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Gao  Yun  Yang  Bin  Zou  Li  Zong  Zhi  Zhang  Zhuang-zhuang 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(1):44-56
A numerical study based on a wake oscillator model was conducted to determine the response performance of vortex-induced vibration(VIV) on a long flexible cylinder with pinned-pinned boundary conditions subjected to linear and exponential shear flows. The coupling equations of a structural vibration model and wake oscillator model were solved using a standard central finite difference method of the second order. The VIV response characteristics including the structural displacement, structural frequency, structural wavenumber, standing wave behavior,travelling wave behavior, structural velocity, lift force coefficient and transferred energy from the fluid to the structure with different flow profiles were compared. The numerical results show that the VIV displacement is a combination of standing waves and travelling waves. For linear shear flow, standing waves and travelling waves dominate the VIV response within the low-velocity and high-velocity zones, respectively. The negative values of the transferred energy only occur within the low-velocity zone. However, for exponential shear flow, travelling waves dominate the VIV response and the negative energy occurs along the entire length of the cylinder.  相似文献   
2007年8月和12月两次对舟山钓梁垦区周围的沉积物中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr和有机碳(OC)、硫化物(HS)的含量进行了全样分析。元素Zn、Pb、Cd和Cu的含量在8月测次中分别为1 51.85~1 94.85 ug/g、43.75~56.25 ug/g、0.1~0.11 ug/g和20.37~25.22ug/g,12月测次分别为109.6~144.97 ug/g、31.25~50.00 ug/g、0.01~0.07 ug/g和22.7~30.93 ug/g。受物源和各组分的生物地球化学特征的影响,Cu和Cd的含量冬季高于夏季,而Pb和Zn则夏季明显高于冬季。受当地水动力条件和冲淤影响,8月和12月各组分的空间分布状况有所差别,表现为冬季高含量区向西南偏移。Lars Ha-kanson潜在生态风险评价结果表明,研究区域内各重金属含量均超过了浅海沉积物中质量标准,但各金属元素单因子生态风险系数相对较小,属于轻度风险,总的潜在生态风险程度属于中度,12月潜在生态风险指数明显大于8月。  相似文献   
Molecular and isotopic compositions of crude oils in the Beaufort–Mackenzie Basin confirm three genetic end-member oil groups and suggest extensive cross-formational hydrocarbon fluid flows in the Tertiary deltaic system. Inter- and intra-fractional variations in the geochemistry of the Tertiary-reservoired oils indicate that the oil source/maturity signatures were substantially masked by biomarkers that were picked up along migration pathways. Thus, many of the previously recognized “immature non-marine oils” are in fact thermally mature, probably derived from unpenetrated deeper marine source rocks. Although the effective source rock volumes have not been evaluated and their exact stratigraphic levels remain unknown, the relative timing of oil generation versus trap formation, rather than poor source quality, may be the cause of under-filled traps in the offshore area.  相似文献   
刘东生等60多年前描述的在陕西蓝田灞河组下部的Hipparion sp., 材料较少, 但形态特殊, 此后一直未见相关报道。近年来在这一地区又发现了类似三趾马化石的新材料。新发现的Hipparion sp. 个体小, 原尖短、圆, 次尖明显偏向舌侧, 次尖颈收缩, DP4的次尖几乎完全孤立; 原小尖褶长大复杂, 次附尖粗大、分叉, 向外伸出; 端附尖长大, 根部收缩, 内侧收缩沟内伸, 并呈复杂的褶沟。这些组合特征与包括Hipparion chiai在内的灞河组上部3种三趾马扁长的原尖截然不同, 也区别于九老坡的Hipparion plocodus(Hipparion fossatum), 而接近于大庙沟的Hipparion sp.。新材料的发现表明灞河早期的这种形态比较特殊的三趾马可能延续到了灞河晚期, 甚至更晚的时代, 同时在白鹿塬西侧蓝田汤峪河道一带有新近系地层出露。  相似文献   
基于1956-2015年洞庭湖主要控制站实测水文数据,运用Mann-Kendall检验法、主成分分析法对比分析了近60 a来洞庭湖东、南、西三个湖区水位演变特征及其影响因素。结果表明:从调弦口堵口至葛洲坝截流后,南咀和城陵矶站同流量下水位均升高,但南咀站平均水位受三口分流能力减弱而下降(0.03 m),城陵矶站平均水位受湖盆泥沙淤积和长江干流顶托作用而上升(1.33 m);三峡水库运行后,湖盆冲淤基本持平,湖泊同流量下水位基本不变,由于该时段长江流域整体为相对枯水期,因而与葛洲坝截流后相比湖泊年平均水位下降约0.31~0.58 m。近60 a来南咀站平均水位呈显著下降趋势(p<0.05),而城陵矶站水位呈显著上升趋势(p<0.01),说明湖泊水位影响因素作用存在空间异质性。洞庭湖年内水位存在涨(4-5月)~丰(6-9月)~退(10-11月)~枯(12月-次年3月)的变化特征,葛洲坝运行期丰水期水位上涨明显,三峡运行期各月水位均有下降,受水库调度方式影响7-10月水位降幅最大。洞庭湖流域降水量、四水入湖和出湖径流大小以及长江干流水情是洞庭湖水位变化的主要影响因素,三口来沙变异条件下的洞庭湖冲淤量变化是湖泊水位变化的次要因素。  相似文献   
岩溶山区浅层滑坡具有发育规律性差、前期变形迹象小、面小点多等特征,早期识别难度大,难以实现全面调查与监测,因此,对典型案例的成因机理进行研究具有重要意义。2016年7月1日贵州省大方县金星组发生滑坡,共造成23人死亡。金星组滑坡滑体厚度平均仅为4 m,总方量约9.5×104 m3,属于典型的岩溶山区浅层基岩滑坡。研究认为,坡角大于岩层倾角的顺层坡体结构是滑坡发生的主要内在因素,而滑坡发生前的降雨入渗且无有效的排泄途径,导致坡体中的薄层泥岩发生泥化是金星组滑坡发生的直接触发因素。  相似文献   
何照波  刘涛  杨宗  余红平 《云南地质》2007,26(2):175-182
萨尔布拉克金矿为北疆地区重要金矿之一,位于两个一级构造单元结合部位,矿床受北西向断裂破碎带控制,走向延伸长,规模大,从地表向下氧化矿、混合矿、硫化矿分带明显。明显受构造、地层及岩性控制,属构造一热液蚀变岩型微粒金矿。  相似文献   
汶川8.0级地震水坝震害调查   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
“5.12”汶川地震中水坝损毁严重,造成了巨大的经济损失。震后对69座溃坝险情和310座高危险情水库水坝进行了系统的调查,典型震害现象包括坝体裂缝、塌陷、滑坡、渗漏、启闭设施损坏和其他附属设施的损毁等。文中给出了不同烈度区的水坝震害分布,并对地震中水坝的震害现象做了初步总结和分析。  相似文献   
The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is the “water tower of Asia” and it plays a key role on both hydrology and climate for southern and eastern Asia. It is critical to explore the impact of climate change on runoff for better water resources management in the TP. However, few studies pay attention to the runoff response to climate change in large river systems on the TP, especially in data-sparse upstream area. To complement the current body of work, this study uses two rainfall-runoff models (SIMHYD and GR4J) to simulate the monthly and annual runoff in the upstream catchments of the Yarlung Tsangpo River basin (YTR) under historical (1962–2002) and future (2046–2065 A1B scenario) climate conditions. The future climate series are downscaled from a global climate model (MIROC3.2_hires) by a high resolution regional climate model (RegCM3). The two rainfall-runoff models successfully simulate the historical runoff for the eight catchments in the YTR basin, with median monthly runoff Nash–Sutcliffe Efficiency of 0.86 for SIMHYD and 0.83 for GR4J. The mean annual future temperature in eight catchments show significant increase with the median of +3.8 °C. However, the mean annual future precipitation shows decrease with the median of ?5.8 % except in Lhatse (+2.0 %). The two models show similar modeling results that the mean annual future runoff in most of catchments (seven in eight) shows decrease with the median of ?13.9 % from SIMHYD and ?15.2 % from GR4J. The results achieved in this study are not only helpful for local water resources management, but also for future water utilization planning in the lower reaches region of the Brahmaputra.  相似文献   
2003年4月17日青海省德令哈市西北发生6.6级地震。该地震发生在具有强烈活动特征的大柴旦—宗务隆山断裂带上,震前地震活动表现出明显的大面积ML4级地震平静,而震中附近则同时出现了高频次、高GL值异常以及ML3级地震平静—活跃、ML4级地震平静等异常现象。对省内及甘肃省前兆观测资料进行追踪分析,认为震前有4项前兆测项呈现出中期和短期异常特征。  相似文献   
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