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利用双多普勒雷达分析对流云垂直运动结构试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对流云是我国南方地区主要的降水云系, 含有丰富的云水资源, 是南方人工增雨作业的主要对象。为了研究江淮地区对流云发生发展规律, 利用双多普勒雷达反演技术分析了发生在2004年7月31日的一块对流云不同发展阶段的垂直运动结构。对流云在发展阶段以上升气流为主, 底层辐合明显, 结构紧密; 成熟阶段的上升与下沉气流势力相当, 且比发展阶段强盛, 强回波位置下移, 结构较发展阶段松散; 减弱阶段上升和下沉速度均减小, 水平辐散增强。结果表明:反演的不同阶段对流云垂直运动结构合理, 可以利用双多普勒雷达反演技术进行对流云三维运动结构研究。  相似文献   
We have selected 104 active regions with a δ magnetic configuration from 1996 to 2002 to study how important a role the kink instability plays in such active regions. In this study, we employ the systematic tilt angle of each active region as a proxy for the writhe of a flux tube and the force-free parameter, αbest, as a proxy for the magnetic field twist in the flux tube. It is found that 65–67% of the active regions have the same sign of twist and writhe. About 34% (32%) of the active regions violate (follow) the Hale-Nicholson and Joy's Laws (HNJL) but follow (violate) the hemispheric helicity rule (HHR). Sixty-one (61) of the 104 active regions studied each produced more than five large flares. Active regions violating HNJL, but following HHR, have a much stronger tendency to produce X-class flares and/or strong proton events. Comparing with previous studies for active regions with well-defined (simpler) bipolar magnetic configuration, it is found that the numbers following both HNJL and HHR are significantly lower in the δ-configuration case, while numbers violating one of the laws and the rule significantly increase with the increase of the magnetic complexity of the active regions. These results support the prediction for the presence of a kink instability, that the twist and writhe of the magnetic fields exhibit the same sign for δ active regions (Linton et al., Astrophys. J. 507, 40, 1998, Astrophys. J. 522, 1205, 1999; Fan et al., Astrophys. J. 521, 460, 1999). Finally, we analyze possible origins of the twist and writhe of the magnetic fields for the active regions studied.  相似文献   
本调查于2016年和2017年的5月、8月,对日照近岸海域浒苔暴发区进行了4个航次的浮游动物断面调查。4个航次中,2016年和2017年5月航次获得的种类数要明显低于同年8月航次,而平均丰度和湿重生物量均高于同年8月航次。造成这种情况的原因可能是调查海域8月浒苔暴发结束,浒苔的消亡过程会大量消耗营养盐,导致水体中营养盐含量下降,进而影响到其他浮游植物和浮游动物的生长。应用PRIMER软件中的单变量分析得到群落种数(S)、丰富度(d)、香农-威纳指数(Shannon-Weaner index)(H′)和均匀度(J),从多样性指数分析可以看出,5月航次的生物多样性均劣于同年8月航次。不同年度相同季节航次中出现的优势种极其相似,而不同季节航次出现的优势种则大不相同。  相似文献   
为了解黄河口及邻近海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的群落结构动态,分别于2014年、2015年、2017年和2018年的6月利用大型浮游生物网对黄河口及邻近海域进行4个航次的表层水平拖网调查。根据鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成、数量分布等群落结构特征,运用生物多样性指数、聚类分析和皮尔逊相关性矩阵分析等方法对该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的资源分布进行了综合研究。结果表明,4年调查共采获鱼卵3 829粒,仔稚鱼234尾,隶属于7目14科15属。鱼卵的主要优势种为鳀(Engraulis japonicus)和短吻红舌鳎(Cynoglossus joyeri),仔稚鱼的主要优势种为斑鰶(Konosirus punctatus)和虾虎鱼科未定种Gobiidae sp.。生物多样性各指数均以2015年最高,2018年最低。利用R语言对鱼卵、仔稚鱼年间种类组成相似性进行聚类,将4个调查年份划分为3组,各分组之间主要的分歧种均为鳀。生物多样性各指数与环境因子之间皮尔逊相关性分析表明,盐度与鱼卵、仔稚鱼生物多样性的关系较为密切。分析认为,黄河口及邻近海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼群落分布和多样性的年间变化特征体现了鱼类对环境变异的响应。  相似文献   
琼东南盆地深水区中央峡谷黄流组物源特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
物源分析作为岩相-古地理研究的前提和基础,物源体系决定了砂体的展布和储集性能。为明确中央峡谷体系黄流组储集体展布规律及下一步勘探方向,本文应用中央峡谷最新钻井资料,采用重矿物组合、锆石U-Pb测年等分析方法,结合地震反射特征,对中央峡谷黄流组物源体系特征进行分析。地震反射特征表明来自海南隆起和昆嵩隆起物源的三角洲体系,通过二次搬运沉积了陆架斜坡区和盆底的低位海底扇,为中央峡谷的沉积充填提供了充足的粗碎屑沉积物;新钻井黄流组样品中重矿物组合以白钛矿、石榴石、磁铁矿含量较高为主要特征,与莺歌海盆地受蓝江物源影响和琼东南盆地受丽水-秋滨河物源影响的地层重矿物组合相似;锆石U-Pb测年分析表明,中央峡谷黄流组地层中样品年龄图谱具有30~2 000Ma变化范围,与莺歌海盆地受昆嵩隆起物源影响的钻井以及越南现代河流采集的沙样具有非常一致的年龄段和丰度。综上所述,中央峡谷受多物源的影响,越南昆嵩隆起为主的琼东南盆地西部物源体系,是琼东南盆地乐东凹陷晚中新世深水扇以及中央峡谷粗碎屑物质的主要沉积物供给来源区。  相似文献   
利用中国东北地区1981—2018年166个地面气象观测站资料,定义了中国东北地区秋冬季霾日指数,分析了年际尺度上该地区霾日数与同期大气环流异常的内在关系。结果表明:中国东北地区秋冬季霾日指数存在显著的年际变化特征,欧亚—太平洋遥相关型(Eurasia-Pacific Teleconnection Pattern, EUP)负位相、东亚大槽偏弱等大气环流异常配置导致中国东北地区秋冬季霾的发生频次增加。巴伦支海与喀拉海北部海域是影响中国东北地区秋冬季霾日年际变化的海冰关键区,该区域海冰面积与霾日数呈显著负相关,北极海冰通过改变大气环流间接影响中国东北地区秋冬季霾日发生频次,当北极海冰异常偏少时,东亚冬季风偏弱,近地面风速偏低,环境湿度偏高,中国东北地区受东北亚异常反气旋西侧的异常偏南风控制,且受“EUP”负位相模态影响,东亚大槽减弱,有利于大气污染物和水汽向中国东北地区输送,该地区秋冬季霾的发生频次增加。  相似文献   
高洋  方翔 《气象》2018,44(5):597-611
基于2012—2014年CloudSat卫星数据,按照热带气旋强度分类的6个等级以及沿台风中心的径向距离,分析西太平洋台风云系的垂直结构及其微物理特征。研究表明:(1)不同强度的台风云系中均是单层云占主导,多层云中双层云出现比例最高;随着台风强度的增强,距离台风中心250km之内,单层云分布位置更加集中且垂直厚度较厚,而450km之外的单层云一直集中在7~15km,厚度较薄;随着台风强度的增强,距离台风中心250km之内的双层云中的底层云和顶层云均增厚且分布位置更加趋于集中,云间距变窄,而450km之外顶层云和底层云较薄,云间距一直较大。(2)台风云系中,深对流云、高层云、卷云与其他云类型相比,分布的垂直范围较广,出现频率较高,分布的位置会随着台风强度变化和沿台风中心径向距离的增加有明显的变化。(3)随着台风强度的增强,近台风中心5km以上的回波有明显增强,除此高值区外,发展较为成熟的台风,距台风中心450km之外也会出现多个明显的柱状回波高值区。(4)近台风中心液水含量的值和冰水含量的值随强度变化均有明显增加,但外围云系中也有分散的冰水含量高值中心但分布高度相对较低,在10km附近;液水粒子数浓度的高值区域与液水含量的高值区非常对应,而冰水含量的高值区位于冰粒子数浓度的高值区下方,表明小的冰粒子被较强的对流活动带到了高处,而大的冰粒子集中在云系较低处。  相似文献   
During 1992–2007, excessive pumping of groundwater caused large-scale aquifer-system compaction and land subsidence in the Choshui River Alluvial Fan, especially in the area of Yunlin county. The subsidence impedes surface-water runoff and endangers the operation of Taiwan High Speed Rail. Leveling, Global Positioning System (GPS), multi-level compaction monitoring well, and Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) are used to study the extent of subsidence in Yunlin and its mechanism. These sensors complement each other in spatial and temporal resolutions. A leveling network totaling 434 km in length was deployed to derive subsidence at every 1.5 km along the routes, and the result is accurate to few mm and shows a basin-like subsidence pattern centering at Tuku Township. Four multi-level compaction monitoring wells, co-located with GPS pillars, detect compactions at different depths, showing that the aquifer-system compaction (the cause of subsidence) occurs mostly below depths >200 m, where reduction of groundwater pumping is most needed. The vertical displacements from GPS and leveling agree to within 1 cm, and are larger than the cumulative compaction detected by the compaction-monitoring wells, suggesting that compaction also occurs below 300 m (the depth of the wells). The vertical displacements derived using DInSAR and 8 ENVISAT SAR images agree with the leveling result to 1–2 cm.  相似文献   
纳米比亚欢乐谷地区斑状花岗岩成因及构造背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对纳米比亚欢乐谷地区斑状花岗岩进行系统的地球化学及 Sr--Nd 同位素研究,并对其岩石成因及构造意义进行了讨论。结果表明,该斑状花岗岩为高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列的准铝质花岗岩; 岩石富碱、轻稀土和 Rb、Th、U、K、Pb 等大离子亲石元素,贫 Nb、Ta、Ti、Zr、Hf 等高场强元素,具有中等铕负异常。岩石锶初始值为 0. 715 61 ~0. 722 07,εNd( t) 为 -13. 9 ~ -12. 7,Nd 同位素模式年龄为2 025 ~2 153 Ma。揭示欢乐谷地区斑状花岗岩为同碰撞 S 型花岗岩,主要来源于古老地壳物质的重熔,是 Kalahari 克拉通和 Congo 克拉通碰撞造山的产物。  相似文献   
Pore network modelling (PNM) has been widely used to study the multiphase flow and transport in porous media. Although a number of recent papers discussed the PNM validation on core-scale parameters such as permeability, relative permeability and capillary pressure; quantitative predictive potential of PNM on pore by pore basis has rarely been studied. The aim of this paper is to present a direct comparison between PNM simulations and corresponding micro-model experiments at the same scale and the same geometry. A number of well-defined and constrained two-phase flow in porous medium experimental scenarios were utilized to validate the physics solving part in PNM (filling rules, capillary and viscous pressure). This work validates that a dynamic pore network flow solver can predict two-phase flow displacements for these experiments for drainage situations at both pore and plug scales. A glass-etched micro-model is used to quantify the accuracy of a dynamic PNM solver on pore and core levels. Two-phase drainage micro fluidic experiments at different flow conditions are performed on micro-models. PNM simulations are performed on the same pattern and flow conditions as used in micro-model experiments. The two-phase distribution extracted from experiment images is registered onto rsults of PNM simulations for direct pore to pore comparison. Pore-scale matching level is found at around 75 % for all three test cases. The matching level of core-scale parameters such as S w c and oil-phase permeability varies from case to case; the relative error to micro-model experiment measurements varies from 15 to 60 %. Possible reasons leading to discrepancies on core-scale parameters are discussed: missing considerations during validation of the combination of uncertainty in both simulator input parameters and experiments are seen as the principal factors.  相似文献   
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