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Subinertial and seasonal variations in the Soya Warm Current (SWC) are investigated using data obtained by high frequency (HF) ocean radars, coastal tide gauges, and a bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). The HF radars clearly captured the seasonal variations in the surface current fields of the SWC. Almost the same seasonal cycle was repeated in the period from August 2003 to March 2007, although interannual variations were also discernible. In addition to the annual and interannual variations, the SWC exhibited subinertial variations with a period of 5–20 days. The surface transport by the SWC was significantly correlated with the sea level difference between the Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk for both the seasonal and subinertial variations, indicating that the SWC is driven by the sea level difference between the two seas. The generation mechanism of the subinertial variation is discussed using wind data from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) analyses. The subinertial variations in the SWC were significantly correlated with the meridional wind stress component over the region. The subinertial variations in the sea level difference and surface current delay from the meridional wind stress variations by one or two days. Sea level difference through the strait caused by wind-generated coastally trapped waves (CTWs) along the east coast of Sakhalin and west coast of Hokkaido is considered to be a possible mechanism causing the subinertial variations in the SWC.  相似文献   
Lake Nakaumi, southwest Japan, is an enclosed lagoon characterized by polyhaline and halocline conditions. Since the last century, its ecological state has been altered by eutrophication. We used a paleolimnological approach and studied multiple proxies, including chemical compounds, diatoms, foraminifera and molluscs, to infer the eutrophication history of the ecosystem. Eutrophication in Lake Nakaumi was associated with several factors, including increased nutrient loading, input of herbicides, and dike building since the 1920s. The ecological condition of this lake was divided into several stages that reflect the eutrophication process after the 1940s. A catastrophic “regime shift” from a clear state with aquatic vegetation to a turbid one with phytoplankton occurred in the early 1950s. Environmental degradation in the Honjo area, a part of Lake Nakaumi, was attributed primarily to physical changes caused by the construction of an enclosing dike. Eutrophication occurred almost simultaneously with the physical changes to the Honjo area in the 1970s. Until recently, no regime shift was observed in this area, though the core-top sediments show possible symptoms of incipient change.  相似文献   
We have developed a method for estimating hourly global solar radiation (GSR) from hourly sunshine duration data. This procedure requires only hourly sunshine duration as the input data and utilizes hourly precipitation and daily snow cover as auxiliary data to classify time intervals into six cases according to weather conditions. To obtain hourly GSR using a simple algebraic form, a quadratic function of the solar elevation angle and the sunshine duration ratio is used. Daily GSR is given by a sum of hourly GSRs. We evaluated the performance of the newly developed method using data obtained at 67 meteorological stations and found that the estimated GSR is highly consistent with that observed. Hourly and daily root-mean-square misfits are approximately 0.2 MJ/m2/h (~55 W/m2) and 1.4 to 1.5 MJ/m2/day (~16 to 17 W/m2), respectively. Our classification of weather conditions is effective for reducing estimation errors, especially under cloudy skies. Since the sunshine duration is observed at more meteorological stations than GSR, the proposed new method is a powerful tool for obtaining solar radiation with hourly resolution and a dense geographical distribution. One of the proposed methods, GSRgrn, can be applicable to hourly GSR estimations at different observation sites by setting local parameters (the precipitable water, surface albedo, and atmospheric turbidity) suitable to the sites. The hourly GSR can be applied for various micrometeorological studies, such as the heat budget of crop fields.  相似文献   
Geochemical and geochronological studies were conducted on basalts and laterites from the Bolaven Plateau in southern Laos in order to evaluate the mobility and mineralization of REE, Y and Sc during laterization. The basalts are classified into three categories: (i) small volumetric alkali basalt (eruption age: 15.7 Ma), large volumetric olivine tholeiite (1.2 Ma) and quartz tholeiite with olivine tholeiite (younger than 0.5 ± 0.2 Ma). Formation of REE minerals during laterization result in mobilization and fractionation of REE and Y in laterite profiles. Occurrence of florencite‐(Ce) in a laterite profile derived from alkali basalt immobilizes REE (particularly LREE) and this leads the laterites to be enriched in LREE relative to the parent basalt. Few positive Ce anomalies in this profile suggest that florencite‐(Ce) [(Ce)Al3(PO4)2(OH)2] formation was followed by CeO2 precipitation due to the change of redox condition. In tholeiite‐derived laterite profiles, florencite is not recognized and REE and Y tend to be depleted relative to the parent basalts with positive Ce anomalies. This is interpreted as scavenging REE3+ except for Ce4+ from the laterite profile in oxidizing conditions. Sc behaves similarly to Fe during laterization and it is more abundant in the tholeiitic laterite than that in the alkali basaltic laterite. Results of sequential extraction indicate that REE of the alkali basaltic laterite are contained in residual phase, which is dominantly florencite‐(Ce), but they are rarely present in ion‐adsorption phase. It is concluded that basaltic laterites have a low potential of REE resource in terms of low REE contents and a difficulty in REE extraction.  相似文献   
Mare basalts provide insights into the composition and thermal history of the lunar mantle. The ages of mare basalts suggest a first peak of magma activity at 3.2–3.8 Ga and a second peak at ~2 Ga. In this study, we reassess the correlation between the titanium contents and the eruption ages of mare basalt units using the compositional and chronological data updated by SELENE (Kaguya). Using morphological and geological criteria, we calculated the titanium content of 261 mare units across a representative area of each mare unit. In the Procellarum KREEP Terrane, where the latest eruptions are located, an increase in the mean titanium content is observed during the Eratosthenian period, as reported by previous studies. We found that the increase in the mean titanium content occurred within a relatively short period near approximately 2.3 Ga, suggesting that the magma source of the mare basalts changed at this particular age. Moreover, the high‐titanium basaltic eruptions are correlated with a second peak in volcanic activity near ~2 Ga. The high‐titanium basaltic eruptions occurring during the last volcanic activity period can be explained by the three possible scenarios (1) the ilmenite‐bearing cumulate rich layer in the core‐mantle boundary formed after the mantle overturn, (2) the basaltic material layers beneath the lunar crust formed through upwelling magmas, and (3) ilmenite‐bearing cumulate blocks remained in the upper mantle after the mantle overturn.  相似文献   
In the last decade, sediment replenishment forming cohesionless sandy banks below dams has become an increasingly common practice in Japan to compensate for sediment deficits downstream. The erosion process of the placed cohesionless sediment is a combination of lateral toe-erosion and the following mass failure. To explore cohesionless bank failure mechanisms, a series of experiments was done in a soil tank using a compacted sandy soil mass exposed to an increasing water level. Two types of uniform sand(D_(50) = 0.40 mm and 0.17 mm) and two bank heights(50 cm and 25 cm) were used under the condition of a constant bank slope of 75°. The three dimensional(3D) geometry of the bank after failure was measured using a handheld 3D scanner. The motion of bank failure was captured using the particle image velocimetry(PIV) technique, and the matric suction was measured by tensiometers. The compacted sandy soil was eroded by loss of matric suction accompanying the rise in water level which subsequently caused rotational slide and cantilever toppling failure due to destabilization of the bank. The effect of erosion protection resulting from the slumped blocks after these failures is discussed in the light of different failure mechanisms. Tensile strength is analyzed by inverse calculation of cantilever toppling failure events. The tensile strength had non-linear relation with degree of saturation and showed a peak.The findings of the study show that it is important to incorporate the non-linear relation of tensile strength into stability analysis of cantilever toppling failure and prediction of tension crack depth within unsaturated cohesionless banks.  相似文献   
Sediment core was collected from Tokyo Bay. The surface enrichment of heavy metals due to human activities is recognized in the sediment. Partitioning of Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn into sulfide, carbonate, organic and silicate fractions has been determined with selective chemical leaching techniques for 210Pb-dated sediment core samples. The heavy metal contents of silicate fractions without exchangeable sites are almost constant against depth in sediment core. However, the Cu, Zn and Mn contents of sulfide, carbonate and organic fractions vary with depth. Most Cu and Zn in the polluted sediment layer are associated with the iron sulfide fraction.  相似文献   
By modifying a previous method with constant elements, we developed a quadratic element method for more accurately estimating groundwater flow by the inversion of tilt data. In this method: (1) a region of groundwater flow is divided into quadratic elements in which the change in groundwater volume per unit volume of rock (Δv) and the Skempton coefficient (B) vary in a quadratic manner with the coordinates, (2) the values of Δv are set to zero at the boundaries of the region of groundwater flow and (3) the sum of the squared second derivatives of Δv is adopted as a constraining condition that is weighted and added to the sum of the squared errors in tilt. First, analyses were performed for a flow model to determine the accuracy of this method for estimating groundwater flow and also to clarify the effect of the assumed size of a region of groundwater flow. These analyses showed that the quadratic element method proposed in this study gives a much better estimation of Δv than the constant element method and that a large region of groundwater flow should be assumed, rather than a small region, since the values of Δv at points outside of the actual region of groundwater flow are estimated to be nearly zero when a large region is assumed while these values are greatly overestimated when an excessively small region is assumed. Finally, the quadratic element method was applied to the site of the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory in the Tono area, Japan. Inverse analyses were performed for tilt data measured by four tiltmeters with a resolution of 10−9 radians during the excavation of two shafts under the assumption that the rock mass is an isotropic and homogeneous half- space. The results showed that the method proposed in this study reproduced the tilt data very accurately. Thus, the distribution of Δv was estimated without sacrificing the reproducibility of the tilt data. The contour maps of B(1 + ν)Δv (ν: Poisson’s ratio) showed that the heterogeneous flow of groundwater occurred at the site and that groundwater volume decreased mainly in the area surrounded by two faults. The latter result is consistent with the finding obtained by previous investigations that these faults have low permeability in the direction perpendicular to the strike and may act as a flow barrier.  相似文献   
In order to quantitatively investigate the role of leads and sea-ice in air-mass modification, aircraft observations were conducted over the partially ice-covered Sea of Okhotsk. We investigated two cold-air outbreak events with different sea-ice concentrations. In both cases, the difference between the temperatures of surface air and the sea surface (ΔT) dropped rapidly with the accumulated fetch-width of leads up to about 35-40 km, and then decreased very slowly. The surface sensible heat flux originating from open water was about 300 W m−2 within a few kilometres from the coast and decreased with increasing accumulated fetch-width. The sensible heat flux was about 100 W m−2 on average. These results indicate that the downwind air-mass modification depends mainly on the total (accumulated) extent of open water. The total buoyancy flux calculated by the joint frequency distribution method correlated very well with ice concentration. Such a relationship was not clear in the case of the moisture flux . The ratio between rising thermals and cold downdrafts differed significantly between upwind and downwind regions; that is, the buoyancy flux was dominated by in the developing stage of the boundary layer, while also became important after the development of the boundary layer.  相似文献   
To discuss the geochemical and environmental behavior of heavy metals in the Seto Inland Sea, the largest semi-enclosed coastal sea in Japan, mass balances of Cu and Zn were studied by application of a simple box model using sedimentation rates and heavy metal contents of core sediments. In 1980, total sedimentary loads of Cu and Zn over the whole area of the Sea were estimated to be 630 and 3500 tons year−1, respectively. Further, the sedimentary loads without (natural) and with human activities were estimated separately to be, respectively, 320 and 310 tons year−1 for Cu and 1800 and 1700 tons year−1 for Zn. Total inputs of Cu and Zn into the Sea, in 1980 were estimated to be 870 and 4250 tons year−1 about one half of this being the result of human activities. 70% of the Cu input and 80% of the Zn input are taken into the sediments. Mean residence times of Cu and Zn in the Sea are calculated to be ≈0.3 and 0.2 years, respectively. Since these values are relatively small compared to the mean residence time of the seawater (0.9 years), Cu and Zn supplied to the Sea are considered to be accumulated rapidly in the sediments.  相似文献   
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