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用16S rRNA基因的内切酶图谱快速鉴别几种对虾病原菌   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
坎普氏弧菌是青岛海洋大学生物系微生物实验室于1989-1990年自对虾养殖场中国对虾红腿病心脏及血淋巴中分离并鉴定的菌株,副溶血菌和溶藻胶弧菌两菌株于1994年9月得自中国科学院微生物研究所,为建立快速、准确的中国对虾病原菌的诊断技术,根据几种细菌的16SrRNA基因的序列,设计并合成该基因的多聚酶反应的引物PL1和PL2。并用该对引物分别从坎普氏弧菌、副溶血弧菌和溶藻胶弧菌的DNA要品中扩增出分  相似文献   
卤虫的发育与蜕皮   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国北方孤雌生殖卤虫在盐度为60,水温为19—28℃的条件下,自卵内孵出无节幼虫长成至性成熟产仔(无节幼虫或卵),需经蜕皮12—15次,其中多数为14次,历时15—18天,随后每次产仔即行蜕皮一次,本文描述了卤虫各个不同令期发育的外部形态变化,并根据其蜕皮次数和形态特征,将卤虫的发育分为十五令(15th instar)。此外还观察到在孤雌生殖的卵中有发育成为雄性的个体。  相似文献   
介绍三种通过底栖动物群落结构的变化对有机物污染监测和评价的方法,并分别对澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州Nubeena鳟鱼养殖场内由高密度网箱养鱼诱发的有机物污染进行了检测。结果表明:距网箱垂线0m处为严重污染区域,10m处为中度污染区域,30m为过渡类型,其有机物对该处底栖生物仍具有害影响,60m处为轻度有机物富集区,但该处有机物对底栖生物的总效应是有益的,60m以外为正常区域。本文还对三种方法的适用性进行了讨论。  相似文献   
东太平洋柱状沉积物的古气候和古环境记录   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
太平洋深海盆地的远洋沉积物在物质组成和来源上远较大陆边缘简单.由于远离大陆,又有海沟与周边大陆分隔,太平洋深海沉积物中通常不包含由河流水系搬运而来的悬浮物,因此从深海沉积物中提取古气候、古环境信息可以避免诸多地质因素相互叠加和干扰[1].深海远洋沉积物中的主要组分是风成陆源碎屑(包括火山碎屑)和来自上层海水的生源组分(降落到洋底的生物壳体)以及由海解作用形成的自生矿物[2],其中陆源碎屑的相对含量、粒度及矿物成分可以反映大气环流的强度及物源区的气候环境[1],生源组分的组成、相对含量和丰度以及种属含量变化则与表层海水的生产力和溶解作用有关.  相似文献   
Multi-scale variability of beach profiles at Duck: A wavelet analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Beach profiles have been observed to change over a range of spatial and temporal scales; however techniques for quantifying this variability have not been fully established. In this paper, a wavelet technique is introduced as a method to study the multi-scale variability of beach profiles. The beach profile data comprising a 22-year time series surveyed at the US Army Corps of Civil Engineers Field Research Facility (FRF) at Duck are analysed using the adapted maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (AMODWT). The analysis successfully identifies strong local features in the variability of beach profiles in time and space separately that cannot be isolated by traditional statistical methods. The analysis of spatial wavelet variances provides a new means of investigating the depth of closure. Analysis of variances by temporal scales shows that the combined effects of several temporal scales with one or two dominant scales can be seen at particular points across profiles whilst the dominant temporal scales are different at different portions of the profiles. The method allows for the extremely nonstationary behaviour of beach profile to be analysed into separate frequency bands that can facilitate the interpretation of morphological changes in terms of physical processes.  相似文献   
污水可生化性及其影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以自行设计的生化呼吸线测定装置研究了印染污水的可生化性,该装置通过反应体系的溶解氧浓度跟踪生物降解过程.采用本文设计的模拟污水处理装置探讨了污泥驯化时间、污水投加量等对污水可生化性的影响.测定了污水经可生化性调控后的处理效果.结果表明,生化呼吸线法判断污水处理体系的可生化性是1种可靠易行的方法,提高体系的可生化性是增加污水处理效果的关键因素.  相似文献   
兰健  于非  鲍颖 《海洋科学进展》2005,23(4):408-413
基于美国海军的空间分辨率为0.5°×0.5°月平均的GDEM三维温盐资料,采用P矢量方法,计算了南沙南部海域的三维环流结构。结果表明,南沙南部海域不仅存在多涡结构,而且此多涡结构还存在明显的季节性变化。冬季,存在南沙海槽反气旋式涡、东南沙反气旋式涡和较弱的南沙气旋式涡;夏季,存在南沙反气旋式涡、巴拉望海槽西侧的气旋式涡和东南沙气旋式涡。  相似文献   
李英 《海洋预报》2005,22(Z1):183-188
作为海洋环境预报公益服务的窗口自开播至今,经历了20年的风风雨雨,海洋电视节目的内容从单一性的项目到海浪、海温、海冰、风暴潮、海水浴场综合性预报,电视视频信号从复合、分量信号到数字信号,通过光缆采用基带的方式传送视频信号到中央电视台.  相似文献   
自然资本评估是研究生态系统服务与社会经济发展的重要方式。由于海洋具有特殊性和复杂性、开放性、流动性和多层次耦合性等特点,海洋自然资本评估方法的研究进展缓慢。能值分析理论通过能值转换率将生态系统内流动和储存的各种不同类别的能量和物质转换为同一标准的能值,可衡量和比较不同等级的能量价值,系统完整地反映自然资本价值,这一特点是其他评估方法所缺乏的。为精确量化海洋生物资本价值,本研究引入海洋食物网信息能流图和生态系统能量传递规律,提出了生物能值转换率的经验公式,即Tn=T1·E^1-nL(T1为初级生产者的太阳能值转换率,n为营养级,EL为林德曼效率)。为验证经验公式的可行性,选用相关案例进行了研究,得到海洋食物网中不同食性生物所处营养级及其相应的能值转换率。经验公式有一定误差,具体应用时应通过调研文献和相关数据,确定关键参数的取值范围以提高准确性。本研究得出的经验公式简化了海洋生物能值转换率的计算方法,促进了能值分析理论在海洋自然资本评估中的进一步应用。  相似文献   
The West Pacific Ocean is considered as the provenance center of global marine life and has the highest species diversity of numerous marine taxa. The phytoplankton, as the primary producer at the base of the food chain,effects on climate change, fish resources as well as the entire ecosystem. However, there are few large-scale surveys covering several currents with different hydrographic characteristics. This study aimed to explore the relationships between the spatio-temporal variation in phytoplankton community structure and different water masses. A total of 630 water samples and 90 net samples of phytoplankton were collected at 45 stations in the Northwest Pacific Ocean(21.0°–42.0°N, 118.0°–156.0°E) during spring and summer 2017. A total of 281 phytoplankton taxa(5 μm) belonging to 61 genera were identified in the study area. The distribution pattern of the phytoplankton community differed significantly both spatially and temporally. The average abundances of phytoplankton in spring and summer were 797.07×10~2 cells/L and 84.94×10~2 cells/L, respectively. Whether in spring or summer, the maximum abundance always appeared in the northern transition region affected by the Oyashio Current, where nutrients were abundant and diatoms dominated the phytoplankton community;whereas the phytoplankton abundance was very low in the oligotrophic Kuroshio region, and the proportion of dinoflagellates in total abundance increased significantly. The horizontal distribution of phytoplankton abundance increased from low to high latitudes, which was consistent with the trend of nutrient distributions, but contrary to that of water temperature and salinity. In the northern area affected by the Oyashio Current, the phytoplankton abundance was mainly concentrated in the upper 30 m of water column, while the maximum abundance often occurred at depths of 50–75 m in the south-central area affected by the Kuroshio Current.Pearson correlation and redundancy analysis(RDA) showed that phytoplankton abundance was significant negatively correlated with temperature and salinity, but positively correlated with nutrient concentration. The phytoplankton community structure was mainly determined by nutrient availability, especially the N:P ratio.  相似文献   
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