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The Baneh plutonic complex is situated in the Zagros suture zone of northwest Iran between the Arabian and Eurasian plates. This complex is divided into granite and appinite groups. Zircon U–Pb dating shows that granites crystallized 41–38 million years ago but appinites experience more protracted magmatic evolution, from at 52 to 38 Ma. Whole-rock chemical compositions show significant major and trace element variations between the two lithologies. Granitic rocks are more evolved, with high contents of SiO2 (62.4–77.0 wt%), low contents of TiO2 (0.25 wt%), MgO (0.05–1.57 wt%), and Fe2O3 (0.40–4.06 wt%) and high contents of Na2O + K2O (≈10 wt%). In contrast, appinites have low contents of SiO2 (51.0–57.0 wt%) and K2O (<2.1 wt%) and high Fe2O3 (6.4–9.35 wt%), MgO (2.0–9.9 wt%), and Mg number (Mg# = 35–76). The concentration of rare earth elements in the appinites is higher than in granitic rocks, making it difficult to form granites solely by fractionation of appinite magma. (87Sr/86Sr)i and εNd(40 Ma) in both groups are similar, from 0.7045 to 0.7061 and ?1.2 to +2.6, except for a primitive gabbroic dike with εNd(40 Ma) = +9.9. Appinites show mainly typical I-type characteristics, but granites have some S-type characteristics. The sigmoidal shape of the Baneh pluton and its emplacement into deformed Cretaceous shales and limestone showing kink bands, asymmetric and recumbent folds in a broad contact zone, with pervasive ductile to brittle structures in both host rocks and intrusion, indicate that magma emplacement was controlled by a transpressional tectonic regime, perhaps developed during early stages in the collision of Arabia and Eurasian plates.  相似文献   
Abstract: Djerfisherite occurs intimately intergrown with troilite and pentlandite in gehlenite-spurrite skarn at Kushiro, mainly as inclusions in gehlenite and andradite grains. The mode of occurrence indicates that the djerfisherite formed in the culminated stage of the contact metamorphic-metasomatic process. The chemical compositions of the mineral are approximately represented by a formula of K6Na(Fe, Ni, Cu)24S26Cl with Ni up to 4. 85. It is likely that high temperature condition corresponding to the formation of gehlenite-spurrite skarn as well as low fO2 and fS2 conditions are responsible for the formation of djerfisherite in the potassium-rich chemical environments.  相似文献   
We estimate detailed three-dimensional seismic velocity structures in the subducting Pacific slab beneath Hokkaido, Japan, using a large number of arrival-time data from 6902 local earthquakes. A remarkable low-velocity layer with a thickness of ~ 10 km is imaged at the uppermost part of the slab and is interpreted as hydrated oceanic crust. The layer gradually disappears at depths of 70–80 km, suggesting the breakdown of hydrous minerals there. We find prominent low-velocity anomalies along the lower plane of the double seismic zone and above the aftershock area of the 1993 Kushiro-oki earthquake (M7.8). Since seismic velocities of unmetamorphosed peridotite are much higher than the observations, hydrous minerals are expected to exist in the lower plane as well as the hypocentral area of the 1993 earthquake. On the other hand, regions between the upper and lower planes, where seismic activity is not so high compared to the both planes, show relatively high velocities comparable to those of unmetamorphosed peridotite. Our observations suggest that intermediate-depth earthquakes occur mainly in regions with hydrous minerals, which support dehydration embrittlement hypothesis as a cause of earthquake in the subducting slab.  相似文献   
Although for decades, public participation in disaster risk management has been strongly advocated for, in reality, it remains elusive. Planners and practitioners are still struggling to find ways to meaningfully involve the local community in disaster management programs; so far, apparently successful projects and initiatives have seldom been scaled up or replicated. The reason for this is that no comprehensive framework for participatory disaster risk management exists, and no systematic evaluation has been made to assess the necessary elements and appropriate paths for meaningful public participation in disaster management. This study attempts to examine the process and identify outcome-based factors that account for successful participatory disaster risk management. To accomplish this, we have evaluated reconstruction projects in earthquake-affected rural Gujarat, India, where the government envisioned a people-centric reconstruction project, but provided no public participation framework or guidelines. As a result, several reconstruction models pursuing different levels and types of public participation ultimately emerged. We selected three dominant reconstruction approaches and examined the extent to which various processes and outcome-based factors were successful in promoting ideal levels of public participation during these reconstruction projects. This study is considered an example of pioneering research in defining factors that account for successful participatory disaster risk management.  相似文献   
We investigate the initial rupture process of microearthquakes to reveal relationships between nucleation region sizes and eventual earthquake sizes. In order to obtain high quality waveform data, we installed a trigger recording system with a sampling frequency of 10 kHz at the base of a deep borehole at the Nojima Fault, Japan. We analyze waveform data of 31 events around the borehole, with seismic moment ranging from 4.2 × 109 Nm to 7.1 × 1011 Nm. We use both a circular crack model with an accelerating rupture velocity (SK model) [Sato, T., Kanamori, H., 1999. Beginning of earthquakes modeled with the Griffith's fracture criterion, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 89, 80-93.], which generates a slow initial phase of velocity pulse, and a circular crack model with a constant rupture velocity (SH model) [Sato, T, Hirasawa, T., 1973. Body wave spectra from propagating shear cracks, J. Phys. Earth, 21, 415-431.], which generates a ramp-like velocity pulse. Source parameters of these two models are estimated by waveform inversion of the first half cycle of the observed velocity pulse applying both a grid search and a non-linear least squares method. 14 of 31 events are never reproduced by the SH model with a constant Q operator. But SK model with a constant Q operator provides a size of the pre-existing crack, corresponding to the size of the nucleation regions, and a size of the eventual crack. We recognize that (i) the eventual seismic moment is approximately scaled as the cube of the size of pre-existing cracks, (ii) the eventual seismic moment is scaled as the cube of the size of eventual cracks, and (iii) the size of eventual cracks is roughly proportional to the size of pre-existing cracks. We, thus, conclude that the size of eventual earthquakes is controlled by the size of the nucleation regions.  相似文献   
Nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Yellow River delta,China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Nitrate pollution of groundwater in the Yellow River delta, China is an important issue related not only to nitrate dispersion and health concerns but also to mass transport and interactions of groundwater, sea, and river waters in the coastal area. The spatial distribution of nitrate, nitrate sources, and nitrogen transformation processes were investigated by field surveys and geochemical methods. Nitrate occurred mainly in shallow layers and had a spatial distribution coinciding with geomorphology and land/water use. Irrigation water from the Yellow River and anthropogenic waste are two main nitrogen sources of nitrate in the delta, and both denitrification and mixing processes could take place according to characteristics identified by ionic and isotopic data.  相似文献   
High pressure and temperature reactions of a mixture of forsterite and hydrogen molecules have been carried out using a laser heated diamond anvil cell at 9.8–13.2 GPa and ~1,000 K. In situ X-ray diffraction measurements showed no sign of decomposition or phase transitions of the forsterite under these experimental conditions, indicating that the olivine structure was maintained throughout all runs. However, a substantial expansion of the unit cell volume of the forsterite was observed for samples down to ~3 GPa upon quenching to ambient pressure at room temperature. The Raman spectroscopy measurements under pressure showed significant shifts of the Raman peaks of the Si–O vibration modes for forsterite and of the intramolecular vibration mode for H2 molecules toward a lower frequency after heating. Additionally, no OH vibration modes were observed by Raman and FT-IR spectroscopic measurements. These lines of evidence show that the observed volume expansion in forsterite is not explained by the incorporation of hydrogen atoms as hydroxyl, but suggest the presence of hydrogen as molecules in the forsterite structure under these high pressure and temperature conditions.  相似文献   
The Shalair area, which is located in northeastern Iraq, is considered to be part of the northern Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SaSZ) and contains several granitoid bodies. One of these bodies, the Mishao porphyritic-granite (MG), was crystallized at 111.6?±?2.4 Ma, based on its zircon U-Pb age. Its geochemical characteristics suggest that the MG rocks are calc-alkaline, peraluminous, I-type granites with microgranular mafic enclaves. They are enriched in SiO2, Na2O, Al2O3 and Zr and depleted in MgO, Fe2O3, Nb and Ti; in contrast, the enclave sample records lower SiO2 content and higher contents of MgO and Fe2O3. These rocks show an enrichment of LREE relative to HREE, and pronounced negative Eu anomalies implying feldspar fractionation. The isotopic and geochemical characteristics of the MG samples suggest that these rocks are evolved through fractional crystallization. In the La/Nb-Nb diagram and Sm/Nd ratios, the MG rocks and the enclave samples exhibit strong evidence for crustal contamination. The MG rocks record high initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.70625–0.70740) and low 143Nd/144Nd(i) (0.51235–0.51274) ratios. These Sr-Nd isotopic data, combined with the presence of high Th/U and Rb/Sr ratios and significant depletions of Nb, Ta and Ti, show a relation of these bodies to an active continental margin regime. Based on the age and geochemical data of the MG, this study presents new information about the occurrence of Middle Cretaceous magmatic activities, which are related to the active continental margins in the SaSZ that run parallel to the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt.  相似文献   
A new global P-wave tomography model is determined using a flexible-grid parameterization. This new model better reveals the mantle structure under the polar regions than the previous tomographic models. The subducting slabs are generally imaged clearly as high-velocity (high-V) zones. The young slabs are still subducting in the upper mantle and the mantle transition zone (MTZ), whereas the old and ancient slabs are either stagnant in the MTZ or have subducted down to the lower mantle, even reaching the core-mantle boundary. Low-velocity (low-V) anomalies are generally revealed in the mantle under the hotspot regions. It seems that a variety of mantle upwelling (plumes) exist. Some strong plumes are visible in the whole mantle under the long-living hotspots, such as those in south-central Pacific, Africa, Hawaii and Iceland, whereas weak plumes are visible in only some depth range under the minor hotspots. Under the intraplate volcanoes in East Eurasia, Bering Sea and West Alaska, significant low-V anomalies are revealed in the upper mantle, which may reflect hot and wet upwelling associated with corner flows in the big mantle wedge (BMW) above the stagnant Pacific slab in the MTZ and perhaps deep slab dehydration as well. The subduction-triggered magmatism in the BMW may be a new class of mantle plumes. We also used the new global model to investigate the influence of whole-mantle heterogeneity on the determination of upper-mantle tomography under Japan with a teleseismic inversion method. The results show that the mantle heterogeneities outside the target volume of regional tomography can cause significant changes (~ 0.2-0.4 s) to the observed relative travel-time residuals of a distant earthquake. The pattern of regional tomography remains the same even after correcting for the whole-mantle heterogeneity, but there are some changes in the amplitude of velocity anomalies in the regional tomography. Hence it is necessary to correct for the mantle heterogeneities outside the target volume so as to obtain a better regional tomography.  相似文献   
We have studied the feldspathic lunar meteorite Dhofar 1428 chemically and petrologically to better understand the evolution of the lunar surface. Dhofar 1428 is a feldspathic regolith breccia derived from the lunar highland. Bulk chemical and mineral compositions of Dhofar 1428 are similar to those of other feldspathic lunar meteorites. We found a few clasts of evolved lithologies, such as K‐rich plagioclases and quartz monzogabbro. Dhofar 1428 contains approximately 1 wt% of chondritic materials like CM chondrite on the basis of abundances of platinum group elements (Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, and Pt).  相似文献   
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