissolved oxygen consumption rates around and offshore of river mouths, where hypoxic water is generated. This finding suggests that hypoxic water masses are transported to the south by physical processes. We examined how flooding affects hypoxic water mass formation. The volume of hypoxia in a flood year was approximately 2.5 times greater than in a normal year. In addition, hypoxia occurred in the dry season and extensive hypoxia was observed in the year after flooding. These results suggest that the hypoxic water mass persists for a long time after flooding.

Sex ratios and reproductive activity of benthic copepod assemblages were investigated at the bathyal site (depth 1430 m) in Sagami Bay, central Japan. The ratio of adult females to adult males was approximately 3.5:1, significantly different from 1:1, although this parameter did not show a seasonal pattern. On the other hand, the percentage of ovigerous females among adult females and the ratio of nauplii to total copepods appeared to fluctuate seasonally in 1997 and 1998. Statistical tests, however, could not detect significant difference in either parameter. We discuss the possibility that the reproductive activity of copepods was enhanced by the increased supply of fresh phytodetritus to the sea floor.  相似文献   
I am deeply honored to have been awarded the 1988 Okada Prize of the Oceanographical Society of Japan. The present paper reviews my previous works regarding the ecology of deep-sea meiobenthos in the western Pacific area. The outline cen be summarized as follows:
1)  On the basis of multivariate analyses, it was found that the rate of the organic-matter flux to the sea bed and the amount of the interstitial space within the sediment are the main factors regulating the abundance of meiofauna in the deep sea.
2)  Two indices were proposed to characterize the vertical distribution of meiofauna in the sediment profile,i.e. their maximum depth in the sediment and the degree of their concentration in the surface layer of the sediment. The index of maximum depth was closely related to the oxygen concentration in the interstitial water. On the other hand, the index of degree of concentration in the surface of the sediment tended to be higher where the supply of food seemed lower.
3)  Some taxonomically important species were found from the axis of the Izu-Ogasawara Trench. They arePliciloricus hadalis, the first species of the newest phylum Loricifera from the Pacific area, from the hadal deep sea and the fine clay sediment, andOccultammina profunda, the first infaunal species of Xenophyophorea, a group of rhizopod Protozoa.
4)  The vertical distribution ofOccultammina profunda coincided well with the unusual distribution of210Pb in the sediment profile. The organisms concentrated as high as 500 dpm g–1 of210Pb in their stercomare and granellare. The steady state model confirmed that the species made the peculiar subsurface peak of210Pb in the sediment.
5)  The depth in the sediment profile where the distinct peak of MnO2 can be seen showed strong correlation with the vertical distribution of meiofauna. This relationship suggests that oxygen concentration in the interstitial water regulates the structure of the characteristic three layers of the calcareous ooze in the deep sea. This idea was proven by the vertical distribution of free oxygen in the sediment calculated on the basis of respiration rate of deep-sea meiofauna measured using the cartesian diver technique.
6)  Radio-isotope techniques used to measure the rates at which particulated organic matter was ingested and dissolved organic matter was absorbed, suggested that deep-sea meiofauna obtained a significant fraction of their energy by absorption.
7)  The work carried out so far has revealed the important role of meiofauna in the benthic ecosystem, and emphasized the necessity for intensive research from various points of views on these microscopic organisms.
In order to evaluate the environmental impact associated with sequestration of carbon dioxide in the deep sea, a free fall type field experimental device, the benthic chamber, was developed. In situ experiments to expose deep-sea communities to elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide (average of 20,000 ppm, 5,000 ppm and control) were carried out using this device 3 times, viz., in the winter of 2002 and in the spring and the summer of 2003, in the Kumano Trough at a depth of 2,000 m. In the long-term experiments (about two weeks in winter of 2002 and summer of 2003), the abundance of meiobenthos declined whereas that of bacteria increased under the condition of 20,000 ppm carbon dioxide compared with the control. Among meiofauna, the abundance of foraminifers at the same concentration of carbon dioxide became less than the control even in the short-term (3 days in spring of 2003) experiment, suggesting that organisms with a calcium carbonate exoskeleton are more sensitive to the raised concentration of carbon dioxide. The respiration rate of the benthic community exposed to 20,000 ppm was lower in the early stage of the experiment than in the latter half, whereas it was opposite under the condition of 5,000 ppm. The increase of biological activity in the 20,000 ppm exposure group is probably due to an increase of bacteria adapted to high carbon dioxide concentrations. The present results suggest that the influence of carbon dioxide on the deep-sea benthic ecosystem does not follow a simple, linear relationship with concentration.  相似文献   
Climate-driven alterations of hydro-meteorological conditions can change river flow regimes and potentially affect the migration behaviour of fishes and the productivity of important fisheries in the Amazon basin, such as those for the continental-scale migratory goliath catfishes (Brachyplatystoma, Pimelodidae). In this study, we investigated hydrologic responses to climate change using a hydrologic model forced with climate inputs, which integrate historical (2001–2010) observations and general circulation model (GCM) projections under the emission scenario Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5. We developed an empirical model to characterize future (2090–2099) climate-change impacts on goliath catfish spawning migrations as a function of river flow depth dynamics at the upstream elevational limit of spawning (250 m) in headwater basins of the Amazon. The model results revealed spatially variable impacts of climate change on the catfish spawning migrations. The Marañón, Ucayali, Juruá, Purus, and Madeira basins had a predicted increase in the annual mean (3–8%) and maximum (1.1–4.9%) spawning migration rate (i.e., the fraction of fish that migrate to the spawning grounds in a day), mainly due to the lengthened rising phase of flow-driven migratory events during wet seasons. The Caquetá-Japurá, Putumayo-Içá, Napo, and Blanco rivers had predicted decreases (3–7%) in the mean migration rate because of decreases in the length of the rising season of flow depth and the frequency of migratory events. The predicted timing of fish spawning migrations (quantified by the temporal centroid of migration rates) was delayed by 7–10 days in the west-central and southwest regions and was 8 days earlier in the northwest and northcentral areas, due to changes in the onset of the rising season. We established a river depth baseline that controls the onset of goliath catfish spawning migration. This depth varies between 0.9–5.6 m across study sites. We found that the estimated depth baseline was most sensitive to uncertainties in river width and cross-sectional channel shape. These results may help inform sustainable adaptation strategies for ecosystem conservation and local fisheries management in the Amazon basin.  相似文献   
Terrestrial heat flow at Hirabayashi on Awaji Island, south-west Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Terrestrial heat flow at Hirabayashi in Awaji Island, south-west Japan, was investigated using the deep borehole penetrating through the Nojima Fault, which was activated during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake, by measuring the thermal conductivity of basement rocks. Using the temperature logging data, the value of terrestrial heat flow in Hirabayashi was found to be 56.6 ± 5.2 mW/m2. The relationship between cut-off depth of aftershocks of the Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake in Hirabayashi and terrestrial heat flow are discussed. The cut-off depth roughly corresponds to isotherms of 300°C.  相似文献   
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